Longmont Potion Castle 5 (2005)

Track 12: Neighborhood Bar
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SPEAKER_00: You're reaching Bobby.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, this is Brown from Liberty Squid calling.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: And I'm calling by your shipment.
SPEAKER_00: We got on the dock here, the tank, 43 Squids.
SPEAKER_01: I think you got the wrong place, Sal.
SPEAKER_01: What's the name of the business?
SPEAKER_00: I don't know.
SPEAKER_00: It's on the tank and there's 43 squit.
SPEAKER_00: $4218 even on the COD.
SPEAKER_00: This is a little bar neighborhood bar.
SPEAKER_00: Now you got the wrong place.
SPEAKER_00: Now, you got the wrong place.
SPEAKER_01: Do you understand me?
SPEAKER_00: I don't think you seem to understand what's going on here.
SPEAKER_00: I've worked for EPS for 14 years.
SPEAKER_01: I don't give a damn.
SPEAKER_01: You worked for him for 44 years.
SPEAKER_01: It's not my stuff.
SPEAKER_01: I have nothing to do with this.
SPEAKER_01: Don't bother me.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to send all of our best driver down, and he's going to personally talk to you about this.
SPEAKER_01: Well, I hope he's big, because I'll knock him right on his ass.
SPEAKER_01: You come with him.
SPEAKER_00: This is a tank full of squid, palan.
SPEAKER_01: You guys are...
SPEAKER_01: I don't care what a pussie.
SPEAKER_01: I don't want none of it.
SPEAKER_01: Don't bother me.