Longmont Potion Castle 9 (2012)

Track 19: Hub Cap Joe
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SPEAKER_00: Hubcap Joe
SPEAKER_00: Hey there
SPEAKER_00: I needed a hubcap
SPEAKER_00: Need two three of them
SPEAKER_00: On a Pontiac
SPEAKER_00: Lamont's
SPEAKER_00: Late 80s
SPEAKER_00: I mean I got a couple off you
SPEAKER_00: But the things fell plumb off the wheel
SPEAKER_00: Where are you calling from?
SPEAKER_00: I'm calling from
SPEAKER_00: Ho-Hocas
SPEAKER_01: Really? Because it's showing up as a phone
SPEAKER_01: Not even in the area
SPEAKER_01: Can you hear me?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, what are you saying?
SPEAKER_01: Your phone
SPEAKER_01: is showing up as it's out of the area.
SPEAKER_00: Well, your hubcap flew plumb off my car
SPEAKER_00: and I'm going to need two, three replacements from you.
SPEAKER_00: Can you hear me loud and clear on that one, Charlie?
SPEAKER_01: Only two or three?
SPEAKER_00: Not all four?
SPEAKER_00: Well, one of them's intact. I'll give you that.
SPEAKER_01: Wow. You must have hit the divider.
SPEAKER_01: When did I sell your hubcaps?
SPEAKER_00: You sell the man, Lomond's hubcaps,
SPEAKER_00: a fly plum off the car, and you're in a heap of
SPEAKER_00: trouble. You asked me.
SPEAKER_01: I'm not in any trouble.
SPEAKER_01: You're calling from a fake phone.
SPEAKER_00: The hell I am.
SPEAKER_01: You are. I'm going to tell you the number that's showing up.
SPEAKER_01: And you tell me if this is your number.
SPEAKER_01: Okay. First of all, what's Mummy Napkin?
SPEAKER_00: Sorry, I'm a vocalist.
SPEAKER_01: Well, you better sing a happier song.
SPEAKER_00: What are you trying to say, up there?
SPEAKER_01: This is serious.
SPEAKER_01: Well, listen to this one.
SPEAKER_01: Peter.
SPEAKER_01: Okay, how about a complete refund?
SPEAKER_01: I'm not giving you anything.
SPEAKER_00: 100%.
SPEAKER_00: Cash back.
SPEAKER_01: Nah.
SPEAKER_01: What I will do, if you tell me when you're going to appear in concert,
SPEAKER_01: I will come to your show and I will cheer for you.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to send you down, down to the ground.
SPEAKER_01: Send me to the ground?
SPEAKER_01: Nah.
SPEAKER_00: How's that freaking sound there?
SPEAKER_01: Be quiet.
SPEAKER_01: Listen.
SPEAKER_01: I'm going to leave you.
SPEAKER_01: I'm going to let you go.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to come up there hucking hubcaps left and right.
SPEAKER_01: What about your family priest?
SPEAKER_00: I don't do shit like that.
SPEAKER_01: Not what I heard.
SPEAKER_01: What's this mummy napkin thing anyway?
SPEAKER_01: What is that about?
SPEAKER_00: You're going to be hearing bells after I'm done with you.
SPEAKER_01: Be quiet.
SPEAKER_01: That's all I ask.
SPEAKER_01: I ask nothing else.
SPEAKER_00: Sure.
SPEAKER_00: You're not going to like the answer.
SPEAKER_01: Uh-huh. Okay. I'm done with you now.
SPEAKER_00: These hubcaps suck, and I'm coming up for a check or I'm on your order?
SPEAKER_01: You're not coming anywhere. You're not even in this state.
SPEAKER_00: I'm in whole hocus right now.
SPEAKER_01: Uh-huh. I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to have to refer this matter to the police department just so they know you're called here.
SPEAKER_00: Send me to the liquor department.
SPEAKER_01: You threatened me? Just I want a record of this. So the number that I'm reporting is, and I'm not saying where this is coming from.
SPEAKER_01: zero zero zero one two dash three four five six sounds fake to me uh you think
SPEAKER_01: yeah yeah but they'll track it sounds like you're off track if you ask me they'll track it i have one
SPEAKER_01: thing to say to you goodbye