Longmont Potion Castle 8 (2011)

Track 16: Video Knockout
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SPEAKER_01: Hello.
SPEAKER_01: What the hell?
SPEAKER_01: Who is this?
SPEAKER_02: Shepler.
SPEAKER_02: Now, I'd like to find an exploratory romp for rental.
SPEAKER_00: What is it, exploratory romp?
SPEAKER_02: But I mean, you're talking two to four to six days, for rental, right?
SPEAKER_00: For exploring what?
SPEAKER_00: Romping?
SPEAKER_02: You and me get together and romper out a little.
SPEAKER_00: Romping.
SPEAKER_01: Uh, you blow on the mind, dude.
SPEAKER_01: Um, in like two to four, six days?
SPEAKER_02: It'll be a tour to force of...
SPEAKER_01: Oh, a tour to source.
SPEAKER_01: You're not looking for a movie?
SPEAKER_02: I want to rent it.
SPEAKER_02: Today.
SPEAKER_00: What is it? Exploratory romp?
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to romp around and up and down all over there.
SPEAKER_02: How's that sound?
SPEAKER_02: Got my hiking boots on, man.
SPEAKER_02: Kick them around a little bit?
SPEAKER_01: Nah, I don't think so.
SPEAKER_02: Don't think so, huh?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I'd like to see you try.
SPEAKER_02: You're going to be seeing Doble after I'm doing pummeling you.
SPEAKER_01: Nah.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to bring a tour to force martial arts in there.
SPEAKER_01: We've got lots of movies here.
SPEAKER_01: You've got to be careful about knocking over the displays.
SPEAKER_01: Collectibles, too.
SPEAKER_01: Like, if you end up breaking something, man, lots of money.
SPEAKER_01: I bring money to.
SPEAKER_01: You know who you're talking to?
SPEAKER_02: This is Vulcan video, right?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, it's not sorry.
SPEAKER_01: Nah.
SPEAKER_02: You guys are fine.
SPEAKER_02: Don't worry. I'm not really mad.
SPEAKER_01: You're not mad?
SPEAKER_02: I thought you were Vulcan video.
SPEAKER_02: So, you're safe.
SPEAKER_02: You get a pass.
SPEAKER_02: Because I was going to whoop, yay.
SPEAKER_01: You might be able to whoop somebody is Vulcan,
SPEAKER_01: but I don't think he could handle this guy.
SPEAKER_02: You're just looking to get hurt.
SPEAKER_01: If you come in here, try and throw punches, I think that you'll be very surprised.
SPEAKER_02: I've got boxing gloves around my neck right now, on a rope.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, you can put on those boxing gloves, but you'll be knocked out before you even throw the first punch.
SPEAKER_02: I'll go left, middle, right, middle, right, left, middle, to your face.
SPEAKER_01: That's more than you're going to be able to get off before you're knocked out, man.
SPEAKER_01: Sorry.
SPEAKER_01: You're not going to get that.
SPEAKER_01: that left out, you know, that first left is going to be knocked out, you're knocked out.
SPEAKER_02: It's going to be lights out when I'm done with you.
SPEAKER_01: Does anything I can help you with it?
SPEAKER_01: Because I got, I got real customer.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to wipe you out with martial arts, period.
SPEAKER_02: End of discussion.
SPEAKER_01: Bring some money, we'll put some money on it.
SPEAKER_02: You come marching down my street with that attitude.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to be out there.
SPEAKER_01: I mean, listen, man, you called here.
SPEAKER_01: I got caller ID.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, no.
SPEAKER_01: And it is now elite.
SPEAKER_01: to make prank phone calls.
SPEAKER_02: Please don't turn me in.
SPEAKER_01: Unless you have business with us, I'm going to go ahead and let you go here.
SPEAKER_01: If you come in here, trying to throw punches, you'll be knocked out, man.
SPEAKER_01: I mean, there's no way for you to fight me over the phone, so get your pussy ass down here and bring it.
SPEAKER_02: I'll bring my right, middle, left, left, middle, left.
SPEAKER_01: It's not really that impressive over the phone, man.
SPEAKER_02: My fists are moving.
SPEAKER_02: moving right now. Up, left, left, middle, up.
SPEAKER_01: No. You're knocked out. Bring it.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to bring you down.
SPEAKER_01: All right, Shepard.
SPEAKER_02: And I'm going to kick you on your eyes.
SPEAKER_01: You keep saying that. It's all in your imagination.
SPEAKER_02: It's going to be all on the sidewalk.
SPEAKER_01: Bring it.
SPEAKER_01: I love video.
SPEAKER_02: I love video. I wanted to subscribe, sir.
SPEAKER_01: You want to subscribe?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: I mean, we have memberships.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Whatever, you know.
SPEAKER_02: Let's get off my back.
SPEAKER_02: But, yeah, let's get it started.
SPEAKER_01: Well, you need to come in with a debit or credit card and an ID.
SPEAKER_02: You can maybe meet me halfway.
SPEAKER_02: How about?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, and you can kiss my ass.
SPEAKER_01: How about that?