Best Before '24 (2024)

Track 12: Perma-Tease
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Woman 1:
LPC: Hi, yes.
LPC: I was interested in getting a hairpiece.
Woman 1: Yes, ma'am.
LPC: Do I need to wear a wig liner, like a cap underneath that you can hook the wig to, or can it go right onto my head?
LPC: Oh, I do.
LPC: Oh, I do.
LPC: Oh, I do.
LPC: Oh, I do.
LPC: Do you have the wig liner?
Woman 1: Are you talking, or this is a machine?
LPC: I'm talking to you.
Woman 1: Because other people are talking too, so I'm not so sure how many people I'm talking to.
LPC: I'm a person trying to buy a wig from you.
Woman 1: Yeah, you can come to store to look.
LPC: Hi.
LPC: I was looking for a wig with a skin part where it gives the illusion of skin where the hair is parted down the middle or off to the side.
Woman 2: Hello?
LPC: Hi.
Woman 2: You said giving an illusion of the skin part?
LPC: Yes.
Woman 2: No, we don't have that one.
LPC: Okay.
LPC: Do you have something with braids, like long hand braided layers that frame my face from the wig?
Woman 2: That frames your face?
Woman 2: I wouldn't know how your face actually looks.
LPC: Oh, it's round like an apple.
Wig Store Woman 3: Hello?
Wig Store Woman 3: Hello?
LPC: Hello wig store?
Wig Store Woman 3: Yes.
LPC: Hi.
LPC: Yes.
LPC: I was looking for a three quarter wig.
Wig Store Woman 3: I carried them, but I don't have any in the store.
Wig Store Woman 3: I'd have to order it for you.
Wig Store Woman 3: It has to be matched to your hair.
Wig Store Woman 3: So that's something that you would have to order.
LPC: Do you have anything gray-headed?
Wig Store Woman 3: Yes.
LPC: Now what about a bounty of long hand-tied braids tied into my own hair?
Wig Store Woman 3: I don't have that.
Wig Store Woman 3: No, I don't have that.
LPC: What do you got?
Wig Store Woman 3: I don't have anything with braids.
LPC: Okay, now do you have something that will add a lot of volume without adding weight?
LPC: Maybe to add overall fullness to the wig like a permatease?
Wig Store Woman 3: Some of the wigs come with the permatease already in them.
Wig Store Woman 3: You just have to pick out the kind of, you know, you got to look and, you know, and find what you're looking for.
LPC: And you got a soft touch, right?
Wig Store Woman 3: A soft touch wig?
Wig Store Woman 3: Is that a brand?
Wig Store Woman 3: I don't know what you're talking about.
LPC: When you put the wig onto my head.
Wig Store Woman 3: Oh, okay.
Wig Store Woman 3: What about it?
LPC: Can you glue it onto my head?
Wig Store Woman 3: No, I don't do any installs.
LPC: You have to go, You got a soft touch, or touch, or touch?
Wig Store Woman 3: I don't.
Wig Store Woman 3: No.
Wig Store Woman 3: No.
Wig Store Woman 3: You better not!
LPC: Can you glue it onto my head?
LPC: Or onto the...
Wig Store Woman 3: No!
Wig Store Woman 3: No!
LPC: Wig liner?
Wig Store Woman 3: No, I don't do that.
LPC: I've got my own wig liner.
Wig Store Woman 3: It doesn't matter.
Wig Store Woman 3: All I do is sell wigs, but I do not install them for you.
LPC: Would you deliver the wigs, please?
Wig Store Woman 3: Where do you live?
LPC: I live in Clackamas and then I can just pick whichever ones I choose.
Wig Store Woman 3: No, I don't do that.
Wig Store Woman 3: Only thing, you pick out the wig and I can ship it to you, but I wouldn't drive to Clackamas.
LPC: But you'll glue it onto my head, right?
Wig Store Woman 3: No.
LPC: Head, right?
LPC: Head, right?
Wig Store Woman 3: No.
Wig Store Woman 3: Oh no.
Wig Store Woman 3: No.
LPC: Oh no.
Wig Store Woman 3: No.
LPC: Oh no.
LPC: Oh no.
Wig Store Woman 3: I don't do installs.
Wig Store Woman 3: You have to have someone else to do that.
Wig Store Woman 3: I don't do that.
LPC: Okay, now, will you tease the wig?
Wig Store Woman 3: No, I don't do that.
Wig Store Woman 3: I don't do any of that.
LPC: What I need is one ear to stick out on one side, but the other side is completely covered by the wig.
Wig Store Woman 3: Okay, pick out that style of wig.
LPC: Okay, you got that?
LPC: You got that?
LPC: You got that?
LPC: You got that?
LPC: Oh.
LPC: Oh.
LPC: Oh.
LPC: How much is it?
Wig Store Woman 3: You have to pick out a wig.
Wig Store Woman 3: The wigs start at anywhere from a hundred dollars and go up to two thousand dollars.
LPC: Are you all gray-headed up there?
Wig Store Woman 3: Okay, I'm gonna have to hang up.
LPC: What's the matter?
LPC: What's the matter?
LPC: What's the matter?
LPC: Let me just give you my address, okay?
LPC: Okay.
LPC: For delivery?
Wig Store Woman 3: How can I deliver you something you haven't even picked out anything?
LPC: Well, it's the gray-headed one with braids and the skin part in the middle.
LPC: You know?
Wig Store Woman 3: What's your name, sir?
LPC: What's your name?
LPC: My name's Merlin Fawcett.
Wig Store Woman 3: Okay, Merlin, again, let me say this.
Wig Store Woman 3: I do not have, there's not a, put that down.
Wig Store Woman 3: Hey, come over here!