Longmont Potion Castle (1988)

Track 9: Exotic Cookies 1
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SPEAKER_01: I have no idea what you're saying.
SPEAKER_01: Would you spell that out?
SPEAKER_01: Exotic lotion cookies.
SPEAKER_01: Listen, mister.
SPEAKER_01: I don't know who you are or what you want.
SPEAKER_01: I didn't order any cookies from anybody,
SPEAKER_01: and I don't want to see you on my property.
SPEAKER_01: Is that clear?
SPEAKER_01: You come by and I'll run you off the place.
SPEAKER_00: What lesbian?
SPEAKER_00: Lesbian cookie?
SPEAKER_01: Bull shit.
SPEAKER_02: You better not.
SPEAKER_02: You better not bring anything out here.
SPEAKER_02: order any exotic potion cookies.
SPEAKER_02: I don't know what you're talking about.
SPEAKER_02: I am not paying nothing.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't order nothing.
SPEAKER_02: I didn't make no fucking order, buddy.
SPEAKER_02: You're not bringing it on out.
SPEAKER_02: What the hell are you talking about?
SPEAKER_02: What are you talking about?
SPEAKER_02: You're not bringing shit to me, buddy.
SPEAKER_02: I said, where are you talking about?
SPEAKER_02: Tell me.
SPEAKER_02: Who am I?
SPEAKER_02: I'll tell you what, buddy.
SPEAKER_02: You've got about five seconds to tell me what the fuck is going on.
SPEAKER_02: I'm calling the goddamn car.
SPEAKER_02: Just a minute. Did you order cookies?
SPEAKER_02: What the hell are you talking about?
SPEAKER_02: Who ordered an exotic lotion cake?
SPEAKER_02: You know bullshit. I did not order a package.
SPEAKER_02: Do you have something in writing?