Alive in '25 (2025)

Track 9: Harps Of Eternity
Runtime: 319 seconds
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SPEAKER_02: Hello?
LPC: Oh, hello.
LPC: Hi, Sir Nick.
LPC: Yes.
LPC: Sir Nick, this is Prince Schnabel.
LPC: I was referred to you by Sergio Galahad at the Venetian Domination Festival.
LPC: How with are you, my fellow warlord?
SPEAKER_02: I'm doing great. How are you?
LPC: Oh, splendid. Superlative. Thank you so much.
LPC: Sir Nick, yes.
LPC: I've got a new harp that I'm plucking this fine eve.
LPC: And I calleth upon you to attend the Nyborg Castle Festival that shall commence anon,
LPC: and I pray that these shall partake.
LPC: It shall be splendid, my grace.
LPC: What say ye?
SPEAKER_02: I would love to.
LPC: Oh, you should accompany Galahad and myself?
LPC: Oh, tremendous.
LPC: Wonderful. It shall be commencing in Todd Mission Township in the southernmost quadrant of Texas.
LPC: Oh, all the falconers indeed be ready for this one, my grace.
LPC: It shall be held near the Wharfside Heath, next to Barbarian's Cove.
LPC: Surely ye have had occasion to survey it with your falcon.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
LPC: So that he may flex his talent.
LPC: of destiny, fly the falcon of virtue, yes.
LPC: Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
LPC: The great baron, Massuvius, will hew and cry as we commence our great joust.
LPC: Have you your lance at the ready?
SPEAKER_02: Of course.
LPC: Excellent.
LPC: For we knights must mount up and match the viceroy's at sunup.
LPC: Oh, yes.
LPC: Oh, yes.
SPEAKER_02: Bandit Sarrans out about, you know.
LPC: Oh.
LPC: I gasp for an ale right now.
LPC: I gasp for a nail right now. I gasp for an ale.
LPC: But that must wait.
LPC: By the way, Sir Nick, have you reveled in the grandeur of the fiefdom at Todd Mission, perchance?
SPEAKER_02: I'll go once a year.
SPEAKER_02: I'll go, I'll go rebel at the fifftum.
LPC: So a fortnight must pass.
LPC: Many a moon must pass.
LPC: before you return to the fiefdom.
LPC: Wise, my lord.
LPC: Very prudent, my grace.
LPC: The bailiffs are just, my lord.
LPC: And the dukes are as royal-blooded as they come.
SPEAKER_02: Thank you, kind sir.
SPEAKER_02: I appreciate it.
LPC: And the maidens are fair, my grace.
LPC: Tis a delight, my grace.
SPEAKER_02: Will there be a feast in my honor?
LPC: Oh, yes.
LPC: So perhaps in the fortnight, we can join our goblets for grog and glug and only the utmost libations.
LPC: What say ye, my lord?
SPEAKER_02: Please, I'll be, I'll be there.
SPEAKER_02: I'll send my cavalry out, Fort Whiff.
SPEAKER_02: They'll escort my herald, and he will announce my coming.
LPC: Oh, indeed.
LPC: Just bring your shillings, my grace.
SPEAKER_02: I'm sorry, I'm supposed to pay?
LPC: The first round will be upon.
LPC: with me, and then you can reciprocate in due time, in due time, my grace.
LPC: Okay, okay.
LPC: And we can revel with the gentry and march with the viceroys and the shires, and my pack-horse is
LPC: at the ready, as I presume your steed is as well, sir Nick.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, absolutely.
LPC: Oh, yes, yes, yes.
LPC: And our valor shall proceed us to the round table where the rubles and glug will flow, my green.
LPC: Yes.
LPC: Ah, yes, the crossbows will release as the morning is nigh on the field of battle.
LPC: We will brandish our quarterstaff and thrust our sabers.
LPC: Yes.
LPC: So, is there a particular wench which you desire?
SPEAKER_02: All right.
SPEAKER_02: have them all.
LPC: For 20 shekels, you may obtain any maiden you desire from Lord Chamberlain's stable.
LPC: Oh, yeah.
SPEAKER_02: Have a first round on you, right?
SPEAKER_02: Does that include the winters?
LPC: Oh, goodness, indeed.
LPC: My fellow war, I shall see you when the morning is nine, my good.
LPC: And we shall heave henceforth with our muskets.
LPC: Yes, we shall.
LPC: Thank you so very, time.
LPC: Thank you so very kindly, my fellow, thank you.
LPC: So very kindly, my grace, fare thee well.
LPC: I beg you good morrow, my lord.
LPC: Fare thee well and go thy way and remember the bravery of the men of Hastings.
LPC: Fair thee well.
LPC: As they trudge forth, my grace, fare thee well.
LPC: Go thy way and remember the bravery of the men of hastings.
SPEAKER_01: Very well.
SPEAKER_01: As they trudge you all tomorrow, my lord.