Longmont Potion Castle 16 (2019)

Longmont Potion Castle 16

Track 8: Peacock

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  • SPEAKER_03: There's a book called the Peacock Emporium.
  • SPEAKER_03: There's not a book that's just called Peacock.
  • SPEAKER_14: I'm not sure what you mean.
  • SPEAKER_03: What do you mean?
  • SPEAKER_03: I thought you said you were looking for a book called Peacock.
  • SPEAKER_14: I understood a big yellow padlock.
  • SPEAKER_03: Oh, a big yellow padlock?
  • SPEAKER_14: That's what I understood.
  • SPEAKER_03: I'm not quite sure what you're asking for, sir.
  • SPEAKER_03: Can we start over again?
  • SPEAKER_14: Yes, we can start over.
  • SPEAKER_14: What is it that you guys need?
  • SPEAKER_03: I don't need anything.
  • SPEAKER_11: I'm having trouble finding this book.
  • SPEAKER_11: Is it a children's book?
  • SPEAKER_15: Hey, sorry, you still there?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, is it a nonfiction book?
  • SPEAKER_15: I'm sorry, what were you looking for again?
  • SPEAKER_11: You were looking for a book called The Peacock.
  • SPEAKER_15: I'm sorry, you must be confusing me of something else.
  • SPEAKER_15: You called him about some sheetrock.
  • SPEAKER_11: No, I put somebody on hold for Peacock.
  • SPEAKER_15: That's odd.
  • SPEAKER_15: I just got a call for me, I'll ask him about.
  • SPEAKER_15: some sheetrock, so.
  • SPEAKER_11: Well, that's weird.
  • SPEAKER_11: That's really weird.
  • SPEAKER_04: I looked it up under Mohawk and the Mohawk.
  • SPEAKER_04: If I had an author, it might be helpful, but I'm not seeing that, I'm not seeing that we carry it.
  • SPEAKER_04: Warlock.
  • SPEAKER_04: Mohawk.
  • SPEAKER_04: Huh?
  • SPEAKER_08: Mohawk is the, Mohawk is the title that you're looking for?
  • SPEAKER_04: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_04: Okay, not Warlock.
  • SPEAKER_04: I heard Warlock initially.
  • SPEAKER_04: Okay, because I looked up, I looked at Mohawk, and I'm getting nothing.
  • SPEAKER_04: So do you want me to look up under Warlock also?
  • SPEAKER_04: No, no, no, that's just what I had initially heard.
  • SPEAKER_04: So it's called, the only Mohawk...
  • SPEAKER_04: I'm sorry, I'm really having a hard time hearing you.
  • SPEAKER_04: Go ahead.
  • SPEAKER_04: Sorry.
  • SPEAKER_04: The title Mohawk that we have in our system is by our Richard Russo.
  • SPEAKER_04: Does that sound familiar?
  • SPEAKER_04: I checked under the author's name, and I'm not seeing anything that we have...
  • SPEAKER_16: Hey, you still there?
  • SPEAKER_18: Yeah, I'm here.
  • SPEAKER_16: Yeah, I mean, I'm not seeing anything, but that does not mean that we don't have it.
  • SPEAKER_18: Wait, I'm sorry, what are you talking about?
  • SPEAKER_18: Are you talking to me or your friend?
  • SPEAKER_14: To you.
  • SPEAKER_18: Wait, are you asking if we have, like, cooked hamhawks or raw hamhawks?
  • SPEAKER_16: No, I'm asking about that Hamlock book that you were talking about.
  • SPEAKER_18: Oh, are you talking about a book?
  • SPEAKER_18: I thought you were talking about ham hawks, like a piece of meat.
  • SPEAKER_16: No, you're looking for a hamlock book, correct?
  • SPEAKER_18: No, no, I'm looking in our case.
  • SPEAKER_18: Like our deli case?
  • SPEAKER_16: You called Beckham's Bookshop looking for a book, correct?
  • SPEAKER_18: No, you called me a piece of meat butcher asking about ham hawks.
  • SPEAKER_16: No, I did not.
  • SPEAKER_18: Our phone rang, like, right when I started talking to you, so maybe you were talking to somebody else.
  • SPEAKER_16: Okay, okay, so you're still there.
  • SPEAKER_16: So, yeah, so Hamlock, we're back on the book.
  • SPEAKER_18: No, no.
  • SPEAKER_18: I never talked to you.
  • SPEAKER_18: I don't know.
  • SPEAKER_18: I think she was messing with us.
  • SPEAKER_18: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_16: Okay, cool.
  • SPEAKER_16: So anyways, on our topic, I could not find the book, but also that doesn't mean that it's not here.
  • SPEAKER_16: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_18: I didn't, I didn't, I didn't, I have no, I'm at work at a butcher shop.
  • SPEAKER_18: I didn't call you about a book.
  • SPEAKER_18: I picked up the phone and started talking to you.
  • SPEAKER_18: Like, you called me.
  • SPEAKER_18: That's what happened on my side.
  • SPEAKER_16: Oh, that's really weird, because yeah.
  • SPEAKER_16: Our phone rang here, and someone was asking about a Hamlock book.
  • SPEAKER_18: Yeah, are you in New Orleans?
  • SPEAKER_16: Yeah, I work at a bookshop.
  • SPEAKER_18: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_18: Yeah, I don't know what's going on, but our phone rang I picked up, and you were talking about that book.
  • SPEAKER_16: Okay, interesting, weird.
  • SPEAKER_16: Well, we can just hang up and end that conversation.
  • SPEAKER_16: I hope you have a good one.
  • SPEAKER_01: My fiction is a huge selection.
  • SPEAKER_01: I got three left.
  • SPEAKER_01: Do you know the author of the book?
  • SPEAKER_01: I got three ball costs left.
  • SPEAKER_01: 99 apiece.
  • SPEAKER_01: The Beanstalk is called?
  • SPEAKER_01: Pardon?
  • SPEAKER_01: You're looking for a book called The Beanstalk?
  • SPEAKER_01: Is that correct?
  • SPEAKER_01: No, no.
  • SPEAKER_01: Somebody called me for a ball cart.
  • SPEAKER_01: I got three ball cards left.
  • SPEAKER_01: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_01: I think there's some kind of mix up.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't have a thing to get that.
  • SPEAKER_01: I'm sorry.
  • SPEAKER_08: Did I put you on hold about the book, J-Walk?
  • SPEAKER_08: No, he had asked me for a book called Warlock.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, I wonder.
  • SPEAKER_08: How interesting.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah, I wonder how interesting.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_08: Okay, well, did you have it at least?
  • SPEAKER_08: We actually don't have it, so...
  • SPEAKER_08: I'm sold out, too, too, so...
  • SPEAKER_08: Best luck to him, I suppose.
  • SPEAKER_07: Oh, boy.
  • SPEAKER_07: Okay, thank you.
  • SPEAKER_07: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_07: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_07: You're welcome.
  • SPEAKER_09: I'm sorry?
  • SPEAKER_09: I was sorry.
  • SPEAKER_09: This is a different person than what I put in the call on hold.
  • SPEAKER_09: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_09: I was looking for something with a peacock in it or on it.
  • SPEAKER_09: I don't...
  • SPEAKER_02: Is there a book?
  • SPEAKER_02: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_02: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_02: Any idea with...
  • SPEAKER_02: Am I talking to two people?
  • SPEAKER_02: people or...
  • SPEAKER_09: No, I was a gentleman who was calling me.
  • SPEAKER_02: Well, and I would think I was just talking to him.
  • SPEAKER_02: Okay, well, I was talking to him.
  • SPEAKER_02: He was looking for a book about Hitchcock.
  • SPEAKER_02: This isn't the same book, right?
  • SPEAKER_09: Oh, Hitchcock.
  • SPEAKER_09: I'm sorry, the person said Peacock to me.
  • SPEAKER_02: Oh, I thought...
  • SPEAKER_02: I heard Hitchcock.
  • SPEAKER_02: You thought it was Peacock.
  • SPEAKER_20: It's just tricky.
  • SPEAKER_20: Like, I looked as hard as I could in the fantasy second.
  • SPEAKER_20: and you said it was a yellow book with Warlock in the title, and nothing jumped out there.
  • SPEAKER_19: Oh, I was trying to look for something that had livestock in the title.
  • SPEAKER_20: Livestock? Oh, I thought you said Warlock.
  • SPEAKER_19: No, through...
  • SPEAKER_20: Oh, we... Oh, my gosh. I think I'm on hold with a couple of different people.
  • SPEAKER_20: I think you might... I think the other guys listen to Warlock.
  • SPEAKER_20: Okay, what are you looking for? Sorry, man.
  • SPEAKER_19: Well, I work at a bookstore. They're asking me about livestock, or a bookbookbooker.
  • SPEAKER_20: called Livestock. Oh. Oh. Okay. Well, then the Warlock guy's on the other line. That's why I thought I
  • SPEAKER_19: heard dialing a moment ago. I'm sorry, man. It's okay. Just give us a call back if you do, if they figure out
  • SPEAKER_20: what they're looking for. I think maybe it's got mixed around. Sorry about that. I don't think we have a book
  • SPEAKER_19: to what's called, it's about livestock. I don't know. I'm not sure. They were, they were asking me if we had a book called
  • SPEAKER_19: livestock and... Okay, I don't think we align with you, it sounds like. So...
  • SPEAKER_20: Sorry. I don't think that's us. Yeah. I'm going to try to switch back to the Warlock guy.
  • SPEAKER_19: Yeah. Hello?
  • SPEAKER_19: He said sleep lock?
  • SPEAKER_02: Oh, the book is called Sleepwalk? Yeah. I'm asking you if that's what you... Yeah, that's what the book's
  • SPEAKER_19: called. Yeah, that's what the book's called. Oh, um, I thought he said Redlock.
  • SPEAKER_13: Oh, no, no, sorry. I do not have a single copy of Sleepwalk. And I don't know, I don't know.
  • SPEAKER_13: what other author to look under...
  • SPEAKER_13: I think you were calling me about the peacock.
  • SPEAKER_13: I'm sorry, I'm confused by what you're talking about.
  • SPEAKER_13: You called the Terabane book.
  • SPEAKER_13: You called in Terribane books.
  • SPEAKER_13: I'll have you on hold. I just picked up the line, and you were talking to someone.
  • SPEAKER_13: What were you asking about a peacock book in your front box?
  • SPEAKER_11: I have a feeling you ended up on our call waiting.
  • SPEAKER_13: God.
  • SPEAKER_13: you. Okay, okay. Somebody was calling me asking for the peacock.
  • SPEAKER_13: Well, I'm going to hang up. So you weren't, so you weren't looking for a copy of Sleepwalk.
  • SPEAKER_13: No, no. I'm taking a call from a customer who was looking for a book called Peacock.
  • SPEAKER_13: Okay. All right. All right. I'm just going to hang up and maybe that'll reconnect you with...
  • SPEAKER_13: Why don't you call me back in about 10 minutes?
  • SPEAKER_13: Okay, I wasn't actually calling you, though. I was taking an incoming call.
  • SPEAKER_13: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_13: If you needed to call me, call me back in about 10 minutes.
  • SPEAKER_13: If you don't need to call me even.
  • SPEAKER_13: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_07: Yeah, I don't even know who you order.
  • SPEAKER_13: I don't even know who I'm talking to you.
  • SPEAKER_07: Hello.
  • SPEAKER_07: Hello, yes.
  • SPEAKER_07: Uh-huh. No, actually, there's a gentleman who wants a bank card book,
  • SPEAKER_07: and he doesn't know the ISPM number.
  • SPEAKER_07: Can you find the ISPM number then?
  • SPEAKER_07: What kind of book?
  • SPEAKER_07: Your friend said bank card.
  • SPEAKER_07: My friend said it?
  • SPEAKER_07: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_07: Who's my friend?
  • SPEAKER_07: I don't know. A gentleman.
  • SPEAKER_07: I don't know what friend are you talking about.
  • SPEAKER_07: She said, oh, I don't know what you're talking about. Who's the friend then?
  • SPEAKER_02: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_02: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_02: So you think it's called the J-Walk?
  • SPEAKER_12: I'm sorry?
  • SPEAKER_02: You think it's non-fiction?
  • SPEAKER_12: I don't know. I'm Clayton from the bookstore.
  • SPEAKER_12: I'm the one that's going to be looking for the book, so I don't know what book you're looking for.
  • SPEAKER_02: Are you looking for the book, J-Walk?
  • SPEAKER_12: No, I'm not.
  • SPEAKER_02: Oh, that's weird.
  • SPEAKER_12: That is very strange.
  • SPEAKER_12: He was asking for a book called Woodblock from us.
  • SPEAKER_02: Oh, because he just called us.
  • SPEAKER_02: We're the bookworm.
  • SPEAKER_02: And I thought he was saying J-Walk.
  • SPEAKER_02: Do you think he was saying Woodblock?
  • SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_06: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_05: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_05: I'm very confused as to what book you want here.
  • SPEAKER_05: I'm looking up the peacock.
  • SPEAKER_05: Okay, I thought you said the Mohawk.
  • SPEAKER_05: Well, what I heard your friends say was the peacock?
  • SPEAKER_05: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_05: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_05: I mean, is it about birds? Is it a mystery? Is it self-help?
  • SPEAKER_05: No.
  • SPEAKER_05: I really...
  • SPEAKER_05: It wasn't.
  • SPEAKER_05: Okay. Okay.
  • SPEAKER_08: Is it fiction?
  • SPEAKER_08: No. No. No. Okay. Okay, then I don't see it. I'm sorry.
  • SPEAKER_08: I'm so sorry. I couldn't find it. It's not in the shelf.
  • SPEAKER_08: So the book is called Woodblock?
  • SPEAKER_08: No. Warlock.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, okay. I just heard it wrong. Okay, let me try that.
  • SPEAKER_08: We're like, the secrets of that immortal necklace.
  • SPEAKER_08: Did you buy it here at Carus?
  • SPEAKER_00: No.
  • SPEAKER_08: I don't understand who's calling, hello?
  • SPEAKER_08: This is Caris' bookstore.
  • SPEAKER_08: No, this is, I think your friend was asking about this book that you had bought here at the Marion Center, Beanstalk.
  • SPEAKER_08: Beanstalk? Oh, they said Peacock.
  • SPEAKER_08: Because I don't have a book called Beanstalk.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, my goodness. That's crazy.
  • SPEAKER_10: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_08: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_10: You know, somebody who's looking for a book called Padlock?
  • SPEAKER_08: Now it's Padlock.
  • SPEAKER_08: I've been asked for Shamrock, Beanstalk, and now it's Padlock.
  • SPEAKER_10: Yes, who is the author?
  • SPEAKER_08: I haven't know.
  • SPEAKER_08: Somebody called me looking for this book.
  • SPEAKER_08: And I said, what's the title?
  • SPEAKER_08: And he said, The Beanstalk.
  • SPEAKER_08: We don't have a book by that title.
  • SPEAKER_08: He said, Shamrock.
  • SPEAKER_08: I don't have that.
  • SPEAKER_10: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_10: Somebody called me.
  • SPEAKER_10: Who am I speaking with?
  • SPEAKER_10: I'm Ted from DG.
  • SPEAKER_08: This is the Marion Center in Louisville.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, my goodness.
  • SPEAKER_08: This is crazy.
  • SPEAKER_08: This is crazy.
  • SPEAKER_08: Are you still on?
  • SPEAKER_10: there? I think I may be the only one on here.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh, my goodness. This is nuts. So, you know, I don't think...
  • SPEAKER_10: I don't know. Somebody, he didn't sound like he was stealing with a full dick.
  • SPEAKER_06: I'm not having much luck finding this book.
  • SPEAKER_10: The peacock?
  • SPEAKER_06: The peacock? I thought I was looking for a book called wedlock.
  • SPEAKER_17: Oh, interesting. You're looking for a book called wedlock? What's the author's last name?
  • SPEAKER_06: Well, I don't know. Are you? Sorry, I was I talking to you before?
  • SPEAKER_17: No, I'm not sure what's going on.
  • SPEAKER_17: Interesting.
  • SPEAKER_06: That's very weird.
  • SPEAKER_17: Let's just call it a day, shall we?