Longmont Potion Castle 15 (2018)

Track 13: LPC Live QA 6-30
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SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hello, can you hear us?
SPEAKER_02: Yes, I can. Can you hear me okay?
SPEAKER_05: Hi, this is Brett Davis. I'm hosting a thing here at Black Gold Records, and we want to do a Q&A with you.
SPEAKER_02: Terrific. Yeah.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, perfect. All right.
SPEAKER_05: Anybody have a question?
SPEAKER_05: You've got a legendary Longmont Potion Castle on the phone.
SPEAKER_03: All right.
SPEAKER_03: All right. How's everybody doing, very?
SPEAKER_03: All right.
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: We want to know how long have you been working on the new album?
SPEAKER_03: Longmont 14 comes out on 711.
SPEAKER_03: I've been working on it for four months, three.
SPEAKER_02: And, uh, it's a new record for me.
SPEAKER_02: It's hot on the heels of Longmont 13.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Yep, her.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, my, my name's Andrew from Indiegogo.
SPEAKER_05: Is this really, uh, what's the LPG?
SPEAKER_05: Longmont Post, sir.
SPEAKER_05: This is him David Hole again, is it?
SPEAKER_02: No, it's not LPG. I'm sorry. Nope. I'm not, mm-mm. I'm not going to lie to you, sir.
SPEAKER_05: This is the real long-momost gessel as close to the real thing as you could get.
SPEAKER_05: I think it's real.
SPEAKER_05: I don't know.
SPEAKER_05: There's no way to know.
SPEAKER_05: He's been an anonymous, Frank caller, for a very long time.
SPEAKER_05: But the fans would know, right?
SPEAKER_05: I mean, check.
SPEAKER_05: Would you agree to the real long-month-posting guy?
SPEAKER_05: Check this out.
SPEAKER_02: Mm-hmm. Okay. See, I'm all warmed up.
SPEAKER_02: Why are you?
SPEAKER_02: Do we have any questions?
SPEAKER_02: Yes, indeed.
SPEAKER_02: You got a question?
SPEAKER_03: Yes, indeed.
SPEAKER_05: Would he ever consider going on Jeopardy?
SPEAKER_05: Would you ever consider going on Jeopardy?
SPEAKER_02: You know, I think Jeopardy is a great way to do some brain exercises,
SPEAKER_02: and to really just get your thoughts,
SPEAKER_02: flowing and get the synapses firing.
SPEAKER_02: I am not sure if I'd be a viable
SPEAKER_02: contestant, you know, unless it was some sort of
SPEAKER_02: special, special thing.
SPEAKER_02: Let's give Alex Trebek a holler.
SPEAKER_02: Maybe later. Can you loop Alex?
SPEAKER_02: Freeway call? Maybe just a little bit later.
SPEAKER_02: I mean, you know, I'm certainly game.
SPEAKER_02: Here we go.
SPEAKER_02: In the meantime, I'll just...
SPEAKER_06: Okay, Alex.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Yes?
SPEAKER_02: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_02: Trying to get some information about casting for Jeopardy.
SPEAKER_01: What do you mean casting?
SPEAKER_02: To be a contestant on the program.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, just go online, jeopardy.
SPEAKER_01: And it'll explain.
SPEAKER_01: everything to you.
SPEAKER_02: So I guess you need a credit card?
SPEAKER_01: No, no, no. You don't need anything.
SPEAKER_02: Bitcoin?
SPEAKER_02: Or you just do a different process altogether?
SPEAKER_01: No, just go on jeopardy.com.
SPEAKER_02: Okay?
SPEAKER_02: Good luck.
SPEAKER_02: I'll need it.
SPEAKER_02: Goodbye, sir.
SPEAKER_02: Ask and you shall receive. That's my motto.
SPEAKER_05: So, about how many times have you spoken to Alex Rebecca on the phone?
SPEAKER_02: Six to seven hundred times, I think.
SPEAKER_04: Cool.
SPEAKER_04: Have any questions?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah, I got one.
SPEAKER_04: Yep.
SPEAKER_04: What's your favorite type of hoagie?
SPEAKER_04: Favorite type of hoagie?
SPEAKER_02: Vegetarian.
SPEAKER_04: All right.
SPEAKER_02: And cold.
SPEAKER_05: And cold.
SPEAKER_05: Who are two celebrities that you would love?
SPEAKER_05: You would love?
SPEAKER_05: Put on the phone together.
SPEAKER_02: I would say Bill Cosby and the police news reporter.
SPEAKER_02: He's not really a celebrity.
SPEAKER_02: Actually, he's dead.
SPEAKER_02: You're the first to hear that.
SPEAKER_02: Or Bill.
SPEAKER_02: Cosby and, I don't know,
SPEAKER_02: Whoopi Goldberg, let's
SPEAKER_02: say.
SPEAKER_05: What pedal do you use?
SPEAKER_02: I can only drive an automatic
SPEAKER_02: transmission. I'm a little embarrassed.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry to say.
SPEAKER_02: I can't drive a manual transmission.
SPEAKER_02: Someone's going to teach me,
SPEAKER_02: supposedly.
SPEAKER_02: I'll let you know how it turns out.
SPEAKER_02: Is that what you mean?
None: Thank you.
SPEAKER_02: Wait, what?
SPEAKER_05: Do you know of any other people that you called in the past?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_05: Do you know of any other people you've called in the past that have since passed away?
SPEAKER_05: Is the question, I guess.
SPEAKER_02: Does anybody know who the interloper is, David Donorama?
None: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: You got some.
SPEAKER_02: Is that affirmative then?
SPEAKER_02: Okay, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, he passed away also.
SPEAKER_05: He was an inspiring active?
SPEAKER_02: He was an inspiring actor?
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: So the president,
SPEAKER_02: hater, and the interloper,
SPEAKER_02: there's not a whole lot of other deceased people
SPEAKER_02: that I know of.
SPEAKER_01: What happened to Delmo?
SPEAKER_05: What happened to Delmo?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, there's one.
SPEAKER_02: He passed away some time ago.
SPEAKER_02: That was the early 90s when I was talking.
SPEAKER_02: to him.
SPEAKER_02: Delmo.
SPEAKER_02: Delmo.
SPEAKER_05: Who are your influences?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, who are your influences?
SPEAKER_02: Maybe.
SPEAKER_02: Manati, 7-inch, for anyone who knows.
SPEAKER_02: Although, when that came out, Lou Manati, it was just a cassette that was getting passed around and passed around.
SPEAKER_02: Or it's also known as the Cambodian refugee calls, trying to deliver your new child.
SPEAKER_02: Little Chung-Guin.
SPEAKER_01: How do we now have for lessons of rentals?
SPEAKER_01: This is Aaron.
SPEAKER_01: How can I help you?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I've got a guitar, and I'm trying to make the sound come through my amp.
SPEAKER_02: I need to get some of the forwarder.
SPEAKER_02: You guys sell forwarder?
SPEAKER_02: there?
SPEAKER_02: Forwarder?
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_06: Amplifier forwarder?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, to get my sound forward.
SPEAKER_02: You know, I'm not hearing too much.
SPEAKER_06: I have no idea with a forwarder.
SPEAKER_06: You got it plugged in there?
SPEAKER_02: I've got a guitar and an amplifier.
SPEAKER_02: But I'm trying to get a forward.
SPEAKER_02: Never heard of a forwarder.
SPEAKER_02: Well, this is, I thought this is a guitar set.
SPEAKER_04: Are you messing with me, man?
SPEAKER_04: You got to be messing with me.
SPEAKER_04: What's a forwarder?
SPEAKER_04: Who is this?
SPEAKER_02: This is Aaron.
SPEAKER_02: How can I help you again?
SPEAKER_02: You want a forwarder?
SPEAKER_02: This is Roscoe.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: Hello, Roscoe.
SPEAKER_02: How are you?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: So what do you got in stock?
SPEAKER_02: Probably nothing.
SPEAKER_06: Maybe get a bigger amplifier.
SPEAKER_01: If you get a bigger amplifier, that'll push your sound more forward.
SPEAKER_02: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_02: You don't sound too sure of yourself there.
SPEAKER_02: Are you a...
SPEAKER_04: Well, I mean, I'm pretty sure, but I'd have to see...
SPEAKER_04: Why don't you bring your whole rig?
SPEAKER_04: Here, let me troubleshoot it for you.
SPEAKER_02: I'll get right on that.
SPEAKER_04: All right, man.
SPEAKER_04: We'll see you shortly.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: You take care of yourself.
SPEAKER_04: All right.
SPEAKER_04: You too.
SPEAKER_04: Bye-bye.
SPEAKER_02: You're still there?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, yeah, we're still there.
SPEAKER_02: Thank you.
SPEAKER_05: You are taking requests, it seems, maybe?
SPEAKER_05: Is there anything that anyone would want to...
SPEAKER_05: What's that?
SPEAKER_02: No, I'm game.
SPEAKER_02: Derek Funk?
SPEAKER_02: Dirk, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Let's try something out.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, shuck.
SPEAKER_02: Dirk Funk, you said?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Dirk's indisposed.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, wait.
SPEAKER_02: Maybe he's going to come through.
SPEAKER_02: You know what?
SPEAKER_02: Can you bear with me for a sec?
SPEAKER_02: Maybe if anyone else has a question,
SPEAKER_02: I can try to field it while I'm working my way through this.
SPEAKER_05: Any takers?
SPEAKER_05: You've gotten in trouble.
SPEAKER_05: Almost got in real trouble?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
SPEAKER_05: How close have you gotten to getting in trouble?
SPEAKER_02: I've gotten a few letters of warning in the mail,
SPEAKER_02: but gosh, I've dodged a few bullets.
SPEAKER_02: I can say that, you know.
SPEAKER_02: Hello, Wax Tracks.
SPEAKER_02: Hello, hello.
SPEAKER_02: I'm looking for Amelia Mamanga.
SPEAKER_07: Amelia.
SPEAKER_02: Amelia Mamenga.
SPEAKER_07: That's the artist?
SPEAKER_02: Homo Nina is the title of the record.
SPEAKER_07: Okay, I don't want to, if you want to call back in about 15 minutes because our Internet's kind of acting.
SPEAKER_07: It's not.
SPEAKER_02: Homonina.
SPEAKER_02: Do you know something?
SPEAKER_07: Let me just, uh, want to just spell it out?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, it's, uh, it's a, H-O-M-O-N-N-N-N-N-A-H-O-O-N-H-O-I-H-O-N-O-N-A-N-A-N-A-N-A-N-A-N-A-N-A-L-N-A-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-O-L-B-O-B-S.
SPEAKER_02: So I can hold if you want to scope that out.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, she split.
SPEAKER_05: Does anybody want to volunteer a phone number?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, can I give a phone number?
SPEAKER_05: Sure.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: We've got a request for a phone number.
SPEAKER_05: It's 457.
SPEAKER_05: 4501.
SPEAKER_05: 4501.
SPEAKER_02: What kind of records do you guys specialize in at your store?
SPEAKER_02: It's ringing.
SPEAKER_05: Not sure.
SPEAKER_05: All kinds.
SPEAKER_05: Everything.
SPEAKER_05: Except classical.
SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Except classical, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Who is?
SPEAKER_02: Who is this person?
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hey.
SPEAKER_02: Hey.
SPEAKER_02: Hey.
SPEAKER_02: How you doing?
SPEAKER_06: I'm doing all right.
SPEAKER_02: All right.
SPEAKER_02: This is your neighbor, Billy.
SPEAKER_02: I was wondering if it would be okay if, I know this is a little unusual.
SPEAKER_02: If I, you know, were to put a commode cam in your commode.
SPEAKER_02: I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem with our own.
SPEAKER_02: restaurant.
SPEAKER_02: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: So if I could just temporarily, or you do it, obviously, install a commode cam.
SPEAKER_02: That's what I'm going.
SPEAKER_02: Put it in your...
SPEAKER_00: Is it Drennan?
SPEAKER_02: Huh?
SPEAKER_00: Sal Drennan, that's a lot.
SPEAKER_00: Tells Rennon.
SPEAKER_00: That's up.
SPEAKER_02: Uh, or do you want me to call the police?
SPEAKER_02: Do you choose, you know?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Tells Rune and it said, hey.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to call the police.
SPEAKER_02: I just damn.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: All right.
SPEAKER_02: Unless you want to get down.
SPEAKER_02: down.
SPEAKER_02: Uh-huh?
SPEAKER_02: Unless you want to get down.
SPEAKER_02: All right.
SPEAKER_02: I've got a logarithm.
SPEAKER_02: Have a good day.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, I'm using a logarithm, and I'm going to solve this problem with or without you.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: All right.
SPEAKER_02: All right.
SPEAKER_02: You got that?
SPEAKER_02: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_05: Would you be willing to do another one?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah.
SPEAKER_05: Uh, are you familiar with Andy Breckman, the creature?
SPEAKER_05: creator of monk?
SPEAKER_05: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: I've got a logarithm.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, so screw yourself.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, Alex Rebecca's gone again.
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: Yes, I'm familiar.
SPEAKER_02: Should we get him on the whole?
SPEAKER_02: Would you like to get called?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_05: Sure.
SPEAKER_05: 745-0-2-0-0.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: No answer.
SPEAKER_02: I apologize.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, too bad.
SPEAKER_02: How's everybody doing tonight?
SPEAKER_02: Woo!
SPEAKER_05: We've got a lot of people jammed into a very small and hot record store that have watched a night of
SPEAKER_05: a night of interpretive dance and waiting.
SPEAKER_02: God love you.
SPEAKER_02: Has anyone
SPEAKER_02: Has anyone there ever seen the show Monk by any chance?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, wait, we already went over that.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: Do you want to do another call, maybe?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_05: All right, I'll give you the option.
SPEAKER_05: Janine Garopolo or Chris Gether?
SPEAKER_02: Janine first.
SPEAKER_05: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: 240.
SPEAKER_05: 7136.
SPEAKER_00: Please leave your message for...
SPEAKER_05: John Ngu.
SPEAKER_05: She's out.
SPEAKER_05: Would you mind...
SPEAKER_05: First off, I don't know if you're cool with taking a request.
SPEAKER_05: I feel like we're putting it on the spot.
SPEAKER_05: But if you are open to it, you got a good one.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, really?
SPEAKER_02: Who is it?
SPEAKER_05: One of the chain smokers.
SPEAKER_02: The band?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I better change my phone number real quick.
SPEAKER_02: Let me do that.
SPEAKER_02: Where are they located?
SPEAKER_05: I, New York, L.A.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: London?
SPEAKER_02: Okay, so I'm going to go with a California phone number.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: 815-5-1-195.
SPEAKER_05: This is Alex.
SPEAKER_02: Alex.
SPEAKER_02: James Smoker.
SPEAKER_02: James Smoker.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Hi, you've reached Alexander Paul.
SPEAKER_00: I'm currently unavailable.
SPEAKER_00: Please hang up and text me.
SPEAKER_00: Much faster.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, really?
SPEAKER_02: Okay, Alex, I'll do that.
SPEAKER_02: Sorry about that.
SPEAKER_02: You still there?