Longmont Potion Castle 14 (2017)

Track 18: Game Stop 2
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SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, this is Harrison over at GameStop.
SPEAKER_01: What are you dealing here?
SPEAKER_02: Over at GameStop?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I'm here at GameStop on Leedsdale,
SPEAKER_01: and we're looking for people to take part in a tournament.
SPEAKER_01: We got the 4th of July to pay everybody at $250?
SPEAKER_02: Everyone who enters gets $250?
SPEAKER_02: Yes, cash money.
SPEAKER_01: Yes, indeed, yes, sir.
SPEAKER_01: July 4th.
SPEAKER_02: Cash money.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, July 4th, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
SPEAKER_01: Here on Leedsdale Road.
SPEAKER_01: It's wondering if you knew anybody who we could recruit, get them signed up, and get planned.
SPEAKER_02: I do, I do.
SPEAKER_01: You do.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, okay.
SPEAKER_01: Are you any good?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, yeah, I'm really good.
SPEAKER_02: I'm really excited to go.
SPEAKER_01: All right.
SPEAKER_01: Let's see.
SPEAKER_01: How much do you weigh?
SPEAKER_01: Probably about 140.
SPEAKER_01: Now, I want to make sure you're going to fit.
SPEAKER_01: And make sure where you're going to sit and...
SPEAKER_02: What's going on with your voice there?
SPEAKER_01: My voice? I can't take part because I work here. I'm excluded.
SPEAKER_01: Is that what you mean?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, okay. So you can't play the games.
SPEAKER_01: I'm not allowed because I'm an employer. Is that what you're asking?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Because if I did, no offense, you wouldn't stand a chance against me.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, I think I'd put you down real quick.
SPEAKER_01: No, you ever heard a counter strike?
SPEAKER_02: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I'm probably the best in the country, best player.
SPEAKER_02: No, I'm the top player.
SPEAKER_02: I'm the top player in CounterStrike. Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: No. I'm sorry. Not compare it to me. You're not so, but you don't have to worry because I'm not.
SPEAKER_02: I'm a global elite. I'm a global elite.
SPEAKER_01: Oh, that's fine. I've got people offering me thousands of dollars for tips and secrets.
SPEAKER_01: And so I don't think you'd really compare, but don't worry because you're not playing.
SPEAKER_01: and me. You're playing other people. Do you understand? That's why I say you wouldn't last more
SPEAKER_01: in a couple minutes. You'd be defeated. You'd be destroyed. If I were playing it.
SPEAKER_02: Who, me? Yes.
SPEAKER_02: Is it a CounterStrike tournament?
SPEAKER_02: Yes.
SPEAKER_02: No, I would become, I would win. I'd come on top.
SPEAKER_01: What makes you say that?
SPEAKER_02: I'm a global elite. Okay. Do you know what that is?
SPEAKER_02: I don't think you know what it is. I'm the top player in Counterstrike. I'm the top.
SPEAKER_01: Well, we've never engaged in combat.
SPEAKER_01: If we did, you'd be taken down several nodges.
SPEAKER_02: If I engaged in combat with you, I one-tap your ass, bud, across the map.
SPEAKER_01: I'm number one. I just damn. I slay.
SPEAKER_01: Any opponent, slayed. Any challenger, slayed. I'm a slayer, and that's what you need to remember.
SPEAKER_01: Look, I thought this was about some tournament. What's going on here?
SPEAKER_01: It is. But you do.
SPEAKER_01: telling me that you're involved in elitism, and I don't know if that's the spirit of the tournament.
SPEAKER_01: The tournament is good nature. I don't know if we won elitism necessarily.
SPEAKER_02: Well, you started it. You started talking all this trash.
SPEAKER_01: I'm not going to talk strategy with you. That's cheating. Because if I told you my strategy,
SPEAKER_01: you would have such a tremendous advantage that you would win the grand prize, which is the Dodge Neon.
SPEAKER_01: 2018, Dodge Neon.
SPEAKER_02: Okay. Um, um, can you put me down?
SPEAKER_02: for the tournament.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I've got you down here. And you say you weigh 240 pounds?
SPEAKER_01: 140. 140.
SPEAKER_01: 140 pounds, okay. And so you're, uh, intermediate, a novice?
SPEAKER_01: I'm a master. I'm a global elite.
SPEAKER_01: So versus me, you're, you're, you're an intermediate. That's what you're saying?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, uh. No, see, I'd take you down. I'd take you out. Every time, every time you pop up on my screen,
SPEAKER_02: boom, annihilated.
SPEAKER_02: You're out. I'm better than you. I'm trying to tell you that.
SPEAKER_01: I would bring you to the depths, so you'd be slayed, and then you'd brought down so far below the depths.
SPEAKER_01: You'd be decimated by my skill and my advantage that I have. That's why I'm here. Who works at GameStop?
SPEAKER_01: Me or you?
SPEAKER_01: I guess you do.
SPEAKER_01: That's accurate.
SPEAKER_01: Whoa.
SPEAKER_01: It's the first accurate thing that you said. And so you weighed 340? 240.
SPEAKER_01: 1.40.
SPEAKER_01: 140. Okay, we got some players who are very rotative.
SPEAKER_01: And you're a novice? Well, that's okay. We take everybody.
SPEAKER_02: A novice. I'm telling you I'm a master. I'm a global elite. Do you know what a global elite is?
SPEAKER_02: Have you ever played Counterstrike before? I thought you were good.
SPEAKER_01: I'm beyond global elite, sir. I'm in the stratosphere. You can't get past global elite.
SPEAKER_01: I'm in the stratosphere here.
SPEAKER_01: You're in the stratosphere? Oh, big time.
SPEAKER_01: What the hell? What does that mean? I'm the great annihilator. So you're fortunate.
SPEAKER_01: in that way that you don't have to face me as an opponent. It'd be total decimation.
SPEAKER_02: I think you're fortunate that you don't have to face me because I would destroy you, pal.
SPEAKER_01: Encounterstruck? Huh? In CounterStra? Oh, yeah. You would destroy me.
SPEAKER_02: Whoa. What's going on with your phone there?
SPEAKER_01: I've told you before, I'm not eligible to be in the tournament.
SPEAKER_01: I know. You've said that.
SPEAKER_01: already. But you keep asking me what's my story and what's up with me and you don't have to worry because you're not going to face me. I'm trying to explain. No, your voice, your voice is going up and down like, you're just not prepared for me. You've never had to do. It's doing it again. It's doing it again. You've never had to confront someone like me. What? I wear gloves. I wear pads. I get into it. I have. I have. I have. I have. I have
SPEAKER_02: gloves in game, okay?
SPEAKER_01: Not like this. I get into it. I decimate my opponent. I wear gloves. I wear a visor.
SPEAKER_02: Well, guess what? I'm a fucking wrist player. I wear goggles, too. I wear the fucking gunners, the MLG gunners. Okay?
SPEAKER_02: They fucking, they make you so you can, it's all zoomed in. I can, I can see you before you see me, pal. And then I'll
SPEAKER_02: deck you. Deck you straight in the head. Annihilated. Off my screen. Every time.
SPEAKER_01: Your avatar would dissolve and disintegrate facing me on the battlefield.
SPEAKER_02: No. No. No. No. No. No.
SPEAKER_01: What do you mean? No. No. No, you're wrong. You're wrong. I would destroy you.
SPEAKER_01: I would decimate and pulverize and dissolve your avatar so quickly that you wouldn't even register a score.
SPEAKER_02: No, no, no. See, my score is going to be higher. I'm going to get more frags. I'm going to out
SPEAKER_02: frag you. And if we
SPEAKER_02: 1B1, I would win.
SPEAKER_01: I'm a wizard. I'm a sorcerer.
SPEAKER_02: Well, I'm going to win
SPEAKER_02: the tournament, so you're speaking to
SPEAKER_02: the winner of the tournament right now.
SPEAKER_02: And then I'm going to be coming
SPEAKER_02: to your door for a
SPEAKER_02: 1V1 money match.
SPEAKER_02: How does that sound?
SPEAKER_01: That's a if and when.
SPEAKER_01: That's a big if and a big win.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, what the heck?
SPEAKER_02: You're like
SPEAKER_02: echoing really.
SPEAKER_02: badly. It's weird. Whoa. Listen, after I'm riding around in my Dodge Neon, I'm going to come over to the game stop and I'm going to lay, let's say, 150 bucks on the table, right? And then we'll one be one and we'll see who's the real master at Caramehake, huh? There is going to be money thrown down that I'm going to take from you. Does that make sense?
SPEAKER_01: I'm going to slice and dice your avatar.
SPEAKER_01: I just down.
SPEAKER_02: No, no, bud.
SPEAKER_02: That's not how it's going to work.
SPEAKER_02: What rank are you even?
SPEAKER_01: I'm beyond the lead.
SPEAKER_01: I'm stratospheric.
SPEAKER_02: I don't believe you.
SPEAKER_01: You're going to be very unprepared on the battlefield.
SPEAKER_01: Very unprofile.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, no, I'm prepared, pal.
SPEAKER_02: I can take you out one shot every time.
SPEAKER_02: I'm a global elite.
SPEAKER_01: You'll be dissolved.
SPEAKER_01: As soon as you hit start, as soon as you hit go, you'll be dissolved.
SPEAKER_02: No, that's not even possible.
SPEAKER_01: Okay.
SPEAKER_01: Don't see it.
SPEAKER_01: say I didn't warn you.
SPEAKER_02: I'm not scared of your worrying about.
SPEAKER_02: I'm going to be taking your money.
SPEAKER_01: I'm not even going to bring any, because I won't need it.
SPEAKER_01: Any money?
SPEAKER_01: I won't need any money, no.
SPEAKER_01: What are you talking about?
SPEAKER_01: I'm an annihilator.
SPEAKER_01: You'll be dissolved.
SPEAKER_02: No, I am the annihilator.
SPEAKER_02: I will destroy you.
SPEAKER_02: And if you want to lose some money out there, around, where did you say, Leitzdale?
SPEAKER_02: After I win my 2018 Dodge Neon, because I have, I
SPEAKER_02: assure you. I am going to be the victor. I will one v one you for money, straight money,
SPEAKER_02: okay? $200. How does that sound?
SPEAKER_01: You'll be paying me $200 fine, fine and dandy.
SPEAKER_02: No, we're going to each put $200 up for grabs. Whoever wins gets the $400.
SPEAKER_02: How does that sound? Or are you scared?
SPEAKER_01: Are you scared? Sounds like you're looking to spend some money. That's what it sounds like.
SPEAKER_02: No, no. You're going to be losing.
SPEAKER_02: pal. I'll tell you what. You're going to get
SPEAKER_02: destroyed, bud. Just get prepared
SPEAKER_01: is all I can say.
SPEAKER_02: I could not play
SPEAKER_02: until July 4th and still
SPEAKER_01: beat you. You might as well not play at all
SPEAKER_01: because that'd be the end result. I'm an
SPEAKER_01: annihilator.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, wow.
SPEAKER_02: Wow. Yeah, I don't
SPEAKER_01: think so. As long as you understand
SPEAKER_01: what you're getting into.
SPEAKER_01: Understand what? I'm not scared.
SPEAKER_01: And you should save a lot of money
SPEAKER_01: up. Because I'll be
SPEAKER_01: taking it. All right?
SPEAKER_02: Okay. All right. How much do you
SPEAKER_01: want to wait you there? You can set the
SPEAKER_01: amount. I'll make sure I bring a
SPEAKER_01: big bag to put it all in.
SPEAKER_02: You're a funny guy.
SPEAKER_02: You know that? You're a funny guy.
SPEAKER_02: All right. Cool. I'm looking
SPEAKER_02: forward to driving my new car.
SPEAKER_02: I can't wait.