Longmont Potion Castle 8 (2011)

Track 4: Retro Hang Glider
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SPEAKER_01: Hello. Yes, this is Mr. Freibus. I'm a retro-style hang glider, and I need some photographs taken.
SPEAKER_01: What was your name? Mr. Freibus.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, Jesus. What now, dude? You're Mr. Freibis now. What happened to was Jacques? You were Jacques last time, and before that you were something else.
SPEAKER_01: Who's this?
SPEAKER_00: Dude, I'm really over this shit. I'm sick of it. You can take your rock a bit.
SPEAKER_00: skydiving ass off a fucking cliff, okay? Leave me the fuck alone.
SPEAKER_01: I just need some snapshots taken. Prano.
SPEAKER_00: I don't take snapshots, get there.
SPEAKER_01: Well, I hang glide and I want some photos taken. And I'm retro. So, deal with that.
SPEAKER_01: Deal with it? Is that what you just said? Deal with it? Yeah. Just take the snapshots and we'll be done.
SPEAKER_00: Who are you, dude? What do you want with me? Do you know me?
SPEAKER_00: Is there something I did to you? Is there something you need for me?
SPEAKER_00: I don't understand why you keep choosing me.
SPEAKER_00: Or do you have a roster of fucking people you call and prank?
SPEAKER_00: I mean, I don't understand. Are you getting off?
SPEAKER_00: Is you dick in your hand right now? Are you stroking yourself while you're talking to me?
SPEAKER_00: Are you gay? Are you looking for some kind of homosexual relationship?
SPEAKER_00: What is the point of this? Are you stalking me? Are you going to kill me?
SPEAKER_00: Come fucking do it already, dude. Stop fucking calling me. I really don't need to hear from you.
SPEAKER_00: I could have easily blocked your stupid number, but I didn't.
SPEAKER_00: Because I've got this weird curiosity.
SPEAKER_00: I'm what the fuck you are.
SPEAKER_01: I'm Mr. Freibus.
SPEAKER_00: You're Mr. Freibus.
SPEAKER_01: I am a hang glider, and I'm got a retro style,
SPEAKER_01: and I want some photographs.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you, Michael, please.
SPEAKER_00: I gotta go fucking pick the dude's ass out front.
SPEAKER_00: All right, dude. I want to meet you out front right now.
SPEAKER_00: Come meet me right now.
SPEAKER_00: Get your ass outside. Now, bitch.
SPEAKER_00: Come on. I'll snap shut your ass right now.
SPEAKER_00: now.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: Step outside.
SPEAKER_01: I'll be there.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah. Where are you?
SPEAKER_01: I'm in Monrovia right now.
SPEAKER_00: Where do you think I am right now?
SPEAKER_01: You're going to be in a world of hurt.
SPEAKER_00: Before I get into this world of hurts, where am I right now?
SPEAKER_01: I don't know. What are you talking about?
SPEAKER_00: What are you talking about? Mr. Seavish, whatever the fuck your name is?
SPEAKER_01: Mr. Freibis.
SPEAKER_00: All right, Mr. Freibis. What is your address?
SPEAKER_01: It's 414 Mammoth court.
SPEAKER_00: There's no Mammoth court in Monrovia.
SPEAKER_00: You're pissing.
SPEAKER_01: You're pissing me off.
SPEAKER_00: I'm pissing you off? Really? Did I call you?
SPEAKER_01: Probably.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, probably. All right. Well, I'm glad I'm pissing you off because you are making my day.
SPEAKER_00: I'm a happy camper. Speaking to my good friend, Mr. Feetish.
SPEAKER_01: Why are you so happy?
SPEAKER_00: Because you just bring joy for me.
SPEAKER_00: Mr. Freibish, what is my name?
SPEAKER_01: I don't know.
SPEAKER_00: You don't know. Where did you get my number?
SPEAKER_01: I saw it on a wall and there was, it said you took photos.
SPEAKER_00: But tell me where? What wall did you find my number on?
SPEAKER_01: I got a retro style. I hang glide.
SPEAKER_01: And I need pro shots taken, period.
SPEAKER_01: End a sentence.
SPEAKER_00: I'll do it all, but you got to answer my questions first.
SPEAKER_00: I have an interview process.
SPEAKER_00: If you don't want to answer these questions,
SPEAKER_00: then you can go ahead and jump off any fucking plane you want.
SPEAKER_00: Answer my fucking question.
SPEAKER_00: Where did you get my number?
SPEAKER_01: In Monrovia.
SPEAKER_00: My number is not in Monrovia.
SPEAKER_00: I've never been in Monrovia.
SPEAKER_00: Come on.
SPEAKER_00: Tell me, what wall did you get my number on?
SPEAKER_00: That's what you said last time, by the way.
SPEAKER_00: You didn't say, Mom Love Ya.
SPEAKER_00: You said a different area.
SPEAKER_00: Where did you get my number?
SPEAKER_01: I don't know if you're running like a cloak and dagger kind of operation
SPEAKER_01: or what you're doing.
SPEAKER_00: That's exactly what I'm doing. I work for President Bush. I run a close-in-dagger situation here.
SPEAKER_00: I work for the Opus Day and the skull and bow. That's who I work for.
SPEAKER_00: So you still want to fuck with me now, dude?
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you take my number and lose it?
SPEAKER_01: Why don't you shove it?
SPEAKER_00: I'd love to shove it. I'd love to shove it.
SPEAKER_00: In fact, I shove it best. That's what I fucking do best. Can you lose my number?
SPEAKER_01: Dude, just take the pictures already.
SPEAKER_01: Dude, leave me the fuck alone.