Longmont Potion Castle 16 (2019)

Longmont Potion Castle 16

Track 16: Producers Buttress 2

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  • SPEAKER_01: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_01: Hey, Christian.
  • SPEAKER_01: This is Christian. Who is this?
  • SPEAKER_00: This is Barney, Colin. How are you doing today?
  • SPEAKER_01: Hi there. How you doing?
  • SPEAKER_00: Yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, hey, I need to talk to you a little bit about some equipment here.
  • SPEAKER_00: We've got a couple problems up here.
  • SPEAKER_01: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_00: Specifically, I think you picked up a couple of my pieces of equipment, and I have yet to get them back.
  • SPEAKER_01: I'm actually not sure what this is pertaining to.
  • SPEAKER_01: You're saying this is Barney?
  • SPEAKER_00: That's what I'm saying.
  • SPEAKER_01: Okay, what is the equipment you're referring to?
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, I've got a non-agonical harness,
  • SPEAKER_00: and I've got a hydraulic buttress and a number of rotors that are all gone now.
  • SPEAKER_00: You picked them up inadvertently and took them as what you did.
  • SPEAKER_01: What is this in context, though, sir?
  • SPEAKER_00: I got your number from Luigi up at UEG.
  • SPEAKER_01: I got to be honest, I don't know what the context of.
  • SPEAKER_01: this is at all. Where are you talking about me supposed to pick this stuff up?
  • SPEAKER_00: See, that doesn't surprise me. I've lived nine years in the business, my friend.
  • SPEAKER_00: So I understand that you don't know the technicality of what I'm talking about here,
  • SPEAKER_00: but I just want to get my items back with a clean code of WD40 at this point,
  • SPEAKER_00: atop everything. You got me there? Christian.
  • SPEAKER_01: Who? Who? I don't even know what this is in reference to. I don't, what business is as part of.
  • SPEAKER_01: I'm a tech director. I do directing. I do directing.
  • SPEAKER_01: I'm not sure what you're asking me about.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't know who Luigi is.
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, see, that's what I mean.
  • SPEAKER_00: You just didn't know what you were doing.
  • SPEAKER_00: You didn't know what you were looking at.
  • SPEAKER_00: He thought it was something else.
  • SPEAKER_00: You know, you don't understand the technicality in that aspect of it and that facet of it.
  • SPEAKER_00: So if I can get my belongings back, I won't need to go to the union and file a grievance.
  • SPEAKER_01: Well, I understand what you're saying, but I don't even know where the shoot you're referring to is.
  • SPEAKER_01: Like, where would this stuff have been that I would have taken it?
  • SPEAKER_00: If you're not familiar with that side of the business, I put nine and a half
  • SPEAKER_00: years in the business, my friend.
  • SPEAKER_01: Okay, you can go ahead and file a grievance.
  • SPEAKER_01: I'm not sure what this is in reference to or who this is part of.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't have time for this today.
  • SPEAKER_01: I have to go and do my business.
  • SPEAKER_01: So I'm going to hang up now.
  • SPEAKER_00: I've got 10 years in the business, my friend.
  • SPEAKER_01: That's great.
  • SPEAKER_01: I do too.
  • SPEAKER_01: Thank you very much, sir.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't know where this is referenced to.
  • SPEAKER_00: Oh, you do?
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, I'll tell you exactly what it's in reference to.
  • SPEAKER_00: It's in reference to my buttress, my harness.
  • SPEAKER_01: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_00: Christian.
  • SPEAKER_01: Speaking.
  • SPEAKER_00: Listen, guys, let me get my harness up there real freaking quick, okay?
  • SPEAKER_01: Where do you think your harness is?
  • SPEAKER_01: Like, where would this have been?
  • SPEAKER_01: What shooter you're referring to?
  • SPEAKER_00: Oh, my buttress, my harness, my rotors, they're all missing.
  • SPEAKER_00: On account of what you're done.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't know anything about this.
  • SPEAKER_01: I haven't done anything.
  • SPEAKER_01: I would appreciate to know what this is in context to.
  • SPEAKER_00: You want to sit down with my union steward, or what do you want me to do up there?
  • SPEAKER_01: Where would this stuff supposedly be, sir?
  • SPEAKER_00: It's supposed to be in my possession on my toe.
  • SPEAKER_00: tool belt right now. My name's Barney Blaha. I'm a local too, and I need to know what's going on
  • SPEAKER_01: around. Barney Blaha. Okay. Well, I don't know where those are. I wouldn't know anything about it,
  • SPEAKER_01: but I am at work, and I'm going to have to go talk to some people. So, if you want, you can go ahead
  • SPEAKER_01: and contact your union rep, and we'll take care of it that way.
  • SPEAKER_01: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_01: Hi. Yes, what can I do for you?
  • SPEAKER_01: Someone transferred you to me.
  • SPEAKER_01: About a safety harness? No?
  • SPEAKER_01: No. Actually, let me ask you this. I was getting a phone call this morning about some sort of a safety harness issue.
  • SPEAKER_01: What business is this? Who am I speaking to right now?
  • SPEAKER_01: This is Keoti.
  • SPEAKER_01: Keoti?
  • SPEAKER_01: What kind of phone call?
  • SPEAKER_01: I was getting a phone call from someone that they were asking me about a harness and a rotor and something else.
  • SPEAKER_01: Since you're saying that I was transferred to you and I didn't initiate this phone call,
  • SPEAKER_01: can I just ask, where is this call from? Like, who am I speaking to?
  • SPEAKER_01: what is the business?
  • SPEAKER_03: This is Keote production supplies, but I have no idea who I spoke to on the phone before you.
  • SPEAKER_03: They made it sound like you were their client interested in a safety harness and then transferred you to me.
  • SPEAKER_01: No, okay. I understand. You're probably in the dark, too.
  • SPEAKER_01: Okay, cool. I've been getting a phone call this morning. Someone was claiming that I had taken some of their equipment,
  • SPEAKER_01: and they wouldn't tell me what shoot or anything it was connected with. So, all right.
  • SPEAKER_01: Well, I am sorry to have bothered you today.
  • SPEAKER_01: as it's been happening to me.
  • SPEAKER_03: Not at all, man.
  • SPEAKER_01: But, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_01: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_01: The guy who called me claimed he was Barney.
  • SPEAKER_01: I didn't initiate the call.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't know how they linked me through here.
  • SPEAKER_01: No problem.
  • SPEAKER_01: Um, does it Gloria Duterte,
  • SPEAKER_01: is that mean anything to you?
  • SPEAKER_02: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_02: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_01: No.
  • SPEAKER_01: What was the name you just said?
  • SPEAKER_01: Uh, Gloria, and then the last name is D-U-A-R-T-E.
  • SPEAKER_01: Duarte.
  • SPEAKER_01: Duerte? Uh, no, I don't know.
  • SPEAKER_01: Uh, do you know how?
  • SPEAKER_01: she was connected with it?
  • SPEAKER_01: No.
  • SPEAKER_04: Well, um.
  • SPEAKER_01: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_01: Super weird, man.
  • SPEAKER_01: It just occurred.
  • SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_01: What?
  • SPEAKER_01: There's another voice on the line now?
  • SPEAKER_01: What's going on?
  • SPEAKER_01: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_03: What is going on?
  • SPEAKER_01: Uh, I have no idea what this is.
  • SPEAKER_01: I'm going to hang up.
  • SPEAKER_02: It wasn't.
  • SPEAKER_02: Thank you very much for your time.
  • SPEAKER_05: It wasn't.
  • SPEAKER_02: It wasn't.
  • SPEAKER_02: It wasn't at my instruction or behest.
  • SPEAKER_02: Who is this?
  • SPEAKER_04: Well, um, I am the embodiment.
  • SPEAKER_04: the embodiment of God. I am divinity and humanity combined.
  • SPEAKER_03: You got the wrong number, pal.
  • SPEAKER_04: No.
  • SPEAKER_05: No.
  • SPEAKER_05: It wasn't.
  • SPEAKER_05: It wasn't.
  • SPEAKER_05: It is a defining moment and God's people are going to be vindicated and the world is going to be judged.
  • SPEAKER_05: It's final.
  • SPEAKER_05: You can take that to the bank.