Longmont Potion Castle III (1995)

Track 4: Goggle By Tandy
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SPEAKER_01: There's no such thing.
SPEAKER_00: Well, no, the goggle.
SPEAKER_01: The goggle?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: The only thing I've ever heard of called a goggle is for swimming.
SPEAKER_01: I've never heard of one in electronic.
SPEAKER_00: Well, no, Tandy makes a goggle.
SPEAKER_00: No, sir.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, maybe it is realistic, then, yeah, I'm sorry, maybe I'm mistaken.
SPEAKER_01: Same company. Let me put you on hold.
SPEAKER_00: Have you got in stock, though?
SPEAKER_01: Sir, I don't even know what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_00: What's the problem here, Sonny?
SPEAKER_01: Well, sir, I think what the problem is, is that you're...
SPEAKER_01: The problem is that you're calling up on a repeated basis asking for things that we don't carry to waste our time.
SPEAKER_00: Such as?
SPEAKER_01: These things you've been asking for today.
SPEAKER_01: The only thing I carry that you've asked for today is a toggle switch.
SPEAKER_00: You don't have a Giglio goggle?
SPEAKER_01: Sir, there's no such thing, and I think you're just messing with me.
SPEAKER_01: We don't have the time, and if I could trace you, I would have you charged with phone harassment.
SPEAKER_00: This is a valid inquiry about your...
SPEAKER_00: about your selections.
SPEAKER_00: That's all I'm doing.
SPEAKER_00: I'm prepared to buy all the aforementioned items for me.
SPEAKER_01: Well, like I said, if you can bring in the equipment for us to look at it,
SPEAKER_01: then we'll see what we have to match it up.
SPEAKER_01: All right.
SPEAKER_01: But I've never heard of anything with the terms that you've used.
SPEAKER_01: I either learn the correct terminology so that we can talk with understanding,
SPEAKER_01: or please don't waste my time.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_00: Can you help me out with one final thing?
SPEAKER_00: I hope I'm not, if we've got just a moment.
SPEAKER_00: up, if you've got just a moment?
SPEAKER_01: Sure, go ahead.
SPEAKER_00: I was looking for a Nimbo Stratus jacket.
SPEAKER_01: A Nimbo Stratus jacket.
SPEAKER_00: That's correct.
SPEAKER_01: So you're looking for a cloudzacet?
SPEAKER_00: No, that's just the brand name, but it's just made by Tandy.
SPEAKER_01: Sir, Nimbo Stratus is a type of cloud.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: There's no such thing made by Tandy with that name.
SPEAKER_00: It's a, it's a, it's a device used made by Tandy to measure the, measure the, uh, the, uh, the, dick it.
SPEAKER_01: Sir, you're wasting my time.