Longmont Potion Castle 13 (2017)

Track 6: UPS Gallimaufry
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None: This is Susan. May I help you?
SPEAKER_01: Yes, this is Gerber with UPS, and we're trying to deliver there for three attempts now,
SPEAKER_01: and no one's been there to sign for the parcel.
SPEAKER_07: I'm not sure what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_07: This is a company that's open from 8 to 5 every day.
SPEAKER_01: I hear that every day.
SPEAKER_07: I don't know where are you trying to deliver.
SPEAKER_01: Well, our driver's been there, and he says that you and he have had a scuffle of some kind.
SPEAKER_01: A scuffle?
SPEAKER_01: He's Bangladesh, ma'am.
SPEAKER_07: Hello, I'm not even in the offices.
SPEAKER_07: I'm in the Chicago area.
SPEAKER_07: And if he's trying to deliver to gaggle, all he has to do is go in the front door or call them
SPEAKER_07: and let them know that there's a parcel.
SPEAKER_07: We have UPS delivered to our location every day.
SPEAKER_01: Well, if you're not even there, I think that's part of the problem.
SPEAKER_01: So step one would be for you to actually be present and accountable.
SPEAKER_07: I don't, hang on just a minute.
SPEAKER_01: I'm at a pay phone, man.
SPEAKER_01: I'm a truck driver.
SPEAKER_01: You understand.
SPEAKER_07: Okay, I understand what you're saying.
SPEAKER_07: Okay.
SPEAKER_07: But, no, I don't understand what you said.
SPEAKER_07: Who are you trying to deliver from?
SPEAKER_01: Is it yes or no?
SPEAKER_01: Are you going to be in the office or not?
SPEAKER_01: It's what I'm trying to get to the bottom of here.
SPEAKER_01: Our driver is Bangladesh.
SPEAKER_01: If you need an interpreter, I just need to put in a request for one, and I'll have him
SPEAKER_01: accompany our driver.
SPEAKER_07: I have no idea what you're trying to deliver.
SPEAKER_07: There's never ever been an issue of trying to deliver something to our office.
SPEAKER_07: offices from UPS. Are you from United Postal Service?
SPEAKER_01: I'm with United Parcel Service, ma'am.
SPEAKER_07: Okay, United Parcel Service.
SPEAKER_01: No, please, hello.
SPEAKER_07: I don't know what's wrong with this phone, but every time I try to say something, there's an issue.
SPEAKER_01: If you're not in the office, you need to be present and accountable.
SPEAKER_01: It'd be step one for you actually be present for your parcel.
SPEAKER_01: Do you understand?
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's not going to happen. I'm in Chicago. They're in Bloomington.
SPEAKER_07: First of all, I don't have any idea what you're trying to deliver.
SPEAKER_07: And second of all, I'm at a loss.
SPEAKER_07: I've never taught anybody.
SPEAKER_07: Call me and fucked to me so ignorantly as you are.
SPEAKER_01: You're the one not in the office, and you didn't think we're not a postal service.
SPEAKER_01: So who's ignorant?
SPEAKER_01: You or me?
SPEAKER_01: And just because our drivers of Bangladesh does not deserve your disrespect.
SPEAKER_07: That has nothing to do with it.
SPEAKER_07: I don't understand what you're saying.
SPEAKER_01: I hear that.
SPEAKER_07: You're a company, and so you're with United Parcel Service.
SPEAKER_01: Yes, I am. I'm 14 months. I've worked here.
SPEAKER_07: Okay, that's great.
SPEAKER_07: And so tell me where?
SPEAKER_01: I'm a teamster.
SPEAKER_07: Where is the parcel coming from? Who's sending it to us?
SPEAKER_01: I'm trying to reach Susan at Gaggle.
SPEAKER_01: And if you're not even in the office, that'd be job one is to high-tail it up.
SPEAKER_01: You follow?
SPEAKER_01: Because I hear this every day. Oh, I'm not there. I'm here. I'm somewhere else.
SPEAKER_07: I'm 130 miles away from there.
SPEAKER_07: Now, I can't, I tail it up there.
SPEAKER_07: We have remote workers all over.
SPEAKER_01: over the plate. Big problem. Major problem. This is signature required, ma'am.
SPEAKER_07: Then anybody in my office can sign for some. No.
SPEAKER_01: Listen, show a little respect. Our driver's Bangladeshi, okay?
SPEAKER_07: You know, you keep saying that. I have no idea what you're saying. And did you walk into my offices?
SPEAKER_01: Ma'am, this will be our fourth attempt. Do you appreciate what that means?
SPEAKER_07: I do, but this is the first time I'm ever hearing about it.
SPEAKER_01: It's a major problem.
SPEAKER_01: problem. We need your signature. It's COD. $97.20.
SPEAKER_07: Whatever the problem is, you're just going to have to send it back.
SPEAKER_01: You're just going to have to double time it. Double time to the office.
SPEAKER_01: Quit lollygagging and we'll get this resolved today. I'd like it done before the weekend.
SPEAKER_01: I'm spending change out of my own pocket. What is your name? What is your name?
SPEAKER_01: Gerber?
SPEAKER_07: And you work for United Parsal Service?
SPEAKER_01: Oh, we're back on that again, huh?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I sure do. Coming up on 14 months. I just had my year anniversary.
SPEAKER_07: You know, I don't understand why you're getting so nasty with me.
SPEAKER_07: I'm trying to tell you, I am 130 miles away from that office, and I don't recall ordering anything that has $97 due on it,
SPEAKER_07: and nor would I have ordered anything that would be payment upon receipts.
SPEAKER_07: I have no idea what it is you're trying to deliver.
SPEAKER_07: Oh, I hear that all the time.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, I don't know about this.
SPEAKER_01: This is Susan. May I help you?
SPEAKER_01: Yes, this is Heath.
SPEAKER_01: I'm an accountant with United Party.
SPEAKER_01: Service. I'm looking at a past due here.
SPEAKER_01: I wanted to know if we can resolve this here today by phone with a credit card or routing number.
SPEAKER_07: You know, I think you called me last week on this, and I ended up hanging up because the information that you give me is not valid.
SPEAKER_07: First of all, we don't order anything COD, and you cannot tell me who the shipper is and where it's coming from.
SPEAKER_07: And we deal with UPS on a daily basis, and they come into our office.
SPEAKER_07: We have an account with them.
SPEAKER_07: So we would never be getting anything COD.
SPEAKER_07: So I don't know what your thing is, but...
SPEAKER_07: Okay, let me know when I can speak.
SPEAKER_07: And see, that's the other thing.
SPEAKER_07: The person that talked to me last week was rude, and you're being rude, too,
SPEAKER_07: and UPS would never talk to me like this.
SPEAKER_01: You have a flag on your account.
SPEAKER_01: That's why I'm calling.
SPEAKER_01: You have a problematic account, and to receive your parcel, we do need payment.
SPEAKER_07: So we have a flag on our account, and we're problematic?
SPEAKER_01: Yes, ma'am.
SPEAKER_07: Who has that account's name is?
SPEAKER_01: If you want to give us a routing number, you know, we can satisfy the debt.
SPEAKER_07: Whose account is this, how can, how can, is this a COD that you're talking about?
SPEAKER_07: How much is owed on it?
SPEAKER_01: $412.88.
SPEAKER_07: $412.88? Wow.
SPEAKER_07: And where is it coming from?
SPEAKER_01: You don't wish to satisfy the debt is what I'm here.
SPEAKER_07: I want to know who the sender is.
SPEAKER_01: And you have a problem with our driver based on his ethnicity.
SPEAKER_01: It's apparently what I'm...
SPEAKER_07: You know, you guys.
SPEAKER_07: He said that last time, and here's the problem.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, what's that?
SPEAKER_07: It's the problem is that, you know, I'm not even in the office.
SPEAKER_07: I told you that last time, so I wouldn't even know his authenticity.
SPEAKER_07: So, you know what?
SPEAKER_07: I'm going to tell you that whatever you've got, you just need to send it back to whoever you got it from.
SPEAKER_01: That's fine.
SPEAKER_01: We still need the 412.88.
SPEAKER_07: You know, you're being rude, and that would not be something that we would do.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, this is Stewie.
SPEAKER_01: with UPS.
SPEAKER_01: We're trying to deliver a parcel up there.
SPEAKER_01: Three separate occasions, sir.
SPEAKER_01: No one's been available to sign for the parcel.
SPEAKER_01: Our driver's Bangladeshi.
SPEAKER_01: We understand there's been some sort of an issue with our driver.
SPEAKER_03: You sound like a real
SPEAKER_03: confused individual, don't you?
SPEAKER_01: Well, if you're in need of an interpreter,
SPEAKER_01: we're able to assign one on his route.
SPEAKER_01: We just need a heads up.
SPEAKER_01: Okay?
SPEAKER_03: Okay, well...
SPEAKER_01: I'm a teamster.
SPEAKER_01: Well, you can appreciate my can-do approach to parcel delivery, can't you?
SPEAKER_02: I got someone's number.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to be annoying as shit.
SPEAKER_02: How you feel?
SPEAKER_02: You feel big, big boy?
SPEAKER_01: Not sure where you're coming from.
SPEAKER_02: I'm not sure where you're...
SPEAKER_02: I'm not sure we...
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, sir, this is Susan.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, you're not a parcel.
SPEAKER_01: service. What seems to be the trail below of her, sir?
SPEAKER_03: Oh, listen, hey, earlier, there was a misunderstanding, and I didn't know.
SPEAKER_03: Listen, this lady came to my door, and I couldn't tell she was soliciting, and we have a sign
SPEAKER_03: that says no solicitor.
SPEAKER_04: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: And I'm sorry if I have been in anyone, but she was not wearing the uniform.
SPEAKER_03: I just want you to know.
SPEAKER_03: She wasn't wearing the uniform or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, she got black face.
SPEAKER_01: Is that so?
None: I don't.
SPEAKER_03: I got nothing against, you.
SPEAKER_03: Or the Bledashis or the scenes?
SPEAKER_03: I got nothing.
SPEAKER_01: Well, that's good to know, so I'll make a note on your account, okay?
SPEAKER_01: Oh, please don't make a note.
SPEAKER_03: Please don't make a note, sir.
SPEAKER_01: Well, there is a flag on your account.
SPEAKER_01: I have the power to remove the flag, okay?
SPEAKER_01: Can he take the flag off?
SPEAKER_03: You said, you're going to make a note.
SPEAKER_03: Now you're saying there's a flag?
SPEAKER_03: Is it a Bangladeshi flag?
SPEAKER_03: Because I won't stand by it.
SPEAKER_01: As I said, I'm Susan, who is the United Parks Service, six years on the job, and I'm a regional executive.
SPEAKER_01: I'm glad that you told us that our representative wasn't in uniform.
SPEAKER_01: I'm going to make a note. Believe me, I'm making a note right now.
SPEAKER_03: Your name is Susan?
SPEAKER_01: Yes, it is.
SPEAKER_01: I'm just by.
SPEAKER_01: I want to hear your concerns about your delivery service.
SPEAKER_01: Go ahead, sir.
SPEAKER_03: I don't have a concern.
SPEAKER_03: You called me with a concern.
SPEAKER_03: I told you exactly what went down was this woman was, she was, she's not, I don't know how to put this.
SPEAKER_03: She's not, well, doesn't seem native, if you know what I mean.
SPEAKER_03: Okay?
SPEAKER_03: I understand.
SPEAKER_01: I understand.
SPEAKER_03: And she starts jabbering on in whatever her native tongue is, and I, you know, I, okay, I order
SPEAKER_03: her off my property.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_03: Just bring me and you.
SPEAKER_03: Don't tell anybody else this.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, okay, okay, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got pretty rough with it.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, all right?
SPEAKER_03: We have a long driveway, you know, I'll just put it this way.
SPEAKER_03: I have played kick the can for a little while, all right, honey.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: I can't do much about the COD.
SPEAKER_01: That's between you and the merchant, but I can send somebody back out there.
SPEAKER_01: If you want an interpreter, I'll send one along.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, I'm with, uh, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Uh, first person moving, okay?
SPEAKER_01: Which one?
SPEAKER_03: First person.
SPEAKER_03: We call ourselves the originals, okay?
SPEAKER_01: You get me?
SPEAKER_01: I'm a teamster.
SPEAKER_01: I'm 100% with you.
SPEAKER_01: Our values parallel those of your own.
SPEAKER_03: Susie, I thought you were, uh, in management.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, Sue, Sue, Sue,
SPEAKER_01: part of the Sue marketing unit is the drivers.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, you don't, don't interrupt the customer when they're talking.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, Sue, you know, get your keys to down my drive, well, why don't you bring that package?
SPEAKER_03: Why don't you deliver it personal?
SPEAKER_03: honey?
SPEAKER_01: I'm an administrator.
SPEAKER_01: Writer, brader.
SPEAKER_03: I'll bet you got a big old cat on you, Sue.
SPEAKER_01: I brought my lunch.
SPEAKER_03: Well, Sue, it's about lunchtime.
SPEAKER_03: I'm feeling kind of angry.
SPEAKER_01: Well, hopefully we can resolve this here today here at UPS.
SPEAKER_03: All right.
SPEAKER_03: You bring that big keister down my lone driveway, Suzanne.
SPEAKER_03: You know, we'll see if we can.
SPEAKER_03: can't work somehow.
SPEAKER_01: Let a moment.
SPEAKER_01: Richard, I may help you?
SPEAKER_01: United Parcel Service.
SPEAKER_01: I'm an administrator.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Our driver's been out there two times.
SPEAKER_01: We want assurances that you'll be there today for his third attempt.
SPEAKER_09: Okay, driver's been here two times.
SPEAKER_09: How do I know he was there?
SPEAKER_01: Because I'm telling you.
SPEAKER_09: Okay.
SPEAKER_09: That's good.
SPEAKER_09: Usually people leave a note.
SPEAKER_09: Like the post of service.
SPEAKER_09: They're coming back.
SPEAKER_09: What time?
SPEAKER_09: The tracking number.
SPEAKER_09: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Do you have the check prepared?
SPEAKER_09: Check for what?
SPEAKER_09: I don't order or anything.
SPEAKER_01: $2,100.
SPEAKER_09: I guess you got the wrong address because you don't order anything for $2,100.
SPEAKER_01: The item is a trapezoid.
SPEAKER_01: It's coming to Unit 1.
SPEAKER_01: Do you understand?
SPEAKER_09: What product is there?
SPEAKER_09: What is it?
SPEAKER_01: It's a trapezoid.
SPEAKER_01: What?
SPEAKER_01: What do you mean what?
SPEAKER_01: It's a trapezoid.
SPEAKER_01: So I need you to get ready and get the funds drawn.
SPEAKER_01: Richies, I may help you.
SPEAKER_01: This is Swift with UPS.
SPEAKER_01: We have a parcel that no one is signed for?
SPEAKER_09: We sell only shoes.
SPEAKER_09: I don't know what kind of parcel you have bad, but I don't know anything.
SPEAKER_09: So you guys maybe want to scam some.
SPEAKER_09: company, you'll try some kind of bullshit, but I don't know what he got's doing, so he
SPEAKER_09: he got's calling the wrong numbers.
SPEAKER_01: You have a flag on your account.
SPEAKER_09: Flag on the account? Perfect. I'm glad I have a flag in my account.
SPEAKER_01: No, that's a bad thing. It's not a good thing.
SPEAKER_09: No, don't worry about it.
SPEAKER_01: The packages are from bathroom fantasies?
SPEAKER_09: Bathroom fantasies? I don't know. You got the wrong address. It's not us. Nope, bullshit.
SPEAKER_09: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Yes, sir. I'm from UPS. What appears to be the problem up there?
SPEAKER_08: I don't know what's your problem, man? We don't really order this kind of product.
SPEAKER_08: What are you?
SPEAKER_08: What are you trying to do? Can you explain to me?
SPEAKER_01: You've got a flag on your account.
SPEAKER_08: Whatever now, forget about it.
SPEAKER_08: What exactly you're talking about? What products you're talking, you're trying to ship it to me.
SPEAKER_08: Plus, like, usually UPS come, and they ship it normally. They don't call in advance.
SPEAKER_01: We've been out there twice. Nobody answered the door, and it's COD.
SPEAKER_08: All right. We're here right now. You can come over. I didn't order this product you're talking about.
SPEAKER_08: We're here right now. You're welcome to come over.
SPEAKER_00: We need the...
SPEAKER_00: funds prepared before we come out there to pay for your item. I don't know what
SPEAKER_08: item you're talking about and we've been here for a long time and we never get that
SPEAKER_08: kind of UPS. So you come over UPS never confirmed COD products. What are you
SPEAKER_08: talking about, man? Please stop calling. You have some products come over and drop it off
SPEAKER_08: here. Stop calling. Did you hear me? No, I need you to pay for your package. What the
SPEAKER_08: fuck you're talking about? Stop fucking
SPEAKER_01: I'm going to help you. This is Swift with United Parcel Service. I'm an
SPEAKER_01: administrator here. I don't believe you are. 18 months I've worked here, sir. We've attempted to deliver
SPEAKER_01: a parcel twice. This is our third attempt at COD today. So have the guy bring up on office. I'll
SPEAKER_11: pay for it. Just have your UPS driver come between now and four o'clock. I'm not going to help you.
SPEAKER_01: I'm afraid you've got a flag on your account with UPS. You've got a problematic.
SPEAKER_01: account. So we'd like a credit card number.
SPEAKER_12: I'm not giving you a credit card number over
SPEAKER_12: the phone. I don't know who the hell you are. I'm
SPEAKER_01: Swift with UPS. I'm
SPEAKER_01: an account executive. I don't know
SPEAKER_12: what Swift is. That's my name.
SPEAKER_12: Just fucking relax, dude. I mean, you're calling me from a mobile phone.
SPEAKER_12: I'm not going to pick up and give you a credit card number
SPEAKER_12: over the phone. I'll call UPS.
SPEAKER_01: You've already got me on the line. Who works for UPS? I don't know that you're
SPEAKER_12: fucking UPS. Fuck off.
SPEAKER_01: Hello, how can I help you?
SPEAKER_01: This is Swift with UPS calling.
SPEAKER_01: Our driver's been out there two times trying to deliver your parcel.
SPEAKER_01: No one answered.
SPEAKER_01: And I want to make sure someone's going to be there before we come back out.
SPEAKER_10: Who am I speaking with again?
SPEAKER_01: I'm Swift.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_10: And in reference to?
SPEAKER_01: United Parcel Service, sir.
SPEAKER_01: All right?
SPEAKER_10: No, so I'm totally confused.
SPEAKER_10: What you're saying to me.
SPEAKER_10: I have no idea what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_10: What is it in reference to?
SPEAKER_01: Okay, backing up, sir.
SPEAKER_01: Our driver's been out there twice.
SPEAKER_01: No one was available to sign for your partial.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_10: Where has been where twice?
SPEAKER_01: To your establishment.
SPEAKER_01: I want to make sure you're going to be there
SPEAKER_01: and you're going to have a check prepared for our driver if he does.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, right there's a third time.
SPEAKER_01: All right.
SPEAKER_10: This, whoever I'm speaking with or two, whatever, I cannot understand
SPEAKER_10: because it's going from one voice to another.
SPEAKER_01: I'm an administrator.
SPEAKER_01: Our driver is the one you'll be meeting with.
SPEAKER_01: So just get that.
SPEAKER_10: Okay, again, can I go back, please, sir?
SPEAKER_10: Please, please, please, please, please.
SPEAKER_10: I am an employee here.
SPEAKER_10: I am an employee.
SPEAKER_10: Not the owner, whoever, the sign, or whatever.
SPEAKER_10: I don't have no idea what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_01: $487.33 is due on the parcel.
SPEAKER_01: You want, you want Thomas Anton?
SPEAKER_01: I need to talk to you today, sir.
SPEAKER_01: Get this work.
SPEAKER_10: So, again, you are talking to me, but I think you're the wrong person.
SPEAKER_01: Well, why don't you give me a routing number and we'll take care of the debt.
SPEAKER_01: I don't have a routing number.
SPEAKER_01: No, no, no.
SPEAKER_01: What do you have a credit card?
SPEAKER_10: No, I have nothing.
SPEAKER_10: I have nothing at all in what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_01: Well, then you'll have to provide a check.
SPEAKER_01: Again, do you understand?
SPEAKER_10: I'm not the owner of this company.
SPEAKER_10: Why would I have to do it?
SPEAKER_10: I'm an employee of this company.
SPEAKER_10: I didn't say you were.
SPEAKER_10: There's about like 150 people to work here.
SPEAKER_10: So why are you saying I have to have a check ready for you?
SPEAKER_01: Sir, who's the administrator, UPS?
SPEAKER_01: You or me?
SPEAKER_10: You are, but you're telling me what I have to do.
SPEAKER_10: Why do I have to do you?
SPEAKER_10: I don't work for you.
SPEAKER_10: I work for Yellowbird.
SPEAKER_01: This is how it works.
SPEAKER_01: Do you understand?
SPEAKER_10: No, I don't.
SPEAKER_10: I think you have the wrong individual.
SPEAKER_10: You're talking to the wrong person.
SPEAKER_10: Hold on for a minute.
SPEAKER_05: Why do you keep calling him?
SPEAKER_05: He doesn't know who you are.
SPEAKER_01: I'm Swift.
SPEAKER_05: You're Swift?
SPEAKER_05: And you're calling from?
SPEAKER_01: I'm an administrator, ma'am.
SPEAKER_05: You know, you keep calling.
SPEAKER_05: The man doesn't know what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_05: You're upsetting him.
SPEAKER_05: I'm not going to have him have a heart attack in my office.
SPEAKER_05: Don't call back.
SPEAKER_05: Good afternoon, Yellowbird.
SPEAKER_01: My name's Swift.
SPEAKER_01: with UPS. I'm supposed to pick up a check there.
SPEAKER_06: Why would you pick up a check from us? For what?
SPEAKER_01: For a delivery.
SPEAKER_06: What delivery?
SPEAKER_01: The one you're paying for, ma'am.
SPEAKER_06: What delivery, sir?
SPEAKER_01: Can I talk to somebody who has some authority, please?
SPEAKER_06: You are. That's why I picked up the phone since you're harassing everyone else.
SPEAKER_01: I need a check or a credit card number or a routing number.
SPEAKER_06: What? First of all, what is it that you want from me since I don't know what package you're talking about?
SPEAKER_06: You're picking up a check and invisible check. I have no.
SPEAKER_06: clue what you are speaking of.
SPEAKER_01: UOS 488 dollars and 33 cents.
SPEAKER_06: From block!
SPEAKER_06: Where's this package?
SPEAKER_06: What does this package contain?
SPEAKER_01: It's from bathroom fantasies.
SPEAKER_01: It contains septic jelly.
SPEAKER_06: Are these bathroom toys?
SPEAKER_01: Ma'am, it's none of my concern.
SPEAKER_01: Just cut the check and we'll get it done.
SPEAKER_06: I am not cutting you any damn check.
SPEAKER_06: Come here with a UPS truck and your badge and my package.
SPEAKER_06: Since you say we order the package.
SPEAKER_06: I want to see what's in this package.
SPEAKER_00: Read us the routing number, and we'll get it done.
SPEAKER_00: End a story. Let's do this and get it over with.
SPEAKER_06: What the hell do you think you are?
SPEAKER_00: You've got a flag on your account.
SPEAKER_06: Awesome. Awesome.
SPEAKER_06: What's that supposed to mean to me? Absolutely nothing.
SPEAKER_01: Who's the administrator? You or me?
SPEAKER_06: I don't even know who you are.
SPEAKER_06: You probably work in the corner. I don't know where you're how you work.
SPEAKER_06: You can tell me you work for the president for all I give a shit.
SPEAKER_06: I don't know you. You're a man annoying me on the other line.
SPEAKER_04: Cut the check.
SPEAKER_06: Cut the check. I look at a da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da.
SPEAKER_06: You need a new Korea, babe.
SPEAKER_06: know how to do your job. Okay? Send it back to sender. Stop calling my effing phone and we'll all be
SPEAKER_06: effing happy.