Alive in '25 (2025)

Track 5: Notline
Runtime: 450 seconds
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SPEAKER_01: Hi, I'm brothers. Frank speaking. Can I help you?
LPC: Hey there, yeah. Can I talk to someone about fruit, please?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, what do you need?
LPC: Yeah, I'm looking for this one fruit. It kind of looks like a tomato. It's round or kind of oval.
LPC: It's called permissions.
SPEAKER_01: Persimins. Yes, we have Persimins.
LPC: No, I think permissions is what I'm looking for today.
SPEAKER_01: Now it's Persimmon. P-E-R-S-I-M-M-O-N.
LPC: What's that one?
SPEAKER_01: It looks like a tomato.
SPEAKER_01: Right, right, right, right. Yeah, it's a persimmon.
LPC: Permission, right?
SPEAKER_01: No, it's persimmon.
LPC: Okay, this one I'm talking about looks like a tomato. It's sort of oval, you know, kind of yellow, kind of red.
SPEAKER_01: Yes.
LPC: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
LPC: Persimmon. Permission, right?
SPEAKER_01: Persimmon.
LPC: Which one?
SPEAKER_01: It's called a persimmon. It's not a permission.
LPC: It's a persimmon.
LPC: Okay, you guys sell purses up here?
SPEAKER_01: We sell persimmons, yes.
LPC: Okay, because I'm talking about permission now.
LPC: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Well, I don't know.
SPEAKER_01: I've never heard of a permission.
LPC: Huh.
LPC: It's like a tomato almost in color and shape.
LPC: It looks real similar, real good.
SPEAKER_01: Correct.
SPEAKER_01: That's a persimine.
LPC: I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, look it up online and call me back.
LPC: Which one?
LPC: Which one?
LPC: Which one?
LPC: Can I talk to somebody about the
LPC: permissions then?
SPEAKER_01: We don't have permissions.
SPEAKER_01: I don't think a permission exists.
LPC: It's like a little fruit.
SPEAKER_01: Yes, and it looks like a tomato, but it's a fruit.
SPEAKER_01: It's something you eat when it's very ripe.
SPEAKER_01: If you don't eat it, when it's completely ripe, it'll suck all the moisture out of your mouth.
LPC: Exactly.
SPEAKER_01: That's a permission.
SPEAKER_01: It's called the persimmon.
SPEAKER_01: Permissions.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, whatever you want to call it, you can call it.
SPEAKER_01: Permission.
SPEAKER_01: Permission.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, so that's what we have.
SPEAKER_01: Permission.
LPC: Okay.
LPC: That's all the permission.
LPC: about 200 of the permissions here.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, well, we don't have that.
LPC: It looks like a little tomato in color and shape, almost.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I know.
SPEAKER_01: That's what a persimmon is.
LPC: Permissions.
SPEAKER_01: That's fine.
SPEAKER_01: You can continue to look.
SPEAKER_01: We don't have that.
SPEAKER_01: Goodbye.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you for calling to loose royal gifts.
LPC: Hi.
LPC: Gift shop?
SPEAKER_00: Yes.
LPC: Hi.
LPC: Can I talk to someone about buying a gift?
SPEAKER_00: How can we help you?
LPC: Yeah, do you have any fig urine at all?
SPEAKER_00: Figurines?
LPC: No, they're just like these little statues.
LPC: They call it a fig urine?
SPEAKER_00: We have some figurines, but they're going to be little statues like musicians.
LPC: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
LPC: They're like fig urine.
SPEAKER_00: Figurines.
SPEAKER_00: That's why I didn't know if you're saying like a brand name or...
LPC: I think you're thinking of a tambourine, that little drum that they turn into a bell.
LPC: You remember those things?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, that's not whatever.
SPEAKER_00: you think of.
LPC: What are you thinking about?
LPC: Oh.
LPC: Hi, record store?
SPEAKER_06: Yes, we have records.
LPC: Oh, yeah, good.
LPC: I was trying to find some records by that Canadian band, that trio from Canada, a brush.
LPC: The singer sings real high and everything.
LPC: Do you have any of their stuff?
LPC: You're talking about Rush?
LPC: No, they had that big hit with like Huckleberry Finn and all that.
SPEAKER_06: Yeah, you're talking about Rush.
LPC: Are you talking about Tush by Zizi Top, or I think that's what you're thinking of?
SPEAKER_06: No, that's not what I'm thinking of.
LPC: So, do you have anything by them?
SPEAKER_06: Let me touch you by the computer and tell me if this sounds like it.
SPEAKER_06: Hey, that's sounding like the right track?
LPC: That's Huckleberry Finn by Brush.
SPEAKER_06: The Tom Sawyer.
LPC: Is that the singer's name?
SPEAKER_06: No, that's the song you're talking about.
LPC: No, the singer with a really high voice and everything.
LPC: They're called Brush.
LPC: You probably got...
SPEAKER_06: Man, I really need you to stop calling and bugging me.
LPC: Well, do you have their records in stock, or what?
SPEAKER_06: No, because you're not talking about a real band, and I don't appreciate it.
SPEAKER_06: So don't call again.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, hi.
LPC: I wanted to get some CDs.
LPC: By that band Toolbox, you know, really trippy, have really long songs, whatever the newest one is.
SPEAKER_02: And the band is called Toolbox?
LPC: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Not Tool.
SPEAKER_02: You're looking for Tool?
LPC: The singer's name is like Elmo or something.
LPC: He wears like a diaper.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, that would be, yeah, Tool is the name of the band.
LPC: Okay, so the band, they are from California.
SPEAKER_02: They're the very famous rock band called Tool, and the guy's name is Maynard.
SPEAKER_02: Does that sound about right?
LPC: They got like 15-minute long songs.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Got something like that, yeah.
LPC: Really wild.
SPEAKER_02: Yep.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, Toolbox.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, the band is called Tool.
SPEAKER_02: Yep.
LPC: You're not thinking of T-S-O-L?
SPEAKER_02: I am certainly not.
SPEAKER_02: No, I'm not.
SPEAKER_02: So I'm thinking of Tool.
LPC: The singer's name is Elmo or something.
SPEAKER_02: Right.
SPEAKER_02: The singer's name in Tool, his name is Maynard.
SPEAKER_02: That's kind of like an Elmo sort of name.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: They do have long songs.
LPC: Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
LPC: That's toolbox.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, yeah, so yeah, that's what you're going to call it.
SPEAKER_02: We've got those here.
SPEAKER_02: We've got those all in stock.
SPEAKER_02: We're open until 6 if you want to stop by.
SPEAKER_05: Record exchange, Bush, Rick.
LPC: Hi.
LPC: I was looking for some records by K.K. Allen, that outrageous guy who, like, peed and vomited all over the place.
SPEAKER_05: You're talking about G.G. Allen, the guy who shit all of self-on stage.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, that's G.G. Allen.
LPC: Oh, no, I think you're thinking of G.G. Ramon. That punk guy who did a rap album?
SPEAKER_05: That's D.D. Ramon. D. D. D.D. King is the record you're thinking of.
SPEAKER_05: Whoa, man, something crazy going on on in your end.
SPEAKER_04: Hello, Love Garden.
LPC: Hi.
LPC: I was looking for some records by that 1980s heavy metal band, Quite Right.
SPEAKER_04: Quite Right.
SPEAKER_04: Quiet Riot?
SPEAKER_04: You were talking about Quiet Riot?
LPC: Oh, I think you're thinking a pussy riot, those one chicks from Russia.
LPC: These guys had a Bessie Riot.
LPC: big hit with uh come on hit your head and all that stuff no no come on feel the noise is quiet riot
LPC: you're thinking a whole other band exactly exactly actually actually actually at all the guy who played for
SPEAKER_04: ozzie and plays in pantera now zach wild pardon jack wild is that who you thinking of oh no i think you're
LPC: thinking of like harry styles different guy entirely
LPC: That one guy with the hair and everything?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, real good-looking dude.
LPC: Oh, so you got him in stock?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, we got a little hairy styles.
LPC: Okay, so you guys sell hair stuff or what?
SPEAKER_04: No, that next door they do.
LPC: Okay.
SPEAKER_04: Anything else you're looking for?
LPC: What did you have on Pussy Riot?
SPEAKER_04: Nothing in stock.
LPC: So go next door for it?
SPEAKER_04: You get perfect.
LPC: Okay. Thank you.
SPEAKER_04: Take care.
None: I don't know.