Longmont Potion Castle 11 (2014)

Track 7: LPC 11 Medley 2
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SPEAKER_00: Yes, I wanted to buy a VCR.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, we don't have VCR.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, I want to buy record player.
SPEAKER_03: We don't have record player.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: What, do you have just crap or?
SPEAKER_03: We don't have crap.
SPEAKER_03: We do have nice things.
SPEAKER_03: iPod, the laptop.
SPEAKER_00: This is a crap shop?
SPEAKER_03: No, it's not a crop shop.
SPEAKER_03: This is a phone shop.
SPEAKER_00: You sell a slop?
SPEAKER_03: This is a pawn shop.
SPEAKER_03: It's not a crap shop that you're looking for.
SPEAKER_03: Slop shop?
SPEAKER_03: There's a crap shop right there in the Avenue 51.
SPEAKER_03: It's not a pawn shop.
SPEAKER_00: Yes.
SPEAKER_00: You have crap?
SPEAKER_03: No crap.
SPEAKER_03: No grab leg.
SPEAKER_00: Is this a slop shop?
SPEAKER_03: It's not a slop shop.
SPEAKER_03: Good action, Don's.
SPEAKER_00: Hi, Don's Otto?
None: Yes.
SPEAKER_00: Yes.
SPEAKER_00: My name's Colt.
SPEAKER_00: Hello, Colt.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to be calling up some taxi cabs and sending them to your garage there.
None: Taxi cabs?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, so the next time you guys see a no soliciting sign,
SPEAKER_00: maybe you'll stop putting your advertisements on my door every time.
None: Oh.
SPEAKER_00: But maybe you'll luck out and one of them will want service because I don't.
SPEAKER_01: What happened?
SPEAKER_01: Did somebody put some advertisers on your door?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: So I'll check back with you and find out how many cabs actually showed up and what happened.
SPEAKER_00: Okay?
SPEAKER_01: Um, you know, well, yeah, I, you know, I'm not really sure what you did exactly talking about.
SPEAKER_01: I have to ask my boss.
SPEAKER_00: You can let him know.
SPEAKER_00: What's his name, Don?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: That's really nice of you called.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, cool.
SPEAKER_01: Can you send some donuts and coffee?
SPEAKER_00: Sh, I doubt it.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, come on.
SPEAKER_00: So I'm just going to call cabs, all right?
SPEAKER_01: That's, I mean, whatever you want to do, dude, it doesn't matter to me.
SPEAKER_01: I really give your shit less.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: All right, hold on.
SPEAKER_01: Give it one second.
SPEAKER_00: I'll give you about 90 minutes, so check it out, man.
SPEAKER_01: Good afternoon.
SPEAKER_00: Hi, cut out to Don.
SPEAKER_01: Colt, is that you?
SPEAKER_00: Yes, it is.
SPEAKER_00: Did anybody show up?
SPEAKER_01: Fucking 15 people.
SPEAKER_01: show that, bro. Why are you doing that?
SPEAKER_00: Is Don there?
SPEAKER_01: He's not here, dude. I'm the one. I'm the foreman. I'm the guy in the front office.
SPEAKER_01: It really, is it funny, though, Cole? Come on, man. The people, they have businesses around, dude.
SPEAKER_00: That's pretty funny.
SPEAKER_01: You should feel bad. It is funny. I mean, I was lacking, too, but you should feel bad for them, dude.
SPEAKER_01: You know, you're making people run around for no reason.
SPEAKER_00: Did you get some food?
SPEAKER_01: Oh, we got domino, dude, but we can take it.
SPEAKER_00: Domino's, but we can't take it.
SPEAKER_00: Domino's.
SPEAKER_01: What do you spend it before lunch, bro?
SPEAKER_01: today?
SPEAKER_01: No, but honestly, man, it's not a cool call. I mean, you know, you kind of, you know, you're hurting
SPEAKER_00: other people's business. I sent two limousines down there, too, before five.
SPEAKER_01: Two limos. Before, Cole, do you work, dude? I don't understand.
SPEAKER_00: This is work. What do you think this phone just dials itself?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, it's kind of cool. Yeah, it's all right.
SPEAKER_01: I'm not sure what you want to do, man. I mean, my boss will be here soon. You want to leave me a number?
SPEAKER_00: I'll have them call you back. Yeah, you have caller ID. You just call me back.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, but we called here. Your phone number is just going to voicemail, like you don't want to pick up.
SPEAKER_00: I don't want to pick up. You're right.
SPEAKER_01: But you did, then why do you say, call me back? Make your mind, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: You can leave a message, and don't leave any more flyers.
SPEAKER_01: What flyers are you talking about?
SPEAKER_00: Your flyers. They're everywhere. They're in my yard. They're in my driveway.
SPEAKER_01: How many flyers did you get?
SPEAKER_00: This week? Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Two. And it's only Tuesday.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, you've got two flyers this week.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, so now, I'm going to come down and knock you around a little bit. What do you think of that one?
SPEAKER_01: You're going to knock me out?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Please come, Cole. I would love for you.
SPEAKER_01: you to come find me, man, honestly. You got it.
SPEAKER_01: I'll be waiting for you. Okay.
SPEAKER_01: I'll see you. Thank you. Bye.
SPEAKER_00: Bye.
SPEAKER_04: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Hi, pizza.
SPEAKER_04: What?
SPEAKER_00: Pizza.
SPEAKER_04: Pizza?
SPEAKER_00: Yes, pizza.
SPEAKER_04: What about pizza?
SPEAKER_00: I'd like to get some, wouldn't you?
SPEAKER_04: I would love to pizza.
SPEAKER_00: Let's get one. What do you? Let's get one cooking. What do you say?
SPEAKER_00: I'd like a dollar, dollar.
SPEAKER_00: Make You Hala special?
SPEAKER_04: Well, you know, somebody you can hook me holler.
SPEAKER_00: Can you guys hook me up?
SPEAKER_04: Maybe.
SPEAKER_04: I don't know.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, look, it's Tuesday special, right?
SPEAKER_04: Um, you're having a wrong number.
SPEAKER_00: I have the wrong number.
SPEAKER_04: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Dalla, Dala, make you holla.
SPEAKER_04: We don't do it about that.
SPEAKER_04: We do the $100, maybe you can get a little job.
SPEAKER_00: Come on, try it.
SPEAKER_00: Dalla, make you holla.
SPEAKER_00: Tuesday special. One of each kind of thing. What do you say?
SPEAKER_04: I mean, maybe. The pizza's good, but the, you know, the both jobs are way better.
SPEAKER_00: You and I can enjoy a little pizza, then you can tend to your other job. Do you think you can handle that?
SPEAKER_04: Um, well, me personally, I can do both. I think I'm pretty gosh. I like using my mouth and my tongue.
SPEAKER_00: All right. Tuesday special.
SPEAKER_00: So how about Diner's Club?
SPEAKER_00: I guess that's a no on Diner's Club.
SPEAKER_04: You know.
SPEAKER_00: Let's buckle down here and work it through.
SPEAKER_04: I mean, you can do what I can do?
SPEAKER_00: Oh, I always want to do the Tuesday special.
SPEAKER_04: Are you, are you sure? You can do what I can do?
SPEAKER_04: I mean, you call here, so what can you do?
SPEAKER_00: Is that a cat in the background?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Okay. She's good to go.
None: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Okay. That sound means it's time to go. I'll be stopping in. You're going to see a checkbook. You're going to see plastic. You're going to see a lot when I show up over there. Okay? So thanks for your time and for the Tuesday special Dalla Dalla, Dalla, make you holla. You're welcome.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, bye.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Yes, this is Dominic with UPS.
SPEAKER_00: Yes.
SPEAKER_00: Yes, we came out there yesterday to bring a box to you, but there was so much sound and noise that no one even came to the door.
SPEAKER_00: So we're going to have to send this box back to the sender. I just wanted to let you know.
SPEAKER_00: There was so much noise.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, ma'am, there was so much commotion and chaos there that our driver had to leave.
SPEAKER_00: So we have to send this thing back, and we're going to need you to cover the amount of postage.
SPEAKER_02: What is it?
SPEAKER_00: It's from latrina.com.
SPEAKER_00: I don't think I ordered anything from Latrina.
SPEAKER_00: And it's $38.88 that we need from you, and we'll send someone by to pick that up and cash or check.
SPEAKER_02: I'm not accepting it.
SPEAKER_00: No, we're sending it back, ma'am.
SPEAKER_02: Well, I don't know what it is to begin with, and you could have left it on the front porch.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, not with the chaos we heard last night, ma'am.
SPEAKER_00: You were making sounds and smoke was going.
SPEAKER_00: coming out. Things were going wild over there.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_00: I'm talking about the chaos at your place there.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Ma'am, we're sending this back to latrina.com, okay?
SPEAKER_02: Bring it to me then.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, it's a little late for that. We tried all night, and you were just banging away on pots and pans or
SPEAKER_00: something in there.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, you're lying.
SPEAKER_02: You're lying.
SPEAKER_02: Nobody was doing anything with a pot and a pan.
SPEAKER_02: There was no commotion here, and I don't know what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_02: And I didn't order anything from Latrina.
SPEAKER_00: That's called Latrina.com, miss.
SPEAKER_02: I don't care what it's called. I don't have anything on order.
SPEAKER_00: You keep the sound down, and maybe we'll think about coming back out there. You feel me?
SPEAKER_02: What? My dog would have told me if somebody was at the front door.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, your dog was sloth.
SPEAKER_00: and barking up a storm.
SPEAKER_02: Slobbering.
SPEAKER_02: You're lying.
SPEAKER_02: You don't know how much of a liar you are.
SPEAKER_02: This dog, this tiny little dog, doesn't slobber.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, ma'am, our driver had slobber on his leg, on his sock.
SPEAKER_00: He had to slobber everywhere.
SPEAKER_02: I don't let the dog out.
SPEAKER_00: We're sending this box back to latrina.com.
SPEAKER_02: If you think it belongs to me, then bring it to me.
SPEAKER_02: But I'm not paying for something I don't.
SPEAKER_02: don't have, and I'm in order, and I don't have a dog that slops, and I wasn't pounding
SPEAKER_02: to hands last night.
SPEAKER_00: There's slobber everywhere. I got a slobber on my sock here.
SPEAKER_02: The dog doesn't slobber!
SPEAKER_00: We're sending this box back to Latrina.com so fast, you won't even believe it.
SPEAKER_02: Send it back to Latwina?
SPEAKER_00: Yes, ma'am.
SPEAKER_02: And how do you spell that?
SPEAKER_00: Just like it sounds.
SPEAKER_02: You can't spell it?
SPEAKER_00: Apparently, you can't. You're the one who ordered it.
SPEAKER_02: I get it.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't order it. I don't know what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_00: And then you got dog slobber flying through the air.
SPEAKER_02: The dog wasn't outside.
SPEAKER_00: Pay us to 3888 we need for postage, and we'll just resolve the map.
SPEAKER_02: I'm not giving you any money for something I didn't order.
SPEAKER_00: 3888.
SPEAKER_02: I'm not giving you anything.
SPEAKER_00: Well, then wrap up your dog's lips because he's making a mess.
SPEAKER_02: This dog doesn't slobber.
SPEAKER_02: Stop calling me.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Miss, this is Juan from Latrina.com.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't order anything from Latrina.
SPEAKER_00: You ordered short and curly fries.
SPEAKER_00: It shows in our system here.
SPEAKER_02: Short and curly what?
SPEAKER_00: Like a French fry?
SPEAKER_00: That's the end of story.
SPEAKER_02: No, I didn't order that.
SPEAKER_00: End a story.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, there's the end of story.
SPEAKER_02: Stop calling me.
SPEAKER_06: You're on the 75th call. Who's calling?
SPEAKER_00: My name's Dickie with Latrina.com.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, what about it?
SPEAKER_00: You ordered short and curly fries, and we're just trying to deliver them.
SPEAKER_00: Deliver what?
SPEAKER_05: Short and curly fries, fella.
SPEAKER_05: Hey, I'm a police news reporter.
SPEAKER_05: I'm tracing your number is 3617918.
SPEAKER_05: Oh, don't do that.
SPEAKER_06: You know, you're a motherfucker.
SPEAKER_06: Your numbers on our shit list here.
SPEAKER_06: You call in now exactly 26 times.
SPEAKER_06: And you are full of shit.
SPEAKER_06: You're talking to a police news desk here.
SPEAKER_06: So, fuck.
SPEAKER_06: Fuck you.
SPEAKER_00: You're talking to latrina.com.
None: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ho.
SPEAKER_06: I'm doing.