Longmont Potion Castle 10 (2013)

Track 4: Liquor Outlet
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SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I'm trying to get a keg tonight.
SPEAKER_00: No, we don't do kegs at this store.
SPEAKER_00: Call the party sores or...
SPEAKER_01: Where's Manny? Is Manny there?
SPEAKER_00: Well, this is DeFicker Outlet.
SPEAKER_01: I call them mayonnaise, for short.
SPEAKER_00: Well, who is it?
SPEAKER_01: That's who special order this keg for me.
SPEAKER_01: And...
SPEAKER_01: Hey, hello.
SPEAKER_00: Stop, and let's start over, okay?
SPEAKER_01: I'm listening.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, but there's like an echo.
SPEAKER_01: I need to get 92 beers.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, first of all, 92 beers are the same thing, correct?
SPEAKER_01: Yes.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, why is there an echo in the back?
SPEAKER_00: Why is there an echo in the back?
SPEAKER_01: You're echoing to me.
SPEAKER_00: No, no, no, you're echoing to me.
SPEAKER_00: So what is it that you need?
SPEAKER_01: I need a special order.
SPEAKER_01: I got a huge gathering tonight.
SPEAKER_00: Who took your special order?
SPEAKER_00: This is what we need to establish here.
SPEAKER_01: Are they cold?
SPEAKER_01: How many are cold?
SPEAKER_00: Well, first of all, I don't know nothing about your order,
SPEAKER_00: So who took your order?
SPEAKER_00: Who did you call?
SPEAKER_01: mayonnaise.
SPEAKER_00: Manet.
SPEAKER_01: And I have cash on the barrel.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, first of all, what store are you calling?
SPEAKER_01: Uh, Deps.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, you're calling Depps.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, did you talk to a certain person about a special order?
SPEAKER_01: I have to use the restroom as well.
SPEAKER_01: So far, you've given me a big goose egg, so...
SPEAKER_01: First of all, you've given me a big goose egg, so...
SPEAKER_00: First of all, you've...
SPEAKER_00: gave me a big goose egg on whatever your information is.
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you just come on in, and we'll help you when you get here, okay?
SPEAKER_01: Right now, I am on the freeway.
SPEAKER_00: Well, you know what?
SPEAKER_00: You do a detour.
SPEAKER_00: If you really want this stuff that bad, you come onto our store, and we'll be more glad to help you.
SPEAKER_00: How's that?
SPEAKER_01: What part are you not understanding?
SPEAKER_00: What part do you don't understand?
SPEAKER_00: We don't sell takes if you're number one.
SPEAKER_00: Number two, I don't know who the hell you are, what the hell you want.
SPEAKER_00: And second of all, I don't know who took your order, okay?
SPEAKER_00: And there's an echo, so I can't understand a damn word what you're saying.
SPEAKER_01: Mani.
SPEAKER_00: There is no manny that works here.
SPEAKER_01: Manas, I call them for short. He loves it.
SPEAKER_00: Well, apparently, I don't know who you're talking about.
SPEAKER_00: We have no mayonnaise. We have no manny. We have nobody that works here by that name.
SPEAKER_01: It goes over like gangbusters.
SPEAKER_00: And we don't do damn cakes of beer.
SPEAKER_01: Gangbusters.