Longmont Potion Castle 4 (2001)

Longmont Potion Castle 4

Track 79: LPC Negativland - KGNU FM

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  • SPEAKER_03: Hello, and you're listening to K.G and U.
  • SPEAKER_03: Boulder, and how are you guys tonight?
  • SPEAKER_03: Bye.
  • SPEAKER_04: Good.
  • SPEAKER_03: And very shortly, we're going to be talking to Mark Hosler of Negative Land.
  • SPEAKER_04: Three, two, one.
  • None: Digga, do.
  • None: I'm so very diga, digger, do by nature.
  • None: Digga, digger, digger, to your nature.
  • None: You're going to lose my soul.
  • None: That's so funny.
  • None: Deep a smile.
  • None: How can that be a virginile with diga, digger do, digger do, do.
  • SPEAKER_03: Hello, Mr. Hosler.
  • SPEAKER_04: Yeah?
  • SPEAKER_06: Uh.
  • SPEAKER_04: Glad you could all come over.
  • SPEAKER_06: Let's go ahead and take our first caller.
  • None: What?
  • SPEAKER_07: Hang on there, Mark.
  • SPEAKER_07: What?
  • SPEAKER_07: Hang on.
  • SPEAKER_03: We're sorry.
  • SPEAKER_03: People are just.
  • SPEAKER_03: Just playing with the buttons out of control.
  • SPEAKER_03: Oh, I like Sparse?
  • SPEAKER_05: Oh, my God, stuff about all right?
  • SPEAKER_05: How does that come through anyway?
  • SPEAKER_05: I don't have to come through.
  • SPEAKER_05: I don't know.
  • SPEAKER_03: I think we have a call in the line if you'd like to take a question for a second here.
  • SPEAKER_05: Well, okay.
  • SPEAKER_05: The problem is giving, is that there's so much background to do.
  • SPEAKER_05: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_03: Hello, do you have a question tonight for Mark?
  • SPEAKER_05: Hi, Mark.
  • SPEAKER_05: Hi, Mark. Hi, there.
  • SPEAKER_05: I've been listening to your band for a long time, and I've liked all the stuff
  • SPEAKER_05: you've done all the way back to car crash.
  • SPEAKER_05: A bell is to read.
  • SPEAKER_05: Did you catch that?
  • SPEAKER_05: Car bomb.
  • SPEAKER_05: He got a car bomb.
  • SPEAKER_05: He must not be listening to it as that closely.
  • SPEAKER_01: It's been a while.
  • SPEAKER_05: Go ahead.
  • SPEAKER_05: Well, the question was, have you guys considered re-releasing on CD all the work that you've done up to date?
  • SPEAKER_05: I have.
  • SPEAKER_05: I have.
  • SPEAKER_05: What do you mean by that?
  • SPEAKER_05: The old LP...
  • SPEAKER_05: Oh, they are available on CD.
  • SPEAKER_05: Everything is?
  • SPEAKER_05: Sure is.
  • SPEAKER_05: Okay, that's good to know.
  • SPEAKER_05: It's a testament to our own lack of aggressiveness.
  • SPEAKER_05: of promoting our own work that you don't know about it.
  • SPEAKER_06: And, caller, you brought up a very good point, I'd like to add.
  • SPEAKER_05: Of what?
  • SPEAKER_06: The conversion of handmade, early recordings now available on the...
  • SPEAKER_05: Well, they're available on CD.
  • SPEAKER_05: Okay, well, can I order...
  • SPEAKER_05: Should I order those through you?
  • SPEAKER_03: Is that Universal Media NetWeb?
  • SPEAKER_03: Is that the...
  • SPEAKER_05: Let me finish here.
  • SPEAKER_05: What did Eno tell you?
  • SPEAKER_05: Well, you should get the...
  • SPEAKER_05: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_05: You're supposed to have a magazine when we do this interview.
  • SPEAKER_05: You know what the hell you're talking about.
  • SPEAKER_07: about? That's not part of the public domain, then, huh?
  • SPEAKER_05: Well, actually, I believe that it is.
  • SPEAKER_05: It's the thing you have to stand is that SST's press release is not motivated by, um...
  • SPEAKER_05: Woo!
  • SPEAKER_05: Woo!
  • SPEAKER_07: We wanted to be a celebration because we think that everything you're doing is really great.
  • SPEAKER_07: You're an American treasure.
  • SPEAKER_04: Well, thank you.
  • SPEAKER_06: Let's take our second caller at this time, and although you're on the air, caller.
  • SPEAKER_05: Hi, Mark. I'm calling back again.
  • SPEAKER_05: Um, at the risk of you being, I'm angry at me for not having read your magazine.
  • SPEAKER_01: God damn it!
  • SPEAKER_05: Um, do you ever hear...
  • SPEAKER_05: Oh, no?
  • SPEAKER_05: Directly?
  • SPEAKER_05: Uh, no, though he's actually quoted Rolling Stone article about our, about, a little bit about our record.
  • SPEAKER_05: So...
  • SPEAKER_05: Okay, I couldn't understand why he would be upset about anything like that.
  • SPEAKER_05: They're totally removed. What?
  • SPEAKER_05: Well, that's why I would think that he wouldn't even, like you say, if he's supposed to say, well, why, why
  • SPEAKER_05: I wish she'd get upset or something.
  • SPEAKER_05: What did Eno tell you?
  • SPEAKER_05: Brian Eno, he's referring to.
  • SPEAKER_05: Brian Eno is a U-2's producer, which I'm a Brian Eno fan.
  • SPEAKER_00: He too.
  • SPEAKER_05: And I actually always thought it was very interesting that he ended up being their producer.
  • SPEAKER_05: Did you hear about the lawsuit against Jeff Coons in New York?
  • SPEAKER_05: Oh, yeah, we've been following that.
  • SPEAKER_05: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_05: The final decision is not out, and this will be a continuing...
  • SPEAKER_05: We'll hear about this in the future on an ongoing basis.
  • SPEAKER_05: Yeah, and that's one really.
  • SPEAKER_05: The reason why we felt that we should put out our magazine
  • SPEAKER_05: was that we really wanted to sort of throw our two cents into the debate here,
  • SPEAKER_05: and especially we realized that, at least in the world of music,
  • SPEAKER_05: the people who were actually creatively using the technology
  • SPEAKER_05: and the world of media around them are never represented.
  • SPEAKER_05: What about, Mark, what about guns for New American Radio?
  • SPEAKER_05: Right.
  • SPEAKER_05: Because...
  • SPEAKER_05: We're parodying all the Westerns, right?
  • SPEAKER_05: I would say we were parodying anything there.
  • SPEAKER_05: No, I think we were just referencing...
  • SPEAKER_05: we were referencing, you know, just how much weapons like that are in our culture.
  • SPEAKER_04: How are you doing?
  • SPEAKER_04: There's one thing I hate.
  • SPEAKER_04: Oh, the noise, noise, noise, noise.
  • SPEAKER_06: I'm back here with Mark Costler.
  • SPEAKER_06: The color we just had, Mark wanted to know if you were in touch with the Dweasel Zappa.
  • SPEAKER_06: Or Frank Zappa, rather, as he's spearheaded some of that, you know...
  • SPEAKER_07: Don't have enough data.
  • SPEAKER_07: Mark, you there?
  • SPEAKER_05: Yeah, I'm just going to...
  • SPEAKER_05: You're just returning it in spades, are you?
  • SPEAKER_05: A little blues never.
  • SPEAKER_07: He's going to return it in spades.
  • SPEAKER_07: Yeah?
  • SPEAKER_03: We just had a caller who was wondering if you had contacted Frank Zappa,
  • SPEAKER_03: who has a lot to do with...
  • SPEAKER_03: censorship and things like that.
  • SPEAKER_05: No, we haven't.
  • SPEAKER_05: Okay, now I'm going to do my impersonation of George Zampere on the panpipes.
  • SPEAKER_05: Don't you feel better already?
  • SPEAKER_05: Aren't you all ready to all go out and see that movie, Aspen?
  • SPEAKER_06: Call, are you there?
  • SPEAKER_05: You know, that's what people are going to think of Colorado.
  • SPEAKER_05: They'll look at that movie.
  • SPEAKER_06: Isn't that the worst?
  • SPEAKER_06: Hello, Colorado.
  • SPEAKER_06: What do you have to say for yourself as a Colorado resident?
  • SPEAKER_06: Come on, caller.
  • SPEAKER_07: Here's caller.
  • SPEAKER_07: Hey, that's Jack Horkheimer.
  • SPEAKER_07: Is this legal?
  • SPEAKER_05: You tell them to put the tape recorder closer to the phone so that it'll come through.
  • SPEAKER_06: I was wondering about...
  • SPEAKER_07: Somebody doing that with half their brains.
  • SPEAKER_06: The little dippers...
  • SPEAKER_06: placement tonight. Maybe that color will call back.
  • SPEAKER_05: Well, don't cut them off if they're, you know...
  • SPEAKER_07: Oh, they did. Oh, they did. I'm sorry.
  • SPEAKER_07: Hey, Mark, I got kind of a technical question, you...
  • SPEAKER_07: I don't know about anything technical.
  • SPEAKER_07: Are you up for it?
  • SPEAKER_07: Well, I don't know.
  • SPEAKER_07: Why do you want to ask me?
  • SPEAKER_07: How come there's no E in your name?
  • SPEAKER_04: There's one...
  • SPEAKER_04: Glad you can all come over.
  • SPEAKER_04: Oh, boy.
  • SPEAKER_04: Glad you can...
  • SPEAKER_04: Magic, magic, magic, magic, magic it all come over.
  • SPEAKER_04: Now, are you ready to...
  • SPEAKER_04: Ready to...
  • SPEAKER_04: Ready to...
  • SPEAKER_05: Oh, the joys of a CD player that you can just...
  • None: Oh, I'm sorry. I feel...
  • SPEAKER_05: There's someone you're really not...
  • SPEAKER_05: Copyright infringement.
  • SPEAKER_05: Not for Walt Disney.
  • SPEAKER_07: Who did he rip?
  • SPEAKER_07: Who did he borrow from?
  • SPEAKER_07: Who did he borrow from?
  • SPEAKER_07: Who, Walt Disney? Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_05: Well, I don't know. I guess he was sort of did a lot of terrible things to...
  • SPEAKER_05: I don't know.
  • SPEAKER_05: Stravinsky and Shaw, COVID.
  • SPEAKER_05: Oh, in the soundtrack.
  • SPEAKER_06: Ah.
  • SPEAKER_06: And, uh, caller, you want to add?
  • SPEAKER_04: Okay, what's your number? I'll call you back.
  • SPEAKER_04: Oh, all right. What do you want?
  • SPEAKER_06: Trying to hang sausage, are you?
  • SPEAKER_06: Okay, now see, what's your take on that?
  • SPEAKER_05: Hey, come on, you see, you're just ignoring those calls?
  • SPEAKER_05: Those are actually good calls. You know, I can hear that those are good calls.
  • SPEAKER_06: They just keep hanging up, really.
  • SPEAKER_04: Oh, I don't understand.
  • SPEAKER_06: There's a lot of father.
  • SPEAKER_05: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_07: Let's talk about your new label. Can we be on your new label?
  • SPEAKER_05: I don't know. Send us some tapes.
  • SPEAKER_05: We don't really want to put out anyone else in our new label except ourselves.
  • SPEAKER_07: Uh, caller?
  • SPEAKER_05: We're small-minded and selfish.
  • SPEAKER_07: You can have the money.
  • SPEAKER_07: How's it going?
  • SPEAKER_04: Hi, I'm here.
  • SPEAKER_04: I'm a fanzine artist, and frankly, I'm scared by all this.
  • SPEAKER_06: You're not alone, caller.
  • SPEAKER_04: I'm a fanzine artist clip out little samples of, you know, in the sound.
  • SPEAKER_04: Don't be scared.
  • SPEAKER_04: You know, and...
  • SPEAKER_04: Look what happened to you?
  • SPEAKER_07: So what? We're not scared.
  • SPEAKER_04: Yeah, I want to congratulate you for fighting the good fight for, you know, your doing...
  • SPEAKER_07: Trailblazers.
  • SPEAKER_07: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_04: I mean, it sounds corny, but true.
  • SPEAKER_04: And also for exposing, you know, these quote-unquote underground labels, you know,
  • SPEAKER_04: that many of these underground labels just call themselves,
  • SPEAKER_04: such as SST network, you know, tons of underground labels are making millions of dollars.
  • SPEAKER_05: Yes, the story is the same.
  • SPEAKER_05: It's just a different, has a different face to it.
  • SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_04: You know, the whole fanzine world, you know, basically cuts up lots of things and puts them in their eyes,
  • SPEAKER_04: and it's not like a whole clipping out of a whole magazine.
  • SPEAKER_05: You know, like Hinko's copy center got sued a while back for that same kind of copyrights.
  • SPEAKER_06: They traced it back to there, huh?
  • SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_05: I think that must have been done to make an example of them or to scare the shit out of them.
  • SPEAKER_05: I just said shit. I didn't say, I just said shit.
  • SPEAKER_07: That's all right.
  • SPEAKER_07: Hey, Mark.
  • SPEAKER_07: a fragment of shit.
  • SPEAKER_07: What do you think of caller ID?
  • SPEAKER_07: Day.
  • SPEAKER_05: I think all that stuff's very frightening.
  • SPEAKER_06: I don't like that.
  • SPEAKER_05: Unfortunately, this is what I'd have to say, is that I'd say, keep on clipping out your art and doing what you do.
  • SPEAKER_05: I mean, there's a lot of people who are, how many rap records are out, or rather hip-hop, they're not all getting clearance fees, and they're not all playing the game.
  • SPEAKER_05: They somehow act like they are.
  • SPEAKER_05: They're not, they're just keeping quiet about it.
  • SPEAKER_05: Yeah, there's your magazine completely unavailable now.
  • SPEAKER_05: It is now completely unavailable, that is correct.
  • SPEAKER_06: And, you know, that last caller, it looks like he was looking for a little encouragement tonight from you.
  • SPEAKER_06: And do you think you can offer it genuinely this evening, or?
  • SPEAKER_05: I just think that the smaller you are, I think that, I think if you're just doing a Xerox fanzine,
  • SPEAKER_05: I mean, this wouldn't worry about it.
  • SPEAKER_05: And even when you're doing bigger stuff, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • SPEAKER_05: and I would worry about it only if and when something actually happened.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'd always wear a fingernailipot
  • SPEAKER_00: and that's my outfit.
  • SPEAKER_00: I wore a yellow outfit.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'd wear a yellow fingernailipollary.
  • SPEAKER_00: And that was a ritual I did day after day.
  • SPEAKER_00: Changing my collar is the green, glue.
  • SPEAKER_05: Oh, I'm wearing, there's a long underwear right.
  • SPEAKER_07: Van of White's going to sue us right now, I think.
  • SPEAKER_07: I'm going to see you.
  • SPEAKER_07: That's what I'm going to do.
  • SPEAKER_07: And, uh, Mark Costler, always a pleasure.
  • SPEAKER_07: Call, are you there?
  • SPEAKER_07: Hello.
  • SPEAKER_05: Hey, this is Noah number two.
  • SPEAKER_07: Hey, Noel.
  • SPEAKER_07: What you got for us?
  • SPEAKER_07: You're wrong. I'm speaking.
  • SPEAKER_02: Here we go.
  • SPEAKER_02: Wait a second. I got it right over here.
  • SPEAKER_07: Yeah, go ahead.
  • SPEAKER_02: I got it. Ready?
  • SPEAKER_02: Ready?
  • SPEAKER_07: Yeah, do it.
  • SPEAKER_06: What is that?
  • SPEAKER_06: Okay, we've obviously got some aquatic listeners this evening.
  • SPEAKER_07: Up every goddamn fucking.
  • SPEAKER_07: What?
  • SPEAKER_06: Oh, right.
  • SPEAKER_07: Can you say that?
  • SPEAKER_06: Now, we're going to move on to a compilation that Deer Records released.
  • SPEAKER_02: What kind of a rip-off is this?
  • SPEAKER_02: A bowel from a dog?
  • SPEAKER_02: My gosh.
  • SPEAKER_02: You must be nuts.
  • SPEAKER_02: We don't even have a dog.
  • SPEAKER_02: A butt bowel?
  • SPEAKER_02: Poop bowel.
  • SPEAKER_06: Okay, that's been Longmont Potion Castle.
  • SPEAKER_06: do you record
  • SPEAKER_06: I would very much like to thank
  • SPEAKER_06: KG&U, public radio.
  • SPEAKER_03: We'd like to thank
  • SPEAKER_03: you, too, for coming by.
  • SPEAKER_03: And our callers.
  • SPEAKER_03: Thank you all.
  • SPEAKER_06: Thank you all very much.
  • SPEAKER_06: In fact,
  • SPEAKER_06: would you like to take one more caller?
  • SPEAKER_06: Go ahead, caller.
  • SPEAKER_01: Hey, more of that
  • SPEAKER_01: phone call stuff, so I don't have to stay on the phone
  • SPEAKER_01: and make up seeing calls all night.
  • SPEAKER_06: Okay, I'm afraid that's all
  • SPEAKER_06: there is for tonight.
  • SPEAKER_06: But we do appreciate your phone.
  • SPEAKER_01: Oh, please.
  • SPEAKER_01: Honey.
  • SPEAKER_01: Please.
  • SPEAKER_07: Why don't you do one for us?
  • SPEAKER_03: Maybe you guys could call her.
  • SPEAKER_01: Get her number in a can.
  • SPEAKER_06: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_06: And I do want to thank you for your call.
  • SPEAKER_06: And thanks for your call.
  • SPEAKER_07: And thanks for putting up with our little offering this morning.
  • SPEAKER_07: It was really fun.
  • SPEAKER_03: Well, always glad to have creative folks along on the ride
  • SPEAKER_03: through the nighttime airwaves.