Longmont Potion Castle 9 (2012)

Track 10: LPC 9 Medley 2
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SPEAKER_07: Oh, hello?
SPEAKER_07: Hi, this is Francois over at Lipsmackers. How you doing?
SPEAKER_03: Hi, what's up? What's up Lipsmackers? What's up?
SPEAKER_07: We're a pop-up bounce house here in the neighborhood, and we're inviting everyone down.
SPEAKER_07: We've got a bounce house going.
SPEAKER_03: The bounce house going?
SPEAKER_03: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_03: Wow. What do they do at a bounce house?
SPEAKER_07: Oh, we got people jumping up and down.
SPEAKER_07: Just jumping up and down?
SPEAKER_07: It's a haunted bounce house.
SPEAKER_07: A haunted bot house?
SPEAKER_03: Wow.
SPEAKER_07: So get on down here and jump up and down for a while, and then we'll send you on your way.
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_03: We can't do anything today because I've got to go around and pay my bills.
SPEAKER_07: Well, it's only happening today, sir.
SPEAKER_07: Okay, well, if I have the time, I'll come down to it.
SPEAKER_07: You come down?
SPEAKER_07: We'll get you in there.
SPEAKER_07: We've got balls all over the place.
SPEAKER_07: Real big.
SPEAKER_07: Okay.
SPEAKER_07: We'll bounce you around a little bit.
SPEAKER_07: Sound good?
SPEAKER_03: Okay, okay.
SPEAKER_03: I have the time.
SPEAKER_03: Thank you.
SPEAKER_03: I get shaved and washed and go around and pay my phone bills so my phone doesn't get shut off.
SPEAKER_07: Get cleaned up, and we'll see.
SPEAKER_07: strip you down and we'll bounce you around a little bit.
SPEAKER_07: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_07: Hi, it's Francois.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, what's up?
SPEAKER_07: Lipsmackers.
SPEAKER_07: Can you turn down your stereo?
SPEAKER_07: This is Lipsmackers.
SPEAKER_02: You don't tell me, I'm in a restaurant. I can't do that.
SPEAKER_02: I can't stand outside to see what you want.
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, let's try that because this is Lipsmackers calling.
SPEAKER_02: What are you?
SPEAKER_02: Lipsmackers from where?
SPEAKER_07: Yeah.
SPEAKER_07: And, uh,
SPEAKER_07: We need a donation and a contribution tonight.
SPEAKER_04: I don't have any money.
SPEAKER_04: I just paid my rent and I'm broke.
SPEAKER_04: My sister was homeless, and I had to pay for her to stay in the hotel six.
SPEAKER_07: I don't have any money.
SPEAKER_07: We got a bounce house, sir, and we waited for you to show up, and you did not show up.
SPEAKER_04: I don't have.
SPEAKER_04: I had that interview I had to go on, and it was very long.
SPEAKER_04: I'm unemployed now.
SPEAKER_04: Why don't you get my number anyway?
SPEAKER_07: Why don't we come by and bounce you around a little bit, see how you like it?
SPEAKER_07: I don't think this is going to work.
SPEAKER_07: Hey, listen up, man.
SPEAKER_07: How about we knock you around a little bit?
SPEAKER_04: And why did you, I call the police and knock you in jail?
SPEAKER_04: Bye.
SPEAKER_10: Hello?
SPEAKER_10: Hello?
SPEAKER_07: Yes.
SPEAKER_07: This is Sasha.
SPEAKER_07: What?
SPEAKER_07: I'm your neighbor, Sasha.
SPEAKER_07: I just need a little help today.
SPEAKER_07: I'm sorry it's short notice.
SPEAKER_07: We got a runaway kite up here.
SPEAKER_10: A runaway, what?
SPEAKER_10: Kite?
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, kite.
SPEAKER_10: Where do you live?
SPEAKER_10: Where are you calling? Who are you calling?
SPEAKER_07: I need a hand real quick. I can give you $5, $10.
SPEAKER_14: I have no idea what you're talking. Do you know who you talking to?
SPEAKER_07: Well, yeah, I live adjacent to you, and I'm out here, and we've got this runaway kite to be a real big favor.
SPEAKER_07: I consider it a big help.
SPEAKER_14: A runaway kite. Are you in 29 palms?
SPEAKER_07: Yeah. So just get up, get dressed, get outside.
SPEAKER_14: I can't, I cannot get up and get dressed. I mean,
SPEAKER_14: medical condition, okay?
SPEAKER_07: Well, this is a valuable kite, sir.
SPEAKER_14: I cannot get up.
SPEAKER_14: Don't you understand that? I'm bedridden.
SPEAKER_07: Well, it'd be good for you, wouldn't it?
SPEAKER_14: No. You better be careful on this property because you'll get shot.
SPEAKER_07: Just get up and get dressed, fella.
SPEAKER_14: Don't talk to me that way, pal.
SPEAKER_07: I offered you $15.
SPEAKER_14: I don't need your goddamn money, okay?
SPEAKER_11: Hello?
SPEAKER_07: Hello?
SPEAKER_11: Hello?
SPEAKER_07: Hey.
SPEAKER_07: Hello?
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, are you guys on Facebook at all?
SPEAKER_11: No, my computer's down.
SPEAKER_07: Hey, well, listen, we got a runaway kite out here.
SPEAKER_07: We got a little bit of situation here.
SPEAKER_07: Who's this?
SPEAKER_07: Sasha.
SPEAKER_07: So, Scotia.
SPEAKER_07: Just put on some dungeries or something and lend a hand, won't you?
SPEAKER_11: I don't know what this is all about.
SPEAKER_07: We got a real valuable kite up in the air.
SPEAKER_07: It's the neighborly thing to do.
SPEAKER_07: lend a hand.
SPEAKER_07: Well, what's it at?
SPEAKER_07: It's up in the air, of course.
SPEAKER_07: But whereabouts?
SPEAKER_07: Due north.
SPEAKER_07: All right, so just put on some boots and get with the program, okay?
SPEAKER_11: Well, I can't do that.
SPEAKER_11: I can't come out.
SPEAKER_11: I've got people working here on my house, and I need to be here.
SPEAKER_11: I can't do it.
SPEAKER_07: Get up, get dress, and get in gear,
SPEAKER_07: because this kite's flying away.
SPEAKER_11: Well, what about I?
SPEAKER_11: I don't know anything about catching a tight.
SPEAKER_11: I don't have a vehicle that I can go off the rug with it.
SPEAKER_07: We got a hot air balloon.
SPEAKER_07: We're going to send you up there.
SPEAKER_11: I still don't know what the hell you're talking about.
SPEAKER_07: I really don't.
SPEAKER_07: You're wasting valuable time here.
SPEAKER_07: Quit dilly-dallying around.
SPEAKER_07: Who's this?
SPEAKER_07: Sasha.
SPEAKER_07: Sasha.
SPEAKER_07: Sasha who?
SPEAKER_07: Well, how about you give me $5.10 then to get somebody else to help me?
SPEAKER_11: Well, I ain't going to give nobody any money.
SPEAKER_11: I don't even know what the hell this is all.
SPEAKER_11: about seeing as a kite, a balloon, or something to lose?
SPEAKER_11: I have no reason to be out there involved in it.
SPEAKER_07: You're my neighbor.
SPEAKER_07: Why don't you quiet your bird down and get outside and get involved here?
SPEAKER_11: I ain't going to get out and run around out in the damn desert in this heat.
SPEAKER_07: You can and you will.
SPEAKER_11: Hey, don't tell me I will.
SPEAKER_07: Well, get involved.
SPEAKER_11: I don't know who the hell you are, so you just get off my goddamn telephone.
SPEAKER_07: Get involved, Charlie.
SPEAKER_11: Yeah?
SPEAKER_11: I'm involved. I'll be involved. You don't quit talking with me.
SPEAKER_07: Get out here.
SPEAKER_07: Hello.
SPEAKER_07: How can I help you?
SPEAKER_08: I don't know. You call me.
SPEAKER_07: Oh, I see.
SPEAKER_07: This is Elma Slaughter.
SPEAKER_07: I'm calling from Cave of the Winds.
SPEAKER_07: Never heard of it.
SPEAKER_07: It's a magical, uh, labyrinthian attraction.
SPEAKER_07: Magnificent. Real magnificent.
SPEAKER_07: Cave of the Winds.
SPEAKER_07: And are up here in Manitou Springs, Colorado.
SPEAKER_07: What number would you call him?
SPEAKER_07: This is Elmo Slaughter, Colin.
SPEAKER_07: Cave of the Wins.
SPEAKER_08: Well, that's funny.
SPEAKER_08: I'm a police news reporter, and a goddamn telephone number is coming in 308-5945, Anthony.
SPEAKER_08: So you must be calling the wrong goddamn person here.
SPEAKER_07: Well, I need some help up here, big guy.
SPEAKER_08: I don't know who the hell you are.
SPEAKER_07: I'm Elmo with Cave of the Winds, and we've unearthed numerous scrolls.
SPEAKER_07: That'd need to be interpreted.
SPEAKER_08: You can go back and join Obama, Hitler,
SPEAKER_08: Obama and don't use this goddamn telephone number because it's already registered.
SPEAKER_07: Yeah, that's what I'll do.
SPEAKER_07: You're gonna...
SPEAKER_08: Sick, you son of a bitch.
SPEAKER_04: Good afternoon, so I'm going to assist you.
SPEAKER_05: My dad said that he was God.
SPEAKER_05: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: And suddenly, I was forced down on the floor, and all I could do is, and I started to see.
SPEAKER_09: That would have.
SPEAKER_09: It felt like when you were falling?
SPEAKER_06: It wasn't.
SPEAKER_06: I swear it.
SPEAKER_09: Yeah?
SPEAKER_06: We are naked and unashamed.
SPEAKER_12: I don't want to hear about it.
SPEAKER_00: This means literally, physically naked.
SPEAKER_00: This means literally, physically naked.
SPEAKER_10: Why don't you, like, back scratch that shit and put it on the internet, bro?
SPEAKER_10: Yes.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you for calling.
SPEAKER_01: Hey.
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Where are my backing tracks?
SPEAKER_01: Hello.
SPEAKER_01: Backing tracks.
SPEAKER_13: Just looking for time.
SPEAKER_01: I don't know.
SPEAKER_01: I think we have a bad connection.
SPEAKER_01: He sounds all, like, robotic.
SPEAKER_01: Your my backing tracks.
SPEAKER_12: I can't hear you.
SPEAKER_12: Give up your phone number.
SPEAKER_12: We'll call you back.
SPEAKER_12: You're breaking up on us.
SPEAKER_01: I need auguribus tracks stacked.
SPEAKER_01: Stop.
SPEAKER_12: Okay, hold on you a minute.
SPEAKER_13: Give me your phone number.
SPEAKER_13: I'll call you that.
SPEAKER_13: It's a really bad connection.
SPEAKER_07: I need the Ogvorbus tracks.
SPEAKER_07: Ogvoribus tracks.
SPEAKER_13: Yes.
SPEAKER_13: Yes.
SPEAKER_07: Okay.
SPEAKER_13: Can I have your phone number because you're breaking up?
SPEAKER_07: I submitted these things over three weeks ago.
SPEAKER_07: And I haven't received anything back.
SPEAKER_13: Okay, sir, again, you're breaking up on me.
SPEAKER_13: Can you give me your phone number so I can call you back?
SPEAKER_13: call you back.
SPEAKER_07: 310.
None: Yep.
None: 827.
SPEAKER_13: That's our phone number, sir.
SPEAKER_07: I'm looking for your phone number.
SPEAKER_13: What part aren't you understanding?
SPEAKER_13: What part aren't you understanding?
SPEAKER_13: Because it's breaking up and I'm having a hard time understanding you.
SPEAKER_13: If you can't give me your phone number to call you back,
SPEAKER_13: then we can't continue the conversation.
SPEAKER_01: I gave you the phone number, fella.
SPEAKER_09: Oh, thanks for call.
SPEAKER_07: Uh, I need some.
SPEAKER_07: Composite, touch, bring?
SPEAKER_09: Okay, sir, there's something wrong with your phone.
SPEAKER_09: Are you playing a joke on me?
SPEAKER_01: Absolutely not.
SPEAKER_01: Absolutely.
SPEAKER_13: You are playing a joke on me.
SPEAKER_13: Are you disabled, do you have a vocal problem or something
SPEAKER_13: you're communicating through a computer?
SPEAKER_13: Hey, what's going on with the...
SPEAKER_13: What are you doing on this phone call that you're making everything so weird?
SPEAKER_13: Can I have your phone number and I'll call you back?
SPEAKER_13: Ready?
SPEAKER_13: Go ahead.
SPEAKER_13: 310.
SPEAKER_13: Eight?
SPEAKER_13: Two.
SPEAKER_13: Oh, Jesus Christ.
SPEAKER_13: Dude, you're giving me my phone number.
SPEAKER_13: That's not working.
SPEAKER_13: What number can I reach you at?
SPEAKER_01: Listen to me here.
SPEAKER_13: Can I have your phone number so I can call you back?
SPEAKER_13: This is the last time I'm going to ask you.
SPEAKER_13: If you don't do that, then we can't communicate.
SPEAKER_13: Can I call you back?
SPEAKER_13: Why are you yelling?
SPEAKER_13: Because you're fucking not giving me the information I'm asking for,
SPEAKER_13: which is the phone number to call you back at.
SPEAKER_02: Why are you fucking cursing?
SPEAKER_13: If you don't have any life, and this is how you're having fun,
SPEAKER_13: that's great.
SPEAKER_13: If you want to have a serious conversation,
SPEAKER_13: give me the phone number to call you back on.
SPEAKER_01: Why are you fucking swearing in me?
SPEAKER_13: Because you're fucking using some kind of vocal effects
SPEAKER_13: on this phone call.
SPEAKER_13: If this is a game, then I don't have time for it.
SPEAKER_13: If you want to give me a phone number that you called here,
SPEAKER_13: what phone number can I call you back on?
SPEAKER_13: 310.
SPEAKER_13: Yes.
SPEAKER_01: 8-2
SPEAKER_00: Thank you for calling.
SPEAKER_00: Hello.
SPEAKER_01: What's the deal here?
SPEAKER_01: My files.
SPEAKER_01: My missing files.
SPEAKER_09: This is LAPD Homicide.
SPEAKER_09: You must have a wrong number.
SPEAKER_01: Homicide.
SPEAKER_09: Oh, thanks for call.
SPEAKER_02: God damn it, baby, I know I ain't lied to you.
SPEAKER_02: I'm only going to tell you one time.
None: That turns me on so much.
None: Ah!
None: Who is this?
None: What is this?
SPEAKER_09: Such a turn on.
SPEAKER_09: Woo!
SPEAKER_09: You turn me on so much. Keep going. I love it.
SPEAKER_09: Yeah, yeah!
None: You turn me on so much. Who is this?
SPEAKER_07: My name's Curtis. I was trying to get some rates.
SPEAKER_13: Curtis. What kind of rates do you want?
SPEAKER_07: I got a band.
SPEAKER_13: Okay.
SPEAKER_13: And, uh, well, what?
SPEAKER_13: What kind of, do you want to track, or what kind of room you're looking for?
SPEAKER_13: Curtis?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah!
SPEAKER_13: Curtis, can you talk to me, or are you going to dick around here?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah!
SPEAKER_13: Okay, goodbye.
SPEAKER_13: Dick for brain.