Longmont Potion Castle 10 (2013)

Longmont Potion Castle 10

Track 26: Interview

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  • SPEAKER_11: Ladies and gentlemen, it's Sunday night.
  • SPEAKER_11: You know what that means.
  • SPEAKER_11: It's time for kooky crazy radio with your goofy pals.
  • SPEAKER_11: That's right.
  • SPEAKER_11: You're listening to a logical contraption radio.
  • SPEAKER_11: Only on Radio Valencia.fm. 87.9, maybe, in San Francisco.
  • SPEAKER_11: We have Longmont Potion Castle.
  • SPEAKER_11: You heard a phone call from him earlier.
  • SPEAKER_11: He's the best ever.
  • SPEAKER_11: Very exciting.
  • SPEAKER_11: If you have any questions, call in 415-9627-99, or go to the Radio Valencia web page.
  • SPEAKER_11: Right there on the chatterbox, and we will talk.
  • SPEAKER_11: All right.
  • SPEAKER_11: Illogical Contraption Radio, you're on the air.
  • None: I am.
  • SPEAKER_09: Hello.
  • SPEAKER_09: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_11: Hey.
  • SPEAKER_11: How's it going, buddy?
  • SPEAKER_09: How does that come through, anyway?
  • SPEAKER_11: It sounds really good, actually.
  • SPEAKER_11: Okay, good.
  • SPEAKER_11: It sounds, wow.
  • SPEAKER_11: Is this what they hear when they're hearing it?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know how quite to introduce this guest, but I want to say it's one of my favorite records of all time.
  • SPEAKER_11: He's released, and this is Longmont Potion Castle, everyone. Thanks for being on the air.
  • SPEAKER_11: It's such an honor to have you on the air, but there's a little interference with your call, so, but it sounds real good.
  • SPEAKER_11: How is your Halloween?
  • SPEAKER_11: It's happy.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, did you give out candy at all, or did you dress up and?
  • SPEAKER_09: Uh, no, no, I didn't.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, you didn't do any of that stuff?
  • SPEAKER_09: No, I was just, uh, drank and ate unusual food.
  • SPEAKER_09: What kind of unusual food? Be specific.
  • SPEAKER_09: Sneals?
  • SPEAKER_09: Uh, uh, kale.
  • SPEAKER_09: Ew.
  • SPEAKER_11: I don't see, I don't know, I don't know how to refer to you, uh, LPC.
  • SPEAKER_11: I'm just going to call you LPC because I know you by so many names.
  • SPEAKER_11: Dugan Nash.
  • SPEAKER_11: Do you know any, who can remember some names?
  • SPEAKER_02: I'm going to call him a faggit.
  • SPEAKER_02: You so bad.
  • SPEAKER_02: Come on.
  • SPEAKER_02: Damn, motherfucker.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, LPC.
  • SPEAKER_11: LPC, you've been releasing records
  • SPEAKER_11: for so long.
  • SPEAKER_11: Was the last one volume 10,
  • SPEAKER_11: or am I mistaken?
  • SPEAKER_09: That's right.
  • SPEAKER_09: That's right.
  • SPEAKER_09: This year, like,
  • SPEAKER_09: not even six months ago that came out.
  • SPEAKER_11: It's just, I mean, the quality
  • SPEAKER_11: never goes down.
  • SPEAKER_11: It just gets better and better and better.
  • SPEAKER_11: But what is the difference, you're walking,
  • SPEAKER_11: what is the difference between doing calls now in the Skype era versus, you know, before the Internet?
  • SPEAKER_11: Is it easier now?
  • SPEAKER_11: Is it better?
  • SPEAKER_11: Is it, you know?
  • SPEAKER_09: I had more interest in it, you know, way back when, I would say.
  • SPEAKER_09: Is it more of a chore nowadays?
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah, kind of.
  • SPEAKER_09: The fidelity is better, though, like you say.
  • SPEAKER_03: But they can trace you easier, right?
  • SPEAKER_11: No, no, because he's, you.
  • SPEAKER_11: using Skype.
  • SPEAKER_03: Oh, just Skype.
  • SPEAKER_03: I knew that.
  • SPEAKER_11: So it's harder.
  • SPEAKER_11: But has it been financially, you know, a good thing for you?
  • SPEAKER_11: This thing?
  • SPEAKER_11: Is that why it's like a chore now?
  • SPEAKER_11: Because you just have to keep pumping them out?
  • SPEAKER_09: It was lucrative once upon a time.
  • SPEAKER_09: Oh, that's cool.
  • SPEAKER_09: I must admit, you know, I didn't expect it to be, but I think that's where Longmont 10 came from.
  • SPEAKER_09: Just I needed to do some work, and that's what I did.
  • SPEAKER_09: Okay, well.
  • SPEAKER_09: But the economy is not very good.
  • SPEAKER_09: I understand.
  • SPEAKER_11: So it's a tough world for Ukraine College now, days, man.
  • SPEAKER_11: But you know what?
  • SPEAKER_11: I mean, that depresses me to a certain extent, but that didn't make it any less, it didn't,
  • SPEAKER_11: the quality didn't decline.
  • SPEAKER_11: It's like just as good as ever.
  • SPEAKER_11: So I say fuck it, and I don't care if you're miserable.
  • SPEAKER_11: Thank you very much.
  • SPEAKER_11: You're welcome.
  • SPEAKER_11: I don't care if you're miserable doing it.
  • SPEAKER_11: Just keep fucking doing it.
  • SPEAKER_13: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: From my own.
  • SPEAKER_13: Get back to work, motherfucker.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, bitch.
  • SPEAKER_03: Hey, Lama, what's there?
  • SPEAKER_03: What was the funniest one you ever did where you just, like, couldn't stop cracking up?
  • SPEAKER_03: Was it the Christian dating thing?
  • SPEAKER_03: Or which one was your funniest?
  • SPEAKER_09: You know what?
  • SPEAKER_09: I enjoy listening to them to this day.
  • SPEAKER_09: And I do laugh a lot.
  • SPEAKER_09: I enjoy them.
  • SPEAKER_09: But, you know, I just, it's just a mindset thing.
  • SPEAKER_03: How do you think of a hound bowel is what I would know.
  • SPEAKER_09: Can't laugh.
  • SPEAKER_09: Huh?
  • SPEAKER_03: How did you think up a hound bowel, like, to sell?
  • SPEAKER_09: Oh.
  • SPEAKER_09: I played in a band called Hound at that time.
  • SPEAKER_09: Oh.
  • SPEAKER_09: Oh, I get it.
  • SPEAKER_11: Are you in a band right now?
  • SPEAKER_11: No.
  • SPEAKER_11: Because people who know the records...
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, wow.
  • SPEAKER_11: People who know the records know that LPC is a fucking shredder.
  • SPEAKER_11: And actually, you played live.
  • SPEAKER_11: You played live just, I think, last year here at El Rio, or maybe it was two years ago.
  • SPEAKER_11: I don't know.
  • SPEAKER_11: I played it Slim.
  • SPEAKER_11: Well, what is...
  • SPEAKER_11: Tell people what your...
  • SPEAKER_11: What does the live show consistent?
  • SPEAKER_11: because it's not you doing live calls on stage.
  • SPEAKER_11: That would be funny, though.
  • SPEAKER_09: Well, yeah, you know the album.
  • SPEAKER_09: And you know how they have a song on each album.
  • SPEAKER_09: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_09: I know that.
  • SPEAKER_09: I want everyone else to know that.
  • SPEAKER_09: They do.
  • SPEAKER_09: So I make a medley out of it, and I play live guitar at pre-recorded drums.
  • SPEAKER_09: I did a tour.
  • SPEAKER_09: Gosh, it's already been since 2007, I guess that was,
  • SPEAKER_09: with this group called The Vandals,
  • SPEAKER_09: and we went on to...
  • SPEAKER_09: tour together, and I haven't done it anymore.
  • SPEAKER_09: I kind of did that to promote the box set that came out at that same time.
  • SPEAKER_11: How of the audiences responded to your live show?
  • SPEAKER_09: S.F. was the best. It was very exciting.
  • SPEAKER_11: You know, you're very famous out here. We love you very much in San Francisco.
  • SPEAKER_11: Really?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, you should just move out here.
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: Never mind. Is that where you guys live?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, that's where we all. We all live in.
  • SPEAKER_11: a little house, little house.
  • SPEAKER_13: The five of us. We live in a one-bedroom apartment.
  • SPEAKER_13: Yep or hate.
  • SPEAKER_11: We each cook hamburgers every day.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yep.
  • SPEAKER_11: Well, I'm on Potion Castle, as I said, you're a fucking shredder.
  • SPEAKER_11: Like, do you want these free Morbent Angel tickets for trying to give away?
  • SPEAKER_11: No one else wants them.
  • None: Yeah, where's that at?
  • SPEAKER_09: Where's it at?
  • SPEAKER_11: I don't know. Let me see.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, where is it at? Can we even know?
  • SPEAKER_11: Let me see. Let me see. We have Morbent Angel at B, Slims.
  • SPEAKER_11: It's Slims. Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: We're...
  • SPEAKER_03: Actually, dude, it's Lisa Loeb.
  • SPEAKER_03: He's just...
  • SPEAKER_03: He's just searching.
  • SPEAKER_03: It's not Morbin Angel.
  • SPEAKER_03: Lisa Loeb.
  • SPEAKER_11: See?
  • SPEAKER_13: He knows his Morbid Angel.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_13: That's the best album.
  • SPEAKER_11: Do you still listen to Metal OPC?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_09: Their last album was very hated, it seems like.
  • SPEAKER_13: What is your take on it?
  • SPEAKER_09: Did you listen to it?
  • SPEAKER_09: I didn't hate it.
  • SPEAKER_09: I didn't hate it.
  • SPEAKER_09: I didn't hate it as much as everyone else did it.
  • SPEAKER_13: Wow.
  • SPEAKER_13: You're the only one, I think.
  • SPEAKER_09: It's more like...
  • SPEAKER_09: Ramsteen's and player, but that's okay.
  • SPEAKER_11: Cool.
  • SPEAKER_11: You know, when I was in junior high, and that one Covenant album came out, and it was on
  • SPEAKER_11: Headbanger's ball before, a lot of, the rumor was amongst all the Hesher's in school,
  • SPEAKER_11: was that that guy, Trey, that guitar player, was that he got surgery to have his fingers extended.
  • SPEAKER_11: Why did he his fingers extend?
  • SPEAKER_11: This was before the internet.
  • SPEAKER_11: We all believed whatever, you know what?
  • SPEAKER_04: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_04: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: LPC, do you, how's your finger technique?
  • SPEAKER_11: Are you good at doing sweeps?
  • SPEAKER_06: Oh, that's the hard.
  • SPEAKER_06: It just occurred.
  • SPEAKER_06: I swear it by the one who lives forever and ever.
  • SPEAKER_06: And it's so.
  • SPEAKER_13: Have you ever considered finger extensions?
  • SPEAKER_09: Sweeping.
  • SPEAKER_09: That's a tough one.
  • SPEAKER_09: You asked a good question there.
  • SPEAKER_11: Thanks.
  • SPEAKER_11: Thanks.
  • SPEAKER_11: Well, you use the best effects, money.
  • SPEAKER_11: could buy on your, on your guitar, and we know that from the tracks, but can I get nerdy
  • SPEAKER_11: with what pedals do you use on the phone?
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_09: Let's see.
  • SPEAKER_09: I've got, I've got one here.
  • SPEAKER_06: Uh-huh.
  • SPEAKER_09: Eight seconds, uh, eight-eight-second delay.
  • SPEAKER_09: That's a tech, eight-second delay.
  • SPEAKER_03: Let's do a pretend crank call or something.
  • SPEAKER_11: No, I'm asking him nerd stuff.
  • SPEAKER_11: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_11: Okay, I heard that one.
  • SPEAKER_11: Give me another one.
  • SPEAKER_11: RDS, eight-time.
  • SPEAKER_13: RDS 8,000.
  • SPEAKER_13: What does that do?
  • SPEAKER_09: I have, you know, like, sampling and echo, like, I have, I have, I have, I just, uh, I have, I have,
  • SPEAKER_10: I have, I just, uh, I could listen to this all fucking night.
  • SPEAKER_09: This is the best thing in the world.
  • SPEAKER_10: Jesus Christ.
  • SPEAKER_09: And then I have my, uh, careful, I have my karaoke booth that I go into sometimes to try it over here.
  • SPEAKER_09: It's right over here.
  • SPEAKER_10: Oh.
  • SPEAKER_11: You sound so Korean.
  • SPEAKER_11: So, it's a, so, Korean.
  • SPEAKER_11: Tell me, correct me if I'm wrong, but on the early tapes, do we hear someone else in the background a lot?
  • SPEAKER_11: Is that a roommate or something?
  • SPEAKER_09: Well, friend Tom.
  • SPEAKER_11: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_11: He's not involved anymore.
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah, Tom was a big partier, and he was the only person I ever met who wanted to be a part of it or do three-way pranking and stuff.
  • SPEAKER_09: He's the only one I ever met.
  • SPEAKER_11: Have you ever got any of that sweet prank call, a pussy?
  • SPEAKER_11: Like, you know.
  • SPEAKER_11: You know, that runoff, like that, that groupy action?
  • SPEAKER_11: It's called PCP.
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_09: Well, there is a girl here right where I am, and she's a huge fan.
  • SPEAKER_09: I guess I could ask her.
  • SPEAKER_09: Oh, my God, really?
  • SPEAKER_09: For real?
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_09: Okay, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_09: So, her name is Katie.
  • SPEAKER_09: Hi, Katie.
  • SPEAKER_09: Hey, Katie.
  • SPEAKER_09: Hey, Katie. So what do you think of LPC and all that?
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, he is the Messiah.
  • SPEAKER_00: He is.
  • SPEAKER_00: to me, he is Christ's return in spirit.
  • SPEAKER_11: Well, that's very flattering.
  • SPEAKER_11: I guess the answer is yes, he does get to taste that sweet PCP.
  • SPEAKER_03: Is that a real, dog?
  • SPEAKER_09: Just be honest for this.
  • SPEAKER_09: What else, Katie, what else can you tell us about yourself in general?
  • SPEAKER_00: I think about the planets, stuff like that.
  • SPEAKER_00: I just think about it and try to, I don't know, I just,
  • SPEAKER_00: I look on the computer for things, you know, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus.
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah, well, what about them?
  • SPEAKER_09: What in particular?
  • SPEAKER_09: Do you think about them in general?
  • SPEAKER_09: Right.
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah?
  • SPEAKER_00: I thought, well, what am I doing, learning about them?
  • SPEAKER_00: It doesn't seem useless.
  • SPEAKER_00: I don't know how I would say.
  • SPEAKER_00: You know, I, I know how I would explain that.
  • SPEAKER_00: A lot of times I pray.
  • SPEAKER_11: prayer.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, oh, there we go.
  • SPEAKER_11: Wow, okay, so she sounds hot, so cool.
  • SPEAKER_11: LPC, LPC, she's all right.
  • SPEAKER_11: LPC, more and more, like, you don't need, sometimes you don't even list it.
  • SPEAKER_11: Like, you've been talking to real-life celebs on your albums.
  • SPEAKER_11: I know, I recognize David Lieberhardt's voice on a couple calls last album, but you didn't even, like,
  • SPEAKER_11: let it be known that it was him.
  • SPEAKER_11: I just knew it was him because I know his voice.
  • SPEAKER_11: He does our theme song, you know.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, really?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_13: I met him in Los Angeles last weekend by chance.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, have you ever come across him in real life?
  • SPEAKER_11: Well, you know.
  • SPEAKER_13: Hang out at the Los Angeles County.
  • SPEAKER_11: Walk around, Los Angeles County.
  • SPEAKER_11: Have you ever seen him in real life?
  • SPEAKER_11: How did you get his number?
  • SPEAKER_11: Let me think.
  • SPEAKER_11: Do people just send you celebrity numbers?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: That's cool.
  • SPEAKER_11: The guy from municipal waste.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, Ryan Waste.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: He's been on.
  • SPEAKER_13: Wait, no, he hasn't been on our show.
  • SPEAKER_13: No.
  • SPEAKER_13: Landfill was on our show.
  • SPEAKER_11: Um, he, uh, oh, that's cool.
  • SPEAKER_11: You hang out with those guys, but you talk to Eddie Money.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, you don't.
  • SPEAKER_11: You don't. You talk to Eddie Money twice, which is some of the most amazing.
  • SPEAKER_03: Oh, my God.
  • SPEAKER_03: Amazing piece.
  • SPEAKER_03: Peter.
  • SPEAKER_11: It's the most amazing pieces of recording ever, the two Eddie Money calls.
  • SPEAKER_11: Uh, you talk to this B movie actress named Melissa Prophet.
  • SPEAKER_11: Is that her name?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: She's my, that's one of my favorite calls.
  • SPEAKER_11: It's when he calls he's from Isotone or Gloves.
  • SPEAKER_13: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: Um, I just sent you Jeremy Pivens number, so I don't know.
  • SPEAKER_11: I hope that works.
  • SPEAKER_11: still.
  • SPEAKER_11: You want to try to call them?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_13: How can we work this out live, though?
  • SPEAKER_13: I want to call somebody, but how do we get a third party on the line?
  • SPEAKER_09: I can do it.
  • SPEAKER_09: Probably not that one.
  • SPEAKER_09: Let's try, uh, are you guys willing to talk to someone if I put them through?
  • SPEAKER_09: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_05: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_05: I can take some of the heat off me.
  • SPEAKER_09: Just Joel do it.
  • SPEAKER_11: Just Joel talk.
  • SPEAKER_09: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_09: I just take some of the heat off me.
  • SPEAKER_09: We could do, um, your choice.
  • SPEAKER_09: Alex Beck.
  • SPEAKER_09: Buzz Osborne.
  • SPEAKER_09: Let's call King Buzzow.
  • SPEAKER_09: Or, yeah, or Dale Krover.
  • SPEAKER_13: Oh, we've had Dale Krover on the show before.
  • SPEAKER_11: Which one will answer the phone is the question.
  • SPEAKER_11: Because, you know, we can't be expected.
  • SPEAKER_11: Let's try King Bozo first.
  • SPEAKER_11: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_11: No Trebek.
  • SPEAKER_11: Trebek?
  • SPEAKER_11: Trebek is not going to answer on Sunday.
  • SPEAKER_11: Well, can we try?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, I bet he did.
  • SPEAKER_11: All right, let's try Trebek.
  • SPEAKER_04: Is that the real Trebek?
  • SPEAKER_11: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_11: He ain't going to answer.
  • SPEAKER_11: I know.
  • SPEAKER_11: He's watching 60 minutes right now.
  • SPEAKER_03: He's watching.
  • SPEAKER_03: enough point and strangulated himself.
  • SPEAKER_09: It's worth a try.
  • SPEAKER_09: Here we go.
  • SPEAKER_09: Here's Alex.
  • SPEAKER_09: Ready?
  • SPEAKER_09: All right.
  • SPEAKER_09: Woo.
  • SPEAKER_11: I can't see it happens.
  • SPEAKER_11: I have background music, so don't worry.
  • SPEAKER_09: Let me quit.
  • SPEAKER_09: I've talked to him in a little.
  • SPEAKER_09: So he got to go for it.
  • SPEAKER_08: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_09: Howdy?
  • SPEAKER_09: Hello?
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_09: This is Dusty.
  • SPEAKER_09: With D.H.L.
  • SPEAKER_09: We've been trying to get through, sir, and no one's answered the bell each and every time we've been out there.
  • SPEAKER_09: Uh, so, so, so, so, do you have any explanation?
  • SPEAKER_08: Uh, no, we've been home for the past two days, Dusty, and what's the delivery? Is it a package? Is it an envelope?
  • SPEAKER_08: It's a pouch.
  • SPEAKER_08: A pouch.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_08: And there's money to.
  • SPEAKER_08: be paid for it?
  • SPEAKER_09: COD, yes, sir.
  • SPEAKER_08: Really?
  • SPEAKER_09: Mm-hmm.
  • SPEAKER_08: Oh.
  • SPEAKER_08: Well, that sounds kind of strange, because I called D.H.L. after I spoke with you yesterday, or I guess it was
  • SPEAKER_08: early yesterday, and they said that if there's ever COD to be paid, the office calls first.
  • SPEAKER_08: So.
  • SPEAKER_09: Well, that's what I'm doing.
  • SPEAKER_08: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_07: Are you at the office or you're the delivery man?
  • SPEAKER_07: I was educated in your work.
  • SPEAKER_07: All you got is your DVD movies, going to the cinema, waging wars.
  • SPEAKER_07: That's all you have.
  • SPEAKER_07: And you're an idiot.
  • SPEAKER_07: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_07: Goodbye, Alex.
  • SPEAKER_08: Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
  • SPEAKER_03: Is that the real Alex Trebek from there?
  • SPEAKER_03: It was pissed. It was hangary.
  • SPEAKER_11: So you called him yesterday morning?
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah, it was.
  • SPEAKER_09: I was testing out my rig here.
  • SPEAKER_09: It was good.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, my God.
  • SPEAKER_11: You know what?
  • SPEAKER_11: Someone just said on our site that that didn't remotely sound like Trebek.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yes, it did.
  • SPEAKER_09: Totally sounded like Chirbeck.
  • SPEAKER_03: It was like a very angry.
  • SPEAKER_09: I never, whenever, you know, like the voice, the endorsement people for commercials, I can always spot them when they come on TV.
  • SPEAKER_09: But yet, people don't know who anyone is.
  • SPEAKER_09: But like, what?
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah, it's weird.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, you have one.
  • SPEAKER_11: It's because, see, you got that, you got that musician's ear, buddy.
  • SPEAKER_11: That's why, you know?
  • SPEAKER_09: Thank you.
  • SPEAKER_11: Always like, oh, that's Jeremy Piven.
  • SPEAKER_11: That's Alec Baldwin.
  • SPEAKER_11: I can always tell Baldwin.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, you know who does a lot?
  • SPEAKER_11: It makes me mad.
  • SPEAKER_11: Ben Affleck does a lot.
  • SPEAKER_11: Really?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: He doesn't need that money.
  • SPEAKER_11: LPC needs that money.
  • SPEAKER_09: Damn, right.
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah, John Hamm.
  • SPEAKER_09: Why did he get the voice of a word?
  • SPEAKER_09: He has a cool thing for us.
  • SPEAKER_11: LP, your stuff is so, like, pop.
  • SPEAKER_11: Your stuff is so popular.
  • SPEAKER_11: Have you been approached by, like, adult swim or anyone?
  • SPEAKER_11: Has anyone tried to profit off you or make a series yet?
  • SPEAKER_11: Or what's going on?
  • SPEAKER_11: Hollywood. I know you're in Hollywood.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, yeah. I've worked with adults, then.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, cool. What have you done?
  • SPEAKER_09: Some, just bits and pieces. The one, I will say, that was, a whole lot of nothing was
  • SPEAKER_11: Relapse Records.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, did they want to, like, properly release an LPC album?
  • SPEAKER_09: About four or five times, and they just, they wanted just to do nothing with it other than what I
  • SPEAKER_09: could do my own self.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, good, yeah. Good for you then. You know, Relapse Records has a, as a,
  • SPEAKER_11: a, you know, they rip off people.
  • SPEAKER_11: Everyone knows that.
  • SPEAKER_11: I've heard that.
  • SPEAKER_11: They want to release us, too, as a podcast, an official podcast.
  • SPEAKER_11: They want to put an album out of this episode. No, we have too much integrity, God damn it.
  • SPEAKER_11: So, okay, so I feel like there's so much, you know, stuff we do. We don't hear because you put together
  • SPEAKER_11: the LPC medleys. Now, on the last medley, there was a snippet of a guy saying, hey, you sound
  • SPEAKER_11: like that Longmont Potion Castle guy, right?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: Did that, was that the, was that the, so the collar you were fucking with.
  • SPEAKER_11: recognized you. Is that the only time that happened?
  • SPEAKER_09: So the medley's per album, there's a clean one and a not clean one.
  • SPEAKER_11: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_09: So usually the first one will be clean, and the second one is where all the, uh, the expletives go.
  • SPEAKER_09: Gotcha. Okay. See, I try to follow the patterns.
  • SPEAKER_09: Yeah, I'm very, um, methodical, I guess.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: Uh, so what?
  • SPEAKER_11: Was that the first time someone recognized you?
  • SPEAKER_09: would you believe no no no actually i would believe i would super believe that
  • SPEAKER_03: wow that dude you're trying to sell the owls to he knew exactly who you were like a
  • SPEAKER_11: tell by his voice we've talked yeah he wasn't having it uh well lpcc thank you for uh talking to uh
  • SPEAKER_11: talking to us i think that uh let's do another crank call fuck it can we try king buzzzo
  • SPEAKER_03: please let's call betty white it's called john miller it's called john miller
  • SPEAKER_09: uh any money
  • SPEAKER_09: John Miller
  • SPEAKER_09: gave him John Miller
  • SPEAKER_11: Can we try King Buzzo or no
  • SPEAKER_11: John Miller?
  • SPEAKER_03: Now we need some old fuck
  • SPEAKER_09: There's a guy, there's a
  • SPEAKER_09: just a vile human being who
  • SPEAKER_09: is on the new album
  • SPEAKER_09: He's incredibly racist and hateful
  • SPEAKER_09: and
  • SPEAKER_09: It's a horrible person
  • SPEAKER_09: I don't know
  • SPEAKER_09: Can we talk?
  • SPEAKER_11: Can we talk?
  • SPEAKER_11: We'll actually talk this time if you want us to
  • SPEAKER_11: We were trying to stay out of your way last time
  • SPEAKER_09: Okay
  • SPEAKER_09: Do you want his name?
  • SPEAKER_09: I don't know if he doesn't
  • SPEAKER_09: deserve to have his name mentioned but let's give it a try okay thank you
  • SPEAKER_09: one last one he's in my he's in my phone book under asshole
  • SPEAKER_03: I'm gonna be your dad
  • SPEAKER_11: there we go okay Joel's your dad
  • SPEAKER_11: Joel's the one with your goat tattoo
  • SPEAKER_03: yeah I got your tattoo dude
  • SPEAKER_09: you there I did it wrong
  • SPEAKER_09: no you're here we're here we're here we're here let's try it again
  • SPEAKER_09: but this I'm warning you this guy is really bad
  • SPEAKER_11: That's cool. We're allowed to be bad.
  • SPEAKER_09: Okay, let's see what happens here.
  • SPEAKER_09: No, I guess I lost it. I can't do it. Sorry, I think I screwed it up.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, it's fine. Can we do King Buzzzo?
  • SPEAKER_11: This is fun. Just this whole process is fun to be a part of, you know?
  • SPEAKER_03: Oh, we can just call a fucking quiz nose. I don't care.
  • SPEAKER_11: Joel is so excited to be in a call with you.
  • SPEAKER_11: I think I'd have to hang up.
  • SPEAKER_11: It's okay. Look, we did it. We did it once. We did Alex Trebet. That was the best.
  • SPEAKER_11: Not going to top that. Yeah, that was the top we could ever do.
  • SPEAKER_11: Alex Trebek is a dick.
  • SPEAKER_11: Here's my question from you, LPC.
  • SPEAKER_11: What can we look forward to in the future with LPC in 2014? If not, the crank calls, tell us where we could hear your music or just whatever.
  • SPEAKER_11: And hound boughs.
  • SPEAKER_09: We'll meet up at the Morbid Angel show and talk about it.
  • SPEAKER_03: All right. If you want those tickets. Let me go. I want to go.
  • SPEAKER_11: If you want those tickets, just let me know.
  • SPEAKER_09: yours.
  • SPEAKER_09: Yep.
  • SPEAKER_09: If there's two, I would gladly take that.
  • SPEAKER_11: All right.
  • SPEAKER_11: Someone won the Morvite Angel
  • SPEAKER_11: tickets tonight.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_11: All right.
  • SPEAKER_11: It's November 27th that Slims, and I'll
  • SPEAKER_11: email you with info.
  • SPEAKER_09: Terrific. Thanks.
  • SPEAKER_11: Thank you guys.
  • SPEAKER_11: Hey, LB. Longmont Potion Castle.
  • SPEAKER_11: Thanks.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, you have another question for my...
  • SPEAKER_02: Can you give him to say the song
  • SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_02: Wait, what?
  • SPEAKER_02: Can you give him to a promo?
  • SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: I got...
  • SPEAKER_11: No, I was going to... I need to do that.
  • SPEAKER_11: But I just want to thank you so much
  • SPEAKER_11: for being on the show.
  • SPEAKER_11: It means the world to me.
  • SPEAKER_11: Can you say?
  • SPEAKER_11: say, this is Longmont Potion Castle
  • SPEAKER_11: and you're listening to a logical contraption radio.
  • SPEAKER_11: And talk about a hound bowel?
  • SPEAKER_09: This is Longmont Potion Castle and you're listening
  • SPEAKER_09: to a logical contraption radio.
  • SPEAKER_09: Thanks.
  • SPEAKER_11: Hey, man, have a good night. Thank you very much for calling.
  • SPEAKER_04: Hey, I'll see at the Morbin Angel show, brother.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, I'll buy you two beers and two fornettes.
  • SPEAKER_04: Yeah, I'll buy some beers too. Put you on your ass.
  • SPEAKER_11: Killer. All right, bye. Thanks, dude.
  • SPEAKER_11: Wow, Longmont Potion Castle, everybody.
  • SPEAKER_11: I'll take that. That was fucking
  • SPEAKER_12: Awesome for 2000, Alex.
  • SPEAKER_11: Oh, my God.
  • SPEAKER_12: That was the best thing I've heard.
  • SPEAKER_11: We just won Final Jeopardy of podcasts.
  • SPEAKER_12: That was the real last Trebek, was it?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yes, he was.
  • SPEAKER_12: He's a son of a big.
  • SPEAKER_12: I'll stake my reputation on that being...
  • SPEAKER_12: That was totally Alex Trebek.
  • SPEAKER_12: You know how angry he was?
  • SPEAKER_12: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_12: Have you heard Trebek be angry before, though?
  • SPEAKER_13: Yeah, there's that clip on YouTube where he like flips his shit, right?
  • SPEAKER_12: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_13: Or he's drunk or something?
  • SPEAKER_12: Yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_12: Yeah. That's totally him.
  • SPEAKER_12: Oh, my God.
  • SPEAKER_11: Let's pull that up.
  • SPEAKER_11: Alex Trebek drunk.
  • SPEAKER_03: Yeah, we should have been more prank calls, damn it.
  • SPEAKER_11: Dude, we did the best prank call.
  • SPEAKER_11: we could have done on a live radio show.
  • SPEAKER_03: Well, let's make him call again sometime.
  • SPEAKER_11: No, he's a friend of the show now.
  • SPEAKER_13: Here.
  • SPEAKER_13: Hey, long mind.
  • SPEAKER_03: Can we play this?
  • SPEAKER_03: In honor.
  • SPEAKER_03: A bunch of crank calls.
  • SPEAKER_13: In honor, can we just listen to this really quick?
  • SPEAKER_12: Yeah, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_12: We'll compare.
  • SPEAKER_13: This is Alex Trebek drunk.
  • SPEAKER_13: And he is sipping cans of beer while he does these, these promos.
  • SPEAKER_01: So keep watching Jeopardy, 24 hours a day, and call this number.
  • SPEAKER_01: You don't watch it 24 hours a day.
  • SPEAKER_01: That was him.
  • SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I know.
  • SPEAKER_10: It's like, it's, yeah.
  • SPEAKER_12: Wait, wait, wait.
  • SPEAKER_12: When he's not doing his Jeopardy voice, he sounds like it.
  • SPEAKER_10: Huh?
  • SPEAKER_01: Wait.
  • SPEAKER_01: Run that by me again.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't understand it.
  • SPEAKER_01: I didn't pause.
  • SPEAKER_01: All right, let's start cutting.
  • SPEAKER_01: There's a daily cash prize of $1,000 and fuck.
  • SPEAKER_01: $10.000.
  • SPEAKER_11: Guys, we just had Alex, Longmont Positon Castle, prank call Alex Trebek on our podcast.
  • SPEAKER_11: I'm a podcast.
  • SPEAKER_12: Seriously, my mind is, like, is spinning from that.
  • SPEAKER_12: That blew my mind.
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah, that was crazy.
  • SPEAKER_11: He said, well, uh.
  • SPEAKER_11: You're going to tell me why?
  • SPEAKER_11: Here's a little hint.
  • SPEAKER_11: I called the D.HL office, and they told me.
  • SPEAKER_01: Pick up, take one.
  • SPEAKER_01: $25,000.
  • SPEAKER_01: All on the same tape.
  • SPEAKER_01: How are they going to lose it?
  • SPEAKER_01: $25,000, $50,000, $25,000, $50,000, $100,000.
  • SPEAKER_01: Ladies and gentlemen, I want to let it be known.
  • SPEAKER_01: Oh, I'm not quite ready, so I'm going to do it now.
  • SPEAKER_01: He's free.
  • SPEAKER_01: You can tell.
  • SPEAKER_13: He's actually in this clip, I mean, this is not an obscure YouTube clip.
  • SPEAKER_13: There's like 2 million views, but he has, he has actually, he has a can of beer under his cardium,
  • SPEAKER_13: and he's taken out, taking swigs of beer while he's like, that's kind of rad, dude.
  • SPEAKER_12: He's kind of, like, if you watch Jeopardy, like, he's kind of like, like that anyway.
  • SPEAKER_03: Alv's a fucking prick.
  • SPEAKER_03: How grumpy would you be if you did that for 40 years?
  • SPEAKER_11: Yeah.
  • SPEAKER_11: I think we finally made it.
  • SPEAKER_11: Longmont Potion Castle is very enthused to get those morbid angel tickets.
  • SPEAKER_12: And we got to answer.
  • SPEAKER_11: I think that's the greatest thing that's ever happened on our airwaves is having Alex Trebek get angry.
  • SPEAKER_03: What do you suppose Alex Trebeck was doing in the moment that?
  • SPEAKER_11: I think he was drinking a glass of wine, smoking a cigar, and watching 60 minutes.
  • SPEAKER_03: I think he was free basing and watching snuffball.
  • SPEAKER_11: See, we have a very different images of what Alex Trebeck's personal.
  • SPEAKER_12: I think we interrupted him at dinner.
  • SPEAKER_12: I think he was sitting down to a nice dinner, a little wine.
  • SPEAKER_12: I think he was watching Robert Goulay and Celine Dion Live from 70.
  • SPEAKER_03: Why would he be watching that?
  • SPEAKER_03: He watches Sunday.
  • SPEAKER_03: A real doll and a reverse cowgirl.
  • SPEAKER_11: He watches Sunday night fucking event television.
  • SPEAKER_11: Everyone knows that Sunday night is the best night for TV and radio.
  • SPEAKER_11: Gosh, thanks for joining us.
  • SPEAKER_11: We're here every Sunday.
  • SPEAKER_11: Show's over, you guys.
  • SPEAKER_11: Goodbye.
  • SPEAKER_13: Later.