Best Before '24 (2024)

Track 6: Star People
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Richard: Richard, this is Gale.
Richard: Can I help you?
LPC: Hi, yeah, this is Geddes with Winn-Dixie.
LPC: Just calling to ask who y'all are planning to vote for up...
Richard: Vote for?
Richard: I'm not gonna answer.
Richard: You said you're with Winn-Dixie?
LPC: Yes.
Richard: Like the grocery store?
Richard: Why does Winn-Dixie care who we're voting for?
Richard: Why does that matter?
LPC: Oh, we gotta know, big guy.
Richard: Winn-Dixie does?
LPC: Yes, sir.
LPC: I got a survey to complete here.
Richard: Okay, yeah, this is an inappropriate phone call.
Richard: Leave me alone.
LPC: You're not going to vote at all?
Richard: This is, yeah, look, don't call back.
Richard: You're being awfully pushy on this.
LPC: That's an order.
LPC: You got it?
Richard: An order?
LPC: Yes, sir.
Richard: I'm trying to figure out why you're being pushy on this.
Richard: I don't know.
Richard: I'm not understanding what's going on here.
Richard: Why does Winn-Dixie care?
LPC: Hey, brother, who are you going to vote for?
LPC: That's all I need to know.
Man 1: I'm not registered.
LPC: Which candidate do you choose?
Man 1: Shit, I don't know.
Man 1: It depends on who the Republican Party get in nomination.
LPC: I mean, you got Dick Durbin.
LPC: Now, you got Reince Priebus, see?
Man 1: I never heard neither one of them.
LPC: You got Wayne Freebus.
Man 1: Keep going?
Man 1: Yeah.
LPC: I mean, you see where this is going now.
LPC: You got every damn person.
Man 1: Exactly.
LPC: You got every damn person.
LPC: Now, who do you like?
LPC: On a serious note.
Man 1: No, no candidates.
LPC: No candidates.
LPC: You can't remain neutral, brother.
LPC: So you can't remain neutral, brother.
Man 1: Watch me, brother.
Man 1: Watch me, brother.
LPC: You can't remain neutral, brother.
LPC: You can't remain neutral, brother.
Man 1: Call me back in a week and I'll let you know, sir.
Man 1: Give me some time to think about it.
LPC: And you'll slap something on me?
Man 1: Yes, sir.
Reggie: Hello.
LPC: Hello, Reggie.
LPC: My name's Samurai.
LPC: I'm calling from Star People.
Reggie: What's that?
LPC: We like to find out who you are voting for.
Reggie: Oh, uh, conservative across the board.
LPC: Okay.
LPC: Can you tell us a candidate you choose?
Reggie: Nah, it's all right.
LPC: We offer marshmallows in exchange.
Reggie: Really?
Reggie: You have my attention now.
LPC: Organic marshmallow.
Butcher Shop Man: Hello?
LPC: Yes.
LPC: Is this butcher shop?
Butcher Shop Man: Yes.
LPC: This is Roderick Lip and I'm calling from Chuckwagon Society.
LPC: We're calling to ask who you're going to vote for.
Butcher Shop Man: Who I'm going to vote for?
LPC: Yes.
Butcher Shop Man: Look, I'm not voting for nobody.
LPC: Well, tell us who you like.
Butcher Shop Man: I don't like none of them candidates out there.
Butcher Shop Man: They don't like me and I don't like them.
LPC: What if they all got naked?
LPC: Who would you choose up there then?
Butcher Shop Man: I ain't choosing none of them.
LPC: You've got twenty naked candidates.
LPC: Who do you like?
Butcher Shop Man: Come on let's get naked Jack.
LPC: Hey Eddie, this is Roderick Lip.
LPC: How you doing?
Eddie: Good, you?
LPC: Doing good, doing good.
LPC: So Eddie, just quickly here, I know you're busy.
LPC: Who's got your vote in the upcoming election here?
Eddie: You know, man, I don't vote.
LPC: You're not going to vote at all?
Eddie: No, no, I gave up on all of them.
Eddie: Ain't nobody worth voting for.
LPC: Well, I can't give you a gift card unless you give me some kind of answer.
Eddie: I don't even care if the world comes to an end.
Eddie: How's that work for you?
Eddie: Let them clowns do whatever they gotta do, but good luck to you.
Eddie: Maybe somebody will step up.
Eddiee: that can run the country, because nobody can right now.
Eddie: Thanks, bud.
LPC: We can give you an aquarium.
LPC: How's that?
Brian: Hello, this is Brian.
LPC: Hey, Brian, brother.
LPC: I'm Geddes with Star People.
Brian: With who?
LPC: With Star People.
LPC: We'd just like to know who you plan to vote for, sir.
Brian: Hey, take me off this list. I'm not.. I'm not telling everybody who I'm voting for.
LPC: You cannot remain neutral.
Brian: yet while i am well i'm undecided.
Brian: anyway to point anyway there's a few candidates out there.
Brian: you know it's been nominated.
Brian: on the other side you've got a lot of.
LPC: not only you've got going to treatments you've got a way to treatments.
LPC: i'm going to see what this is going on.
LPC: Who do you choose to pick up the list?
Brian: Take me off the list.
LPC: Well, I need an answer here.
LPC: Hello.
LPC: Howdy, Ted.
Ted: Yeah.
LPC: Hi, this is Dick Fortune
LPC: calling, how are you today?
Ted: Good, Dick Fortune.
LPC: How are you?
LPC: Oh, pretty good.
LPC: Pretty good.
LPC: Thank you.
LPC: We're calling to ask what you thought of the US elections coming up.
Ted: I'm a Canadian.
Ted: Do you really give a shit?
LPC: Well, yeah, that's what we're calling to ask.
Ted: Why do you care what Canadians think?
LPC: Well, we'll give you the two hundred and fifty dollar gift card in exchange.
Ted: I'm good, thanks buddy.
LPC: What if we kick it up to three hundred?
Otto: Packinghouse?
LPC: Hey, Packinghouse, who am I speaking with?
Otto: Otto.
LPC: Hey, Otto.
LPC: This is Barry Ninny with Honky Tonk Society.
LPC: How are we today?
Otto: I'm doing just fine.
LPC: I was calling to see who you're planning on voting for up there.
Otto: Oh, no.
Otto: No, sir.
LPC: Who are you going to choose?
Otto: Who I'm going to choose?
Otto: You don't want to know who I'm going to choose, do you?
Otto: OK.
Otto: I choose the good Lord.
Otto: The good Lord, the one running it.
Otto: I got to vote for the one that's running it, right?
Otto: That's who's running it.
Otto: The good Lord, the one that's running it.
Otto: So that's who I vote for.
Otto: Now, if we can vote for the good Lord, then everybody will be all right.
Otto: But see, everybody don't want to vote for the good Lord.
Otto: See what I'm saying?
Otto: Everybody want to vote for man.
Otto: Man ain't the good Lord.
Otto: Good Lord run the world.
Otto: See what I'm saying?
Otto: Because there's a lot of things men can't stop.
Otto: Don't have no control over.
Otto: So why am I voting somebody on things they don't have no control over?
Otto: I need to vote for somebody that got control, period, over everything.
Otto: Not just some things, over everything.
Otto: See what I'm saying?
Otto: Good Lord got control over everything.
Otto: Not some things, everything.
Otto: I want that same answer.
Otto: Put good Lord down there.
Otto: That's the answer I want.
LPC: Bless you.
Otto: Bless you.
Otto: That's what I'm saying.
Otto: That's what I'm talking about.
Otto: See what you just said?
Otto: So you know a little something, too.
Otto: Okay.
Butcher 1: Hello?
LPC: Hello, Butcher?
Butcher 1: Yes?
LPC: Yeah, hi.
LPC: I'm Ortega Feeley with Star People.
LPC: Alright?
Butcher 1: The fuck is that?
LPC: We'd like to know who you're gonna vote for.
Butcher 1: That's none of your fucking business.
LPC: It's just a survey, dude.
Butcher 1: It's a survey?
Butcher 1: My opinion, voting is over.
Butcher 1: The votes don't matter.
Butcher 1: So now, shit's gonna hit the fan.
Butcher 1: And look at the fucking idiots that's in there now.
Butcher 1: Look what he's done to the country.
Butcher 1: Look at the price of gas, the price of food.
Butcher 1: Fuck.
Anthony: Hello?
LPC: Hey, Anthony.
Anthony: Hey.
LPC: This is Geddes with Star People.
Anthony: Okay, what's going on?
LPC: We'd like to know who you plan to vote for.
LPC: Who do you like?
Anthony: Ah.. I think I'm going to write in Longmont Potion Castle.