Longmont Potion Castle 20 (2023)

Track 18: Fish Flipout 2
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SPEAKER_05: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, Chris, you there?
SPEAKER_05: Who's us?
SPEAKER_00: It's Donnie here.
SPEAKER_00: Customer.
SPEAKER_05: Don't know who you are, man.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I'm a customer.
SPEAKER_00: I had an issue with my lobster I got from me.
SPEAKER_05: From who, me?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, from you.
SPEAKER_00: This product was woefully inadequate.
SPEAKER_00: I'm sorry to say.
SPEAKER_05: Well, that's too bad, because I never...
SPEAKER_05: sold me lobsters.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, this thing is just not cutting it.
SPEAKER_00: Guy, I came to you.
SPEAKER_00: Because my deal is I only take a bite out of fish from international waters.
SPEAKER_00: So I said, I'll call Chris get some lobster.
SPEAKER_05: Hey, you can take a bite out of my fucking ass, you piece of shit.
SPEAKER_05: What do you want, you fucking freak?
SPEAKER_00: Hey, I've seen lobster rolls bigger than this thing you sold me, guy.
SPEAKER_00: Now, what do you want to do?
SPEAKER_00: I never said.
SPEAKER_05: I've never said it.
SPEAKER_05: I've never said it.
SPEAKER_05: going to do.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_05: If I can see you face to face, I'd break your fucking neck.
SPEAKER_00: Look, I'm looking real seriously at whooping you.
SPEAKER_00: Because I'm fixing to whoopee.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_05: Come on out.
SPEAKER_05: Come on, whoop me, man.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, and then what's with that frozen Ziploc stuff you sold me?
SPEAKER_00: These scallops, I threw them out the window.
SPEAKER_00: I'm not going to lie to you.
SPEAKER_00: I can't exchange him.
SPEAKER_00: I just want a refund or a gift card.
SPEAKER_00: Can I get a gift card?
SPEAKER_00: Can I get a gift card?
SPEAKER_05: Go fuck on.
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you be professional for a change?
SPEAKER_05: Fucked off and leave me alone, man.
SPEAKER_05: I don't even know who you are.
SPEAKER_00: Donnie Rollins, my name.
SPEAKER_00: Okay?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, I remember you from a long time back, you fucking freak.
SPEAKER_05: You one of them fucking people on the other end of a phone, aggravation somebody.
SPEAKER_05: Then why don't you go fuck yourself and find something better to do?
SPEAKER_00: I need to eat.
SPEAKER_00: And how about you hook me up?
SPEAKER_05: Good, well, go fucking buy something.
SPEAKER_00: I'd bought some from you.
SPEAKER_00: What's he want?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, it's DR calling.
SPEAKER_00: Listen, listen closely, guy.
SPEAKER_00: I'm looking real seriously at whooping you.
SPEAKER_00: You understand?
SPEAKER_05: Oh, man, I love a good.
SPEAKER_05: I love a good wop man.
SPEAKER_05: Why don't you go whoop me, man?
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you give me a real scallop?
SPEAKER_00: How about some real scallops for a change and do your job up here?
SPEAKER_05: I don't know how it's job.
SPEAKER_05: I don't know how it's going to scallop.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to scallop your lips and my cleats.
SPEAKER_05: Because I'm tired of fiddling around.
SPEAKER_00: You've been messing me around each and every time I come to your stupid place.
SPEAKER_00: Each and every time.
SPEAKER_00: This lobster is the size of my thumbnail here.
SPEAKER_00: Am I making sense to you?
SPEAKER_05: Yeah, I hope you choke on it.
SPEAKER_00: You hear me?
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you give me a gift card?
SPEAKER_05: Why don't you go fuck off?
SPEAKER_00: Just give me a gift certificate.
SPEAKER_00: I'll try it one more time.
SPEAKER_00: And that's the...
SPEAKER_00: The last time.
SPEAKER_05: I'm giving you fucking shit.
SPEAKER_05: I don't know who you are.
SPEAKER_05: Why don't you leave me to fuck alone?
SPEAKER_00: Hey, I paid cash on the barrel, Mr. Sister.
SPEAKER_05: Good to you. Yeah, cool.
SPEAKER_05: That nice.
SPEAKER_00: I've seen lobster rolls bigger than this lobster you sold me.
SPEAKER_00: I'm just tired of it.
SPEAKER_00: It's a rip-off.
SPEAKER_00: You're ripping me off.
SPEAKER_00: It's highway robbery, is what I'm talking about.
SPEAKER_03: It's fucking horrible, isn't it?
SPEAKER_00: Guy, I'm not.
SPEAKER_00: going to whoopee.
SPEAKER_00: You understand me?
SPEAKER_00: Next time I see you, or you give me a gift card.
SPEAKER_00: It's your call.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, well, you can go fuck yourself.
SPEAKER_00: Why don't you be professional?
SPEAKER_00: Huh?
SPEAKER_03: You kiss my ass.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to meet...
SPEAKER_00: Listen, listen to me carefully.
SPEAKER_03: Why don't you go fuck yourself and leave me alone?
SPEAKER_00: Meet me at 11 o'clock tonight.
SPEAKER_00: And we'll work it out.
SPEAKER_03: Listen.
SPEAKER_00: Okay.
SPEAKER_03: Listen, go fuck off.
SPEAKER_00: And I either.
SPEAKER_00: want a real lobster or a gift care.
SPEAKER_00: Okay?
SPEAKER_00: You ain't getting shit.
SPEAKER_00: Why?
SPEAKER_00: Because I don't know you.
SPEAKER_00: I'm a customer. I'm a paying customer over here.
SPEAKER_05: You're a fucking jackass. But you are.
SPEAKER_05: And I know who you are. You're either Jerome or you're the hell frog.
SPEAKER_05: Listen, if you want to wop me, you come wop me, you little practice.
SPEAKER_05: I'll be waiting to see. I'll see you later. Have a good night.
SPEAKER_00: I'll push you into traffic. I'm done fussing with you.
SPEAKER_00: I'm on.
SPEAKER_05: Hello?
SPEAKER_05: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Hey, Chris.
SPEAKER_05: Hey.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, it's DR, the doctor.
SPEAKER_00: Donnie.
SPEAKER_00: You never showed up.
SPEAKER_00: You never showed up yesterday.
SPEAKER_00: At Yarmouth.
SPEAKER_05: You didn't tell me to meet you in Yarmouth, you cock, sucker you.
SPEAKER_00: Yes, I did it at 11 o'clock.
SPEAKER_05: Fuck off, you goddamn fucking freak you.
SPEAKER_00: Well, listen, there was a guy.
SPEAKER_00: with me when you sold me the lobster, all right?
SPEAKER_00: And he saw what happened.
SPEAKER_05: I don't remember that's telling you that's lobster.
SPEAKER_05: Who is this, anyway? Is this the howl frog or is this the peacock?
SPEAKER_00: I'm Johnny.
SPEAKER_05: You know either one of those fucking perverts.
SPEAKER_00: This is Donnie, all right?
SPEAKER_05: This is Donnie who.
SPEAKER_05: Donnie Howlfrog from East Budney Co?
SPEAKER_00: Donnie Roleon, friend.
SPEAKER_05: Donnie Roll on, friend.
SPEAKER_05: Sounds like a peacock to me from fucking Almond.
SPEAKER_05: No new prospect.
SPEAKER_05: My friend.
SPEAKER_05: I'm not at the forest of hell from me.
SPEAKER_05: He's probably going, why don't you go fuck off?
SPEAKER_05: Listen, if you don't fuck off,
SPEAKER_05: if I can ever find you who you are,
SPEAKER_05: I will pluck your teeth out one by one.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, Chris, my friend Joe is here.
SPEAKER_00: He can back up everything I'm saying.
SPEAKER_00: He was there the same time as me.
SPEAKER_00: Joe, pick up the phone and talk Chris is on the phone.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, he.
SPEAKER_00: He's getting on the phone right now.
SPEAKER_00: You tell him you talk to me.
SPEAKER_00: You saw the lobster and everything.
SPEAKER_05: Joe, blow?
SPEAKER_00: I had to eat borsh and breadcrumbs for dinner after you sold me that.
SPEAKER_00: Whatever, though.
SPEAKER_00: It was there.
SPEAKER_00: Joe, pick up the phone.
SPEAKER_00: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Hello?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Hello.
SPEAKER_01: Criminal.
SPEAKER_01: You piece of shit.
SPEAKER_01: I need you to drop that motherfucker chicken shit.
SPEAKER_01: You're a piece of shit.
SPEAKER_01: You motherfucker.
SPEAKER_01: piece of shit.
SPEAKER_05: Hello.
SPEAKER_05: Hello.
SPEAKER_05: Hello.
SPEAKER_05: Hello.
SPEAKER_05: I can hear you.
None: I can hear you.
SPEAKER_04: I can fucking hear you too.
SPEAKER_04: What do you want?
SPEAKER_04: You were wanting to get lobsters?
SPEAKER_04: I'm confused of what's going on here.
None: Hello.
SPEAKER_01: Hello.
None: Hello.
SPEAKER_05: Fuck off.
SPEAKER_01: Who is it?
SPEAKER_05: Who the fuck are you?
SPEAKER_01: Huh?
SPEAKER_05: Who the fuck are you?
SPEAKER_01: Drop that, son of a bitch.
SPEAKER_01: Drop that, you motherfucker.
SPEAKER_01: Drop that, you piece of shit.
SPEAKER_01: Shit, shit, shit.
SPEAKER_05: Fuck off, you freak.
None: Hello.
SPEAKER_02: Hello, yes.
SPEAKER_02: The only lobster variation of an entree that we have is a lobster roll.
SPEAKER_02: It's cold.
SPEAKER_02: It's cold.
SPEAKER_02: on a hot roll.
SPEAKER_02: We don't have any lobster, live lobster,
SPEAKER_02: or whole body lobsters, anything of that nature.
SPEAKER_02: I can suggest that maybe you can call Scott's seafood
SPEAKER_02: and they'll be able to accommodate you on that matter.
SPEAKER_05: Why don't you all go fuck off?