Longmont Potion Castle 11 (2014)

Track 12: Profiterole Frittata
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SPEAKER_00: Hello, Gish on the grill.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I came in there and I had some barbecued chicken.
SPEAKER_03: And this stuff just tasted sulfuric.
SPEAKER_03: You know, one of those sulfur bass that you get into, this stuff was real strange, so...
SPEAKER_00: Did you order it just recently?
SPEAKER_03: Yes, I did, miss.
SPEAKER_00: All right, let me check through the recipes, hold on.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, it was bizarre.
SPEAKER_03: So, you know, what I'd really like is like a proffoderal frittata.
SPEAKER_03: You guys come up with something like that, and I'm happy to let the whole thing go.
SPEAKER_03: You know what I mean?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I don't know.
SPEAKER_00: what that is. I don't know what you're saying.
SPEAKER_03: Well, why don't you try listening up? I had a weird experience in there.
SPEAKER_00: Yes, I hear that. I'm looking for the order in the computer so I can reprint the receipt.
SPEAKER_03: I've got the receipt.
SPEAKER_00: Sorry, you ordered it today?
SPEAKER_03: No, I didn't.
SPEAKER_00: Well, how am I supposed to know when you ordered it if you're not giving me any information?
SPEAKER_00: You just said you ordered it. You didn't tell me when.
SPEAKER_03: You didn't ask. It was like somebody snuck up and put a match into my chicken. You know what I'm saying?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I watched the cooks. They don't like.
SPEAKER_00: matches in the food.
SPEAKER_03: It could have fooled me.
SPEAKER_03: Why don't you just cook me a perfideral frittata to go and I'll just forgive the whole mess, okay?
SPEAKER_03: I would have to talk to the owner about it. Oh, I talked to the owner. He said to just give a
SPEAKER_03: call in and that you'd cook up what I need. Okay, but we don't have that frittata, whatever you're
SPEAKER_00: saying. Profideral. You're saying that you want a frittata. We don't have that.
SPEAKER_03: It's made out of perfideral. It's real, real good. Yes, but we don't have the ingredients. We don't
SPEAKER_00: have that. You can only order what we have from the menu.
SPEAKER_03: I need this tonight for dinner.
SPEAKER_00: You need to stop at the prank call. Seriously. I'm trying to work.
SPEAKER_03: I need a frittata made two night.
SPEAKER_00: I don't have time to your bullshit. Stop calling.
SPEAKER_03: It's just a frittata for freaks sake.
SPEAKER_00: Stop calling. I'm tired of the prank calls.
SPEAKER_03: Just quit playing games and give me a dollar amount and I'll pay it.
SPEAKER_00: You stop playing games. Stop fucking calling.
SPEAKER_03: John is speaking.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah. I'm calling from Fish on the Grill.
SPEAKER_03: My boss here, Lauren, says that we needed to get some profferal, and I wonder, because we don't serve that.
SPEAKER_03: I was wondering if there's any chance we can purchase some from you this once.
SPEAKER_03: Well, for how many people?
SPEAKER_03: About 12 people we have coming through. It would be Monday.
SPEAKER_01: So, 12 people, we're looking at 2.45 a proportion, right?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, about that.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, because you don't want to do more, I don't want to do less.
SPEAKER_01: Are you going to be serving them?
SPEAKER_01: the plate? Yes.
SPEAKER_01: Then you're going to need five for each. And 12 people here, no problem, yes.
SPEAKER_03: Can you do me a favor and just talk to my boss, Lauren, and just tell her how we can work this out.
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_03: I'll put you through here.
SPEAKER_03: Thank you.
SPEAKER_00: Hello, this on the ground.
SPEAKER_01: Yes, I may speak to Lauren, please?
SPEAKER_00: Not here right now.
SPEAKER_01: Excuse me?
SPEAKER_00: Not here.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Somebody from your company called me because you guys want to purchase for Monday about 12 portion of profiterol.
SPEAKER_01: I'm calling from Janis B. from San Ramon.
SPEAKER_01: And they put me to speak to Lauren, so I don't know.
SPEAKER_01: Are we going to go about?
SPEAKER_00: I have no idea what any of that is.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Are you a manager?
SPEAKER_00: No, I'm not.
SPEAKER_01: Can I speak to a manager, please?
SPEAKER_00: They're not in right now.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Let me give you.
SPEAKER_01: the phone number to call, please.
SPEAKER_01: Tell me when you're ready?
SPEAKER_00: I don't know.
SPEAKER_00: What is this about?
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Let me repeat myself.
SPEAKER_01: A gentleman that works with you,
SPEAKER_01: but obviously he was calling from the headquarters, from the office,
SPEAKER_01: call me, and they said that you guys,
SPEAKER_01: fish on fire,
SPEAKER_01: need a 12 portion of profiteals for Monday.
SPEAKER_01: So that's why he said,
SPEAKER_01: let me.
SPEAKER_01: put you through Lauren
SPEAKER_01: so you can talk to her.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I don't know anything about
SPEAKER_00: that. There's only three people that work here
SPEAKER_00: and there's only women. We don't,
SPEAKER_00: no one else works here.
SPEAKER_01: I was talking to this gentleman, and it put
SPEAKER_01: me through directly
SPEAKER_01: to your phone number without
SPEAKER_00: dialing. I don't know who it was.
SPEAKER_00: Maybe it was a prank call.
SPEAKER_00: Yesterday, I got a bunch of prank calls.
SPEAKER_00: Maybe that's who called you.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, but the guy knew
SPEAKER_01: the name of Lauren.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, that was probably the prank call.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, anyway, my name is Gianni.
SPEAKER_01: I'm calling from Gianni's Bistro.
SPEAKER_01: Is Lauren is going to come in today?
SPEAKER_00: For what?
SPEAKER_01: Is she coming in or not?
SPEAKER_01: Who?
SPEAKER_01: Lauren.
SPEAKER_00: Yes, but for what?
SPEAKER_00: I don't even know.
SPEAKER_01: Well, I need to speak to her,
SPEAKER_01: I mean, because perhaps it's important.
SPEAKER_01: Can you do this?
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Yes, sir?
SPEAKER_01: Yes.
SPEAKER_01: Hi, who is this?
SPEAKER_03: Oh, I'm sorry.
SPEAKER_03: I'm calling from Fish on the Grill here.
SPEAKER_01: What's your name?
SPEAKER_03: My name is Idalia.
SPEAKER_01: Idalia.
SPEAKER_01: My name is Johnny.
SPEAKER_01: I'm calling from Johnny's Bistro in Faramon.
SPEAKER_01: I told today your call again, she said she doesn't know what I'm talking about.
SPEAKER_03: Sorry about that.
SPEAKER_03: Let me try one more time.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, sure, go ahead.
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Yes, hello.
SPEAKER_01: Am I speaking to Laurel?
SPEAKER_00: No, I don't know what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, this is kind of awkward.
SPEAKER_01: strange. When you switch over to somebody,
SPEAKER_01: Idalia, his name is. Who's Idalia?
SPEAKER_00: She's working.
SPEAKER_01: Well, that's this. He just switched me over to speak to Lauren because she's in, he told me.
SPEAKER_00: Okay. What do you want?
SPEAKER_01: I want to speak to Lauren, to Lauren.
SPEAKER_00: All right, I hear you.
SPEAKER_00: For what? What do you need? Talk to her.
SPEAKER_01: No, no, no, no, no. I'm not going to, I'm not going to.
SPEAKER_01: I'm not going to keep calling you guys, because, you know, you guys called me.
SPEAKER_01: I didn't call you.
SPEAKER_01: Adalia keeps switching.
SPEAKER_01: We're not calling you.
SPEAKER_01: Yes, she did.
SPEAKER_01: Twice.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, shit.
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Hello there, sir.
SPEAKER_01: Adalia, listen up, okay?
SPEAKER_00: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_01: This girl, you keep switching on to her, and she said to me what I want.
SPEAKER_03: She said, what do you want?
SPEAKER_01: Yes.
SPEAKER_01: I keep explain myself that you need something from me,
SPEAKER_01: And now, when you switch the phone over to another section, this young lady picks up, and she said, what I want.
SPEAKER_01: You tell this lady that pick up the phone, not to be so rude.
SPEAKER_01: Go ahead.
SPEAKER_02: You got to finish the center of police department at the state.
SPEAKER_02: How am I hope here?
SPEAKER_03: Hi, yeah, I've been having trouble with my telephone.
SPEAKER_03: Telephone?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I have a restaurant.
SPEAKER_03: Is there any way you just call me back and see if my phone even works?
SPEAKER_02: Well, I guess you're giving it a try.
SPEAKER_02: But what are you at, sir?
SPEAKER_03: Right here, San Ramon.
SPEAKER_03: Fish on the grill.
SPEAKER_03: Restaurant.
SPEAKER_02: No, a second.
SPEAKER_02: A second.
SPEAKER_02: Let me get a different pencil.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Yes, sir.
None: Yeah.
None: I just got stopped by the supervisor.
SPEAKER_02: I just checked with it and they said, you'll have to contact AT&T.
SPEAKER_02: We can't do a thing for you.
SPEAKER_02: I got stopped by the supervisor.
SPEAKER_03: Give it another try, and I'll just see what happens, okay?
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: You can try.
SPEAKER_02: I cannot, sir.
SPEAKER_02: I'm very, very busy.
SPEAKER_02: We've got other people coming in here to the police department.
SPEAKER_02: We've got up to being phone calls, but they said you will have to work with AT&T on it.
SPEAKER_03: That'll work.
SPEAKER_03: Thank you.
SPEAKER_03: Goodbye.