Longmont Potion Castle II (1992)

Track 15: Longmont Theme 3
This track needs reviewing! --> Lend a hand <--
SPEAKER_02: Are you warm enough, Miss Herbert?
SPEAKER_02: Yes, honey.
SPEAKER_02: I'm just fine.
SPEAKER_02: I'll just get some water, then I'll be right back.
SPEAKER_02: Make it pretty hot, please.
SPEAKER_02: I just can't stand water that's luke warm.
SPEAKER_03: I tell you what, motherfucker here.
SPEAKER_02: Miss Herbert, can you raise your heart?
SPEAKER_02: Can you raise your head a little so I can untie your gown?
SPEAKER_02: Oh dear, you're going to take off my gown with a tube in my arm?
SPEAKER_02: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_02: Yes, it feels good.
SPEAKER_05: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_02: Is the water still going on in the service?
SPEAKER_02: Well, it's not as warm as I live.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, did that hurt?
None: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: Yes, I think I need a good physic.
SPEAKER_05: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_02: Mr. Herbert, I'm ready to wash her back now.
SPEAKER_02: Can you lie on your stomach?
SPEAKER_02: I'm not quite spry enough for that.
SPEAKER_02: But I can get on my side pretty good if you give me a little show.
SPEAKER_05: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, that feels grand.
SPEAKER_02: Mr. Herbert, would you like to finish your bath?
SPEAKER_02: My, my.
SPEAKER_02: All this washing and we're not finished yet?
SPEAKER_02: Not quite.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't wash between your legs yet.
SPEAKER_02: Would you like me to do it for you?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, dear, no.
SPEAKER_02: I can do that myself.
SPEAKER_05: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_02: How do you feel?
SPEAKER_02: I feel like a million dollars.
SPEAKER_02: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_02: You must be a magician, then.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: This is a big bad motherfucker.
SPEAKER_04: Let me see you say that in front of me.
SPEAKER_01: I'm standing right out in parking lot. Come on.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, I tell you what, motherfucker.
SPEAKER_02: Pull in the parking lot, big and bad.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, dear.
SPEAKER_02: You think you're a big and bad, pull in the fucking parking lot.
SPEAKER_02: Cogsucker.
SPEAKER_01: Cocksucker.
SPEAKER_01: My, my.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't wash between your legs yet.
SPEAKER_04: Come on.
SPEAKER_04: You're stroking me.
SPEAKER_04: You're stroking me here.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_02: Who do you know?
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_02: I'm trying to wash between your legs yet.
SPEAKER_02: Would you like me to do it for you?
SPEAKER_04: I don't want to do it.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to make sausage.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, dear.
SPEAKER_03: I didn't wash between your legs yet.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, dear.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, dear.
None: Ah.
None: Oh.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't wash between your legs yet.
SPEAKER_02: Would you like me to do it for you?
SPEAKER_02: If you could give me a little shove.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang saucy.
SPEAKER_03: Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?
SPEAKER_04: Talks sucker.
SPEAKER_01: I'll tell you up with this.
SPEAKER_04: They have a consuls to tell you the truth, so...
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang saucy.
SPEAKER_01: That feels great.
SPEAKER_01: I tell you up, motherfucker.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_03: I tell you up, motherfucker.
SPEAKER_03: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
None: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_03: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_03: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: Sorry that I can't come to the phone right now,
SPEAKER_04: but we're busy making sausage.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: Sorry that I can't come to the phone right now, but I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage
SPEAKER_04: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_04: Hi, this is trying to eat market.
SPEAKER_04: Sorry that I can't come to the phone right now,
SPEAKER_04: phone right now, but we're busy making sausage.
SPEAKER_05: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_05: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_05: I'm trying to hang sausage.
SPEAKER_00: Hi, this is Steve's Meat Market.
SPEAKER_00: Sorry that I can't come to the phone right now, but we're busy making sausage.
SPEAKER_00: I can't come to the phone right now, but we're busy making sausage.
SPEAKER_04: Hi, this is Steve's meat market.
SPEAKER_04: Hi, this is meat market.
SPEAKER_04: Sorry that I can't come to the phone right now, but we're busy making sausage.
SPEAKER_04: We got to eat.
SPEAKER_01: Sauc.
SPEAKER_01: Damn you!
SPEAKER_01: They're some of the bitch!
SPEAKER_01: They're some of the bitch!
SPEAKER_01: They're some of the bitch!
SPEAKER_01: They're not telling you!
SPEAKER_01: They're some of the bitch!
SPEAKER_01: God damn you!