Longmont Potion Castle 8 (2011)

Track 8: NBS Electronics
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SPEAKER_01: NBS Electronics.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I'm looking to bias some valves.
SPEAKER_00: Say again.
SPEAKER_00: I'm looking to bias some valves.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: And I wanted to do a quick turnaround on that one.
SPEAKER_01: Are you asking me, can I bias your amp or are you asking me on advice as to how you can do it?
SPEAKER_00: I'm asking you what time I can come and pick the thing up.
SPEAKER_00: the thing up from you.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Let's see, what is it?
SPEAKER_00: It's a gorilla amp.
SPEAKER_01: A gorilla?
SPEAKER_00: Yep.
SPEAKER_01: I was not aware that the gorilla made any amplifiers that had vacuum tubes in them.
SPEAKER_00: Well, I put some gorilla snot on there so you could pick the thing up.
SPEAKER_01: Who's this?
SPEAKER_00: This is Byron.
SPEAKER_01: Byron.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, Byron.
SPEAKER_01: Are we local in Denver, Byron?
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, so you're local, right? Is that your name?
SPEAKER_00: That's what you just said.
SPEAKER_01: No, that's not what I said.
SPEAKER_01: I said, are you local in Denver?
SPEAKER_00: Okay, how much is gorilla snot?
SPEAKER_01: Uh, man, you sound like you're talking through a tremolo unit, man.
SPEAKER_00: How much is gorilla snot?
SPEAKER_01: How much does gorilla snot cost?
SPEAKER_01: Well, there is a, there is a product called gorilla snot.
SPEAKER_01: Uh, guitar players use.
SPEAKER_01: use it to put on their fingers to keep from dropping picks.
SPEAKER_01: I don't sell that particular product,
SPEAKER_01: and I don't know how much it is, but I have heard of it.
SPEAKER_00: I use gorillas knot when I'm cracking whips.
SPEAKER_01: When you're cracking whips.
SPEAKER_00: You sound like you're talking through an octaver pedal.
SPEAKER_01: It's a bad connection, man. Where are you calling from?
SPEAKER_00: Why are you talking through an effects pedal?
SPEAKER_01: I'm not talking to an effect pedal.
SPEAKER_01: Where are you calling from?
SPEAKER_00: I'm an ear.
SPEAKER_01: Erie, Colorado?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: And I'm getting ready to crack some whips.
SPEAKER_01: You want to crack some whips?
SPEAKER_01: Okay, and who do you want to crack these whips on?
SPEAKER_00: I got a gorilla amp, and I need it biased,
SPEAKER_00: and I need a triple turnaround time.
SPEAKER_01: Triple turnaround time.
SPEAKER_01: Let me ask your question, dude.
SPEAKER_01: What kind of fucking drugs are you on?
SPEAKER_00: Charlie, you sound like you're talking through a squeeze box or something.
SPEAKER_01: Well, regardless of what I'm talking through, what kind of drugs that you've been doing, dude?
SPEAKER_00: The only thing I know is I got my hands all full of grill of snot, and I'm on my way down there, and I'm going to crack my frickin' whip.
SPEAKER_01: All right, you're going to crack the whip, man.
SPEAKER_01: Who are you going to crack the whip on?
SPEAKER_00: You're going to feel my grip.
SPEAKER_01: I'm going to see your ribs?
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to grab hold of your lips.
SPEAKER_01: Dude, I cannot fucking understand you.
SPEAKER_00: It sounds like you're talking about.
SPEAKER_00: talking through a wow-wow pedal.
SPEAKER_01: Well, I'm not.
SPEAKER_00: I think you are.
SPEAKER_00: Period.
SPEAKER_01: Well, you know what?
SPEAKER_01: How about if I don't give a rat's ass what you think?
SPEAKER_01: Why don't you quit wasting my time, asshole?
SPEAKER_01: I got shit to do.
SPEAKER_00: I got some valves I need looked at, Charlie.
SPEAKER_00: And if it ain't done right,
SPEAKER_00: somebody's butt's good to get whoop.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, really.
SPEAKER_01: Well, that'll be interesting.
SPEAKER_01: Because if you come about here to whoop me,
SPEAKER_01: you done brought a whip
SPEAKER_01: a fucking gunfight, dude, and that means
SPEAKER_01: you're going to die.