Longmont Potion Castle 16 (2019)

Track 7: Septic Talk
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SPEAKER_04: Hello.
SPEAKER_04: Hey, Arthur.
SPEAKER_03: Hello.
SPEAKER_04: This is Tim.
SPEAKER_04: What are you doing up there?
SPEAKER_04: Tim who?
SPEAKER_04: Tim Phillips.
SPEAKER_04: Listen, I'm new to the area.
SPEAKER_04: I was wondering, can I tap into your septic tank a little bit later?
SPEAKER_04: I got some structural issues here at home.
SPEAKER_04: I got my own hose and everything.
SPEAKER_03: Can you tap into your mom?
SPEAKER_04: Hey, it'll just be for a few minutes and I'll take care of everything.
SPEAKER_04: Just tap right into your tank.
SPEAKER_04: Is that okay with you up there?
SPEAKER_03: Can you tap in?
SPEAKER_03: happen to your mother?
SPEAKER_04: Listen, guy, and I don't want you mess with my hose.
SPEAKER_04: I'll find out about it if you mess with my hose, okay?
SPEAKER_04: Just to be clear.
SPEAKER_03: You mess with your hose?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: You mean your mother and your daughter are a hose?
SPEAKER_04: Listen, guy, I need your tank.
SPEAKER_04: That's all I need.
SPEAKER_04: Hello.
SPEAKER_04: Hey, this is Brian.
SPEAKER_04: How are you doing?
SPEAKER_04: Okay.
SPEAKER_04: Why are you calling me?
SPEAKER_04: I'm calling you because I got some structural issues here at my house.
SPEAKER_04: I need to tap into you.
SPEAKER_04: your septic tank for a little bit here tonight.
SPEAKER_04: Okay, I got my own hose and everything.
SPEAKER_01: Wait a minute, wait a minute.
SPEAKER_01: Who are you trying?
SPEAKER_01: I still don't know.
SPEAKER_04: Where, who are you calling me from?
SPEAKER_04: I'm calling you.
SPEAKER_04: I'm local.
SPEAKER_04: And I need your help there, big guy.
SPEAKER_04: What kind of help?
SPEAKER_04: What are you talking about?
SPEAKER_04: I need to set my hose into your septic tank.
SPEAKER_04: I got problems here at home.
SPEAKER_04: Big problems here on my structural issues here.
SPEAKER_04: Where do you live?
SPEAKER_04: I live near you.
SPEAKER_04: So I'm going to bring my hose over and we're going to set it up.
SPEAKER_04: Does that sound good?
SPEAKER_04: Of course.
SPEAKER_04: Must not. It's trouble for me.
SPEAKER_04: What are you talking about?
SPEAKER_04: And I still don't know who the hell you are.
SPEAKER_04: Why is this such a big deal?
SPEAKER_04: I'm going to do it. It'll be fine.
SPEAKER_04: Who are you?
SPEAKER_04: You can call me Bri-Bri, okay?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, but where's where you live?
SPEAKER_04: I'm going to come over there and I'm going to get what I need.
SPEAKER_04: You're not going to get the need because I'm going to call the police on you right now.
SPEAKER_04: No, don't do that.
SPEAKER_04: Don't do that.
SPEAKER_04: Don't do that.
SPEAKER_01: Don't go to me like that.
SPEAKER_01: Okay?
SPEAKER_01: You don't get the horse.
SPEAKER_01: I'm Jewish and articles.
SPEAKER_01: It's sober for me.
SPEAKER_01: And I wouldn't give it to you any other time.
SPEAKER_01: I got no business with you.
SPEAKER_01: Don't mess with my hose.
SPEAKER_04: Because I'll find out about it if you do.
SPEAKER_04: I got my hose ready and I'm just on my way right now.
SPEAKER_04: I'm walking over there right now, okay?
SPEAKER_01: You're trying to come here and you'll see what's going to happen to you.
SPEAKER_04: Well, I'm just going to...
SPEAKER_01: Your motherfucker.
SPEAKER_01: Stop it!
SPEAKER_01: Your motherfucker, criminal!
SPEAKER_04: Don't you worry about it.
SPEAKER_04: about a thing.
SPEAKER_04: Bill?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_04: Hey, this is Bo.
SPEAKER_04: I'm new to the area up here.
SPEAKER_04: Listen, I need to favor.
SPEAKER_04: I wanted just to tap into your septic tank just for a few minutes.
SPEAKER_04: I got my own hose and everything, okay?
SPEAKER_02: I don't know what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_04: What do you need me to do, bring you a ladder?
SPEAKER_02: I don't have a septic tank.
SPEAKER_02: I don't have anything like that.
SPEAKER_04: Of course you do.
SPEAKER_04: I already went over there and looked at it.
SPEAKER_04: You know, I hope you don't mind, but I was there earlier today, okay?
SPEAKER_02: I don't have.
SPEAKER_02: I have a 70 tank.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, you sure do.
SPEAKER_04: I saw it.
SPEAKER_04: I'm going to be right there, and I'm going to hose it up.
SPEAKER_04: I just want to make sure, you know, that you don't be surprised when I get there, okay?
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_04: Call the who now?
SPEAKER_02: Police?
SPEAKER_02: I don't know what you.
SPEAKER_02: Why you'd be on my property?
SPEAKER_04: Because I told you, I need to set my hose up.
SPEAKER_04: Now, look, just stay out of my way, okay?
SPEAKER_04: I don't need the police, and I don't need you nosing around, okay?
SPEAKER_04: Just keep out of my affairs.
SPEAKER_02: Well, keep out of my house.
SPEAKER_02: property.
SPEAKER_04: As long as you stay out of my way, we should be in good shape.
SPEAKER_02: Well, let me get your name and everything.
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, okay.
SPEAKER_04: I'm Bobo.
SPEAKER_04: You got me?
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_04: Yes.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Hi, how are you?
SPEAKER_00: Who the fuck is this?
SPEAKER_04: This is Bull.
SPEAKER_04: Can you hear me?
SPEAKER_00: I can, yeah.
SPEAKER_04: Okay, listen, I'm on my way over there.
SPEAKER_04: I'm kind of new to the area.
SPEAKER_04: I got your number.
SPEAKER_04: at the supermarket.
SPEAKER_04: I just need to tap into your septic tank tonight for a little bit, all right?
SPEAKER_04: I got my own hose, but I'll be there in just about 10 minutes.
SPEAKER_04: I got some problems with my foundation.
SPEAKER_04: So I'm just going to tap into you guys for a bit, okay?
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_04: Okay, and just do me a favor.
SPEAKER_04: Don't miss with my hose, all right?
SPEAKER_04: I'll find out about it if you do.
SPEAKER_04: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: Do you, your hose?
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to last see you with that hose.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, you are, are you?
SPEAKER_04: I'm going to docy dough right on up, Aaron.
SPEAKER_04: and get with you a little bit, mix things up a little bit.
SPEAKER_04: How does that grab you?
SPEAKER_00: I'm a full stack web developer now, and I just graduated from my coding boot camp.
SPEAKER_00: I'm at the graduation party, and I don't have time.
SPEAKER_00: If you show up on my lawn with your hose, I'm going to send 20 boot camp graduates after you,
SPEAKER_00: and they're going to code your app so hard, you're never going to walk again.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, don't do that.
SPEAKER_04: Leave me be.
SPEAKER_04: All right, young lady?
SPEAKER_00: Listen.
SPEAKER_00: Making my...
SPEAKER_03: Hello.
SPEAKER_03: Hello.
SPEAKER_03: Hello.
SPEAKER_03: Can you hold on right now?
SPEAKER_03: Your mother's being strapped to the donkey.
SPEAKER_03: She's getting fucked.
SPEAKER_03: Hold on, hold on.
SPEAKER_03: Yes.
SPEAKER_03: Yes.
SPEAKER_04: Hello?
SPEAKER_04: Yes.
SPEAKER_04: Hi, this is Bo.
SPEAKER_04: How are you doing?
SPEAKER_04: Good?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, good.
SPEAKER_04: Hey, I got your number up at the supermarket.
SPEAKER_04: I hope that's okay.
SPEAKER_04: I'm new to the area here.
SPEAKER_04: Supermarket.
SPEAKER_03: Yes.
SPEAKER_04: And, hey, guy, I just need to tap into your septic tank tonight, okay?
SPEAKER_04: It'll just be for a couple hours.
SPEAKER_04: I got my own hose and everything like that.
SPEAKER_04: So if you see me out in front, I just wanted to let you know what I'll be doing, okay?
SPEAKER_02: All right.
SPEAKER_02: Sounds good.
SPEAKER_04: Okay.
SPEAKER_04: Just listen.
SPEAKER_04: Don't touch the hose while it's working, okay?
SPEAKER_04: Mm-hmm.
SPEAKER_04: I got it.
SPEAKER_04: Okay, because I'll find out about it if you do.
SPEAKER_04: So, might as well just leave it alone.
SPEAKER_02: I know.
SPEAKER_04: I know, I know, I know you know.
SPEAKER_04: Hey, and can you make me see?
SPEAKER_04: some toast. Maybe bring that out front. I'm a little hungry. Would that be okay?
SPEAKER_02: I will get you the tuna sandwich.
SPEAKER_04: A tuna sandwich? Dynamite, dynamite.
SPEAKER_04: Okay, touch yourself. See you later.
SPEAKER_02: Okay. See you later.