Best Before '24 (2024)

Track 14: Hoho
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Martha: Hello?
LPC: Is Monty there?
Martha: Uh, no he's not.
Martha: Can I take a message?
LPC: Is this Martha?
Martha: Yes.
LPC: Yeah, well I'm seeing some stuff outside your house.
LPC: I was just hoping you guys could pick it up.
LPC: Or maybe I could come lend you a hand.
Martha: What kind of stuff are you talking about?
LPC: Oh, there's been receptacles just rollin' around and looked like a stack of sawdust blowin' wild.
LPC: I'm just trying to get it cleaned up with ye.
Martha: And who is this?
LPC: My name's Ho-Ho.
LPC: I just moved down here about seven days ago.
Martha: Okay, just a second.
Martha: Let me see.
Martha: My husband might be outside.
Monty: Hello?
LPC: Yes, is this Monty?
Monty: Yes.
LPC: Yes, I was just telling the lady there.
LPC: I moved down the way from you guys about a week back and I've been seeing some stuff outside of your place there and I was just hoping to get it picked up.
LPC: If you want me to lend you a hand picking it up, I can help do that too.
Monty: Now tell me what house you're talking about.
LPC: I'm talking about your place.
LPC: My uncle's on the police force here.
LPC: He's the one who gave me your number.
LPC: He's got everybody's phone number.
LPC: But I saw receptacles outside.
LPC: I saw a pile of grass that looks like a pile of sawdust six feet high, blowin' in the wind.
Monty: Let me explain to you where I live, okay?
LPC: Yeah.
Monty: What street do you live on?
LPC: I just live right around the way from you.
LPC: I'm not trying to get the police involved.
LPC: I just want to try to get it cleared up.
Monty: No, I think what I'm trying to tell you is I'm not... [stumbles] you have absolutely got the wrong house.
LPC: Oh, no.
Monty: Let me tell you where I live, okay?
LPC: I'm not trying to get the police up here.
LPC: I just want to get it picked up.
Monty: Well, you're not talking about the right house.
Monty: is what I'm trying to tell you.
LPC: I certainly am.
LPC: I gave the info to my uncle.
LPC: He's on the force.
Monty: I don't care who you listen.
Monty: I don't care who you gave it.
Monty: Let me tell you, ride by, I'll tell you what, ride by, by my house.
Monty: I'm not.
Monty: What kind of car do I have?
LPC: Let me tell you something.
LPC: I saw a pile of sawdust six feet tall, blowin' wild.
Monty: I've never had sawdust at my house.
Monty: Don't you understand that?
LPC: Oh, well, maybe it's gone now blowin' away.
Monty: I have never had any sawdust.
LPC: Sir, I saw receptacles rollin' around.
LPC: I saw bags of grass or something or other stacked yay high.
Monty: Why is it so hard for you to understand?
Monty: Why is it hard for you to understand?
Monty: What address is it?
LPC: Listen, this isn't a bunch of hocus pocus.
Monty: I live at 213 West 4th Avenue.
Monty: You go by and see anything wrong with that house.
LPC: I saw plenty.
LPC: I just walked by forty five minutes ago.
LPC: I'm not trying to get the law involved.
Monty: It's the best house on the street.
Monty: If you look for neatness, why don't we just get it picked up?
Monty: Because there's absolutely nothing to pick up.
Monty: Now I'll tell you what I think you're looking at.
Monty: If you want to know what on earth is that is the house brick is what now is the house brick.
LPC: Charlie, I don't follow what you're saying.
Monty: The house that you're talking about, what's it made out of?
LPC: Oh, it's made of stucco or something or other.
LPC: I'm not a construction worker.
Monty: [laughs] That's not my house.
LPC: Charlie, I saw sawdust blowing wild.
LPC: Now, what do you want?
Monty: My name's not Charlie.
LPC: I know that.
LPC: My uncle gave me all your information.
LPC: Plain as day.
Monty: Well, why don't you tell me who your uncle is?
LPC: Yeah, well, my name's Hoho.
LPC: I'm new in town.
Monty: Well, Hoho, I was on the sheriff's department for thirty years, and I'm telling you, you have the wrong house.
Police Dispatcher 1: Hello, Rensselaer Police.
Monty: Can I help you?
Police Dispatcher 1: Uh, this is the city of Rensselaer Police Department.
Monty: I have no... Listen, I've got a... I don't know what's going on, but let me tell you something real quick.
Monty: I don't even know if you're the police department or not, okay?
Police Dispatcher 1: Okay.
Monty: But I've got a... I've got a guy... Are you still there?
Police Dispatcher 1: Yeah, I'm here.
Monty: I've got a guy on the phone calling me and saying that I've got sawdust all in my yard and he wants me to clean it up.
Monty: And he said his uncle told him where I lived.
Monty: And then, you come on the phone, so I don't have a clue what's going on, but whatever it is, I sure would like- Is it?
Police Dispatcher 1: Yeah, I don't know what causes it.
Monty: What I'm trying to say is I can't- Do you have any idea what's going on, who's calling me and telling me that my house needs to be cleaned up on the outside?
Police Dispatcher 2: Police, can I help you?
Monty: Did you hear that?
Monty: Hello?
Police Dispatcher 2: Police, can I help you?
Monty: Yes, are you in Ramsour?
Monty: What police department is this?
Police Dispatcher 2: I'm sorry?
Monty: What police department is this?
Police Dispatcher 2: This is Baton Rouge Police Department.
Monty: Where's that at?
Monty: What state?
Police Dispatcher 2: Louisiana.
Monty: I'm going to try to explain to you real quick what's happened, okay?
Monty: I got a call, and the guy's called my name, and he said he got my address from his uncle who's on the police department.
Monty: This is the craziest call I've ever heard.
Monty: So he's saying, your house needs to be cleaned up.
Monty: I just moved down, down the street and I just wish you'd get it cleaned up.
Monty: I have no clue what he's talking about.
Monty: I got the cleanest house on the street, but here's where it's funny.
Monty: So he keeps talking and all of a sudden another police department gets on the phone and says, police department, may I help you?
Monty: Well, it's a police department in North Carolina.
Monty: Then as he's talking and no one comes on and says, this is you, police department, it switches from police department to police department.
Monty: So I can't figure out what's going on.
LPC: Yeah.
LPC: Monty, can you hear me?
Monty: Yeah, I can hear you.
LPC: This is Hoho.
LPC: All right>
LPC: Let's put our heads together and clean it up.
LPC: You got it.
Monty: Um, no, I don't have it.
Monty: I'm not paying attention.
Monty: Come on.
LPC: If you want me to get a cleaner, I can send you the bill.
LPC: You don't have to lift a finger if that's what you're worried about.
Monty: Whatever you want to do.
Monty: I'm not having anything to do with you.
Monty: Okay.
LPC: Charlie, you're living in La La Land, is what you're doing.
Monty: See, you need to understand who you're talking to.
Monty: You go from a guy named Monty to a guy named Charlie.
Monty: So who the hell do you want to talk to?
LPC: I want to talk to you, Monty Myers.
Monty: You can't even tell me what my house looks like.
LPC: You don't even know what you're talking about, all right?
Monty: Don't you understand how stupid you are that you won't tell me what my house looks like?
LPC: Do you want me to come down and get nimble with you?
Monty: Well, come on.
Monty: Come on.
Monty: Boom, boom, boom, bye!