Longmont Potion Castle 20 (2023)

Track 10: Pig Metal
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SPEAKER_02: Good afternoon. That's Joe.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, hi. This is Jim, Colin. How are you doing?
SPEAKER_02: Good.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, good.
SPEAKER_00: So, yeah, Joe, I got a bunch of pot metal from Alcapulco,
SPEAKER_00: and I'm trying to forge a bunch of bakeware here in my foundry,
SPEAKER_00: and I'm thinking of getting into an alloy of some kind instead.
SPEAKER_00: Do you guys maybe have any pig iron available that I could purchase?
SPEAKER_02: I really don't have, yeah, I really don't have anything like that.
SPEAKER_02: Everything we carry is pretty much structural.
SPEAKER_02: So all the shapes and the sheets and the plates and angles and channels and flat bar and that kind of stuff.
SPEAKER_00: Well, yeah, that's what I mean.
SPEAKER_00: I'd like to gild the fulcrum.
SPEAKER_00: So maybe could I add some nickel to it?
SPEAKER_00: Something along those lines?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I guess you could.
SPEAKER_00: I'm tempering my scrubs.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, that's okay. That's okay. That's okay. I'm tempering my scrap currently, and I typically
SPEAKER_00: galvanized my pipe in my furnace, but I'm ending up with molten leakage, every damn wire. So I'm
SPEAKER_00: looking to harden my converter. What do you have any of your reserves up there? As far as what?
SPEAKER_00: Well, I just came down from the cluster mill. That's who gave me your phone number. Okay.
SPEAKER_00: And they were saying that they think,
SPEAKER_00: I thought I was just needing to refine my slag.
SPEAKER_00: So do you think I should puddle my scrap or I'm kind of at a lot?
SPEAKER_02: I, yeah, and we're, when I say, I'm not familiar with most of the terms you're using.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: We're just, we're a service center.
SPEAKER_02: We sell raw steel products.
SPEAKER_02: Shapes, like steel shapes, you know.
SPEAKER_02: know that fabricate angle frames and square tubing and round tube and that kind of stuff.
SPEAKER_02: That's what we do. We sell those kind of products.
SPEAKER_00: Well, that sounds good. I don't have access myself to a Sinsmer mill.
SPEAKER_00: So I've been getting by with shot blasting or pickling, usually. So could I use a stiffener,
SPEAKER_00: or would it be too bulbous? Obviously, I don't want any buckling. Sorry. Yeah, I don't.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I don't know your application.
SPEAKER_02: Randy.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, well, that's all right.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: I was in the middle of bushelming.
SPEAKER_00: No, it's okay.
SPEAKER_00: I was just one other question, if I may.
SPEAKER_00: I was in the middle of busheling my clippings when my fern has started hot idling,
SPEAKER_00: and now the whole thing is just mothballing.
SPEAKER_00: Do you think you guys could maybe help me if I wanted to try scarfing the whole thing?
SPEAKER_02: I wouldn't be able to help.
SPEAKER_02: you with any of that, no.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, my dad here thinks that he could phrase it better.
SPEAKER_00: Would you talk to him?
SPEAKER_00: My dad, Joe, here?
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: Just here, let him know you talk to me.
SPEAKER_00: I'm Jim. Hold on a sec.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: Joe pick up.
SPEAKER_00: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_01: Who's this?
SPEAKER_01: This is Joe.
SPEAKER_01: Talk to you.
SPEAKER_01: You're going to be in jail, mother sick of shit.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, so do we get that worked out?
SPEAKER_02: I have no idea, man.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, so maybe if I took all my lump ore, could we try slitting the width on that?
SPEAKER_00: Or would that hamper the ductility at the fulcrum?
SPEAKER_02: I am sorry, sir.
SPEAKER_02: I have no idea what you're even talking about.
SPEAKER_00: I'm at a loss here, big guy.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I can't help you.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I can't help you.
SPEAKER_00: That's fine.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you now.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: This, Joe.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, Joe, it's Jimbo.
SPEAKER_00: I talked to you earlier in the week.
SPEAKER_00: How are you doing?
SPEAKER_02: Pretty good.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, good.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, I think I've hit upon a solution with all the crockery I'm forging here.
SPEAKER_00: Like when I make a perfideral or a pudding or something, the bottom will always burn, you know?
SPEAKER_00: But I think if I had scalp to my bakeware, it would be perfect.
SPEAKER_00: Then I could make jelly or meringue.
SPEAKER_00: So maybe if I butt well the scalp, what do you think on?
SPEAKER_00: something like that.
SPEAKER_02: I have no idea what you're talking about, man.
SPEAKER_00: Well, I'm ready to get casting with you.
SPEAKER_00: I'm ready to pour here.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know what you're talking about in any way, shape, or form.
SPEAKER_00: Well, I'm trying to cook.
SPEAKER_02: I don't have anything going with you.
SPEAKER_00: I'm a cook, okay, and I'm trying to get the right kind of crockery for all my food.
SPEAKER_00: I'd like to put down a deposit, maybe on some electrolytic tin plating or something.
SPEAKER_00: I think that would brighten my tubing.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, hey.
SPEAKER_00: That reminds me.
SPEAKER_00: Do you guys ever go exotic, like, fabricate zirconium or something,
SPEAKER_00: or do a half-neum extrusion or anything like that?
SPEAKER_00: Because I've got to have 48 canolae cooked by this weekend,
SPEAKER_00: and this Alcapulco pot metal is just not cutting it, a friend.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to help you out, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: Well, could I buy some nickel from you?
SPEAKER_02: I don't have nickel.
SPEAKER_00: I'm getting scint her and all my crusts here, and they crack,
SPEAKER_00: and I can't be cracking crusts up here.
SPEAKER_02: I might have some welding rod out there if you want to come down and take a look at it.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Not all I would have for nickel.
SPEAKER_00: Maybe you could talk to my dad.
SPEAKER_00: He's a metallurgist.
SPEAKER_00: He could explain it better, you know.
SPEAKER_00: Let me get him online.
SPEAKER_00: Talk to Joe.
SPEAKER_00: His name's Joe also.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, Joe, talk to Joe.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: How are we doing?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Who's speaking?
SPEAKER_02: My name is Joe.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Why are you calling me?
SPEAKER_02: I have no idea.
SPEAKER_02: You guys call me.
SPEAKER_01: Huh?
SPEAKER_02: I have no idea what you guys need or even talking about.
SPEAKER_01: Why don't you lay off, huh?
SPEAKER_01: Why don't you lay it?
SPEAKER_01: Because I'm going to beg God that you should drop death if you're interrogating me.
SPEAKER_01: Don't you?
SPEAKER_01: Don't you believe in God?
SPEAKER_01: Why you keep on bothering me?
SPEAKER_01: You know, a piece of shit, shit, shit.