Longmont Potion Castle 13 (2017)

Track 8: Neighborly Melange
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SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah?
SPEAKER_02: You there?
SPEAKER_03: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, this is Wilder, your neighbor?
SPEAKER_06: Next door to you?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I feel that there's been an exceeding amount of commotion coming out of there.
SPEAKER_06: We hadn't been there today.
SPEAKER_02: Well, I meant at night, there, fella, and I've heard just about enough if you want to know the God's honest truth.
SPEAKER_06: What neighbor are you talking about there, fella?
SPEAKER_02: So what can we do about it now?
SPEAKER_02: Because I haven't heard enough, my family has heard enough.
SPEAKER_02: I had visitors who've heard enough.
SPEAKER_02: Enough is enough, is what I'm trying to say.
SPEAKER_06: Well, which neighbor do you have?
SPEAKER_02: I'm your neighbor there, smart man, and I'd like to resolve it.
SPEAKER_06: You're talking about on East Street, right?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, exactly.
SPEAKER_02: Now, what do you propose to do?
SPEAKER_02: up a...
SPEAKER_06: Let's see.
SPEAKER_06: Why can come out and talk to you?
SPEAKER_06: It doesn't do what?
SPEAKER_02: I've heard enough there, fella, and I've heard enough from you and your dogs and your cats and your birds.
SPEAKER_02: I just have.
SPEAKER_06: We just put the dogs up.
SPEAKER_02: Well, you should do it a little earlier in the day, there, Phil.
SPEAKER_06: Earlier?
SPEAKER_06: Yeah.
SPEAKER_06: This just don't make sense.
SPEAKER_06: You're talking about the ones that just moved in across the street, right?
SPEAKER_02: Buddy, you're not making a look.
SPEAKER_02: a sense up there.
SPEAKER_02: So I would like to have you pipe down, put your dogs away, turn your TV down,
SPEAKER_02: and just bring it down a notch.
SPEAKER_06: Look, I can bring it down, but the dogs don't even bark.
SPEAKER_06: One of them don't even have a barker on anything more.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, that's malarkey.
SPEAKER_06: Malarkey?
None: Yeah.
SPEAKER_06: Just who are you, guys?
SPEAKER_02: I'm Wilder.
SPEAKER_06: Like Van Wilder?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, I don't know.
SPEAKER_02: Is that some kind of jibber-jabber?
SPEAKER_02: something?
SPEAKER_06: Was that in the background?
SPEAKER_06: Is that somebody else you got over there playing too?
SPEAKER_02: That's coming from your end there.
SPEAKER_06: My end's right over here.
SPEAKER_06: I'm in my yard guy.
SPEAKER_02: I heard a flute.
SPEAKER_02: I heard some kind of kettle drums.
SPEAKER_02: I heard everything from you.
SPEAKER_06: We sold our kettle drums at the last yard sale.
SPEAKER_06: Who is this?
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you just listen up?
SPEAKER_02: Get a cotton swab or do some cotton picking thing because I've said it two, three times now.
SPEAKER_06: I'm just trying to get your angle here, fella.
SPEAKER_02: Who do you work for, anyhow?
SPEAKER_06: Who do you work for?
SPEAKER_06: And who are you?
SPEAKER_06: Wiley Sanders truck and who's asking?
SPEAKER_02: What are you trying to prove is what I want to know?
SPEAKER_02: With all this commotion, you got sounds here and there and everywhere.
SPEAKER_02: I can't make out what your objective is here.
SPEAKER_06: As a matter of fact, I don't know.
SPEAKER_06: It's doing it again.
SPEAKER_06: There's something in the background.
SPEAKER_02: That's your place?
SPEAKER_06: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: What do you got?
SPEAKER_02: I got a Komodo Dragon or something?
SPEAKER_06: We have two fish, three dogs, and the cat that's on its last leg here.
SPEAKER_02: Well, be quiet.
SPEAKER_02: And put your kettle drum away.
SPEAKER_06: Do you hear it on your end?
SPEAKER_06: Because I'm getting some feedback.
SPEAKER_02: I got rigging in my ears from all the noise and anarchy that you've got at your house.
SPEAKER_06: I'm not with the call me bullshit.
SPEAKER_06: Cut it.
SPEAKER_06: You're starting to cut two things.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to call the disqualify.
SPEAKER_02: attorney. You read me? Do you read me?
SPEAKER_06: I read. Don't call no, hey, don't call no attorney. We can figure this out. We don't have to
SPEAKER_06: get nobody involved.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you stand out in your yard? Have a couple of bills.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you have a hundred dollar bills, Andy, so that I can get in a motel room and then I'll call
SPEAKER_02: a good. You know what I mean?
SPEAKER_06: I'm walking out there now. Where are you at? Where you going? You're coming down deep street right now?
SPEAKER_02: I'm on the toilet right now, but I'm going to come out there and I'm going to straighten it out with you.
SPEAKER_02: You got me?
SPEAKER_02: Come out there.
SPEAKER_06: I'm going to say you were on the shitter guy.
SPEAKER_02: $200 and then I'll resolve it with you, but less than that, I'm not even interested in talking to you.
SPEAKER_06: I got $30 in pennies.
SPEAKER_06: Well, that's the boss.
SPEAKER_02: Listen, guy, I don't know what your objective is, but I need you to pipe down, be quiet.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to get the district attorney down here.
SPEAKER_06: Do you realize that you're talking to Rachie Owing?
SPEAKER_06: This is Rachie Oas.
SPEAKER_06: See, there's another guy there, isn't there?
SPEAKER_11: What do you mean by what?
SPEAKER_06: Put the kids up, some crazies out of the yard.
SPEAKER_06: I mean, you're sitting there taking a shit.
SPEAKER_06: You're causing so much chaos over here.
SPEAKER_06: We were just sitting down to eat a meal, and then you call me with this whole shit.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you pipe down, use your brain.
SPEAKER_02: Turn down your TV.
SPEAKER_02: Put your kettle drums away and turn down your TV.
SPEAKER_06: Turn down to put a kettle drum.
SPEAKER_06: There's somebody in the back one.
SPEAKER_06: You hear it again?
SPEAKER_02: Buddy, your mind is playing tricks on here.
SPEAKER_02: you got half of mine.
SPEAKER_02: You're going to come up there and I'm going to shove your...
SPEAKER_05: Don't you there and start with the threat.
SPEAKER_05: I'm going to even start with the threat.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to let you have it there, a smart guy.
SPEAKER_02: No, you ain't.
SPEAKER_02: Let you have to have there, a smart guy.
SPEAKER_02: I've heard enough.
SPEAKER_02: I've been up for two nights in a row because you're nonsense.
SPEAKER_02: Or if it's nonsense.
SPEAKER_06: Margie next door told us that y'all are not but a damn bunch of heathons and now you're
SPEAKER_06: calling me, harassing me.
SPEAKER_06: I don't know what else to do over here.
SPEAKER_06: Nonsense.
SPEAKER_06: It's pure nonsense.
SPEAKER_03: Nonsense.
SPEAKER_06: Look, I'm going to imagine you to stop this nonsense.
SPEAKER_02: You're going to need an ace bandage when I'm done with you.
SPEAKER_02: An ace bandage and I'm done with you.
SPEAKER_06: Bring some galls and some stitches to some butterfly stitches while you're out of God.
SPEAKER_06: This is downright ridiculous.
SPEAKER_02: I've heard enough from you and your ducklings or whatever you got.
SPEAKER_02: Dunkling?
SPEAKER_06: It's two fish.
SPEAKER_06: There's small coys that we got from a pond.
SPEAKER_06: How do you know this?
SPEAKER_06: I've been hearing it.
SPEAKER_02: I've been kept awake all night.
SPEAKER_06: You can't hear saltwater fish for the last damn time.
SPEAKER_06: I've told you.
SPEAKER_02: You got a drum circle.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know what you're doing.
SPEAKER_06: Look, they're in the background.
SPEAKER_06: In your bedroom, not now.
SPEAKER_06: Who is this?
SPEAKER_06: You tell me right now who this is.
SPEAKER_02: Wilder.
SPEAKER_06: Van Wilder, right.
SPEAKER_02: That's my name.
SPEAKER_06: And where are you from?
SPEAKER_06: Nobody in Alabama acts like this.
SPEAKER_06: Do you realize that, sir?
SPEAKER_02: Well, you mean with common decency?
SPEAKER_06: This guy here.
SPEAKER_06: You got my damn blood pressure up.
SPEAKER_06: I don't even know how the face stroke.
SPEAKER_06: I didn't figure out who this is, fella.
SPEAKER_06: Do you realize what's real the pain I'm going to bring?
SPEAKER_06: How big of a fella?
SPEAKER_02: I'm about 5'1.
SPEAKER_02: 10080 pounds.
SPEAKER_06: So I love 180 pounds.
SPEAKER_06: 180 pounds.
SPEAKER_06: 5-1.
SPEAKER_06: Yeah, you want to make...
SPEAKER_06: It's like a loop-a, bud.
SPEAKER_06: You want to make some of it?
SPEAKER_06: Yeah, I want to throw these hands around.
SPEAKER_06: I want you come help me out with that, bud.
SPEAKER_06: Neighbor.
SPEAKER_02: You couldn't kick your own ass there, smart man.
SPEAKER_06: You couldn't church on you because I could.
SPEAKER_06: I would beat my ass if I was able to.
SPEAKER_06: Do you realize that?
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you just close your mouth, turn off your TV,
SPEAKER_02: put your drums away, and just shut her down for the night.
SPEAKER_02: I've had enough. I've had enough.
SPEAKER_06: Shut her down. Just shut her down, huh?
SPEAKER_02: Absolutely had enough. I just have.
SPEAKER_06: Absolutely had enough. Absolutely.
SPEAKER_06: You've had enough. You have the gall to call me and tell me that you've had enough when you're the one
SPEAKER_06: harassing me, fella.
SPEAKER_02: I've been listening to your horse radish day in, day out, morning, noon, and night, and I'm through
SPEAKER_02: with it.
SPEAKER_06: Yeah.
SPEAKER_06: You haven't even been here that long. Look, you're messing me up from watching.
SPEAKER_06: me a win, but who's saying bold is about their win?
SPEAKER_06: Three more gold.
SPEAKER_06: Are you even caring about your country right now?
SPEAKER_02: I've heard enough country music coming out of your joint to last me a lifetime.
SPEAKER_06: Pipe down.
SPEAKER_06: It's the music of angels, sir.
SPEAKER_06: Don't you dare talk about country music.
SPEAKER_06: You're taking it to a whole other level with that shit.
SPEAKER_06: You need to just cut it out.
SPEAKER_06: You skirt out.
SPEAKER_02: Pipe down. Do it now.
SPEAKER_02: And I don't want to hear anything further from me.
SPEAKER_02: You got me?
SPEAKER_06: I tell you again.
SPEAKER_06: Mr. Wilder.
SPEAKER_06: I'm going to just blow a damn gas skitter, too.
SPEAKER_06: You realize that.
SPEAKER_06: Get the kid in bed.
SPEAKER_06: See, do you hear, there's somebody else on the other line?
SPEAKER_06: On your house?
SPEAKER_06: We're taping this call right now, fella.
SPEAKER_06: You realize that?
SPEAKER_02: Sounds like you got about 12 people up.
SPEAKER_02: I think it sounds like you got about 12.
SPEAKER_02: Hold on.
SPEAKER_02: Up water.
SPEAKER_02: I think you got bored.
SPEAKER_02: I've been hearing so much nonsense.
SPEAKER_02: It's blowing my mouth.
SPEAKER_02: It's blowing my mouth.
SPEAKER_06: Look, I think you've got some kind of free-paid phone
SPEAKER_06: that's causing all this horseshits.
SPEAKER_06: You need to shut her down.
SPEAKER_06: You're telling me I need to shut her down.
SPEAKER_06: Maybe you're the one that needs to shut her down.
SPEAKER_02: You got a freak show something fierce up.
SPEAKER_06: The audacity of you, sir.
SPEAKER_06: You call yourself a gentleman acting like this.
SPEAKER_06: On a Sunday, on Sabbath day, calling somebody like this,
SPEAKER_06: acting as their neighbor.
SPEAKER_06: I'm appalled.
SPEAKER_02: Do the right thing.
SPEAKER_02: Clamp your lip.
SPEAKER_02: Put your people to bed and then give me some money for a motel room and I'll let it go.
SPEAKER_02: Then and only then.
SPEAKER_06: Look, where are you trying to stay at tonight?
SPEAKER_02: I'm looking to go to the Renaissance Hotel.
SPEAKER_06: The Renaissance in Montgomery is over $200 a mile.
SPEAKER_06: I need you to be a little more thrifty than that.
SPEAKER_02: After what I've been subjected to, uh-uh, no, no, no, uh-uh, no.
SPEAKER_06: The kettle drum hasn't been played in months,
SPEAKER_06: so you know that you're full.
SPEAKER_06: shit there. The dogs can barks. This don't even make a damn sound, okay? And you're
SPEAKER_06: wanting me to come off two hundred dollars for a renaissance hotel room?
SPEAKER_06: Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. I'm just going to come up there.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to come up there, and I'm going to spin you around, and I'm going to push you on the ground.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, yep, yep, yep.
SPEAKER_02: How do it? Am I understood? Yes or no?
SPEAKER_06: Somewhat, but I'm still not crystal clear on me.
SPEAKER_06: You can quit with the child of shit.
SPEAKER_06: You hear me?
SPEAKER_06: I'm tired of here.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you just go to bed and just mellow out?
SPEAKER_02: Be quiet.
SPEAKER_02: I'm trying to.
SPEAKER_06: You know, it's 8.30 here and we go to bed a little early, but you have made that impossible tonight, sir.
SPEAKER_02: Be quiet.
SPEAKER_02: Tone it down.
SPEAKER_06: Look, you tell me to be quiet again.
SPEAKER_06: I'm going to come out when you best.
SPEAKER_06: You hear me?
SPEAKER_06: I'm going to spin your own.
SPEAKER_06: I'm being clear with you.
SPEAKER_02: You couldn't kick your own ass.
SPEAKER_06: I've done told you I could if it was possible, okay?
SPEAKER_06: If me and me got me got to.
SPEAKER_06: I thought I would win.
SPEAKER_06: Get that right.
SPEAKER_02: You gooseneck, son of a gun.
SPEAKER_06: Son of a gun.
SPEAKER_06: Oh, now we're name calling.
SPEAKER_06: Put the kids to bed.
SPEAKER_06: They don't need to hear this.
SPEAKER_02: Who are you talking to there, smart guy?
SPEAKER_06: I'm talking to my old lady teller and put the kids to bed.
SPEAKER_06: They don't need to hear me getting this upset over some son of a gun down the road,
SPEAKER_06: causing horseshit.
SPEAKER_06: Do you hear me?
SPEAKER_02: Sounds like you're talking to yourself.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, boy.
SPEAKER_06: Oh, boy.
SPEAKER_06: I can tell you're in Kansas by all the wind blowing in your jank-ass cell phone.
SPEAKER_06: Why don't you get a contract phone?
SPEAKER_06: Call me back Verizon AT&D.
SPEAKER_06: Anything with the fire, sir.
SPEAKER_02: He ain't nothing but a butt cheek.
SPEAKER_02: A glorified butt cheek is all you are up.
SPEAKER_06: How did you know that was my high school nickname?
SPEAKER_06: Who has put you up to this?
SPEAKER_02: Reggie.
SPEAKER_02: Is that your name?
SPEAKER_06: Ready.
SPEAKER_06: G. Owens, the third, sir.
SPEAKER_02: Reginald butt cheek is what I'm going to call you from here on out.
SPEAKER_06: He's going to use my cover a minute.
SPEAKER_06: You need to just tell me right now.
SPEAKER_06: We'll shut her down.
SPEAKER_06: You quit pulling my channel and we can get to the bottom of this.
SPEAKER_02: Be quiet.
SPEAKER_02: Put your dogs away.
SPEAKER_02: And I'm tired of hearing from you, and I'm not going to put up with it anymore.
SPEAKER_02: Tell your old lady to shut her trout.
SPEAKER_02: All of you.
SPEAKER_02: Shut your trap.
SPEAKER_06: How dare you?
SPEAKER_06: You do not mention my wife's name.
SPEAKER_06: Shut it.
SPEAKER_02: Do it now.
SPEAKER_02: I've had enough.
SPEAKER_02: Do it.
SPEAKER_02: I don't want to hear from your fish, your dog, your TV, your kettle drum.
SPEAKER_02: That's it.
SPEAKER_02: I'll tell you what.
SPEAKER_06: If you don't shut your mouth, I'm coming outside, and I'm going to bring my friend.
SPEAKER_06: And thanks Torres, last name's judge.
SPEAKER_06: You got that?
SPEAKER_02: Torres Judge.
SPEAKER_02: Torres Judge.
SPEAKER_02: Torres Judge.
SPEAKER_02: Torres Judge.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: This is Smiley Lynch, your neighbor?
SPEAKER_03: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: Yes, it is.
SPEAKER_02: And I've been hearing way too much commotion coming out of your place last night, the night before.
SPEAKER_09: Last night?
SPEAKER_02: I'd like to come to some kind of resolution with you.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: It's a mess, too.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: See, I'm hearing so much commotion at your place.
SPEAKER_02: I can't stand it anymore.
SPEAKER_02: Now, we've got to come to some resolution all about.
SPEAKER_02: So what do you?
SPEAKER_02: you think? I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but geez, take it down a notch.
SPEAKER_09: Are you talking to the right person? Do you live in the blue house?
SPEAKER_02: I live in the Lavender House. Okay. And I got your number from the mailman.
SPEAKER_02: Okay. And I don't understand what possesses you that you got a bang a drum or a pot and a pan
SPEAKER_02: at all hours the night. 11 o'clock, 11.30, 11, 14. Are you talking about last night?
SPEAKER_09: Yes. Yes, I am. You know what? I think you're, you're mistaking me for a lot. You're, you're mistaking me for
SPEAKER_09: the ones that live in front of me because they were the ones that stayed up late last night, not a...
SPEAKER_02: The night before, and the day before that and the night before that, it's around the clock.
SPEAKER_02: I heard a snake hissing. Oh, I heard a propeller spinning around. Oh, oh, I heard a tambourine.
SPEAKER_02: I heard a tambourine that seemed like 2 o'clock in the morning.
SPEAKER_02: A tambourine. Oh, a big one, real big one. A gong was getting pounding on it. And I had a meeting at 8 o'clock
SPEAKER_02: shaped. And how am I supposed to do that? I can't even come.
SPEAKER_09: Concentrate. Okay, well, we're talking about last night, and we didn't do anything last night. Last night, all we were doing was, um, we didn't do anything.
SPEAKER_02: Listen, we stay home. Your garage is a guest. I know you were home because it sounded like...
SPEAKER_09: My garage? You've been in my garage?
SPEAKER_02: It sounded like a lion was roaring up.
SPEAKER_09: You've been inside of my garage?
SPEAKER_02: You know, I don't trespass. I just looked at the dang thing. You can't miss it.
SPEAKER_09: You cannot go inside of my garage because that's trespassing and I will call it.
SPEAKER_09: I know my rights, okay?
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to call them, too, for noise violations.
SPEAKER_02: I heard so much sound like a gong and a roaring lion.
SPEAKER_09: Is this Jan's husband or whatever?
SPEAKER_02: Who?
SPEAKER_09: There's something wrong with your phone because I can't even hear, like, it's muffling or something.
SPEAKER_02: I can't hear myself think because of you and your commotion.
SPEAKER_02: What do you think of that, huh?
SPEAKER_09: Tyler, the guy that lives next door saying that we were banging pots and pans last night.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_09: And he...
SPEAKER_09: And he said that he had an appointment this morning at 8 o'clock.
SPEAKER_09: Were we making noise?
None: Oh.
SPEAKER_09: Okay, yeah, I had some friends over on Saturday night, but nobody's got an appointment on Sunday morning
SPEAKER_09: and we went to police at about 8.30.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't care for it.
SPEAKER_02: I did not care for it.
SPEAKER_02: What are we going to do here?
SPEAKER_02: What is that?
SPEAKER_02: It's just this doggone noise.
SPEAKER_02: I don't care for it.
SPEAKER_02: What is that?
SPEAKER_02: It sounds like a snake was hissing of a box.
SPEAKER_02: So work with me.
SPEAKER_02: Tell me what you're going to do for me before I call the postmaster again.
SPEAKER_09: I don't know, but if you go in my garage, if you do call the postmaster,
SPEAKER_09: you're going to call the postmaster on me, I don't know.
SPEAKER_09: Where are you going to get with that?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: I'll do whatever.
SPEAKER_02: takes. I'm going to mail you a letter, and we'll see if you get a service interruption. How are you going
SPEAKER_02: like that?
SPEAKER_09: A service interruption for what? For your mail.
SPEAKER_09: You're going to take my mail away?
SPEAKER_02: How are you going like that?
SPEAKER_02: Just do the right thing.
SPEAKER_09: What do you want me to do?
SPEAKER_02: I say, turn down your stereo, pick up your mess in your garage, okay?
SPEAKER_09: Are you my landlord?
SPEAKER_02: Just getting gear here.
SPEAKER_09: Do you want me to go to your fucking garage and go look in your garage?
SPEAKER_02: You need a broom is what you need, and a hose and some basic cleaning materials.
SPEAKER_09: Where?
SPEAKER_02: Hose?
SPEAKER_02: You need a broom.
SPEAKER_02: Up, down, all around, because I am seeing dirt.
SPEAKER_02: I'm seeing debris.
SPEAKER_02: I'm seeing an eyesore everywhere I look over there.
SPEAKER_02: Where?
SPEAKER_02: You and your garage are out.
SPEAKER_02: A lot of hand, Gloria.
SPEAKER_02: Number one.
SPEAKER_09: How do you know what my garage looks like?
SPEAKER_02: The postmaster.
SPEAKER_02: Number one.
SPEAKER_02: Number two.
SPEAKER_09: All right.
SPEAKER_09: You go in my garage again.
SPEAKER_09: I'm calling the cops, okay?
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to call the postmaster.
SPEAKER_09: You can't tell me to stop living my life because I'm going to continue living.
SPEAKER_09: Hey, I don't need to be really quiet for you.
SPEAKER_02: Well, why don't you play some doggone country western?
SPEAKER_02: Mix it up here in the country western.
SPEAKER_02: You think you can do that?
SPEAKER_02: I think you can do that?
SPEAKER_09: I don't know.
SPEAKER_09: Went into my garage and looked at my garage.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't have to go in it.
SPEAKER_02: You could see it from a mountaintop.
SPEAKER_02: You got sundry materials.
SPEAKER_02: You got sundry items here and there and up and down.
SPEAKER_09: What's a sundry?
SPEAKER_09: What's a sundry material?
SPEAKER_02: Every description under the sun.
SPEAKER_02: I saw a ball bouncing around.
SPEAKER_02: I saw everything.
SPEAKER_02: A ball?
SPEAKER_02: A ball?
SPEAKER_02: Sure.
SPEAKER_09: A ball?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_02: You're freaking me out.
SPEAKER_09: Don't mess with me because I have a lot of people.
SPEAKER_09: that won't put up with it.
SPEAKER_09: The last time your wife complained,
SPEAKER_09: I had a bunch of people that wanted to go over there
SPEAKER_09: and totally interrogate you guys.
SPEAKER_09: And I said, no, she's old.
SPEAKER_09: Leave her alone.
SPEAKER_09: But yeah, I'm not going to live
SPEAKER_09: like a little mouse, okay?
SPEAKER_09: Because I have rights.
SPEAKER_09: I've got the right.
SPEAKER_09: I mean, I don't hurt anybody.
SPEAKER_09: So, you can't go inside my garage.
SPEAKER_09: That's illegal.
SPEAKER_11: You're hurt in my eyes, big time.
SPEAKER_11: You're heard my eyes big time.
SPEAKER_09: Okay, listen to me.
SPEAKER_09: If you are a man, you will come over
SPEAKER_09: and you will knock on my door
SPEAKER_09: and you will talk
SPEAKER_09: me and you will tell me what you don't like
SPEAKER_09: about my house. Okay? You do do that.
SPEAKER_02: You're freaking me out. You just are.
SPEAKER_02: I'm calling the postmaster. That's it.
SPEAKER_02: You sealed the deal. I'm telling you what.
SPEAKER_09: What are you going to tell the postmaster
SPEAKER_02: to do? Do what you need to do?
SPEAKER_02: We'll see if you get an interruption in service
SPEAKER_02: or not. That's what we're going to find out.
SPEAKER_02: All right. Oh my God. This guy's weird.
SPEAKER_09: I just recorded everything that you said.
SPEAKER_02: Great. Okay. The very least,
SPEAKER_02: put some country Western on your
SPEAKER_02: stereo there if you're so doggone
SPEAKER_02: serious about blaring noise
SPEAKER_02: all day and night. Put something good on there
SPEAKER_02: instead of that horseradish you're playing right
SPEAKER_09: now. Okay. Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Cooperate. That's what you need to do.
SPEAKER_09: You need to come over here and talk to me face to face
SPEAKER_09: and tell me what you're talking about. Okay?
SPEAKER_09: About my garage and stuff.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you come over here in person
SPEAKER_02: and you and I'll dance?
SPEAKER_02: What? How's that sound?
SPEAKER_09: How does what sound?
SPEAKER_05: You come over here in person
SPEAKER_05: and you and I'll dance.
SPEAKER_05: Why, yeah.
SPEAKER_09: Oh, my God.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: It sounded like I heard a pig squeal coming out of there last night.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry, but excuse me here.
SPEAKER_09: We have hogs here.
SPEAKER_02: It sounded like a pig squeal coming out of there all hours of the night.
SPEAKER_09: Who is this?
SPEAKER_02: Smiley.
SPEAKER_09: Smiley.
SPEAKER_02: Smiley Lynch.
SPEAKER_02: I'm perpendicular to you.
SPEAKER_02: And I'm trying to resolve this doggone mess for church.
SPEAKER_02: you made of it.
SPEAKER_02: The doggone mess you made there.
SPEAKER_09: Are you, um,
SPEAKER_09: Jan's husband?
SPEAKER_02: What do you gabbing about?
SPEAKER_09: You live perpendicular.
SPEAKER_09: You mean, do you live across the street?
SPEAKER_02: Lady, you need a boom, you need a hose,
SPEAKER_02: you need a scouring pad,
SPEAKER_02: you need a lot of things.
SPEAKER_02: Now come on over.
SPEAKER_02: We'll talk it over you and I'll dance.
SPEAKER_02: Sound good?
SPEAKER_09: I'm getting ready to leave.
SPEAKER_02: How convenient.
SPEAKER_09: I'll be back at 12 o'clock.
SPEAKER_09: You want to talk to Arthur?
SPEAKER_09: Sure.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: I can't get through to you.
SPEAKER_00: What can I do for you?
SPEAKER_02: Nope.
SPEAKER_02: Nope.
SPEAKER_02: Nope.
SPEAKER_02: Nope.
SPEAKER_03: Nope.
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_03: Nope.
SPEAKER_03: Nope.
SPEAKER_03: Nope.
SPEAKER_03: Nope.
SPEAKER_03: Nope.
SPEAKER_03: Nope.
SPEAKER_00: You get done laughing and let me know who's calling.
SPEAKER_09: Who is this?
SPEAKER_00: This is art.
SPEAKER_09: And where do you live?
SPEAKER_00: Let's stop the bullshit.
SPEAKER_00: What do you need?
SPEAKER_09: I don't know.
SPEAKER_09: Somebody just told me to talk to you.
SPEAKER_00: You?
None: Nope.
SPEAKER_00: Nope.
SPEAKER_00: Nope. Nope. Nope.
SPEAKER_00: Nope.
SPEAKER_00: Nope.
SPEAKER_08: Go fuck yourselves.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
None: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_08: Transportation service is just Mike.
SPEAKER_08: How can I help you?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Mike, you said?
SPEAKER_08: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: No, no, no.
SPEAKER_02: Uh, way too loud at night, Mike.
SPEAKER_02: I'm hearing way too much sound coming out of your place.
SPEAKER_07: Out of my place.
SPEAKER_02: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_02: I wanted to phone you and see if we could bring it down a couple notches.
SPEAKER_02: Who is this?
SPEAKER_02: I'm horseshoe.
SPEAKER_02: I'm horseshoe.
SPEAKER_02: I stay...
SPEAKER_02: Horseshoe?
SPEAKER_02: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_07: I don't know.
SPEAKER_07: I don't know a fucking horseshoe.
SPEAKER_07: What fucking horse did you ride in on?
SPEAKER_07: You don't know me.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, buddy.
SPEAKER_02: Take it down a notch or two is all I'm asking.
SPEAKER_02: You got it?
SPEAKER_02: Because it's way too loud.
SPEAKER_02: Too much commotion.
SPEAKER_07: It sounds like you better roll out and dial another number, buddy, because you got the wrong guy.
SPEAKER_02: Are you reading my mail on that one, Charlie?
SPEAKER_02: And I want to say there's an odor coming out of your place.
SPEAKER_02: It's far out.
SPEAKER_07: Well,
SPEAKER_07: The only order of me coming out of my place could be bad pussy, but I don't have any, so I ain't got none of that.
SPEAKER_02: So I'll tell you, you're going to get smacked around if you make me call back up.
SPEAKER_02: I know the voice, but I can't place it.
SPEAKER_02: I'm known as horseshoe around here, and you'll find out more about me if you make me come up.
SPEAKER_07: All right.
SPEAKER_07: Well, come fucking bring down your shit and let's just see what you got.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you just button your lip?
SPEAKER_02: That's behind door number one.
SPEAKER_02: You don't want to go behind door number two there.
SPEAKER_07: Oh, yes, I surely I will.
SPEAKER_07: Tell you what, give me a fucking address and I'll show you.
SPEAKER_07: I'll be there for a fucking hand.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you just button her up?
SPEAKER_07: In fact, I'll come over there and fuck you up in your own kitchen.
SPEAKER_02: No, you sit tight, Charlie, and I'll pay you a visit on foot.
SPEAKER_02: And we'll work her out.
SPEAKER_07: You know what?
SPEAKER_07: I'm too busy to fuck around like this with somebody on the phone.
SPEAKER_07: But I'll tell you what, you try to have a nice day because evidently, you're on the bad side of getting out of the fucking world today.
SPEAKER_07: So goodbye.
SPEAKER_07: Please don't waste my time anymore.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, quit dicking around there.
SPEAKER_07: You know what?
SPEAKER_07: Just put it where your mouth is.
SPEAKER_02: Meet me.
SPEAKER_02: Give me a fucking address.
SPEAKER_02: I'll show you.
SPEAKER_02: I'm staying catty corner to you.
SPEAKER_07: Caddy corner to me?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: You're going to meet the corner of my elbow if you don't shut her down tonight.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't get any sleep.
SPEAKER_02: You understand?
SPEAKER_07: Well, you know what?
SPEAKER_07: If you would lay off your boyfriend, maybe you could sleep well at night.
SPEAKER_02: You're going to be laying on the sidewalk.
SPEAKER_02: You know, I'm butting your freaking lips.
SPEAKER_07: All right.
SPEAKER_07: I'll tell you what.
SPEAKER_07: You meet me down at the bottom of the fucking hall, and we'll take care of this shit right now.
SPEAKER_02: You don't want to meet me, guy.
SPEAKER_07: Better yet.
SPEAKER_07: Just come pound on my fucking door.
SPEAKER_02: I'll pound on your lips with my fucking door.
SPEAKER_07: Oh, you ain't going to pound shit.
SPEAKER_07: The only thing that's going to be in pound is my dick in your mouth.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you go pound rocks, Charlie?
SPEAKER_02: Go fuck yourself.
SPEAKER_02: I'll pound rocks, guy.
SPEAKER_02: You're too loud.
SPEAKER_07: Don't fuck yourself.
SPEAKER_07: It's the only fuck you can get.
SPEAKER_02: You're way too loud.
SPEAKER_07: Goodbye, sir.
SPEAKER_02: Listen up, man.
SPEAKER_02: I don't want to hear from you again.
SPEAKER_02: You got it?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Listen, I've been here on way too much commotion coming out of your residence last night
SPEAKER_02: and the night before.
SPEAKER_02: So I'm just hoping we can quiet things down tonight a little bit.
SPEAKER_08: What is this?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I'm not.
SPEAKER_02: I'm horseshoe. I'm staying on the place next door.
SPEAKER_08: You have the wrong number. Who is this?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I'm horseshoe.
SPEAKER_02: Who is it? Horseshoe. I've never heard of a horseshoe.
SPEAKER_02: You've never heard of a horseshoe. What do you mean by that?
SPEAKER_02: You keep saying, I'm horseshoe. I'm horseshoe.
SPEAKER_02: Are you getting lippy with me, lady?
SPEAKER_08: Who is this? You're calling to harass me?
SPEAKER_02: No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. I'm trying to ask you politely to do everybody in the community a favor.
SPEAKER_02: I just bring her down a pig tonight so I can get some sleep.
SPEAKER_08: the fuck is this? You have the wrong number. Tell me who this is.
SPEAKER_02: Horseshoe. I didn't get any sleep last night.
SPEAKER_08: Yeah, your horseshoe. Horseshoe. Do I need to call the police for this harassment right now?
SPEAKER_08: Are you going to tell me who the fuck this is?
SPEAKER_02: I was like thrust into a different portal of sounds coming out of your place.
SPEAKER_08: On which earth are you on right now? Because I don't know a horseshoe.
SPEAKER_02: It's like I ran into a cactus several times. It was so uncomfortable trying to sleep.
SPEAKER_08: Oh, what that fuck is this? What neighbor is this? What neighbor is this?
SPEAKER_08: I don't have any neighbor called horseshoe.
SPEAKER_02: What do you mean by that? I'm not following you.
SPEAKER_02: You probably didn't get any sleep either.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, boy.
SPEAKER_08: I said, that's fine. I don't know what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_08: I'm calling the police. I don't know who the fuck this is. Don't call me again.
SPEAKER_08: I'm going to call them, too.
SPEAKER_04: Hello, this is your Miss Vicki.
SPEAKER_02: Hi. So I'm staying next door to you, and guys, I've been hearing way too much noise.
SPEAKER_02: last night the night before.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah, can we quiet it down tonight so I can get some sleep?
SPEAKER_02: What?
SPEAKER_02: I said, be quiet. You're making too much noise at night.
SPEAKER_02: I got your phone number from a bank president.
SPEAKER_02: What the fuck are you talking about? Who are you?
SPEAKER_02: Horseshoe. I don't know. I live next door to you.
SPEAKER_02: No, you don't live next door to me.
SPEAKER_02: I'm staying next door. Yes, I am. And I don't like what I'm hearing. Do you understand?
SPEAKER_02: And buddy? There was an...
SPEAKER_02: Odor coming out of your place?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, oh, oh, oh.
SPEAKER_02: What do you leave?
SPEAKER_02: Odor.
SPEAKER_02: It is real...
SPEAKER_02: Boulder?
SPEAKER_04: Oh, big time.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, man.
SPEAKER_02: Where did you leave?
SPEAKER_02: What?
SPEAKER_02: What do you leave? Where's your home?
SPEAKER_02: I didn't get any sleep last night.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, whew, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Give me $50 to get a motel room so I can take it now.
SPEAKER_02: Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
SPEAKER_04: You can suck my dick for $50.
SPEAKER_02: You can talk to my foot because I'm going to bring it to your little.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, I need you to bring it down a peg.
SPEAKER_02: All right?
SPEAKER_04: Actually, tonight I'm going to bring it up a Natchelah, but make it a little louder.
SPEAKER_04: Unless you pay me $150.
None: No.
SPEAKER_04: Pay me $150, but I'll go, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ah, all night.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, no.
SPEAKER_04: Fucking faggit.
SPEAKER_02: It was too loud last night the night before.
SPEAKER_02: Don't do it again.
SPEAKER_02: You're going to meet my bell.
None: Oh.
SPEAKER_04: Comprendi?
SPEAKER_04: I'm like you.
SPEAKER_04: Bring you and your dog and your mama together.
SPEAKER_04: I'm going to whip your ass, your fucking faggot.
SPEAKER_04: Don't ever call me.
SPEAKER_04: Hey, you're ready to meet my bell?
SPEAKER_04: Because I've heard it enough from me.
SPEAKER_04: If you come up here and you're fucking faggot, let me show you my belt.
SPEAKER_04: I'll whip your ass.
SPEAKER_04: Oh, don't you come over instead of talking.
SPEAKER_04: Why are you hiding behind the fucking phone?
SPEAKER_04: Come out, nigger.
SPEAKER_04: Where are?
SPEAKER_02: I'm next door.
SPEAKER_04: Come, come up.
SPEAKER_04: Show me what you're.
SPEAKER_02: your guy. Don't talk to me.
SPEAKER_02: I knock you on your chimbo and I'll send you to the ground.
SPEAKER_04: Ah, yeah.
SPEAKER_04: This is what I was talking about.
SPEAKER_02: I was hearing way too much nonsense coming out of your house.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, I've been hearing too much chaos and loud noise from your house at night.
SPEAKER_02: Can you turn it down tonight?
SPEAKER_02: What's your name?
SPEAKER_02: My name's little Anthony.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
SPEAKER_02: Please, it's much too loud, okay?
SPEAKER_10: Please, I don't even have anything on.
SPEAKER_02: It sounds like, my TV.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, I need you to turn off your television.
SPEAKER_10: Where do you live?
SPEAKER_02: Put your dogs away.
SPEAKER_02: I don't have dogs.
SPEAKER_02: It sounds like you got five, six of them.
SPEAKER_02: Can you help me out a little bit?
SPEAKER_02: It sounds like you got a lion,
SPEAKER_10: roaring, well, I don't know who in the hell you are, but I'll find out from your phone number.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, there, I'm Muleboitz.
SPEAKER_02: I've been looking at buying some property next to Yee, and I've been hearing too much sound.
SPEAKER_04: I don't know who the fuck you is.
SPEAKER_04: Don't call me no more, man.
SPEAKER_04: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hey, you were looking to get rough, fella?
SPEAKER_00: Dude, dude, dude, stop calling me, man.
SPEAKER_00: Stop calling me.
SPEAKER_00: In your business, stop calling, Motherfather, Pete.
SPEAKER_02: You up, man.
SPEAKER_02: Hello, this is Gary.
SPEAKER_02: Excuse me, I live adjacent to you, and I've just been hearing commotion coming out of there.
SPEAKER_02: There's no commotion coming out of my place.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know what to do, except I ask you politely, you know, bring her down a tower.
SPEAKER_02: What are you saying?
SPEAKER_02: I said there's too much chaos.
SPEAKER_02: It sounded like a gong was being beaten.
SPEAKER_02: Far too loud for me.
SPEAKER_02: I couldn't get out of your rest.
SPEAKER_09: What are you talking about?
SPEAKER_02: What are you getting out?
SPEAKER_02: I'm asking you if you could be a little...
SPEAKER_08: You're not polite.
SPEAKER_08: We don't even know who you are.
SPEAKER_02: I'm Libelitz.
SPEAKER_02: I live next door, and I don't know what you guys are doing.
SPEAKER_02: It sounds like a propeller was going.
SPEAKER_08: I think you need to call a doctor.
SPEAKER_08: Get out.
SPEAKER_02: Hang up.
SPEAKER_02: Limo service?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, guy.
SPEAKER_02: I've been hearing way too much commotion coming out of your house.
SPEAKER_02: It sounded like a propeller was spinning around.
SPEAKER_02: or something.
SPEAKER_00: I don't have no propellers.
SPEAKER_00: Where's your house?
SPEAKER_02: I've got no sleep for two days.
SPEAKER_00: Where do you live?
SPEAKER_00: We have no propellers in here.
SPEAKER_02: I live diagonally.
SPEAKER_02: One over.
SPEAKER_00: Can you come to your backyard?
SPEAKER_00: Let me see you on your backyard.
SPEAKER_02: Listen, you can give me $100 to go to a hotel or you can be quiet.
SPEAKER_02: It's your choice.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, man.
SPEAKER_00: Go to hell.
SPEAKER_00: Don't ever call me here again.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you be quiet for a change so I can get some sleep?
SPEAKER_00: Go to hell, dude.
SPEAKER_02: Limo service?
SPEAKER_02: Hi, are you guys going to bring it down to chat tonight?
SPEAKER_00: Man, who are you, man?
SPEAKER_00: Don't call this number, man.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to call the police on you.
SPEAKER_00: My name's Lee Beowitz.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to call the cops if you ever called me again.
SPEAKER_02: You sound real weird.
SPEAKER_00: I don't, you don't, you go, don't ever call this number.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Elifu right next door to you guys, and it's been way too loud.
SPEAKER_02: Who the fuck are you?
SPEAKER_02: I'm little Anthony.
SPEAKER_02: right?
SPEAKER_02: And I need you to quiet down tonight so I can get some sleep.
SPEAKER_01: I'm not in the mood for this shit.
SPEAKER_01: Have a great day, you asshole.
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hey, it sounds like you're cracking whips over there, so I'm...
SPEAKER_01: Hey, you can stop calling me.
SPEAKER_01: Let me know.
SPEAKER_01: That's what you can do.
SPEAKER_01: If you have a problem with this fucking sound, call the police.
SPEAKER_02: I'm calling you, fella.
SPEAKER_01: I haven't even been home for like three days.
SPEAKER_01: You won't tell me who the fuck you are.
SPEAKER_01: If you have a problem, call the police.
SPEAKER_01: Let's have a meeting.
SPEAKER_01: I don't want to talk to you ever again.
SPEAKER_01: You sound stupid.
SPEAKER_02: Just be quiet tonight so I can get some sleep before I come up there and push you around a little bit.
SPEAKER_02: You understand?
SPEAKER_01: Okay, let me ask you, what city are you in?
SPEAKER_02: I'm on the same street as you.
SPEAKER_02: Never mind the city.
SPEAKER_02: What are you talking about?
SPEAKER_01: Hey, whoever the fuck you are, obviously you are a hater of me as a musician.
SPEAKER_01: None of my other neighbors have ever made a complaint.
SPEAKER_01: That's truly your problem.
SPEAKER_01: How about I buy you the nicest pair of headphones?
SPEAKER_01: You can turn those headphones on and listen to sounds of the ocean or whatever the fuck you want.
SPEAKER_01: Memory is full.