Alive in '25 (2025)

Track 10: Panic Sonic
Runtime: 408 seconds
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Aliases: Murray
Establishments: Panasonic Quality Care
Bill: Hello.
LPC: Well, hey, Bill?
LPC: Hello. Is that Bill?
LPC: Who's calling?
LPC: This is Murray with Panasonic Quality Care.
LPC: How you doing, Opa?
Bill: Panasonic Quality Care?
Bill: Like what? Panasonic phones?
LPC: Exactly, yeah.
LPC: How are you today, Opa?
Bill: How did you get my number?
LPC: Well, it's a follow-up call on your purchase.
LPC: Just calling to make sure you're satisfied with your purchase here.
Bill: Are you talking about the phones I purchased my Panasonic phone?
LPC: Yes, I am, sir.
LPC: In terms of satisfaction, one being the least satisfied, 10 being the most satisfied.
LPC: How much satisfaction do you have with the product at this point, would you say?
Bill: Not good.
LPC: Not good.
Bill: I don't know what to do.
Bill: I mean, I'm impressed that you got a hold of me.
Bill: I mean, are you a phone expert?
LPC: Yes, sir.
LPC: Oh, yes, sir.
LPC: Twelve years on the job.
Bill: Really?
LPC: Yes, sir.
Bill: I'm impressed that you're called.
Bill: You mean, you're just because I bought it from Costco, you're following up?
LPC: Uh-huh. Now, what appears to be the trouble up here?
Bill: Well, the trouble is, first of all, can I take your number down so I don't lose it?
Bill: And what are your name is?
LPC: Yeah, I'm Murray.
Bill: So what's your phone number, Murray?
Bill: Three, two, three, three, something?
LPC: Yeah, exactly. You got the number.
Bill: Okay.
LPC: Now, are you talking to me on the phone while we're talking here?
Bill: No, I'm talking you on a cell phone.
LPC: Because you sound pretty clear up here.
LPC: I'm not going to fit to you.
LPC: You sound pretty clear.
Bill: I'm not talking you on the Panasonic phone.
Bill: I'm talking on an iPhone.
LPC: As far as clarity is concerned, do you sound pretty dang clear off here?
Bill: Murray, what did I tell you?
Bill: I'm talking to you on a non-Panasonic phone line.
LPC: Okay.
LPC: Now, what's the trouble with your Panasonic phone here?
Bill: Well, you want to call that number, and I'll pick it up?
LPC: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Bill: How come, it's echoing, yeah, yeah, yeah, are you saying it more than once?
LPC: No, sir, I'm hearing you loud and clear.
LPC: You sound clear as a bell.
Bill: Okay.
Bill: Okay.
Bill: So we have a, so we used to have, what's that noise?
LPC: No, I'm waiting for you to tell me the information here.
Bill: You're a live person.
Bill: You're not an AI guy, are ya?
LPC: Nearly 13 years on the job.
LPC: Okay.
Bill: So we used to have CenturyLink, a wired line.
Bill: So we had problems, so we went to Comcast.
Bill: Comcast put in a module, so I think that may affect the connectivity.
Bill: And my wife just hates these phones.
Bill: And I thought maybe I needed a new model.
Bill: So I went to Costco and this guy said, try this one.
Bill: This is the newest.
Bill: So basically, we've been having problems.
Bill: But, you know, maybe you should call back on my number that it uses the Panasonic.
Bill: Would you like to do that?
LPC: Let's give that a try.
Bill: Now, get my wife on the phone, she can tell you, okay?
LPC: Okay.
Bill: 544-4330.
Bill: I'll be on the line with her.
Bill: Okay, call the number.
LPC: It's ringing right now.
Bill: You're on now.
LPC: Okay.
LPC: Now, you're sounding clear as a bell.
LPC: You are sounding clear as a bell, my friend.
Bill: Hold on.
Bill: I'm going to get my wife on the phone.
Bill: Hold on.
LPC: So, so, so, you got yourself a brand new Panasonic phone.
LPC: I'm not.
Bill: They call me out of the blue.
Bill: You want to get on the phone to tell them the problems we're having?
LPC: Oh, you got one of the number one phones in the nation right here.
LPC: I'm hearing a doggone thing.
Linda: Hello.
Bill: Yeah, honey, I got Panasonic on the phone.
Bill: They called me out of the blue.
LPC: You guys got one of the finest phones in the nation now is what I'm hearing.
LPC: No?
LPC: What appears to be the trouble up here?
Linda: The trouble is we have two levels of our home, okay?
Linda: So we've got Panasonic phones on both levels.
Linda: And often one or both of the main level phones, you answer and the other person, you answer and the other person,
Linda: doesn't come through.
Linda: Or it just makes noises.
Bill: What's that noise, Murray?
LPC: Okay, now on a scale of 1 to 10,
LPC: how would you rate your satisfaction with the new Panasonic telephone that you got?
Linda: Well, I would not rate it very well because it's not performing well.
Linda: And then, like, if my husband calls me from the phone on the lower level,
Linda: I can be yelling, hello, hello.
Linda: three times and you can't hear me.
LPC: Now, are you calling somebody?
Linda: I mean, it doesn't come through.
LPC: Are you calling somebody?
Bill: What kind of phone are you using?
Bill: Yours is terrible.
LPC: I'm in a call center, sir.
Bill: Oh, well, it's pretty bad.
Bill: Oh.
Bill: What are you got?
Bill: You better get new phones in your call center.
Bill: This is terrible.
LPC: No, but I'm saying, did you call somebody else?
LPC: Did the other person have a Panasonic telephone, too?
Linda: Yes.
LPC: Oh.
LPC: There may be some kind of phase
LPC: cancellation going on.
LPC: Now, you need to properly calibrate your telephone.
Linda: Well, who does that?
LPC: You can do it in about 90 seconds here.
Linda: Yeah, what do you do?
LPC: Okay, you need to hit star 48202.
LPC: Oh, okay, that's fine.
LPC: Now, when you do that, you're going to have to add to it.
Linda: Star 4202.
LPC: Yeah, oh, wow, wow, wow.
LPC: And then once you do that, you're going to be good to go.
LPC: But I'm here, you're clear.
LPC: is the day right now.
Bill: Linda, what's it, 48?
SPEAKER_00: What?
Linda: Star 42, 0, 2.
SPEAKER_00: That's correct.
LPC: Yeah, you're going to have a...
SPEAKER_00: 42.
LPC: World of difference up here.
SPEAKER_00: It's going to make a world of difference.
SPEAKER_00: I can...
SPEAKER_00: How don't you write it down, Lou?
Linda: I'm not anywhere with a pen, Bill.
LPC: Because I'm telling me, you're going to love what you do.
Linda: Remember?
LPC: You're going to love what you hear, because it's going to sell...
Linda: Why do you think I'm a secretary?
LPC: It's going to sound like a bell ring.
Bill: Did you say star 48?
Linda: No, 42.
LPC: It's going to sound like a bell ring out there.
LPC: You're going to love everything about it.
LPC: I can guarantee it.
Linda: This is impossible.
Bill: What do you got, number 48 over?
Linda: 42, 0, 2!
Linda: That's right. You can't hear anything.
LPC: Calibrate the phone?
Bill: All right.
LPC: You're going to have to say star 4-2-1-2.
Linda: That's what he said, and I don't know anything more.
SPEAKER_00: That's exactly right.
Bill: That's exactly what we need to do.
Bill: I think you're going to calibrate.
Bill: I have never heard.
Bill: All right, I'm going to call you back in the number.
LPC: That sounds good.
LPC: Okay, right, right, right.
SPEAKER_00: Well, you won't reach him.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, well, I got it.
Linda: That's at the call center.
Bill: I know, but Murray, can you hear me now?
LPC: Oh, I can hear you just sounds like clear as a bell of it.
LPC: Now, you know, I can hear you.
Bill: I'm a call.
Linda: All right, I'll get off.