Longmont Potion Castle II (1992)

Track 59: Turtle Bowel
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SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: You ordered a turtle bow, Mr.
SPEAKER_01: Are you that same sick fucking person?
SPEAKER_01: Go home, bud.
SPEAKER_01: Take a nap and wake up.
SPEAKER_01: I say go home and go to bed and say, wake up, this is a world.
SPEAKER_01: How would you like a 12-gauge?
SPEAKER_01: How would you like one up your eyes?
SPEAKER_01: Come on, don't be silly, boy.
SPEAKER_01: Just cut it out, hang up, go to bed.
SPEAKER_01: You order...
SPEAKER_01: You'll be all right. You'll be all right.
SPEAKER_01: All right, come morning.
SPEAKER_01: You ordered a turtle bell, mister.
SPEAKER_01: You, your turtle shit, stick it up your ass.
SPEAKER_01: You're a fun guy.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah?
SPEAKER_01: How would you like...
SPEAKER_01: Kind of stupid, but fun, you know.
SPEAKER_01: How would you like a 12-gay-
SPEAKER_01: It might feel good to you?
SPEAKER_01: It might feel good to you.