Longmont Potion Castle 20 (2023)

Track 11: Fish Flipout
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None: Oh.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, Chris, what's up, man?
SPEAKER_00: This is Donnie. Roll on.
SPEAKER_00: I met you over at Yarmouth.
SPEAKER_00: It was fishing the one time.
SPEAKER_00: And, uh, buddy, I think you may have taken some of my fish most recently when I was up there.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know, I don't know what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_02: What do you mean?
SPEAKER_02: I might have talked to some of your fish.
SPEAKER_00: I just want to get them back is what I mean.
SPEAKER_00: You had them, you put them in your truck and you took off.
SPEAKER_00: What?
SPEAKER_02: No, no, no, no, bud.
SPEAKER_02: You got the wrong fucking number.
SPEAKER_02: Don't you start accusing me a fucking sweet shit.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, I was there, too, guy.
SPEAKER_00: I saw what happened.
SPEAKER_00: You got me?
SPEAKER_02: Who the fuck are you looking for?
SPEAKER_02: Who are you looking for to start with?
SPEAKER_00: I'm looking for you for Chris.
SPEAKER_00: I met you at Yarmouth, fair and square.
SPEAKER_00: Guy.
SPEAKER_02: You met me at Yarmouth, fair and square.
SPEAKER_00: I was fishing there all day.
SPEAKER_00: I got off the ferry, and I was fishing all day long.
SPEAKER_00: You come along, and you take my freaking fish, and he took off in your truck.
SPEAKER_00: What do you want for me?
SPEAKER_00: I just want them back.
SPEAKER_02: I never took your fucking fish.
SPEAKER_00: Just give them back.
SPEAKER_00: That's all I got to say.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know who the fuck you're talking about.
SPEAKER_02: Go fuck yourself.
SPEAKER_00: I want me to push you around?
SPEAKER_00: What do you think of that?
SPEAKER_02: Sure.
SPEAKER_02: Sure.
SPEAKER_02: Go for it, man.
SPEAKER_02: Because I don't got a clue who you are.
SPEAKER_02: I have no idea what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_00: You took my freaking fish, tough guy.
SPEAKER_02: I took your fish.
SPEAKER_02: I took your fish.
SPEAKER_02: Justin, do you know some, Donnie, that I sold fish?
SPEAKER_02: Did I sell you fish?
SPEAKER_00: Donnie Rollon.
SPEAKER_00: That's my name.
SPEAKER_00: You took my freaking fish guy, and I had eight, ten of them sitting there.
SPEAKER_00: Now I got nothing.
SPEAKER_00: You scoop them up, and you took off in your freaking truck.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't.
SPEAKER_02: No, I did not.
SPEAKER_02: Somebody's using the false number aggravated me, because I'm going to tell you why.
SPEAKER_02: I did Justin Nussville's trying to say I pulled up to his truck,
SPEAKER_02: and yarm on some Donnie Roland and took 10 fish off his tailboard.
SPEAKER_02: I hate fish.
SPEAKER_02: You go fuck yourself, you piece of shit.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to push you down.
SPEAKER_00: How's that sound?
SPEAKER_00: Next time I see you, tough stuff.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: Hey, guy, I'm going to throw you out the window.
SPEAKER_00: How's that sound to you?
SPEAKER_02: I hope you do, honestly, because I honestly don't got a clue who you are.
SPEAKER_02: I'm outstall driving right now in the Bay of Fundy.
SPEAKER_02: Believe me, I ain't been nowhere near your fucking truck.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to drive your truck off a cliff and throw you through the window.
SPEAKER_02: You're going to see.
SPEAKER_02: You know what you can do?
SPEAKER_02: I'm Mr. Peacock.
SPEAKER_02: You can suck me the fuck off.
SPEAKER_02: Dolly?
SPEAKER_02: Hello?
SPEAKER_00: Hey, buddy.
SPEAKER_00: Listen, just $100 for the fish.
SPEAKER_00: You reimburse me and we'll call it good.
SPEAKER_00: This is Donnie.
SPEAKER_00: Okay?
SPEAKER_00: Donnie roll on here.
SPEAKER_00: I can stop by and pick it up.
SPEAKER_00: That's no problem.
SPEAKER_02: You come right to my house and come get it, but I'll be waiting for you.
SPEAKER_02: 6-9-39.
SPEAKER_02: See you in a bet.
SPEAKER_00: I just want to work it out, all right?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, you're going to work it out.
SPEAKER_02: You come to my house, come pick it up.
SPEAKER_02: House number 6-9-39, pouring out back.
SPEAKER_02: of the household, but I got something for you.
SPEAKER_02: I got you $100 and a little surprise.
SPEAKER_02: Come on up, just to be a nice fella.
SPEAKER_02: And I'm going to tell you something, Mr. Peacock or Hellfrog.
SPEAKER_02: You keep fucking sending him prank, fucking phone calls to me,
SPEAKER_02: and I promise you, if I have a funny dude, I'll rip your fucking throat out.
SPEAKER_02: So you come right up to my house right now.
SPEAKER_02: Come on, Hell Frog or Peacock.
SPEAKER_02: Come on up.
SPEAKER_02: I'll be waiting.
SPEAKER_00: I'll promise you of bandaging.
SPEAKER_00: I'll bandage you from head to toe.
SPEAKER_00: You feel me?
SPEAKER_00: Because I ain't fiddling around guy.
SPEAKER_00: You mess with a man's fish.
SPEAKER_02: Fiddling around.
SPEAKER_02: Come on up.
SPEAKER_02: I like to fettle around with you.
SPEAKER_02: Come on.
SPEAKER_00: Hey.
SPEAKER_00: You fiddled with a man's fish.
SPEAKER_00: You're fiddling with this livelihood.
SPEAKER_00: You understand.
SPEAKER_02: I never talk to fish.
SPEAKER_00: Buddy, you're fiddling with my fish.
SPEAKER_00: I saw you do it.
SPEAKER_02: Ah, you know what, man.
SPEAKER_02: Suck my fucking deck.
SPEAKER_02: Goodbye.
SPEAKER_00: I'll shove you into the ground.
SPEAKER_00: I'm tired of messing with you.
SPEAKER_02: Hello.
SPEAKER_00: Buddy, why don't you just send me an online payment, $100, and then we'll call it good.
SPEAKER_00: Because I'm tired of messing around here.
SPEAKER_02: Go up and fish up your ass, eyeballs first.
SPEAKER_00: I don't have my freaking fish, tough guy.
SPEAKER_00: You took them and split.
SPEAKER_00: I was there.
SPEAKER_02: Yes, I got them right here in the fridge.
SPEAKER_00: I know you do.
SPEAKER_02: Yes, so you know you're damn right.
SPEAKER_02: You know what I get you.
SPEAKER_02: That's the way I'm telling you.
SPEAKER_02: Come on out and get them.
SPEAKER_02: I'll stuff them up your ass.
SPEAKER_02: How would you like them?
SPEAKER_02: Tail first or eyeballs?
SPEAKER_00: You don't know how to fish.
SPEAKER_00: Is that it?
SPEAKER_00: You're no damn good with the fishing rod, are you?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, I don't use a fishing rod, but I use a scallop drag.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to use.
SPEAKER_00: my bare hands.
SPEAKER_02: I wish you would.
SPEAKER_02: I'd like me to come up.
SPEAKER_00: What do you think of that?
SPEAKER_00: And then I'm going to take you down.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to show you how to fish.
SPEAKER_00: I'm going to show you how to fish first and from the master.
SPEAKER_00: You understand?
SPEAKER_00: Because I'm not kidding around.
SPEAKER_00: Just send me an online payment.
SPEAKER_00: Quit joking around.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, give me some numbers.
SPEAKER_02: Let me send it to you.
SPEAKER_02: And that way you ain't going to keep called my fucking number.
SPEAKER_00: It's fishmaster at hotmail.com.
SPEAKER_02: Good.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Perfect.
SPEAKER_02: See ya.
SPEAKER_01: Hello.
SPEAKER_01: Hi, this is Trot Waters.
SPEAKER_01: How's it going?
SPEAKER_02: Who's us?
SPEAKER_01: This is Bryson.
SPEAKER_01: Trot Waters.
SPEAKER_02: Who is us?
SPEAKER_02: I have no idea who you are.
SPEAKER_01: We're Trot Waters flying tackle.
SPEAKER_01: Your buddy said you picked up someone else's fish.
SPEAKER_02: Oh, go fuck off.
SPEAKER_02: You know that?
SPEAKER_02: You go fuck off, Jerome.
SPEAKER_02: I'll see you in your contact before you fucking know it, buddy.
SPEAKER_01: He just told me to F off because he didn't know who this was.
SPEAKER_01: Thank you.