Longmont Potion Castle 6 (2008)

Track 14: Sandyman
This track needs reviewing! --> Lend a hand <--
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, it's Sandy Man.
SPEAKER_00: Hello, who is?
SPEAKER_00: I'm from the band.
SPEAKER_00: Sandy Man.
SPEAKER_00: From the band?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: How are you doing?
SPEAKER_00: How can help you?
SPEAKER_00: I'm good.
SPEAKER_00: I got a platinum card, brand new one.
SPEAKER_00: I'm looking to have a little fun tonight.
SPEAKER_00: All right.
SPEAKER_00: So, what's on tap?
SPEAKER_00: What will I have on tap?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: I got 12 beers on tap.
SPEAKER_00: I got Bud Light, Budweiser, Miguel of Ultra, Heineken,
SPEAKER_00: Guinness, Fat Tire, George Killian's Red, Bat.
SPEAKER_00: You know, I got Heptawisen, Newcastle,
SPEAKER_00: Newcastle, Harbour.
SPEAKER_00: Uh, blue moose.
SPEAKER_00: You guys want to, uh, get slapped, or what?
SPEAKER_00: We want to get slapped?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: No, I don't want to get slapped.
SPEAKER_00: You ever heard Sandy Man, the band?
SPEAKER_00: Sandy Man.
SPEAKER_00: Can't say I have.
SPEAKER_00: Huh.
SPEAKER_00: I tell you, well, why don't you take my platinum card number and just get things running a little bit for me?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, just, well, we need to have the card present.
SPEAKER_00: Guys looking to get slapped, or?
SPEAKER_00: Well, we need to have the card present.
SPEAKER_00: What, my, do you want my stripe?
SPEAKER_00: I don't know what you're talking about, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, I'm ready to give you my digits and my stripe.
SPEAKER_00: My credits.
SPEAKER_00: I understand, but I need to have a card present.
SPEAKER_00: Unlimited. Credit access.
SPEAKER_00: And in my stripe, in your establishment, with my rhyme.
SPEAKER_00: Okay. Comprendé?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I understand, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, really?
SPEAKER_00: I'm really busy, so...
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you MapQuest, how to get here, and then we can work it out?
SPEAKER_00: MapQuest will get to where?
SPEAKER_00: To my location.
SPEAKER_00: Bro?
SPEAKER_00: You know what, buddy?
SPEAKER_00: I'm really busy, dude.
SPEAKER_00: I have ten of you.
SPEAKER_00: All right?
SPEAKER_00: Well, how?
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you tell me directions to get there, then?
SPEAKER_00: No, you know what, buddy?
SPEAKER_00: Lose my number.
SPEAKER_00: Lose my number.
SPEAKER_00: Stop calling me.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Howdy? Sandy.
SPEAKER_00: What's...
SPEAKER_00: What's shaking?
SPEAKER_00: I'm busy, dude, okay?
SPEAKER_00: What's shaking?
SPEAKER_00: I'm busy, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: Stop calling me.
SPEAKER_00: Going to butt slap or what?
SPEAKER_00: I'm serious. I'm telling you, I'm gonna call my buddies,
SPEAKER_00: I'm gonna have Tracy's call,
SPEAKER_00: and I'm gonna find out who you are.
SPEAKER_00: So do me a favor.
SPEAKER_00: Give yourself a favor.
SPEAKER_00: Lose my number, don't call me.
SPEAKER_00: You want to do a little butt slapping tonight?
SPEAKER_00: Listen to me.
SPEAKER_00: Listen to me.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, this is very important that you pay attention.
SPEAKER_00: I'm not fucking with you and I don't have the patience for this shit, okay?
SPEAKER_00: You need to cut this bullshit off.
SPEAKER_00: You're the one playing games, my friend.
SPEAKER_00: You're the one playing games, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: You're the one calling me.
SPEAKER_00: Lose my fucking number.
SPEAKER_00: Do you want to meet up with my vice grips or what?
SPEAKER_00: You know what?
SPEAKER_00: I have six cops sitting on my fucking bar.
SPEAKER_00: Would you like to talk to one of them?
SPEAKER_00: All right, then shut the fuck up and stop calling me.
SPEAKER_00: I'm losing my car.
SPEAKER_00: fucking patient with you.
SPEAKER_00: I got a vice script.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to bring in there.
SPEAKER_00: Do you understand that I was a DEA agent?
SPEAKER_00: And I worked for the fence.
SPEAKER_00: So you're calling the wrong fucking number, dude.
SPEAKER_00: You're calling me?
SPEAKER_00: Listen to me.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, shithead.
SPEAKER_00: Lose my fucking number, you dumb fuck.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to call in some favors and bring a vice
SPEAKER_00: script in there.
SPEAKER_00: Take your fucking medicine.
SPEAKER_00: We'll take your medicine, all right.
SPEAKER_00: You dumb fuck.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to take you to trial, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: You're a fucking loony and lose my number,
SPEAKER_00: you dumb shit.
SPEAKER_00: Fucking idiot.
SPEAKER_00: Take you to a jury trial.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you.