Longmont Potion Castle 12 (2016)

Track 7: LPC 12 Theme
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None: I'm not going to be able to be.
SPEAKER_00: Pretty mysterious this part, eh?
SPEAKER_00: Like, what fuck is this gonna go?
SPEAKER_01: And now, hell has this gonna go.
None: That's a...
None: Jesus.
None: My story is Jesus is the rock and not crack for cane.
None: Yeah, and then I thought, shit, you got a lot of really diverse,
None: stuff from track to track to track to track.
SPEAKER_00: You want to get my test.
SPEAKER_00: I appreciate most.
SPEAKER_00: It's a full of diversity of material.
SPEAKER_00: I just want to say this for the rigging.
SPEAKER_00: Everything except ringed and murmur.
SPEAKER_00: I have on my record.
SPEAKER_00: Solomon.
SPEAKER_01: Solomon's from the group.
SPEAKER_01: Solomon.
SPEAKER_01: Come on.
SPEAKER_01: I don't have that.
SPEAKER_01: You motherfucker.
SPEAKER_01: You motherfucker
None: You motherfucker!
None: Oh!
None: Oh!
None: Alright, right, right.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, um, um, um.
None: It's the drug.
None: What I get it, I'm here, so do the...
None: Oh!
None: You need to get down for my question.
None: You need to speak with the environment.
None: You need to quit calling this number.
None: Do you need to hang up and just like one single-class call?
None: You need to quit calling.
None: You need to call.
None: You need to call me.
None: You need to leave your cell department.
None: You need another drink.
None: Do you need another drink.
None: to talk to your doctor.
None: You need to come over as like tick your ass.
None: Ging me.
None: Okay.
None: Picture at you.
SPEAKER_01: Savage from the crypt.
SPEAKER_01: Solomon.
SPEAKER_01: Solomon.
SPEAKER_01: The gunball. I don't have that.
SPEAKER_01: Boca.
None: You motherfucker!
SPEAKER_00: You motherfucker!
None: Trail.
None: Oh, right, right.
SPEAKER_02: All right.
SPEAKER_02: That, yep.
SPEAKER_02: Call.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Uh, no one.
SPEAKER_00: Um, um, um, it's the Brugga.
SPEAKER_00: Trails.
None: Trails.
None: You're unbelievable, sir.
None: I'm unbelievable, sir.
None: I'm unbelievable, sir.
None: I'm unbelievable.
None: You know what you are?
None: You're fucking asshole.
None: I'm unbelievable, but if you keep calling, I will call them please.
None: Yeah, I'm gonna look that glue,
None: that's about you.
None: It's no body.
None: I can never die.
None: You get a good.
None: The truth.
SPEAKER_01: Solomon.
SPEAKER_01: Solomon and the gunball.
SPEAKER_01: I don't have that.
SPEAKER_01: Pullman.
SPEAKER_01: You motherfucker.
None: You motherfucker.
None: Oh.
None: Oh.
None: Oh.
None: I'm Cintra.
SPEAKER_02: I said, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: I said, yep.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, uh, uh.
None: This is the through gun.
SPEAKER_00: I get it.
SPEAKER_00: I keep for a little.
None: He was a dreamer.
None: He was a dreamer.
None: He lit the playing his music to himself.
None: And he would sit out on the porch and just look in the clouds.
None: Sky make pictures of the cloud.
None: Hey, no pictures.
None: You can't be doing that.
None: No pictures.
None: You need to erase that picture.
None: It says right there.
None: You need to erase all the pictures that you've been taking.
SPEAKER_01: He erase all those pictures.
None: Take me this.
SPEAKER_01: Cloud.
SPEAKER_01: And you're hearing salvage from the crypt of Sullivan.
SPEAKER_01: All of us.
SPEAKER_01: Solomon is gullible.
SPEAKER_01: I don't have that.
SPEAKER_01: Blucus.
None: You motherfucker!
None: Oh.
None: Oh.
None: Some distra.
SPEAKER_02: Hi, I, I said, yel.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, um.
SPEAKER_00: This is the drug.
SPEAKER_00: I get it out of keep, too.
None: Oh.
None: Do you know?
None: And how to prepare for this is your name?
None: You are called number 12.
None: We're going to be taking 12.
None: We're going to be taking 12.
None: You know what, we're going to be right back.
None: We're having some audio issues.
None: Stay with us.
SPEAKER_01: You know what? We're going to be right back.
SPEAKER_01: We're having some audio issues, so we'll be right back.
SPEAKER_01: Stay with us.