Best Before '24 (2024)

Track 1: Post-A-Cappella
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Speaker 11: Low vinyl ball records.
LPC: Hi, I was looking for a 45.
Speaker 11: Okay, which one?
LPC: It goes, boo, boo, boo, dick it's a boo, boo, dick it.
LPC: It's like boo, boo, dick it.
LPC: Boo, dick it's a boo.
Speaker 11: Is that what it's like?
LPC: I think it's like an indie klezmer.
LPC: Yeah.
Speaker 11: I have no idea what that would be.
LPC: It goes, boo, boo, boo, dick it.
LPC: It goes, boo, boo, dig it.
LPC: Diggit.
LPC: Boo, dick, dick, it's like, boo, boo.
Speaker 04: It's like, boo, boo.
Speaker 11: That's some funny shit.
LPC: I think it's by Flavio Momo.
Speaker 11: Flasio Momo?
LPC: Yes.
Speaker 11: Boom, doom, dig it.
Speaker 11: I don't think I have that.
Speaker 11: I'm sorry, man.
LPC: It goes, boo, boo, boo, dick it.
Speaker 11: I see that.
LPC: It's a boo, boo, boo, do you remember this one?
Speaker 03: I'm literally teaching my boys how to ride a bike right now, so anyways, thanks.
LPC: Hi, I was looking for a maxi single.
LPC: I wanted to get on 7 inch or 12 inch?
Speaker 04: Yeah, I got a 14 inch.
LPC: Hi, I was looking for a maxi single I was hoping to get.
Speaker 05: Go on.
LPC: It's not one that goes boo-boo-boo-dick-it.
LPC: A boo-dick-it, it's like boo-boo-boo-dick-it.
LPC: A boo-dick-it. It's like boo-boo-boo-d-dick-it.
LPC: I think it's by Burt Flickett.
Speaker 05: That would make sense.
LPC: I got a money order on it.
LPC: Record store?
Speaker 99: Yes.
LPC: Oh, hi.
LPC: I was looking for a single.
LPC: It's that song that's like, boo-bo-boo-boo-dick-it.
LPC: It's like, boo-bo-dick-it.
LPC: It's like, boo-bo-dick-it.
LPC: Bo-dick it. It's like boo-bo-boo.
LPC: You remember this song?
Speaker 99: I'm only 20 years old.
Speaker 99: What I would propose is for you to call Euclid Records,
Speaker 99: because we don't have inventory done that well over here.
Speaker 08: So I would try Euclid.
Speaker 99: Euclid's open later than us, because we would.
Speaker 99: We're closed.
Speaker 11: Euclid Records?
Speaker 99: Yeah, Euclid Records.
Speaker 11: I'm sorry, I can't hear you.
Speaker 99: Euclid Records?
Speaker 11: Yes.
Speaker 99: E-U-C-L-I-D Records.
Speaker 11: What are you looking for?
Speaker 11: How can I help you?
Speaker 07: Oh.
Speaker 07: Sorry.
Speaker 07: I didn't mean to call you.
Speaker 11: Okay.
Speaker 06: No problem.
Speaker 07: Sincher's in Christ.
LPC: Hi, I was looking for a maxi single that I was hoping to pick up.
Speaker 10: Yeah, what are you looking for?
LPC: What's that song that's like, boo-bo-bo-dick-it?
LPC: A boo-dick-it, it's like, boo-bo-d-d-d-dick-it.
LPC: A boo-d-d-d-dick-it, it's like boo-bo-bo.
Speaker 10: I'm going to need more of a title or something like that.
LPC: It's called Boo-bo-boo-dick-it.
Speaker 10: Oh, okay.
LPC: They're like an alternative reggaeton band.
Speaker 10: Yeah, let me just try and find the title.
Speaker 10: Are you hearing weird sound of act?
LPC: No, I'm in a phone
LPC: booth right now.
Speaker 10: Okay.
Speaker 10: One sec.
LPC: Hi, a record store?
Speaker 09: Yep.
LPC: Hi, I was looking for a single that I was hoping to buy.
Speaker 09: And what might that be?
LPC: It's that one that's like boo-bo-boo-boo-dick-dick-it.
LPC: It's like boo-bo-bo-dick-dick-it. It's like boo-bo-bo-dick-dick-it.
LPC: A boo-dick-dick-d-d-d-it. It's like boo-bo-d-d-d-d-d-d-d--------------------------.
Speaker 06: I can't say I'm familiar with that one.
LPC: They're like a post-accapella-type project.
Speaker 06: Uh-huh.
LPC: It's called Boo-boo-boo-dicket.
Speaker 06: Yeah.
LPC: I believe it's performed by Neil Rivet.
Speaker 06: Mm-hmm.
LPC: And it's like, boo-bo-dicket.
LPC: It's like, boo-bo-dicket. It's like, boo-bo-dicket.
LPC: It's like, boo-bo-dick-it. It's like, boo-bo-bo-dick-it.
LPC: You remember this?
Speaker 02: I'm afraid not. It sounds cool, though.
LPC: It's like, boo-bo-bo-dick-dick-it.
LPC: A boo-dick-d-d-d-d-d-a-a-bo-d-d-d-dick-it.
Speaker 00: A-bo-d-d-d-d-a-bo-d-d-d-d-d-a-bo-d-d-d-d
Speaker 00: Um...
Speaker 09: I'm afraid...
Speaker 09: Oh, goodness.
Speaker 09: Oh, my goodness.
Speaker 03: Ragged Records.
LPC: Hi, I was looking for a maxi single that I was hoping to get.
Speaker 03: Okay, what are you looking for?
LPC: It's that song, it's like, boo-boo-boo-dick it.
LPC: Bo-dick it's like, boo-boo-dick it.
LPC: It's like, boo-bo-dick it.
LPC: Bo-d-d-dick it's like, boo.
LPC: It's like a blackened jug-band kind of song.
Speaker 04: Sounds interesting.
LPC: I think it's by Bert Flickett.
Speaker 04: You know, let me look that up.
Speaker 04: Nope, I don't see it.
Speaker 04: Tell me again, how does it go?
Speaker 04: Boom, Boom, Dick it.
Speaker 04: A boom-dig-it?
Speaker 04: Or, wait, was that a...
LPC: It's like, boo-boo-boo-dick-it.
LPC: It's like, boo-bo-boo-dick-it.
LPC: It's like, boo-boo-dick-it.
LPC: A boo-dick-it. It's like, boo.
Speaker 04: Bo-boo-boo-dick-it?
Speaker 04: Oh, okay.
Speaker 04: I had it wrong.
Speaker 04: Well, it sounds like you're going to need to bring your ID
Speaker 04: because it sounds like something that's parental advisory, explicit lyrics, then.
LPC: Oh, no.
LPC: I'm pretty sure they're from the nation's midsection, so...
Speaker 12: Okay.
Speaker 12: Modern Sounds.
Speaker 12: Hi, sorry about the whole.
Speaker 12: What can I do for you?
Speaker 12: Modern Sounds?
Speaker 12: Modern sounds?
Speaker 02: Yes.
Speaker 12: You're looking for CD or vinyl?
Speaker 02: Vinyl.
Speaker 12: And is that the name of the group?
Speaker 02: Out of Vinyl records, this is Bill.
Speaker 12: I'm sorry, what was that?
Speaker 02: Out of Vinyl records.
Speaker 12: Hello, sorry.
Speaker 12: You're looking for modern sounds on vinyl.
Speaker 02: That's what you're looking for?
Speaker 12: Is that what you're looking for?
Speaker 02: This is a record store.
Speaker 12: Correct.
Speaker 02: Thank you for
Speaker 02: calling the Record Exchange.
Speaker 02: Idaho's largest
Speaker 02: independent record store.
Speaker 02: What was that?
Speaker 12: I don't know.
Speaker 12: Wait.
Speaker 12: Are you at a record store right now?
Speaker 12: Because this is the long-year record store.
Speaker 02: Long-year record store?
Speaker 02: Oh, how bizarre.
Speaker 02: And you were calling Idaho Vinyl Record Store?
Speaker 12: No, no, my man.
Speaker 12: You called me.
Speaker 02: No, actually, that is so weird.
Speaker 02: You just called me and then the record exchange out of Boise piped in.
Speaker 02: I wonder what is going on in this technical
Speaker 02: world. That was so weird.
Speaker 02: I heard John over there
Speaker 02: record exchange over there
Speaker 02: and Boise pipe on there for a minute.
Speaker 02: And I'm over in Caldwell, Idaho
Speaker 02: at Idaho Vinylo Records.
Speaker 02: And you're in Coeur d'Alene and another one.
Speaker 02: It's like, wow.
Speaker 02: Wow, you hear that?
Speaker 02: Somebody else is online now.
Speaker 02: This is Kirk from
Speaker 02: Spin Record Boise.
Speaker 02: Wow, that is so weird.
Speaker 02: Somehow, some way, the
Speaker 02: phone world hooked us all up to have
Speaker 02: a chat. That's so bizarre.
Speaker 02: and I don't know what's going on.
Speaker 02: It's so weird.
Speaker 02: I'm telling you what, this is one that I'll remember.
Speaker 02: Monarch Records.
LPC: Hi, I was looking for a maxi single that I was hoping to buy.
LPC: It's that song that's like, boo, boo, boo, boo, dig it.
LPC: A boo, dig it is a dick it.
LPC: A boo.
LPC: A boondoo.
LPC: A boondick it is.
LPC: A boondick it is.
LPC: A boondick it is.
LPC: I'm a boondiard as a big it.
LPC: A boon.
LPC: A boobo do it as I do get it.
Speaker 09: Hello?
LPC: Yeah.
Speaker 09: This is a really trippy phone call, man.
LPC: What do you need for me?
LPC: A money order?
LPC: so we can special order it, or?
Speaker 09: I'm still unsure of what you're looking for.
LPC: I think it's by Bert Flickett.
Speaker 09: Okay.
Speaker 09: Right.
LPC: It's like, boo, boo, boo, dick it.
LPC: A boo, do you disub, dic it, a bo, dic you disabdick it.
LPC: A boo, dig it, dig it, a bo, dig it, a bo, dig it, a bo, dick you, disabdick it.
LPC: Because I tried calling here earlier, you know, but then I looked at the time.
LPC: It was 7:15, eh?
LPC: I ain't getting through with 7:15.
Speaker 05: Louisiana Music Factory.
LPC: I was looking for a single I was hoping to buy.
Speaker 05: What single are you looking for?
Speaker 05: We don't carry current singles anymore.
LPC: That's the name of the song, Boo-boo-boo-dick-dick-it.
Speaker 05: No, no, I don't think so.
LPC: You know?
LPC: Hello?
Speaker 06: Hello?
LPC: Hi.
Speaker 06: Sorry, I just talked to someone else in the line.
LPC: Oh, do you need to take that call, or?
Speaker 06: No, it sounds like they're talking, I'm so confused right now.
Speaker 06: I was so sorry.
LPC: No, the song is called Boo Boo Dickett on that one.
Speaker 06: Yeah.
Speaker 06: Do you know the artist?
LPC: I think it's by Robert Cure of the Smiths.
Speaker 06: Robert Cure of the Smiths?
LPC: Yeah.
Speaker 06: You're not talking about Robert Smith of the Cure.
LPC: Well, yeah, it's not one that's like, boo, boo-boo-dickett.
LPC: I'm so sorry.
Speaker 06: I don't think that we have it, unfortunately.
Speaker 05: Louisiana Music Factory.
Speaker 06: But maybe I would try Peaches?
Speaker 11: So you're looking for an artist named Bert Flickett.
Speaker 11: Is that what I hear?
Speaker 11: Is this a joke?
Speaker 11: Okay.
Speaker 11: I have work to do.
Speaker 11: Thank you.
Speaker 11: Royal Records.
LPC: Hi, I was looking for that single.
LPC: Did you guys ever find that?
Speaker 11: What was the artist again?
LPC: Brad Divit.
Speaker 11: Okay, you said, Burke Flickett last time.
Speaker 11: So, sir, right now what you're doing is breaking the law.
Speaker 11: So stop it.