Longmont Potion Castle 18 (2021)

Longmont Potion Castle 18

Track 11: Meddling Medley

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  • SPEAKER_03: Hello.
  • SPEAKER_00: Yeah, my name's Elmer.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm new in town.
  • SPEAKER_00: I need an apartment.
  • SPEAKER_03: Yeah, what about it?
  • SPEAKER_03: You seen it?
  • SPEAKER_03: Where did you see it?
  • SPEAKER_03: On the sign?
  • SPEAKER_00: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_00: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_03: How many people are you?
  • SPEAKER_00: Just one.
  • SPEAKER_03: And why are you moving?
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm moving out of my grandmother's house and trying to get my own place.
  • SPEAKER_03: I think you called me about a month ago.
  • SPEAKER_03: Didn't you call me a month ago?
  • SPEAKER_00: Yeah, you said to call you back.
  • SPEAKER_03: Yeah. Okay. Let me ask you this. Are you having a job?
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, I'm going to a job interview on Monday. I was going to see if maybe I could borrow your car just to go there, and it should be for like an hour.
  • SPEAKER_03: I should borrow the car for me?
  • SPEAKER_00: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_03: Something wrong with you, you know? I'm 93 and I don't drive already for 10 years, so I have a car to borrow you?
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, I'd only need it for a couple hours, yes.
  • SPEAKER_03: You don't hear what I said. I'm 93 years of age. Do I have a car for you?
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, just for the day, you know. It's okay.
  • SPEAKER_03: Have a good day now. I don't have any enough for you. I don't have any apartment.
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, maybe do you think I could borrow like $20 to rent a car?
  • SPEAKER_03: And you want to get an apartment for me when you don't even have $20?
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, I'm going to get a job, you see, on Monday.
  • SPEAKER_03: I didn't give a damn. Don't call me.
  • SPEAKER_03: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_00: Hey, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_00: Yeah, Joe, it's Elmer. You were just going to help me out with money for the ride to my job.
  • SPEAKER_03: Let me tell you something. I'm going to send the police over to you, and they're going to knock you down, you know? They're going to kill you.
  • SPEAKER_03: You're son of a bitch. If you don't stop calling me, you're going to be killed. But I'm calling the police right now.
  • SPEAKER_00: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_00: Hi, yeah, Joe. I was hoping to look at those apartments. This is Elmer. Elmer. Elmer. Yeah, that's right.
  • SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_00: Remember, you were going to lend me money to get a taxi cab for my job interview, and then we can go look at it together.
  • SPEAKER_03: Oh, you're the one that yet see me for money?
  • SPEAKER_00: Yeah, we're going to...
  • SPEAKER_03: You go to hell. You're going to...
  • SPEAKER_00: You're going to...
  • SPEAKER_03: You're going to let me. You're going to call the police.
  • SPEAKER_03: You're going to call the police on you. Just son of a bitch. I'm going to call the police on you.
  • SPEAKER_03: Just son of a bitch.
  • SPEAKER_00: $50, we're done.
  • SPEAKER_03: Your motherfucker. Come over, your motherfucker.
  • SPEAKER_00: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_00: Yeah, it's hoping to look at those apartments.
  • SPEAKER_00: Who are you, man? You're talking to a son.
  • SPEAKER_00: Do I have to kick your fucking ass?
  • SPEAKER_00: He was going to lend me money for the taxi cab.
  • SPEAKER_02: We're not lending you shit. I don't know who you are.
  • SPEAKER_02: You come within 10 feet of him. I'll knock your fucking teeth out.
  • SPEAKER_02: You don't even know what you're dealing with.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm a prospective tenant.
  • SPEAKER_02: You're nobody. You don't fucking call him anymore.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm going to be a tenant here pretty quick.
  • SPEAKER_02: You're not going to be a tenant anywhere. You're calling him for money?
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, no. I need an apartment.
  • SPEAKER_02: I don't care what you need. Do not call him anymore. You don't call someone for money.
  • SPEAKER_02: You need an apartment.
  • SPEAKER_02: You don't call somebody. I don't want to do business with you.
  • SPEAKER_00: Hello.
  • SPEAKER_00: This is Kermit. I just moved in around the way from you.
  • SPEAKER_00: I ran out of storage space. I just need to borrow a little closet space from you, if that's all right, just for some suits,
  • SPEAKER_00: ropes, things like that, for a couple months.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't know who you are and I don't know where you live. Where do you live?
  • SPEAKER_00: I live two houses down. My gardener gave me the number. He said that'd be okay.
  • SPEAKER_00: I can give you three, four dollars.
  • SPEAKER_00: You know, a month. I have robes, suits, some chiffon, mainly the chiffon that needs
  • SPEAKER_00: protecting, so I could bring them over.
  • SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I don't have any room for that, sir. I'm sorry.
  • SPEAKER_00: Just for a couple months. I have a small place.
  • SPEAKER_01: No, no, no, no, no, no, I understand that. I don't have any room for that, so.
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, I can bring by just a couple of the items and...
  • SPEAKER_01: No, sir, sir, it's not okay. It's not all right.
  • SPEAKER_00: Not okay.
  • SPEAKER_01: Don't bother. It's not okay. No, it's not okay at all.
  • SPEAKER_01: I'm sure you'll.
  • SPEAKER_01: find some other neighbors who may be able to accommodate you, but I can't.
  • SPEAKER_00: I don't know anybody else in the area. I'm new here. Okay.
  • SPEAKER_00: Yeah, where do you live? What street do you live? I help bring three or four dollars cash and like five robes.
  • SPEAKER_01: What street do you live on?
  • SPEAKER_00: We'll get it done. I'm real new. I don't know what you want for me. He said you'd help me. So I can walk down there.
  • SPEAKER_01: Sir, sir, don't walk down. Don't call anymore. Have a great day. I'm just going to pop by. It'll be no problem.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm just out of space.
  • SPEAKER_01: Sir, sir, if you drop by, you drop by, you.
  • SPEAKER_01: you'll be met by a police officer.
  • SPEAKER_01: So don't buy a police.
  • SPEAKER_01: You heard me.
  • SPEAKER_01: Hello.
  • SPEAKER_00: Hey, this is Kermit. I'm your new neighbor.
  • SPEAKER_00: What's going on over there?
  • SPEAKER_05: What do you mean my new neighbor?
  • SPEAKER_00: I got your number from the dentist.
  • SPEAKER_00: We have the same dentist.
  • SPEAKER_00: I just have a long extension cord I need to plug in just to borrow electricity just for like two or three hours to get my computer going.
  • SPEAKER_05: I think you have the wrong number.
  • SPEAKER_00: I have the right number, you know.
  • SPEAKER_00: So we'll be done.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm just, where I live.
  • SPEAKER_00: Yeah, which number are you in again?
  • SPEAKER_05: You tell me.
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, I know we're in the same area, but I just want to make sure.
  • SPEAKER_05: Which area?
  • SPEAKER_00: I can walk over there.
  • SPEAKER_00: I could be there in three minutes.
  • SPEAKER_05: Which area?
  • SPEAKER_05: What state do you in?
  • SPEAKER_00: Guy, I'm new here.
  • SPEAKER_00: What do you want for me?
  • SPEAKER_00: You know?
  • SPEAKER_05: What state do you in?
  • SPEAKER_00: Same seat as you, guy.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm just looking to plug in my computer.
  • SPEAKER_05: Oh my God, you can't tell me.
  • SPEAKER_05: My state, you fucking nigger.
  • SPEAKER_05: Your mother's a whore.
  • SPEAKER_05: You know that, right?
  • SPEAKER_00: Listen, go, let's lower the temperature right now.
  • SPEAKER_00: Got it?
  • SPEAKER_00: Let's lower it right the freak down.
  • SPEAKER_05: Where's my fucking number, you cock-sucking faggot.
  • SPEAKER_00: I just need to plug in my freaking computer, tough guy.
  • SPEAKER_05: Okay, plug it into your mother's cunks.
  • SPEAKER_05: How's that?
  • SPEAKER_00: Listen, guy, why don't you just be professional?
  • SPEAKER_00: All right?
  • SPEAKER_05: Why don't you suck your mother's titty?
  • SPEAKER_00: You just trying to Shanghai me?
  • SPEAKER_04: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_04: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_00: Hi, my name's Banjo.
  • SPEAKER_00: I moved in next to you about three days ago.
  • SPEAKER_00: How's it going?
  • SPEAKER_04: It's rough. It's challenging.
  • SPEAKER_04: We've had problems of water dripping in on my apartment, and I told the landlady about it,
  • SPEAKER_04: and she took pictures of it and didn't correct the situation.
  • SPEAKER_04: It's a challenge living here.
  • SPEAKER_04: And then someone's smoking a lot, and it comes in my apartment a lot.
  • SPEAKER_04: Do you have that same problem?
  • SPEAKER_00: I've smelled something, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_04: Well, there's people who smoke a lot, do a lot of smoking.
  • SPEAKER_04: There's one guy smoking pot that lives by me, another guy's a lady, a lady, a woman.
  • SPEAKER_04: above me smoking heavily, and it comes all in my apartment.
  • SPEAKER_04: How'd you get my number?
  • SPEAKER_00: For my gardener.
  • SPEAKER_04: Oh, your gardener.
  • SPEAKER_00: He said you live nearby. I got a job interview on Monday.
  • SPEAKER_00: Is there any way you could lend me, like, a hat and a belt?
  • SPEAKER_04: Well, I don't know if my clothes fit you, but I can give you some of my clothes I don't wear,
  • SPEAKER_04: but I don't know if they fit you, but I'll have to hand them outside the door.
  • SPEAKER_04: Just let me find, what size do you wear?
  • SPEAKER_00: Extra large.
  • SPEAKER_04: Well, I don't.
  • SPEAKER_04: I don't know if I have anything large.
  • SPEAKER_04: I used to be married to a fat person, but they left me for a younger person.
  • SPEAKER_04: I said, I don't know if my pants are going to fit you, but I'll give what I, look what I have
  • SPEAKER_04: and give them to you to see, do it with.
  • SPEAKER_04: That means, it's going to take me a while to get this stuff out.
  • SPEAKER_00: Is there any way I could borrow some electricity if I plug my, I have a really long cord.
  • SPEAKER_00: If I just ran an extension cord over there, would that be okay for a few hours,
  • SPEAKER_00: just so I could get my computer set up?
  • SPEAKER_04: Yeah, well, I, uh, I, uh, I, uh, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I need my fish tank lights to keep my fish living, or they're going to die.
  • SPEAKER_04: I have two, I have two fish tanks.
  • SPEAKER_04: Let me see, what if I have an extra plug?
  • SPEAKER_04: Let me look around first.
  • SPEAKER_00: And so we can try it some clothes if I come over?
  • SPEAKER_04: Uh, I don't, uh, I'd rather just give you the clothes. Let me look for them first.
  • SPEAKER_04: I can't, I, I, I, I, I don't, I, I, I don't feel.
  • SPEAKER_04: I don't want my, um, I can't plug anything in. I'm sorry about that. I don't have any plugs.
  • SPEAKER_04: If I unplug the thing, my fish tank will die and my fish will die. I looked at the plugs I have. I
  • SPEAKER_04: don't have anything. I'm sorry about that. But let me, let me, give me a chance, call me in five minutes, let me find some clothes.
  • SPEAKER_04: And I'll just hand them to you, but I, I just don't know you. I don't know who you are. I don't, I've got to be careful who I trust because there's a lot of bad people in this building that have ripped me off.
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, I'm Banjo.
  • SPEAKER_00: that's who I am.
  • SPEAKER_04: Well, Banjo, my name is Dave.
  • SPEAKER_04: Let me find some clothes for you.
  • SPEAKER_04: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_04: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_00: Hi, yes, it's Banjo, your neighbor. How are you doing?
  • SPEAKER_04: Don't call me anymore.
  • SPEAKER_04: I'm not into your lifestyle.
  • SPEAKER_04: If I left clothes for you, you didn't use them.
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, I was just going to see, maybe could I borrow your fish for a little white, so I have something to do.
  • SPEAKER_04: No, no, no, no. Don't call me anymore. We're going to have a talk with the landlady.
  • SPEAKER_00: I just don't have something to do.
  • SPEAKER_04: I don't think I want to get involved with a relationship with you.
  • SPEAKER_00: Can I come over and meet the fish?
  • SPEAKER_04: No, nine, no amygal.
  • SPEAKER_04: No compadry. If you keep on asking for things, I'm going to block you from my phone.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'll just stop by, and we can check them out together.
  • SPEAKER_04: No, we won't talk, or I'll call the police.
  • SPEAKER_00: No.
  • SPEAKER_04: No, you better leave me alone.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'll see you in five, and we'll talk about it, okay?
  • SPEAKER_04: No, we won't tell you at all.
  • SPEAKER_04: You don't wear a mask to protect.
  • SPEAKER_04: yourself. I don't want to be bothered
  • SPEAKER_00: with you. I just want to
  • SPEAKER_00: meet your fish. I don't want to have anything
  • SPEAKER_05: to do with you, or I'm going to call the landlady
  • SPEAKER_05: or the police.
  • SPEAKER_05: No. Leave me alone.
  • SPEAKER_05: Goodbye.