Longmont Potion Castle 6 (2008)

Track 15: Telechoice
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SPEAKER_08: Hello.
SPEAKER_09: Mr. Butler?
SPEAKER_09: Yeah.
SPEAKER_09: Hi, this is U.S. West. How are you doing?
SPEAKER_09: Fine.
SPEAKER_09: Good, I know you're probably busy, so just briefly we're calling to let you know about
SPEAKER_09: Telechoice that we're offering just in Seattle.
SPEAKER_09: It's just a discount billing package for your phone line.
SPEAKER_09: Just save you some money on your monthly bill and give you some neat functions as well.
SPEAKER_09: You've got 30 seconds, Tad.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, I don't need anything else with my phone.
SPEAKER_08: I'm sorry?
SPEAKER_08: I don't need anything else with the phone.
SPEAKER_08: It's fine.
SPEAKER_08: How about just give me a shot at it?
SPEAKER_08: Give me 30 seconds of your time, Mr. Butler.
SPEAKER_08: I don't need anything else.
SPEAKER_08: I got it. I got call waiting and that's all I need.
SPEAKER_08: For 440, we give you every other service we have.
SPEAKER_09: Yeah, well, that's, uh, for 440 I can make some more calls.
SPEAKER_09: Colin to let you know about Telechoice that we're offering just a discount billing package for your phone line.
SPEAKER_07: I'm fed up. Please take me off your list and don't call us back.
SPEAKER_09: Can you give me 30 seconds to your time?
SPEAKER_07: No, I can't.
SPEAKER_07: Just take me off your list.
SPEAKER_07: This is the third goddamn call I've had today, and I'm tired of it.
SPEAKER_09: What's a sensational offer?
SPEAKER_09: Until the choice will go on your line, the 8th of October.
SPEAKER_09: Okay, this is under AT&T, right?
SPEAKER_09: U.S. West.
SPEAKER_09: U.S. West.
SPEAKER_05: U.S. West.
SPEAKER_09: Because I don't want any odd little creatures.
SPEAKER_09: Yeah, you don't want to take on any more companies.
SPEAKER_05: Some podank company I've never heard of yet, clicking into a...
SPEAKER_05: You already have U.S. West.
SPEAKER_03: Well.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, but I ain't, I've been getting cold about changing and everything.
SPEAKER_03: Wow.
SPEAKER_03: Maybe it's AT&T or something or other.
SPEAKER_09: Hello?
SPEAKER_09: Is Mr. Dang there?
SPEAKER_09: Oh, he's not home now.
SPEAKER_09: Okay.
SPEAKER_09: Your mother-in-law?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yes, she hates me.
SPEAKER_09: Trust me.
SPEAKER_02: She hates me.
SPEAKER_09: Your mother-in-law feels that way?
SPEAKER_09: Why?
SPEAKER_02: Because I took her son away.
SPEAKER_09: But just don't call her on three-way.
SPEAKER_02: Well, I only did it because I wanted to see the way she felt
SPEAKER_02: and then she lied about it, but...
SPEAKER_02: My mother-in-law, I mean, she should be in a mental institution,
SPEAKER_02: because she's a wacko.
SPEAKER_02: She was...
SPEAKER_02: Oh, she's from Nebraska, so, you know, they're all backwards out there anyways, but...
SPEAKER_02: Trust me, it's nothing off my back.
SPEAKER_02: Truthfully, with my phone bill, I mean, to check my records,
SPEAKER_02: when I live in Port Orchard, my husband works in Bangor, and that's long distance.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: And it's only a 20-minute drive.
SPEAKER_02: So I called U.S. West, and they said, because Bangor is on another phone company line,
SPEAKER_02: that's why it's long distance.
SPEAKER_02: So I think it's stupid.
SPEAKER_02: Two, I hate the state of Washington, so...
SPEAKER_02: I hate it.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, come on.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, I hate it.
SPEAKER_02: I really miss the smell.
SPEAKER_02: Here, it stinks.
SPEAKER_02: Who are you?
SPEAKER_02: Who are you?
SPEAKER_02: I can understand English.
SPEAKER_09: Hi, this is U.S. West. How are you doing?
SPEAKER_06: I don't know. I haven't taken an inventory yet.
SPEAKER_06: I woke up this morning.
SPEAKER_06: I'll tell you what.
SPEAKER_06: You call back maybe in a half an hour or so
SPEAKER_09: and talk to the warden. She takes care of all that.
SPEAKER_09: We're calling to let you know about tell the choice that we're offering.
SPEAKER_06: Huh?
SPEAKER_06: It costs $6.50.
SPEAKER_09: Well, why should I pay extra money?
SPEAKER_09: Well, you're getting three-way calling and call...
SPEAKER_09: I'm not interested in three-way calling.
SPEAKER_04: We don't have any use for it.
SPEAKER_06: We don't need a three-way hookup.
SPEAKER_04: I just got out of the hospital with a brand new knee replacement,
SPEAKER_04: and I just doesn't switch it this time.
SPEAKER_09: It's only $1.50, Frank, per month.
SPEAKER_09: And then you have to...
SPEAKER_01: I don't have it.
SPEAKER_01: How are we going to do it?
SPEAKER_01: Don't have it.
SPEAKER_01: No, let's do it the way we've been doing.
SPEAKER_03: So hang up.
None: Huh?
SPEAKER_03: Hold on, please.
SPEAKER_03: My daughter was to pick up the phone, okay?
SPEAKER_05: I'm not going to understand.
SPEAKER_00: I don't understand.
SPEAKER_00: I don't understand.
SPEAKER_00: what you say. But I understand a little bit.
SPEAKER_00: A little bit.
SPEAKER_00: What do you say?
SPEAKER_00: Huh?
SPEAKER_00: When my daughter gum, she can understand what you say?
SPEAKER_00: Can I just say with the package?
None: Do you know what's a call for somebody to get down to me?
None: Thanks a lot. I'd really appreciate it.