Longmont Potion Castle 15 (2018)

Track 4: Mule Battle
This track needs reviewing! --> Lend a hand <--
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, this is Reginal
SPEAKER_02: I'm new to the area here
SPEAKER_02: I'm just trying to clear it with you
SPEAKER_02: I've got a couple of mules
SPEAKER_02: I'm looking to park out front here
SPEAKER_02: It's going to clear it with you
SPEAKER_02: Make sure it's all right
SPEAKER_02: Mules where?
SPEAKER_02: Out in the front someplace, you got a better idea
SPEAKER_01: I think you might be
SPEAKER_01: Dialing the wrong number
SPEAKER_02: No, Arthur, right?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah
SPEAKER_02: I got your number off the post office
SPEAKER_02: The guy's a friend of mine up
SPEAKER_01: The post office
SPEAKER_02: Yeah
SPEAKER_02: So is there a better place than others
SPEAKER_02: To set my mules up?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, why don't you put him up your mother's ass?
SPEAKER_02: What are you saying?
SPEAKER_01: Why don't you put them up your mother's ass?
SPEAKER_02: Hey guy, I got three burrows here that need to stretch their legs and have some food.
SPEAKER_01: Well, stick them up your mother's cunt.
SPEAKER_01: So they need food.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you cut me a check and I'll get somewhere to store them for a few weeks?
SPEAKER_02: Cut you a check?
SPEAKER_02: If that's going to be your attitude, yes, sir.
SPEAKER_02: You sound?
SPEAKER_02: like a fucking asshole.
SPEAKER_02: Why don't you slap me with three or four bills, then I'll go run a barn.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hey, Arthur, this is Reginald calling.
SPEAKER_02: Listen, round up a little rope and hop out front.
SPEAKER_02: Give me a hand here.
SPEAKER_02: Would you for a few minutes?
SPEAKER_02: I appreciate it.
SPEAKER_00: As soon as your mother finishes sucking my cock and your daughter,
SPEAKER_00: which my ass I can come out.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, guy, I got four mules here trotting around.
SPEAKER_02: I need a hand here real quick.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Use your hand.
SPEAKER_00: Go fuck yourself, asshole.
SPEAKER_02: I ain't got time for your wacky tobacco up here.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Go suck your mother's tits because that's the only piece of ass you ever get.
SPEAKER_02: Give me some rope, and then we'll rope these things up here.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, guy, I got a stable full of donkeys running wild.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, you got fucking monkey running wild.
SPEAKER_00: Your mother's running wild.
SPEAKER_02: She's fucking a cock.
SPEAKER_02: Listen, just round up some rope and give me a hand.
SPEAKER_02: These things are running buckwile.
SPEAKER_00: Get alive, asshole.
SPEAKER_00: Come on.
SPEAKER_00: I don't understand this.
SPEAKER_00: Your mother won't suck your dick anymore, so you're on the phone now.
SPEAKER_02: Look, put on some knickerbockers and come give me a hand real fast.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Sound good?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, why don't you come over and say that?
SPEAKER_02: I could be there within the hour, tough guy.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, why don't you do that?
SPEAKER_00: Bring a couple of your friends and get a couple of boxes made because you'll need them.
SPEAKER_02: Boxes?
SPEAKER_02: What are you talking?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Well, do you want to be buried just in the dirt?
SPEAKER_02: Buried?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Where are you coming from, Guy?
SPEAKER_00: Hey, if you come over, you can wind up in a fucking box.
SPEAKER_00: See, you're all talk.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, guy, I got a couple burrows on my side.
SPEAKER_02: You don't seem to remember.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: And I got a couple of 38th on my side.
SPEAKER_02: I was thinking of tying these things up.
SPEAKER_02: Now I think I'll just let them free and hunt you down.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, okay.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to hunch you down.
SPEAKER_02: I got about four don't you do that.
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you come over, and you'll wind up like a 17 in Parkland.
SPEAKER_02: I got a friend at the post office knows your zip code forward and backward.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, well, come on over.
SPEAKER_02: I tell him about this, and I got donkeys running wild.
SPEAKER_00: Come on over.
SPEAKER_00: Come on over.
SPEAKER_00: You're all taught.
SPEAKER_00: You're just a piece of shit.
SPEAKER_00: Come on over.
SPEAKER_00: I like to make the headline news.
SPEAKER_00: You got donkeys.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, donkeys are your kids and your mother.
SPEAKER_00: Two fucking donkeys.
SPEAKER_02: I got donkeys running buckwile.
SPEAKER_02: Hey, guy, I got mules moving buckwile up there.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, good.
SPEAKER_02: So it looks like your time's up there, Charlie.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, well, come on over.
SPEAKER_02: You'll see me.
SPEAKER_02: I'm riding on top of my number one donkey.
SPEAKER_02: I got a sombrero on.
SPEAKER_02: You can't miss me.
SPEAKER_02: You're riding on top of your mother.
SPEAKER_00: I'm not even riding you.
SPEAKER_00: mother.
SPEAKER_02: I got a gold chain around my neck.
SPEAKER_02: You'll see me.
SPEAKER_00: You got a gold chain around your neck.
SPEAKER_02: Ten feet in the air.
SPEAKER_00: Running wild.
SPEAKER_00: I can't wait to see you.
SPEAKER_00: You'll have a gold chain around your neck and a fucking 38 in your head.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to take you down and I'm going to roll your round.
SPEAKER_00: I tell I'm hoping for it.
SPEAKER_00: But I don't think that's going to happen because you don't got balls.
SPEAKER_00: You're only good on the phone.
SPEAKER_02: Because once I roll your roll your round.
SPEAKER_02: around, I'm going to pick you up and throw you in the river a couple times.
SPEAKER_00: Well, come on over and do it.
SPEAKER_00: You're just like a talker.
SPEAKER_00: You're like that fucking kid from Parkland.
SPEAKER_00: He was scared shit.
SPEAKER_00: Well, why don't you come over?
SPEAKER_00: Get the shit out of your mouth and come over and do something.
SPEAKER_02: I'll take care of you real quick.
SPEAKER_02: And then I'll ride off into the sunset.
SPEAKER_02: How's that sound with my mule?
SPEAKER_00: Ooh.
SPEAKER_00: Is your daughter going to, and she's still sucking all those cocks?
SPEAKER_02: I got donkeys going every which way you could imagine.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, man, but you have kids that are all fucking assholes and sluts and whores.
SPEAKER_00: Doesn't have a daddy that likes to ride donkeys.
SPEAKER_00: That's so funny.
SPEAKER_00: You're riding a donkey.
SPEAKER_00: Your daughter rides everybody's cock.
SPEAKER_00: I like that, but she was a fucking whore since she was 12.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, you're going to be licking the dirt when I'm through with you.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, I wish you would come over.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, I really do.
SPEAKER_00: I can make the headlines in the papers tonight.
SPEAKER_00: I just shoot.
SPEAKER_00: I want you to come over and bring your friends so I can make the fucking headlines.
SPEAKER_00: I, you know, this reminds me in Vietnam.
SPEAKER_00: Kill the fucking scumbags.
SPEAKER_00: And you're just a scumbag.
SPEAKER_00: I need target practice.
SPEAKER_02: Buddy, I got four burrows running buck wild.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, you got four boroughs.
SPEAKER_00: Your bollas are fucking burrow.
SPEAKER_00: Your kids are burrows.
SPEAKER_00: and you're a borough.