Longmont Potion Castle 8 (2011)

Track 2: Melissa Prophet
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SPEAKER_02: Please enjoy the music while your party is reached.
SPEAKER_00: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_03: This is Giannini.
SPEAKER_03: How you doing?
SPEAKER_02: What can I do for you, Giannini?
SPEAKER_03: Yes, I work with isotone of gloves.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, well, wonderful.
SPEAKER_02: That's very, very exciting for you.
SPEAKER_02: I think you've got the wrong number.
SPEAKER_03: No, we need someone to show off our gloves and model our gloves.
SPEAKER_02: What's for Iso Tos gloves, Gina? What's your name again, babe?
SPEAKER_03: Giannini.
SPEAKER_02: Great. So we have got some Iso Tona gloves and you want someone to show off your gloves.
SPEAKER_02: How much money you want to pay him and how real are you?
SPEAKER_02: I'm not buying this, Giannini.
SPEAKER_03: Not buying it? Well, how about to the tuna $1,800?
SPEAKER_02: $1,800. You need a guy.
SPEAKER_03: We need a gal.
SPEAKER_02: You need a gal.
SPEAKER_02: Let me have the number where you can be reached at your company.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, my direct line is 1, 2, 3, 4567, and the event is on the 12th of this month.
SPEAKER_02: But your number is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. What area, code, babe?
SPEAKER_03: It's 0,000.
SPEAKER_02: So, gee, I'm not.
SPEAKER_02: I've never heard of such a number, dear.
SPEAKER_03: Well, that's my direct line, so...
SPEAKER_02: So, if someone were to dial, 0,000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, they'd reach you, right?
SPEAKER_03: Well, yeah, this is isotone or gloves.
SPEAKER_03: Maybe you've heard of this, maybe you haven't, but I can say...
SPEAKER_02: I've heard of you.
SPEAKER_02: Of course, I've heard of you, but I've never heard of Aerea because I'm not.
SPEAKER_02: Well, I'm calling you right now, but it was the other two.
SPEAKER_03: Have you ever heard of Calibri lighters?
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: I've heard of Isotone gloves, not Calibri light.
SPEAKER_03: I use Calibri light.
SPEAKER_03: I use isotone or glows.
SPEAKER_02: You're calling me from a block number, and you just gave me a number that doesn't work.
SPEAKER_02: That is not true.
SPEAKER_03: That is not true.
SPEAKER_03: I'm ready to...
SPEAKER_02: Call me back and open your lineup, and we'll talk about doing some business, okay?
SPEAKER_03: I'll send you PayPal half of the amount, up front.
SPEAKER_02: Well, I don't understand why you don't have a number, honey.
SPEAKER_03: I just keep it to you.
SPEAKER_02: I just dialed it from another number.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sitting here with two assistants.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: and we just dialed 0-00-1-2-4-567
SPEAKER_03: No, it's 1-2-3-4567.
SPEAKER_02: We dialed it.
SPEAKER_02: Let me go try you one more time.
SPEAKER_02: We've got plenty of time.
SPEAKER_03: Let me have your email address and I'll shoot you a payment right now.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, your number doesn't work, babe.
SPEAKER_02: Why would I give you my email?
SPEAKER_02: I've got six email addresses.
SPEAKER_02: I'd be happy to give you one, but there's no payment because you don't have a number
SPEAKER_02: which basically means
SPEAKER_02: you don't exist with your I can tell them what all I need to back from a real
SPEAKER_02: member let me figure out this you're real and we'll talk if there's not enough money for me to
SPEAKER_02: sit here and let you entertain yourself okay you need to be able to use a lighter
SPEAKER_02: that's the only stipulation I think you better go back to doing the drugs
SPEAKER_02: you just finished off before you called me okay what is that supposed to mean I'm looking for
SPEAKER_01: a dancer around here there's no dancers around here you should really stop calling this number
SPEAKER_03: Either a model or a singer or a dancer or a dance.
SPEAKER_01: No, no models, no singers, no nothing.
SPEAKER_01: Stop calling this number.
SPEAKER_03: I heard you a pretty good dance over here.
SPEAKER_01: Who the hell is this? Is this, Carlos?
SPEAKER_03: This is Giannini.
SPEAKER_01: I don't know you. You don't know us. You should really stop calling this number before I report it or block you.
SPEAKER_03: I want to do a little dancing tonight. How does that sound?
SPEAKER_01: Well, you go ahead and do your dancing. Call somebody else. Stop fucking with us.
SPEAKER_02: Please enjoy.
SPEAKER_02: the music while your party is reached.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I am Gianini. I'm with isotoner, gloves.
SPEAKER_02: Right, you're the same fucking retard that called me yesterday, okay?
SPEAKER_02: Lose my number.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, you don't have a business deal.
SPEAKER_02: You're an upset fan and a stalker.
SPEAKER_02: And frankly, you're boring.
SPEAKER_02: You're not even a good bagie, all right?
SPEAKER_02: You're a fucking retard.
SPEAKER_03: Let me fit your hand with our gloves and you'll change your tune.
SPEAKER_03: I bet you.
SPEAKER_02: You don't have any gloves.
SPEAKER_02: Either that or you are the most ridiculously verbal human beings.
SPEAKER_02: ever. Your brain and your mouth
SPEAKER_02: don't match that, okay?
SPEAKER_02: Spoke yesterday. He gave me your wrong fucking number.
SPEAKER_02: You're a moron.
SPEAKER_02: Iso Tone of gloves and lighters and all the rest
SPEAKER_02: of your bullshit. Tell it to
SPEAKER_02: somebody that fucking gives the shit, you stalker,
SPEAKER_02: fucker, loser.
SPEAKER_02: Lose my fucking number.
SPEAKER_02: Okay? Mr. fucking smarty fan?
SPEAKER_02: What do you have to say for yourself?
SPEAKER_03: We've got some new products that are going to drive you wild.
SPEAKER_02: You let the new product to shove up your loser
SPEAKER_02: ass. You get what a loser you are.
SPEAKER_03: We are a winning brand.
SPEAKER_02: You're winning brand, your stockership, your obsession with me.
SPEAKER_02: Dee, I'm going to give you some jerk off material right now.
SPEAKER_02: Get out your towel, okay?
SPEAKER_02: Is your towel and your dick in your hand with whoever's with you that is obsessed with me?
SPEAKER_02: Go fuck yourself.
SPEAKER_02: Fuck your mother, fuck your grandmother, and fuck your sister, okay?
SPEAKER_02: Then fucking call me back with your spagasy fucking offers.
SPEAKER_02: and your little fucking fan base over there,
SPEAKER_02: and fucking stick it up your ass and drop dead, all right?
SPEAKER_02: So there you go.
SPEAKER_02: I've given you jerk off the chair.
SPEAKER_02: You can tell your friends,
SPEAKER_02: spoke to Melissa Popper today,
SPEAKER_02: what a charming experience it was,
SPEAKER_02: and then I've now given you something to jerk off you.
SPEAKER_02: All right, tweet, Tweedard Giovanni.
SPEAKER_02: You don't even know your fucking name, by the way.
SPEAKER_02: Thanks.