Longmont Potion Castle 11 (2014)

Track 8: LPC 11 Theme
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None: Wow.
None: This is crazy.
SPEAKER_00: How do you know?
SPEAKER_00: Did you speak to Alex Trebek?
None: That's Alex Trebek.
None: We have one off our cell,
None: president,
None: oh, for president,
None: oh, for president,
None: oh,
None: right.
SPEAKER_01: Here it is.
SPEAKER_01: video and I have one up on you because I know what they're doing and you don't
SPEAKER_01: you don't know what they're doing but I know and you don't know
SPEAKER_01: I know because I was tripped on acid I sensed that I was there
SPEAKER_01: well that sounds kind of strange
None: I was out of control on asses
None: I was terrible on asses
SPEAKER_00: man
SPEAKER_00: We fucking love you
SPEAKER_00: We fucking love you
SPEAKER_00: 11 11
SPEAKER_00: 11
SPEAKER_00: We can't do you
SPEAKER_00: We can't really
SPEAKER_00: We fucking love you
SPEAKER_00: 11 11 11
SPEAKER_00: My daughter sweat away
SPEAKER_00: She took it and said it
SPEAKER_00: I guess so, what's on your mind?
SPEAKER_00: She took my daughter stuff
SPEAKER_00: and we're right for that sweater
SPEAKER_00: She only nothing of money
SPEAKER_00: unrued us to cry
SPEAKER_00: She got her said my Christian
None: She took my daughter
SPEAKER_00: in cold water because she didn't want to take a show.
SPEAKER_00: Explain me some more.
SPEAKER_00: I hope you're burning hair.
None: You?
None: Yeah.
None: Do it.
SPEAKER_00: Do it.
SPEAKER_00: You all have a truck for pride of gas for you.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, huh?
SPEAKER_00: Uh-huh.
SPEAKER_00: Uh-huh.
None: All the donation clothes that she sent to my daughter.
SPEAKER_00: I took them to the agent.
SPEAKER_00: You are a lot.
SPEAKER_00: Appreciate you sharing that.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, we are you.
SPEAKER_00: We are you.
SPEAKER_00: We fucking love you.
SPEAKER_00: We fucking love you!
SPEAKER_00: 11.
SPEAKER_00: We love you.
SPEAKER_00: We fucking love you.
SPEAKER_00: 11. 11. Never.
None: 12 o'clock, 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock in the morning,
None: one in the hallways, running back and forth in the bath.
None: Pain on the tallest seat.
None: Slees on the tallest seat.
None: Taking a shower in the shower.
None: I mean, he was banging on the tallest seat.
None: On the tallest seat.
None: Loud music.
None: He was smoking weed.
None: Two o'clock, three o'clock, four o'clock every single night.
None: It is not happy.
None: Two o'clock, three o'clock, four o'clock.
None: I'm just so upset because I go to a new church.
None: I mean, he was peeing on a distance.
None: Pean on a dish justice.
None: Oh, yeah, we are you.
SPEAKER_00: We fucking love you!
SPEAKER_00: 11, 11.
SPEAKER_00: 11.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_00: We fucking love you!
None: 11.
None: Yeah, I'm really set up.
None: I'm trying to get the information about this thing.
None: Hold on, hollis, you don't understand.
None: I can't believe.
None: It's a, oh, there's no password.
None: There's no yet to write me.
None: I'm so sick of computer shit.
None: I really am.
None: That's ridiculous.
None: It's out of line.
None: I'm worried of, like, blow it up.
None: You're complaining on the line and don't know it.
SPEAKER_01: I'm tired of it.
SPEAKER_01: You don't realize how far on the line.
None: You don't know it.
None: you are.
None: I'm so on with the computer, goddamn skin.
None: You know, I can't seem to get this into your head, see?
SPEAKER_01: I am quite ready to blow it up.
None: This is all ridiculous.
None: You're out of line.
None: Every goddamn thing around.
None: You're completely out of line.
None: In every way.
None: How many bolts do I have you find with you?
None: I'm from castrating hogs on an Iowa farm.
None: I'm not a tortu'clock.
None: I'm from castrating hearts on an Iowa farm.
None: That person needs to be fired.
None: I don't want to do it.
None: That's beautiful.
None: I don't want to do it.
None: There's somewhere like weapons in danger.
None: I'm not going to be a nice.
SPEAKER_01: That's beautiful playing for driving.
SPEAKER_01: I mean, I got to end.
SPEAKER_01: I got to say this is the most interesting conversation I've had.
SPEAKER_01: Will's working here.