Longmont Potion Castle 4 (2001)

Track 55: Squid On My Side
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SPEAKER_01: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: That's Lionel.
SPEAKER_00: You're UPS?
SPEAKER_01: This is UPS?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: And we've got your squid
SPEAKER_00: Fred delivered to you.
SPEAKER_00: Just want to make sure someone was going to be around for it.
SPEAKER_01: Tonight?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: You said squid?
SPEAKER_01: He's not going to this house.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, we got it on the dock now.
SPEAKER_01: I keep it on the dock.
SPEAKER_01: Who do you think you're talking to?
SPEAKER_00: Hey, this is you not a parcel, Paul.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, what's the name of the person you think you're talking to?
SPEAKER_01: think you're talking to.
SPEAKER_00: No, it's on the invoice.
SPEAKER_00: You know, I don't want to go out there and look at it.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: But you're going to be there, about 20 minutes?
SPEAKER_00: No, I'm not going to be here.
SPEAKER_00: I'm not taking that.
SPEAKER_00: You're squid in the water and the tank.
SPEAKER_01: I give a shit.
SPEAKER_01: It's not mine.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, that man.
SPEAKER_00: Well, I'm going to put the squid in your yard then and need a check from you.
SPEAKER_01: You're not getting any check from me, buddy.
SPEAKER_01: Where the hell are you taking this thing?
SPEAKER_00: We'll be up there in about 20 minutes, like I told you.
SPEAKER_01: You're out of your goddamn mind.
SPEAKER_01: I'm a goddamn mind.
SPEAKER_01: to call a cop on you.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to put this squid in your front yard as I grab you.
SPEAKER_01: I'll get the cop to get it out of there.
SPEAKER_00: How about if I put the squid on your head?
SPEAKER_00: How would you like that?
SPEAKER_01: You go to hell.
SPEAKER_01: What address you've taken this to?
SPEAKER_00: It's on the packing order.
SPEAKER_00: I want to go look at it.
SPEAKER_01: Don't look at it.
SPEAKER_00: I'd rather not.
SPEAKER_01: Well, I don't care if you'd rather now or not.
SPEAKER_00: I don't care if I put this squid inside your living room.
SPEAKER_00: How's I grab you?
SPEAKER_01: Well, I don't know what the score is with you, Charlie.
SPEAKER_01: But...
SPEAKER_01: You come screwing around here,
SPEAKER_01: and you're going to have a problem.
SPEAKER_01: I'll tell you that.
SPEAKER_00: I got a squid on my side.
SPEAKER_01: I've got more than a squid on my side.
SPEAKER_01: Goodbye.