Longmont Potion Castle 11 (2014)

Track 1: Helicopter Cannon
This track needs reviewing! --> Lend a hand <--
SPEAKER_03: This is Jeff, how can help you?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, this is Leon.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: Matter of fact, it is.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: All day.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: I got a two-story tall cannon.
SPEAKER_03: Need a few guys to help me wheel this thing in there.
SPEAKER_01: You got a, what, like in late 1800s?
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, it's, uh, got...
SPEAKER_03: 65,000 pounds, and, uh...
SPEAKER_01: Where are you at right now?
SPEAKER_03: What's out in this world?
SPEAKER_03: I'm up in the air right now, I'm in a helicopter.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, you're so full of shit.
SPEAKER_03: Why don't you just take a look at this thing?
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to give you a great deal.
SPEAKER_03: Smoking deal.
SPEAKER_01: Well, bring it on.
SPEAKER_01: Can you get it down here or not?
SPEAKER_03: Where the freak do I land this thing, man?
SPEAKER_01: Where are you going to land it?
SPEAKER_01: I don't know.
SPEAKER_01: He's got a cannon.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, don't pay me till later this week.
SPEAKER_01: He's got a cannon.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, he's got a, Leon.
SPEAKER_01: He's got a cannon.
SPEAKER_03: Hey, you got another thing coming once I show up.
SPEAKER_01: Well, I don't know what we're going to put it at.
SPEAKER_03: You hear me?
SPEAKER_03: Tell you what?
SPEAKER_03: I'm going to blow a few things up, and you're going to blow a few things up,
SPEAKER_03: and you're going to.
SPEAKER_03: going to love what you see.
SPEAKER_01: Do you need me to come up there with a dolly, or how heavy is it?
SPEAKER_01: How heavy is this thing?
SPEAKER_03: 65,000 pounds.
SPEAKER_01: All right, come on down.
SPEAKER_01: I can't go anywhere.
SPEAKER_01: I'm doing a bunch of electrical work right now.
SPEAKER_03: I can blow up a motorcycle, a barbecue, a pool table, a motorcycle.
SPEAKER_01: I'm doing a bunch of electrical work.
SPEAKER_01: Just come on down here.
SPEAKER_01: I'll be down here, man.
SPEAKER_03: What I'll do is I'll land.
SPEAKER_03: I'll blow up a motorcycle.
SPEAKER_03: I'll let you show you a few things.
SPEAKER_03: And we can talk $100 bills.
SPEAKER_03: What do you think?
SPEAKER_03: Talk to when you guys.
SPEAKER_03: I'm looking to stay off the books.
SPEAKER_00: I know. Hey, bye. I got you.
SPEAKER_00: I got you.
SPEAKER_00: Come on, big time, Mark.
SPEAKER_00: Come on, right.
SPEAKER_03: Let's see what you guys.
SPEAKER_03: I get you.
SPEAKER_03: There's nowhere to put it.
SPEAKER_03: Tell me what you need on hook you up.
SPEAKER_03: Too big of stuff.
SPEAKER_03: You know, I go real big.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I get you.
SPEAKER_03: I'm unapologetic about it.
SPEAKER_00: I got you. I got you.
SPEAKER_00: Come on.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, bye.
SPEAKER_03: Hello, see on.
SPEAKER_03: I've got a two-story battle cannon.
SPEAKER_02: That's nice.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: It's incredibly rare.
SPEAKER_03: Yep.
SPEAKER_03: What's a battle?
SPEAKER_03: Thirty-day bases?
SPEAKER_03: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: I was going to blow up a motorcycle.
SPEAKER_03: That's good.
SPEAKER_03: I've got a dirt bike that doesn't work.
SPEAKER_03: So I'm going to blow it up.
SPEAKER_03: How big is this thing?
SPEAKER_03: It'll serve two purposes.
SPEAKER_03: I need to know where I can land.
SPEAKER_03: I'm in a helicopter right now, and I'm bringing you this cannon,
SPEAKER_03: and it's a...
SPEAKER_02: Right.
SPEAKER_02: Who is this?
SPEAKER_02: right now.
SPEAKER_03: I haven't taken off.
SPEAKER_03: My name's Doc from Al Magordo.
SPEAKER_03: I'm flying around here and I need to know the coordinates to land.
SPEAKER_03: Don't know.
SPEAKER_03: If you could tell me where the safest place I can land.
SPEAKER_03: Do you want to discuss this further or no?
SPEAKER_02: Not right now.
SPEAKER_02: We're too damn busy.
SPEAKER_02: We've got people everywhere.
SPEAKER_03: I got people lined up to see this thing.
SPEAKER_02: Okay, I believe it.
SPEAKER_02: But not with me.