Longmont Potion Castle 7 (2009)

Track 3: LPC 7 Medley 1
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SPEAKER_00: Hello Wax Tracks
SPEAKER_00: Hello Wax Tracks
SPEAKER_00: I'll give my answer
SPEAKER_00: No, no
SPEAKER_00: Okay
SPEAKER_00: Hello Wax Tracks
SPEAKER_06: Pardon?
SPEAKER_00: Hello Wax Tracks
SPEAKER_06: No, this is the Waffle House
SPEAKER_00: Our phone just rang and I picked it up
SPEAKER_00: And uh, that's why I'm
SPEAKER_00: Did you call here?
SPEAKER_06: No, I know you call here
SPEAKER_06: I did
SPEAKER_00: It's really weird because the phone rang
SPEAKER_00: I called
SPEAKER_06: Oh, I must have got wires crossed or something.
SPEAKER_02: Is this the Waffle House?
SPEAKER_00: What is going on?
None: Oh, I don't know.
None: I should we wear it, huh?
SPEAKER_00: That sounds really cool.
SPEAKER_02: Is this the Waffle House?
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_04: Anything in our records, this is Corey.
SPEAKER_01: Uh, hi, I'm Sergio.
SPEAKER_04: You are who?
SPEAKER_01: I am Sergio and I seek
SPEAKER_01: Gordon Jump.
SPEAKER_04: Gordon Jump, huh?
SPEAKER_04: Blockbuster, Colfax and August.
SPEAKER_01: Hi, I am
SPEAKER_01: I am Sergio.
SPEAKER_01: And, uh, I require the most extravagant movies available.
SPEAKER_01: It's possible.
SPEAKER_02: And is that, is that a five, is that three-day rental or five-day rental?
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear like half what you said.
SPEAKER_02: Sergio?
SPEAKER_02: That's, that's my name.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: And, uh, require, uh, extravagant movies.
SPEAKER_02: For my rental needs.
None: Wow.
SPEAKER_02: Is that going to work?
SPEAKER_03: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: I'm looking to get a three-to-five-day rental on some titles.
SPEAKER_03: What title are you looking for?
SPEAKER_02: Saving Private Hamburger Hill.
SPEAKER_02: Bobby Hill.
SPEAKER_02: Be here. Be here. Be here. Be here. Be here. Be here.
SPEAKER_03: Okay. Hold on a second.
SPEAKER_02: Where are you coming from now?
SPEAKER_03: So what title were you looking for again?
SPEAKER_02: Uh, two, two, two to six day rental.
SPEAKER_03: Two to six, we only have.
SPEAKER_02: A camelbar.
SPEAKER_02: What?
SPEAKER_02: Camelback rental.
SPEAKER_02: Something on a camelback or something?
SPEAKER_03: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, hold on a thing.
SPEAKER_02: I'm Sergio, man. You can look me up.
SPEAKER_02: Sergio.
SPEAKER_03: Do you have an account here at all?
SPEAKER_02: Yes, it's under Sergio, my man.
SPEAKER_03: Spell it?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, we'll be a really.
SPEAKER_08: The Southwest Flats Radio Shack. This is Ron.
SPEAKER_02: Ron, I was, um, I'm sorry?
SPEAKER_02: I was in need of, uh, of an upgrade.
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_08: In, and which are you speaking of?
SPEAKER_02: I've got a, uh, realistic wand.
SPEAKER_02: It's, uh, it's triple A.
SPEAKER_08: I'm sorry, what is that now?
SPEAKER_02: A wand?
SPEAKER_08: A wand.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, it's a realistic.
SPEAKER_02: The deoxifying, uh,
SPEAKER_02: nebulizing wand.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, I'm not sure what that is.
SPEAKER_08: I'm not tail for 99.
SPEAKER_08: This one.
SPEAKER_02: It's $99?
SPEAKER_08: No, sir, I'm talking to somebody else.
SPEAKER_02: So how much with tax?
SPEAKER_08: And then you get your 10% off of that, too.
SPEAKER_08: Grab it?
SPEAKER_08: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Sorry, sir.
SPEAKER_02: I was kind of just checking, checking it out.
SPEAKER_02: What did you say the prices?
SPEAKER_08: Okay, sorry, let's, let's start back, let's start over.
SPEAKER_08: I was talking to another customer.
SPEAKER_08: Sorry about that.
SPEAKER_08: We were doing three things.
SPEAKER_02: at the same time. No, no, bull's eye. You got the bullseye.
SPEAKER_08: I'm sorry?
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: The wand you were talking about.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, what kind of wand is that that you're speaking up?
SPEAKER_02: Retro nebulizing, realistic wand.
SPEAKER_08: Okay, don't have any idea what that is?
SPEAKER_08: Do you have a number?
SPEAKER_02: Okay. Well, it was in the circular, so I thought I'd give you a holler.
SPEAKER_08: I actually can't hear you.
SPEAKER_02: How many do you have in stock? Is all I'm trying to find out?
SPEAKER_08: Can't hear you.
SPEAKER_08: What's the,
SPEAKER_08: What's the stock number, sir?
SPEAKER_02: Uh, the skew none?
SPEAKER_02: Correct.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, is your phone?
SPEAKER_08: What's the stock number, sir?
SPEAKER_02: Uh, it's RVU.
SPEAKER_02: 330, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33.
SPEAKER_08: Thanks for call radio, check.
SPEAKER_08: This is John, how am I help you?
SPEAKER_02: John, hi, this is Herbie.
SPEAKER_02: I just talked to you a minute ago.
SPEAKER_02: Uh, I apologize.
SPEAKER_02: Uh, I didn't have.
SPEAKER_02: the proper skew number on the item I needed.
SPEAKER_02: It was a skew number.
SPEAKER_01: It wasn't me, but...
SPEAKER_02: Skew, skew, skew, skew, skew.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: I've got it now.
SPEAKER_02: It's the RV 777.
SPEAKER_02: Do you get that?
SPEAKER_06: No way.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, bud.
SPEAKER_02: That's weird, huh?
SPEAKER_01: Are you on a cellular phone?
SPEAKER_02: No, man.
SPEAKER_01: Can you repeat that, please?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Daven, Daven, Daven, Avon, Avon, Avon,
SPEAKER_02: Avon, Avon, Avon, Avon, Avon, Avon,
SPEAKER_04: Lawrence, Southwest, this day.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, do you have, um, mint?
SPEAKER_02: Anything in Mant?
SPEAKER_04: No, I sure don't.
SPEAKER_02: Not like a pep...
SPEAKER_02: No, I don't have anything.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, um...
SPEAKER_02: Sorry.
SPEAKER_02: Can we talk Pumpkin for a second?
SPEAKER_02: Pumpkin Julius.
SPEAKER_04: One the year in November.
SPEAKER_02: Pumpch, or the...
SPEAKER_02: Shamrock, Julius?
SPEAKER_04: Uh, the shamrock I haven't done in a while.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Now, how much are the pretzels kneaded when you're preparing the dough there?
SPEAKER_02: How much kneading is taking place?
SPEAKER_04: The pretzels come pre-made.
SPEAKER_02: At that stage, though.
SPEAKER_04: What, I'm sorry?
SPEAKER_02: At the kneading stage?
SPEAKER_04: We don't need them, they come frozen.
SPEAKER_02: If you don't need them, I don't eat...
SPEAKER_02: So, uh...
SPEAKER_07: So, Siddy, squeeze.
SPEAKER_07: This Chan.
SPEAKER_02: Um, how long would it take you to prepare a special special
SPEAKER_02: squeeze for me.
SPEAKER_07: What do you want?
SPEAKER_07: If I came down.
SPEAKER_02: Uh, something like a guava, wheat germ, uh, kind of, uh, celery stick kind of thing?
SPEAKER_07: No, I don't have vegetables.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Well, then we could go with, uh, pumpkin and, uh, I'll have that either.
SPEAKER_02: Some kind of different things in there.
SPEAKER_02: How long would that take to squeeze something like that for me?
SPEAKER_07: I don't have that either.
SPEAKER_02: What have you got, like, uh, melon?
SPEAKER_02: Have you got any melon?
SPEAKER_07: The, no.
SPEAKER_07: I don't right now.
SPEAKER_07: Mango?
SPEAKER_07: I've got guava.
SPEAKER_02: Well, that's good.
SPEAKER_02: I want to go with guava and some, uh, some nectar in there.
SPEAKER_02: Um, you'll squeeze it, right?
SPEAKER_07: Well, we don't, we don't fresh squeeze it.
SPEAKER_07: You might want to...
SPEAKER_02: What do you mean?
SPEAKER_07: I mean, with our chillers, their juice, and then whole strawberries.
SPEAKER_02: If I brought my own concoction, would you squeeze it?
SPEAKER_07: Hold on a moment.
SPEAKER_02: Maybe after, uh, after you open or something.
SPEAKER_02: Can I happen?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, I was telling the lady there about, uh, uh,
SPEAKER_02: lady there about a concoction I'd like to drink.
SPEAKER_05: Well, come on in.
SPEAKER_02: And I'd like to get it squeezed for me, if I could.
SPEAKER_02: How long would that take is all I was asking, you know?
SPEAKER_05: What are you ordering?
SPEAKER_02: Uh, wava concoction, pretty much.
SPEAKER_05: Well, we don't take orders over the phone.
SPEAKER_02: Well, I'm not going to order it over the phone.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to come in and order it and drink it.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: In the store.
SPEAKER_02: Well, how long is that going to take, partner?
SPEAKER_05: I don't know how far away are you?
SPEAKER_02: I'm in Laramie, Wyoming right now, character.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, help on your horse and come on.
SPEAKER_02: out. Why don't you get off yours?
SPEAKER_09: What's going on?
SPEAKER_02: I'm looking for, um, Gus.
SPEAKER_09: Who is it?
SPEAKER_02: Gus, who was a friendly ghost?
SPEAKER_09: Oh, from the, from the Casper?
SPEAKER_02: Or, uh, that jack in the box head that talked?
SPEAKER_02: Ew. Maybe like a magnet or a bobble.
SPEAKER_09: Hmm, eh, we don't have anything like that.
SPEAKER_09: Is there like a certain company that makes things?
SPEAKER_09: Is it McFarlane or something?
SPEAKER_02: I think it might be archiletta.
SPEAKER_02: I think you're...
SPEAKER_02: Have you got any kind of sock puppet fantasy kind of things?
SPEAKER_02: Puppet fantasy kind of things.
SPEAKER_02: Where would you go? Where would you head for something like that?
SPEAKER_09: Where would you go?
SPEAKER_09: I don't know.
SPEAKER_09: I don't know what to tell you.
SPEAKER_09: I don't know what other stores would carry that.
SPEAKER_02: Wouldn't you like to find an outfit that looked like that hostess pie guy,
SPEAKER_02: with the wand and everything?
SPEAKER_02: An outfit like that?
SPEAKER_09: I couldn't tell you.
SPEAKER_09: We just...
SPEAKER_02: You can tell me.
SPEAKER_02: You can tell me.
SPEAKER_02: I won't tell me.
SPEAKER_02: No, seriously.
SPEAKER_02: You can tell me.
SPEAKER_02: Where should I go?
SPEAKER_09: I have no clue.
SPEAKER_09: You probably should talk to my son, because actually he's one that knows that stuff more than I do.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, Noah?
SPEAKER_09: Huh?
SPEAKER_09: Noah?
SPEAKER_02: Noah.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, right.
SPEAKER_02: Noah's...
SPEAKER_02: Anyhow, that was something that I wanted to look into.
SPEAKER_02: Some kind of a thing where I could look like that pie.
SPEAKER_02: Magician guy.
SPEAKER_02: Hey on a second.
SPEAKER_00: What?
SPEAKER_00: Hello.
SPEAKER_03: Who?
SPEAKER_02: What do I need to speak to about some kind of friendly ghost setup?
SPEAKER_02: I want to get out feted like him or that, or that pie?
SPEAKER_02: Pie magician.
SPEAKER_02: That was something that if I could try to figure it out.
SPEAKER_00: How many people am I talking to you?
SPEAKER_02: Just two.
SPEAKER_00: I have no idea, man.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: I carry masks towards Halloween, that's it.