Longmont Potion Castle 15 (2018)

Track 10: Florida Flag
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SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Hi, I needed some help with my plumbing.
SPEAKER_01: You're plumbing?
SPEAKER_00: I need a new ballcock and a new handle on a commode here.
SPEAKER_01: I mostly do electrical.
SPEAKER_00: Well, you know, I've got a light switch that's out as well.
SPEAKER_01: All right, where are you at?
SPEAKER_00: Oh, I'm in Hyder.
SPEAKER_01: Hyder.
SPEAKER_01: I'm in Spring Hill, Florida.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Do you ever drive about 45 minutes away?
SPEAKER_01: I do, yeah, sometimes, you know, if it's worth it.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, it's worth it.
SPEAKER_00: This has got to be done this weekend.
SPEAKER_00: I got a big, big event here on Monday.
SPEAKER_01: All right.
SPEAKER_01: Well, where are you at?
SPEAKER_01: Hider.
SPEAKER_00: I'm about 45 minutes northeast of you, guy.
SPEAKER_00: So you'll come up.
SPEAKER_00: You'll fix my commode here, and then you'll just scoot along.
SPEAKER_00: Sound good?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, sounds good.
SPEAKER_01: good man um you want me to do it today i need it done yesterday guy oh okay that's what you
SPEAKER_00: don't seem to understand here i call i called and i called and no one picked up or anything
SPEAKER_00: this is the first time i've seen this son number call me well open your eyes because this thing's
SPEAKER_00: needing repair big time oh serious repair so ok-dokey how long is it going to take you to
SPEAKER_01: get up for spring hill you know see me an address and um i get
SPEAKER_00: way i sent you the address guy i texted it to you well hey do you got ballcocks in stock
SPEAKER_00: or would you need to me to buy one i suppose i got to go buy it now huh yes or no i don't i don't
SPEAKER_00: i don't know i just do electrical man well okay well i mean you want me to come down and put
SPEAKER_01: your own what's it going to take here well i'll tell you what it's going to take is i mean
SPEAKER_01: address you have it even text to me an address because i don't have it would you lose it
SPEAKER_01: yeah no i bet you lost it no i don't think i lost it because it's a person i hurt from you or anything
SPEAKER_00: oh you're going to be hearing bells if you made me come down there and push your own
SPEAKER_00: who is it i'm viny guy oh hey what's up bini just getting gear guy just getting gear guy
SPEAKER_01: hey dude i'm in gear bro it's just you need to tell me what the address is you haven't given it to me
SPEAKER_01: i don't know i know hey benny but you're not the vini i know you're not going to know what day it is
SPEAKER_00: when i'm done with you really if you don't get the job done right believe that all right well
SPEAKER_01: check it out i'm just uh not going to deal with you then uh you bet you're gonna cost somebody else hey i got a light
SPEAKER_00: that's flickering on and off
SPEAKER_00: switch that doesn't do anything at all when you flick it and i got to bust a toilet here what do
SPEAKER_01: you expect me to do i know you're pissed up man but uh you know you didn't call me you had to sit
SPEAKER_01: me and address you're saying this that and the other and i have no idea if you're talking to the right
SPEAKER_01: because you know like flickering on and off you only come 45 minutes north for that
SPEAKER_00: you're not going to have any idea what day it is once i'm don't smack in your own
SPEAKER_01: I don't know who's gonna snag me around bro but you better be prepared to get smacked the fuck shit back bro because uh i don't get snacked around bro that's all i just do it i got a freaking chain i'm gonna swing around
SPEAKER_01: all right good for you you better hope that shit connects because i'm gonna disarm you bro you're not gonna fucking like it when i disarm your ass and then i got some angry customer coming here with a chain and then all of a sudden he doesn't have a chain
SPEAKER_01: i'm gonna end up breaking something and i'll tell you that straight up i'm not gonna be a fucking a happy
SPEAKER_01: fucking guy bro get it done right charlie that's all i gotta say all right all right i'll leave now dude
SPEAKER_01: for two hundred dollars well hit the road what are you waiting for it do an address would be nice
SPEAKER_00: i sent it to you three times on your text reader no you didn't i'm on 907 stewart court yeah i don't
SPEAKER_00: that is the first time i've talked to you i're gonna be talking to the sidewalk when you're laying
SPEAKER_01: on it really yeah when i'm laying on it beating your face into it that ain't gonna happen i would
SPEAKER_01: know you don't even know me bro i swear to god you're gonna go outside you're not gonna like it
SPEAKER_01: yeah you're not gonna know which ways up charlie all right i'll just type my 38 in the car i'll come
SPEAKER_00: up there with me come up here you're gonna see a flag of florida flying high in the air okay good
SPEAKER_00: that's how i am okay so you get up here well i don't want to have to call you back and
SPEAKER_01: say oh it's not done right all right hey i get shit done the first time right everywhere i go
SPEAKER_00: dude i'm gonna knock you down end the story okay all right let's do it let's do it how about we just
SPEAKER_01: meet up somewhere so you can do what you say knock me down so let's just meet up and then fuck your
SPEAKER_01: side work i want you to show me knock me down i'll come to you and i'll show me knock me down i'll come to you and i'll
SPEAKER_00: tell you how it's done right here in florida how's that for all right that
SPEAKER_01: that fucking sounds good why don't you just fucking come to me then brother i got a flag of florida i'm
SPEAKER_01: gonna hang it on my car and i'm gonna drive down to you okay that's what's bad i'm down game let's make this
SPEAKER_00: happen i got a freaking four-foot chain i'm gonna take to your chin all right you take that
SPEAKER_01: four-foot chain and then when you're just on the mine holding the chain and then when you're just on the mine
SPEAKER_01: hold in the chain i'm gonna wrap it around your neck and hang you like a fucking nigger from the tree i'm gonna wrap you up in my flag of
SPEAKER_00: florida and throw you in the river what do you think you fucking crazy ass motherfucker i tell a man about a
SPEAKER_00: defective light switch and you're telling me about this stuff oh i never heard from you oh i don't know
SPEAKER_00: what you're talking about me what are you doing are you working here or not all right well i'm moving
SPEAKER_01: on your face dude you don't fucking tell me some truths check it out you want me to fucking send you a
SPEAKER_01: picture of my text messages you're not on here dude nor do i have your lover saved nor i've
SPEAKER_00: i talked to you before i'm gonna send you a picture of my frickin fist in front of the florida flak flying real
SPEAKER_01: high you katie-ass motherfucker hey check it out you can find out somebody to work on your switch or
SPEAKER_01: something you find out somebody that needs a cock and ball joint okay because uh
SPEAKER_01: that's my suggestion you do and if you want to arrange on you getting your ass whoops then that's fine too we can arrange that you give me a call