Longmont Potion Castle 20 (2023)

Longmont Potion Castle 20

Track 3: Holographic Rocco

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  • SPEAKER_01: Hello, it's Roger.
  • SPEAKER_00: Yeah, is Roger there?
  • SPEAKER_00: Hey, Roger?
  • SPEAKER_01: Yes.
  • SPEAKER_00: Hi, yeah, my name's Rocco.
  • SPEAKER_00: I just live a couple places down from you.
  • SPEAKER_00: How are you doing today?
  • SPEAKER_01: Do you even know where I live?
  • SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I got your number from Big Red, our other neighbor.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm just calling everyone on our street because I'm going to be letting off some holograms outside.
  • SPEAKER_00: And I just kind of want to notify you and let you know what I'll be doing.
  • SPEAKER_00: If you look outside, maybe just stay inside for a couple of hours, if that's okay with you.
  • SPEAKER_00: And where do you live?
  • SPEAKER_00: The same street as you, sir.
  • SPEAKER_00: He told me your number himself.
  • SPEAKER_00: Why don't you say the street?
  • SPEAKER_00: I just moved here from Crested Butte, Colorado.
  • SPEAKER_00: I'm real new, like three days ago.
  • SPEAKER_00: Okay.
  • SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I'm not.
  • SPEAKER_01: I've been here a long time.
  • SPEAKER_00: Uh-huh.
  • SPEAKER_01: A Colorado number calling me not to come out of my house.
  • SPEAKER_01: But let's make it real plain and simple.
  • SPEAKER_01: If somebody comes to my house,
  • SPEAKER_01: they may not survive the encounter.
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, it's just an avatar.
  • SPEAKER_00: It's not a real person.
  • SPEAKER_01: Then it may survive the encounter if it's not a real person, but a real person.
  • SPEAKER_01: Probably wouldn't survive the encounter coming in.
  • SPEAKER_00: Oh, no?
  • SPEAKER_00: No.
  • SPEAKER_00: What do you mean there?
  • SPEAKER_00: Well, I've got one avatar of like these shrunken heads.
  • SPEAKER_00: It just looks like they're flying up and down, just flying by.
  • SPEAKER_01: So that's what I'll be doing.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't know who the hell.
  • SPEAKER_01: I don't know who the hell.
  • SPEAKER_01: you are and i don't know how the hell you got my number but i'm from big red like i said okay i'm telling
  • SPEAKER_01: you yeah i'm to my house and we'll play really not in the mood to go around and around with you bud
  • SPEAKER_01: roger i just think we got off on the wrong foot here oh i guarantee you we did so you do you in your
  • SPEAKER_01: property i'll do me and my property if that's a problem we'll deal with it then listen i've just got
  • SPEAKER_01: a hologram of a kangaroo buddy you continue to call me you're going to end up in jail you want to get
  • SPEAKER_00: into it guy because i can stop by be my guess dude i tried to tell you fair and square i got a
  • SPEAKER_00: kangaroo hologram moving around it's perfectly safe okay like i said you do you on your property
  • SPEAKER_01: okay anybody comes to my property and they continue to say that they want to go round and round
  • SPEAKER_00: my stuff isn't holograms oh buddy i'll go round and round and round right now bring it if you want to
  • SPEAKER_00: get wild let's go bucko
  • SPEAKER_00: hello this is rocko i just moved in down the street how you doing roco yeah
  • SPEAKER_00: hey i was given your number by the superintendent he's a friend of mine over there he's got everybody's
  • SPEAKER_00: number but hey listen i'm going to be outside setting off some holograms today and i just want to let
  • SPEAKER_00: you all be doing if you see me outside maybe you want to stay inside for the next few hours if that's
  • SPEAKER_04: okay with you what do you mean i'm not sure
  • SPEAKER_00: what you're talking about oh like i have a hologram of a human cannonball it looks like he's
  • SPEAKER_00: just flying down the street it's very realistic very lifelike okay and who gave you my number
  • SPEAKER_00: the superintendent of what of the district and also there's a chance the images might travel
  • SPEAKER_00: through your window they can't come through walls but it may periodically come through the window but i'll
  • SPEAKER_00: try to keep that to a minimum okay so you'll stay inside for a few hours then i'm not
  • SPEAKER_00: i'm not home i mean stay away from home for a few hours then or or i mean i mean if i need to go
  • SPEAKER_04: home i'm gonna go home is there anything from vending me from getting in the house just a human
  • SPEAKER_00: cannibal flying like wild down the street all right well yeah i guess i'll see what you're talking about
  • SPEAKER_04: when i see it i'm not really sure i don't understand what's going on but i'm gonna be home when i want
  • SPEAKER_00: to go home all right i might plug into your outlet outside too if that's okay all right i'm not
  • SPEAKER_04: approving you to plug into my condo's outlet not doing that you can plug into the buildings outlet but my
  • SPEAKER_04: condo i'm not paying for your shit it's only for a few hours doll yeah so it's a few hours i can't go to
  • SPEAKER_04: my condo and then i got to pay for your electricity no i'm not doing that let me some skin blood come
  • SPEAKER_04: on bro i don't even know how did you get my number who's the super attendant that gave you my number
  • SPEAKER_04: come on jack slap me something bro i've never had a phone call like this i don't know what this is
  • SPEAKER_00: about i need to work on my holograms outside that's all there is to it okay work on your holograms man
  • SPEAKER_04: i mean i don't know how this affects me i'm going to get to my house if i need to get them out what if a
  • SPEAKER_00: human cannibal is flying down the street now how you're going to like that
  • SPEAKER_00: the fuck is it who are you dude roco i got your number from the superintendent like i said
  • SPEAKER_04: the superintendent of what of the whole district man okay he do what you want to do what you want to do
  • SPEAKER_04: i'm gonna get to my house if i need to get to my house like have fun i don't care what you're doing
  • SPEAKER_00: but i'm gonna get to my house hello yeah this is rocko i just lived down yonder from you
  • SPEAKER_00: i got your number from rhoda the male lady how are you today i'm doing okay what can i do for you
  • SPEAKER_00: good yeah i'm just calling everybody on the street because i'm gonna be uh setting off some holograms
  • SPEAKER_00: outside out in front of the house and i just wanted to let you know what i'll be doing yeah okay
  • SPEAKER_00: so maybe stay inside for a while if that's okay for two three hours stay inside
  • SPEAKER_00: well yeah just to avoid any confusion
  • SPEAKER_00: like i have a hologram of like a human cannonball looks like he's just flying down the street
  • SPEAKER_00: and i'm kind of a pioneer with avatars and holograms okay i'm just a little confused as to what exactly
  • SPEAKER_00: is going on i'm a little confused well there's a chance that the hologram may travel through your
  • SPEAKER_00: window it can't go through walls or anything but it may appear through your window inside your place
  • SPEAKER_02: but i'll try to keep that to a minimum i mean we have permission to do this and my should i be
  • SPEAKER_00: concerned i'm i'm confused yeah you probably want to stay indoors uh-huh do you have permission for
  • SPEAKER_00: this like oh yeah i talked to the male lady and everything about it she gave me your number i'm calling
  • SPEAKER_03: everybody on the street i'm confused that's to why the male lady has any jurisdiction over when i can and
  • SPEAKER_03: can't leave my house
  • SPEAKER_00: well there's another avatar i have of like a kangaroo it looks like he's just bouncing like
  • SPEAKER_00: wow wow wow down the street and so i'm just letting you know just to give you a heads up so that's why
  • SPEAKER_03: i said do you have legal right to do this i don't know who you are i don't know why you have my phone
  • SPEAKER_03: number honestly it's a little from the male lady i don't care where you got it from i don't know who this
  • SPEAKER_03: male lady is i don't know why the male lady has my phone number
  • SPEAKER_03: i don't know who rhoda is i don't care who she is the male person has no right to give out my
  • SPEAKER_03: personal information like my phone number and my name i don't understand who you are i'm upset
  • SPEAKER_00: honestly over this whole conversation well just look out and maybe stay indoors the next few days
  • SPEAKER_03: i might i might have to call somebody to see what the hell's going on okay call who what i don't know we'll
  • SPEAKER_00: listen i'm a pioneer i'm just trying to work out the kinks you understand i don't like that
  • SPEAKER_03: you have my contact information in my name i don't appreciate it i don't care where you got it from
  • SPEAKER_03: i don't like it i don't appreciate it i don't appreciate it okay i'm calling everybody on the street
  • SPEAKER_00: guy just to give you a heads up i'm doing you a favor here
  • SPEAKER_03: you're doing me a favor i'll listen dude do your thing do your thing do your thing
  • SPEAKER_00: and we'll see hey guy i got holograms out the ying yang over here i have one of a matador
  • SPEAKER_00: with like a real defiant stance that's the icing on the cake on that one you feel me i don't care
  • SPEAKER_00: what you have so to stay inside and we'll be good to go understand no i don't i just don't
  • SPEAKER_03: understand why you have my contact and rest of still is upsetting to me that somebody i don't know
  • SPEAKER_03: who has no reason to have my contact information has my contact information has my contact information
  • SPEAKER_03: the second part that's upsetting is that you got it from my mail lady who shouldn't be giving out my
  • SPEAKER_03: information well i'm rogo that's my biggest concern that's my okay roco roco what hercules and i'll try to
  • SPEAKER_00: keep it from going through your window i'll do my best bye this is a big deal guy hello yeah marvin please is
  • SPEAKER_00: Marvin there yep hi this is rocko i'm just uh kind of calling everyone on the street
  • SPEAKER_00: i'm going to be letting off some uh what's street holograms later tonight so i just wanted to let you know
  • SPEAKER_00: what i'll be doing okay i moved to flatbush from temecula california about three days ago okay
  • SPEAKER_00: who did you get my number from uh from big red our other neighbor said to call him and call the other
  • SPEAKER_00: lady listen guy i just got holograms popping off i just wanted to let you know
  • SPEAKER_00: that's all i got one of like a kangaroo except it looks like he's in a kaleidoscope or something it's
  • SPEAKER_00: about six foot tall guy leave me alone please is that funny to you or something
  • SPEAKER_00: i've got one that looks like a maddor except there's all these stalagmites