Longmont Potion Castle 6 (2008)

Longmont Potion Castle 6

Track 24: Telechoice 2

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  • SPEAKER_08: Passion, you really have to learn to watch your language.
  • SPEAKER_08: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_04: Passion, what kind of stupid messages are you sending us?
  • SPEAKER_04: Do you think anyone understand it?
  • SPEAKER_04: Candy says you're stupid and I think you're stupid, too.
  • SPEAKER_03: Passion, that's truly an original.
  • SPEAKER_03: Now, what did he say?
  • SPEAKER_03: It sounded like he said soul to soul.
  • SPEAKER_03: This is Stephanie.
  • SPEAKER_03: I would like to know.
  • SPEAKER_03: I would like to see Soul to Soul, but I don't know exactly what they said.
  • SPEAKER_03: I saved that message because that isn't an original.
  • SPEAKER_03: Please get back to me on 733.
  • SPEAKER_03: Thanks a lot.
  • SPEAKER_03: See you later by.
  • SPEAKER_03: I couldn't really understand it.
  • SPEAKER_03: It kind of scared me a little bit, but you should have put that one on on Halloween.
  • SPEAKER_03: But I would like to know if you got a chance to see Chub Rock when he was in Greeley,
  • SPEAKER_03: I'd like to know that too because he was here.
  • SPEAKER_03: All right.
  • SPEAKER_03: See you later.
  • SPEAKER_03: Bye.
  • SPEAKER_02: Very strange.
  • SPEAKER_02: Nobody used up the message to understand anything that that was about.
  • SPEAKER_02: And we're glad you'd no longer work in our section.
  • SPEAKER_02: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_02: Zubby Zaw, Zaw!
  • SPEAKER_02: Zaw!
  • SPEAKER_02: Fashion, what was that?
  • SPEAKER_02: I don't even know what he said, if that was even a he.
  • SPEAKER_02: Tell me.
  • SPEAKER_02: Bye.
  • SPEAKER_13: Could you repeat that, please?
  • SPEAKER_13: This is Lorraine from SBS.
  • SPEAKER_13: We would appreciate it, and this is a business that we are calling on business people,
  • SPEAKER_13: and when we have messages, we feel it's important to customers calling us.
  • SPEAKER_13: Our phones are not to be played around with.
  • SPEAKER_13: Please, and you're going to send your messages for fun, do it to other sections.
  • SPEAKER_13: Do not do it to the SBS.
  • SPEAKER_13: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_13: What the heck?
  • SPEAKER_13: What is that?
  • SPEAKER_05: My name is Chris Keller, and I'm getting your messages for Passion.
  • SPEAKER_05: My extension is 644. I think maybe, I think you're dialing the wrong number, or we have a mistake in the system.
  • SPEAKER_05: But passion's not here.
  • SPEAKER_05: And, you know, again, if you want to talk to me about this, it's extension 644.
  • SPEAKER_05: Sorry about not passing the information on you.
  • SPEAKER_05: Bye.
  • SPEAKER_05: What did you say, babe?
  • SPEAKER_05: Passion's not at this.
  • SPEAKER_05: number. My name is Chris Keller. I'm extension 644. You're not reaching passion. You're
  • SPEAKER_08: reaching me. Thanks. Carl, reach out and tell someone. You're exactly right, Chris,
  • SPEAKER_08: because I'm getting the same messages, so I don't know what's the matter. This system. I think it's
  • SPEAKER_08: picking it up from somewhere, but like you said, Passion isn't here, but there are some people
  • SPEAKER_08: getting upset about it. In a way, you can't blame them, but they've got to watch their mouth, too.
  • SPEAKER_08: Before you be telling people they're stupid, you better make sure that you know that they're the ones not sending that message.
  • SPEAKER_13: You've got the wrong person, whoever you are, okay?
  • SPEAKER_05: Hey, if you're going to be sending messages to somebody, send it to only one person instead of everybody.
  • SPEAKER_12: What the hell are you talking about? Because I have no clue, and I don't think you should be sending messages to people that you have no clue what they're talking about.
  • SPEAKER_01: Hey, well, I don't know who sent the message. I don't know who's telling anyone they're stupid.
  • SPEAKER_10: That was a dumb remark.
  • SPEAKER_10: Excuse me, I did not know who this is, but I did not tell anybody that they were stupid.
  • SPEAKER_10: And if you have something to say to me, please come to my desk and say it so that I know who you are.
  • SPEAKER_10: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_04: Excuse me? Who is this? You can go ahead and leave me a name so I know who I said it to because I don't think I said it.
  • SPEAKER_04: So why don't you know what you're talking about before you call me first?
  • SPEAKER_04: Okay. Thanks a lot. Bye.
  • SPEAKER_02: Listen, I don't know who you are, but whoever you are, you're obviously using Passion Hodge as a
  • SPEAKER_02: extension. And, you know, apparently you sent that message last week to all my coworkers
  • SPEAKER_02: and myself on our aspects. A couple of us responded to Pash and Hodges, so we thought it was,
  • SPEAKER_02: we were mistaken, but we responded jokingly because obviously we took her message as a joke and then
  • SPEAKER_02: you come back as a response, retaliating because you don't like our response. First of all, the message
  • SPEAKER_02: that was sent on her extension was not having anything to do with work. It was a joke. We all took
  • SPEAKER_02: it as a joke. A couple of us responded. You got my response. Now you're being hostile.
  • SPEAKER_02: Don't respond to my message right now. Don't ever call my aspect again. And if you ever do,
  • SPEAKER_02: I'm going to let Lynn Miller listen to your message. Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_11: I don't know who this message was directed to, but I think everyone in Pat Young's group got
  • SPEAKER_11: the message. Don't know what it's about, but says anyway.
  • SPEAKER_09: Hi, Pash and Larry Luciano. I manage the
  • SPEAKER_09: Aspect telecommunications switch.
  • SPEAKER_09: Passion, you should go ahead and definitely change your password.
  • SPEAKER_09: It's about 10 after 4.
  • SPEAKER_09: Someone has signed on with your extension, 580, 580,
  • SPEAKER_09: and sending all kinds of inappropriate messages to all the TSRs.
  • SPEAKER_09: And, of course, it's coming out under your name.
  • SPEAKER_09: I know it's not you because it's a guy that's doing this.
  • SPEAKER_09: So please change your password.
  • SPEAKER_09: If you need help in doing that, give me a call back, and I can show you how.
  • SPEAKER_09: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_14: Hi, this is Pat Davalos in Training Room 1090C.
  • SPEAKER_14: Passion, we're getting some kind of weird messages over here that were sent from your telephone.
  • SPEAKER_14: Will you please come over and see me?
  • SPEAKER_14: Thanks.
  • SPEAKER_14: Again, I'm in the training room 1090C.
  • SPEAKER_14: I think I know you.
  • SPEAKER_14: Come and see me right away.
  • SPEAKER_14: Bye.
  • SPEAKER_06: Well, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_06: I didn't say anybody who was stupid, but if you, you know, you can come over and talk to me about it,
  • SPEAKER_06: not to leave me a message, you can come over and talk to me about it.
  • SPEAKER_13: What is that?
  • SPEAKER_13: message to everybody in the center or is it to me directly?
  • SPEAKER_00: I don't know who sent this message, but it wasn't me.
  • SPEAKER_00: My name is Sherman Taylor, and I'm over inbound.
  • SPEAKER_00: Some had something to do with a message about somebody passionate about something stupid or something like that.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm in inbound and 304.
  • SPEAKER_00: I appreciate it if you can give me a call and straighten the situation out
  • SPEAKER_00: because I have no idea who sent it, and I think whoever sent this,
  • SPEAKER_00: message back here.
  • SPEAKER_00: Definitely sitting in the wrong place.
  • SPEAKER_00: So my name is Sherman.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm inbound.
  • SPEAKER_00: 304.
  • SPEAKER_00: I just recently moved over here,
  • SPEAKER_00: so this 304 might have been
  • SPEAKER_00: someone else's aspect.
  • SPEAKER_00: So I appreciate it.
  • SPEAKER_03: All I said was come again.
  • SPEAKER_03: I'd like to hear that so I can understand it.
  • SPEAKER_03: I don't remember telling anyone that they were stupid.
  • SPEAKER_03: I said that I would like to go see Chub Rock.
  • SPEAKER_03: I thought that Passion had sent a message
  • SPEAKER_03: that some group was going to be playing Friday.
  • SPEAKER_03: I distinctly remember the message.
  • SPEAKER_03: I don't remember calling anybody stupid.
  • SPEAKER_03: That's just not my makeup.
  • SPEAKER_03: I'm sorry if you misunderstood, but that wasn't me.
  • SPEAKER_03: But the message that sent, I said it was scary.
  • SPEAKER_03: It sounded scary.
  • SPEAKER_03: Okay?
  • SPEAKER_03: I don't know who you are, but you're sending messages on Passion Hodges extension.
  • SPEAKER_03: But anyway, I was interested in going to the event.
  • SPEAKER_03: I just couldn't understand the message.
  • SPEAKER_03: And also, don't send me any more negative messages.
  • SPEAKER_03: You can't say anything nice.
  • SPEAKER_03: Then don't call.
  • SPEAKER_07: In response to your message, I don't remember calling anybody stupid or sending any messages to anyone
  • SPEAKER_07: referring to them that way.
  • SPEAKER_07: You might want to make sure you have your extension correct before you go reprimanding people.
  • SPEAKER_04: Who is that, man?
  • SPEAKER_04: Because you ain't told nobody they was stupid.
  • SPEAKER_04: Who is this putting this on my answer machine?