Longmont Potion Castle 8 (2011)

Track 15: God Bless You Abundantly
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SPEAKER_01: God bless you abundantly.
SPEAKER_02: Hi, this is Gavanaugh.
SPEAKER_02: How are you doing?
SPEAKER_01: Gavinot? Okay.
SPEAKER_02: I wanted to find a singer.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: And I was hoping to get a little bit of an audition.
SPEAKER_02: Do you take PayPal for payment?
SPEAKER_01: Paypal for payment?
SPEAKER_01: Um, no.
SPEAKER_02: Could I read a credit card or...
SPEAKER_02: Um, I just need a little bit of an audition.
SPEAKER_02: and, uh, I could send you the deposit.
SPEAKER_00: God bless you all by and we leave a message.
SPEAKER_00: Thank you.
SPEAKER_02: That was great.
SPEAKER_02: Singing's great.
SPEAKER_01: What is it that you need song?
SPEAKER_02: I wanted to know if you could do inverse singing.
SPEAKER_02: If you could sing backwards.
SPEAKER_01: Singing backwards?
SPEAKER_01: I don't sing backwards.
SPEAKER_01: It doesn't sound like something that I would be appropriate for.
SPEAKER_02: Do you do songs of worship?
SPEAKER_01: My particular specialty is singing hymns and sacred music.
SPEAKER_02: The other thing I'm producing is more straightforward vocally, but it is far more demonic.
SPEAKER_02: Is that something that you might be interested in?
SPEAKER_01: It's, well, I'm sorry, what?
SPEAKER_01: Did you say demonic?
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_01: No, I'm not, I don't do demonic.
SPEAKER_01: God bless you, dear heart.
SPEAKER_02: So you couldn't do any growling or...
SPEAKER_01: No, I don't do that.
SPEAKER_01: I'm not a ticket monic.
SPEAKER_01: I'm for Jesus.
SPEAKER_01: Jesus is Lord of all.
SPEAKER_02: Do you do any screaming at all?
SPEAKER_01: I've answered your questions your heart.
SPEAKER_01: So God bless you.
SPEAKER_01: God bless you.
SPEAKER_01: Bye for name.
SPEAKER_01: God bless you.