Longmont Potion Castle 8 (2011)

Track 13: Sea-Doo Islandia
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SPEAKER_02: No, what are you boat here?
SPEAKER_00: I need to, I need to get out on the water and get a new boat pretty soon.
SPEAKER_03: Are you looking to rent?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, lease.
SPEAKER_03: What are you looking to rent?
SPEAKER_00: I need to go real fast, real soon.
SPEAKER_03: All right, then.
SPEAKER_00: Is I going to work or what?
SPEAKER_03: Are you looking to rent a boat?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, why do you keep hanging up?
SPEAKER_03: Because you sound like a flake, you sound like you're on drugs.
SPEAKER_00: What in the world do you mean?
SPEAKER_00: mean? Oh, my gosh.
SPEAKER_00: You're looking to get you...
SPEAKER_03: Look, if you're not going to be serious, then don't call me back, all right?
SPEAKER_00: You're looking to get your ass, whoop, or what?
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Yes, I was interested in running a speedboat for this weekend.
SPEAKER_03: It's a $100 deposit per day, if you want to hold the day.
SPEAKER_00: Do you guys take gold?
SPEAKER_00: Gold what?
SPEAKER_00: Bars.
SPEAKER_00: This guy's an idiot. Just hang up on.
SPEAKER_03: I don't call it.
SPEAKER_03: He's on drugs.
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Yes, I was wondering if you guys.
SPEAKER_00: delivered boats?
SPEAKER_02: Dude, if you keep calling us, you're going to get harassed.
SPEAKER_02: We'll file charges. Stop calling.
SPEAKER_00: Do I have to pick up, or can you
SPEAKER_00: come to me with the boats?
SPEAKER_01: Who is this?
SPEAKER_00: This is snake.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I was wondering if you guys
SPEAKER_00: would accept a gold chain for
SPEAKER_01: a boat. Yeah, and you'd call
SPEAKER_01: like a thousand times, Jason. My name's
SPEAKER_01: Ben. Oh, okay, Ben. You and your boyfriend, Jason.
SPEAKER_01: Have fun on your little C-Dil Islander,
SPEAKER_01: and do anything you want to do, okay?
SPEAKER_01: You can play with skis, you can do anything you want.
SPEAKER_01: Have fun.
SPEAKER_02: We both here.
SPEAKER_02: Gay is both in town.
SPEAKER_00: Listen up, dude.
SPEAKER_00: Are you guys queer or what?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I've got to knock you off.
SPEAKER_00: That's what I thought.
SPEAKER_02: My name's Jason.
SPEAKER_02: I'm gay.
SPEAKER_02: I love it in my abs.
SPEAKER_00: Are you going to trade my gold chain for your water skis or not?
SPEAKER_02: We don't have any water skis.
SPEAKER_02: We don't have any water skis. We're not sharing anything in, dude.
SPEAKER_02: Stop calling.
SPEAKER_02: If you continue to call,
SPEAKER_02: harassment, we got your number already, so that unknown crap that you're doing, it doesn't work.
SPEAKER_00: Uh-oh.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, and that's 4, 5, 6, yeah. It doesn't work, bro.
SPEAKER_00: Your bogus Craigslist is not going to work.
SPEAKER_02: What are you talking about, bro?
SPEAKER_02: We're going to trade our ski for a freaking gold chain. How dumb are you?
SPEAKER_00: It's a long chain, dude.
SPEAKER_02: I don't care if it's a long chain.
SPEAKER_02: Money costs and bullshit loss, bro.
SPEAKER_00: You never heard of Byron, though, huh?
SPEAKER_02: Byron. No, Byron?
SPEAKER_00: That dude goes like two.
SPEAKER_00: 200 miles an hour in a boat.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, that's awesome, dude. That's awesome. That's cool.
SPEAKER_02: They have to go 200 miles an hour in your ass, too.
SPEAKER_00: So I got one chain for one boat, period.
SPEAKER_00: End of discussion.
SPEAKER_02: Not doing it. Stop call. Why do you, like, continue to call?
SPEAKER_02: You like continue to call. It's comic.
SPEAKER_00: I have never called you before.
SPEAKER_00: I saw it on Craig's list or Emily's list or whatever it was, and I call.
SPEAKER_02: Probably.
SPEAKER_02: Dude, you call a lot, bro. Don't act dumb.
SPEAKER_02: Don't be stupid.
SPEAKER_00: You got that covered.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to knock you out.
SPEAKER_00: And then I'm going to ride around in a boat all day.
SPEAKER_02: You don't even know what I look like.
SPEAKER_02: I just, I love, just please, come over here and not try to knock me out.
SPEAKER_02: That'd be awesome.
SPEAKER_02: Come over to Nevada boat company.
SPEAKER_02: We partnered up with them, too.
SPEAKER_02: We're going to start storing our boat for us here.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to take you out, period.
SPEAKER_02: Who are you going to take me out and stick me in my head, you all over?
SPEAKER_02: I'll never have been out of the steakhouse.
SPEAKER_00: I'll meet you at the steakhouse.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, hey, hold on, hold on.
SPEAKER_02: So you must not be getting very good business, huh?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, do you?
SPEAKER_00: Oh, my business is great.
SPEAKER_02: So your business is so great, you got to call and harass people?
SPEAKER_00: It's Friday night, man.
SPEAKER_00: And you're the one on Craigslist, so you work it out.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, we're on Craigslist, and we're going to work it up?
SPEAKER_02: I'm not on Craigslist, Jackass.
SPEAKER_00: I'm looking right at it.
SPEAKER_02: What's it said?
SPEAKER_00: It says, call you for boats, prick.
SPEAKER_02: Call me for both.
SPEAKER_02: That's what it says right now.
SPEAKER_02: Call me for boats.
SPEAKER_00: Prick.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, you're very conical, don't you?
SPEAKER_02: Mew-D-D-D-D-Huddy.
SPEAKER_02: I honestly want to know if you have nothing better else to do than call people on Craigslist.
SPEAKER_02: These guys are complete moron.
SPEAKER_02: I live off of Hokie and bubble up and I rent my house because I can't afford to buy my own fucking house.
SPEAKER_00: What do you care where I live?
SPEAKER_02: You're 35-year-old going somewhere alive, right?
SPEAKER_02: You're getting out with Nevada boat company.
SPEAKER_02: You're doing nothing, right?
SPEAKER_00: I'm the one asking the questions here.
SPEAKER_00: Prick.
SPEAKER_02: Dude, you're a weird.
SPEAKER_02: There he is.
SPEAKER_02: Gosh, you're making my day.
SPEAKER_02: This is awesome.
SPEAKER_02: I want to hear,
SPEAKER_02: this team is being stupid
SPEAKER_02: because you're making yourself
SPEAKER_02: like a complete embecile.
SPEAKER_02: You're awesome.
SPEAKER_02: Dude, are you high right now?
SPEAKER_02: Dude, stop calling.
SPEAKER_00: I need jet skis.
SPEAKER_02: We don't have jet skis.
SPEAKER_02: We don't have skis.
SPEAKER_02: We don't have chains.
SPEAKER_02: We don't have anchors.
SPEAKER_02: We don't have any of that crap.
SPEAKER_02: We are, we are rental company.
SPEAKER_02: You can rent use gildo to fuck Jacob Fulton in the ass.
SPEAKER_03: Who?
SPEAKER_02: What did Ceeoo Island?
SPEAKER_02: Like me?
SPEAKER_02: Dan partner up in Nevada Company, if you like, as well.
SPEAKER_00: You lost me.
None: Yeah.