Alive in '25 (2025)

Track 6: Enviromedley
Runtime: 607 seconds
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Aliases: Casper Cocker
SPEAKER_03: Thank you for calling A-OK.
LPC: Hi.
LPC: Yeah, I'm calling from this Peachtree City and County.
LPC: My name's Casper Cocker.
LPC: How are we today?
SPEAKER_03: Fantastic.
SPEAKER_03: How are you?
LPC: Oh, just fine.
LPC: Thank you very much.
LPC: Colin, coming up here on Friday,
LPC: we are going to be installing a public trash can in front of your business.
LPC: Just wanted to let you know.
LPC: Just a courtesy call, okay?
SPEAKER_03: Why is that?
LPC: Well, we determined that right in front of your...
LPC: business was a primary location for garbage collection, and I just want to keep litter
LPC: off the streets out of the water, out of the way.
LPC: What kind of trash can?
LPC: Well, there's actually either two or four of them in tandem.
LPC: So there'll be two or...
LPC: How big are they?
LPC: They're about four feet across in diameter.
LPC: And they're picked up every week.
SPEAKER_03: So you're installing trash cans in front of the business.
LPC: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_03: I just don't understand.
SPEAKER_03: So it's just a public...
SPEAKER_03: Like, oh.
SPEAKER_03: a walkway, like, you'd put on a golf car path?
LPC: Yeah, and you can use it, too, free of charge.
LPC: Absolutely no charge.
SPEAKER_03: It'll be on the street.
SPEAKER_03: Where is it going to be located?
LPC: There's usually an incline from the street, so it'd be closer to your building than the street.
SPEAKER_03: Okay, but it'll be on Cloverie.
SPEAKER_03: It's not on our drive.
LPC: It would be on the drive, uh-huh.
SPEAKER_03: It's on the driveway.
LPC: Yes.
LPC: To our shop.
LPC: With a sign saying, you know, trash receptacle and an arrow,
LPC: pointing to your business.
LPC: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: It's going to say trash receptacle with an arrow pointing to our business.
LPC: Uh-huh.
LPC: Correct.
SPEAKER_03: And you don't see why this might be an issue?
LPC: Well, what's the issue, sir?
SPEAKER_03: Well, I mean, it, so there's going to be an arrow saying trash receptacle,
SPEAKER_03: and the arrow's going to be pointing to our business.
SPEAKER_03: So when they look at trash, they're going to associate that with our business?
LPC: Correct.
LPC: Well, what if a child were to come across rubbish somewhere and pick it up and play around
LPC: with it, then what?
LPC: It's too late then is what.
LPC: So that's why we're doing this all over the place, all up and down, all around Peach Street.
SPEAKER_03: The children?
SPEAKER_03: What?
LPC: For starters, yeah.
SPEAKER_03: I don't.
SPEAKER_03: Why would a child pick up trash and play with it?
SPEAKER_03: I've got two kids that would never do that.
LPC: Well, after Friday, they won't be.
SPEAKER_03: What city? I'm not terribly concerned with the children being taken over by trash,
SPEAKER_03: and that a trash receptacle should be put in front of our building with an arrow that says trash, pointing
SPEAKER_03: towards our building. What city ordinance is this under?
LPC: Peachtree.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, but that doesn't, what ordinance is that, though? What's the number?
LPC: Well, this was overwhelmingly voted in favor of. We sent you a postcard.
SPEAKER_03: I didn't get a postcard.
LPC: Yeah, I hear that all day long. But we're going to be there about 4 a.m. on Friday morning,
LPC: but most people are in favor of this, you know?
SPEAKER_03: Well, I mean, it's just kind of weird. We're going to have a sign that says trash receptacle pointing at our business.
SPEAKER_03: is. You don't see why that would be, you know, maybe an issue?
LPC: I think that people would be more inclined to come and visit you.
SPEAKER_03: Because we're trash?
LPC: Well, no, that you have receptacles available to them, to the public. You see what we're saying?
SPEAKER_03: Well, I mean, I get that there's receptacles. How many people are going to be walking down the street going, man, I got trash?
SPEAKER_03: Where am I going to put it? Oh, you know what? Let me go, let me go to this auto shop and see if I can get a repair done.
LPC: There you go.
SPEAKER_03: Why would they be more inclined? There's a...
SPEAKER_03: No way.
LPC: Hello.
LPC: Hello, sir?
SPEAKER_04: Yeah.
LPC: Hi. I'm calling from
LPC: Okay.
LPC: Because your IP address has been making some kind of unusual edits on the website, Wikipedia, Wikipedia.
LPC: Some improper editing that we have to have our staff go in and undo.
LPC: So we're just looking for assurances today that this is going to stop.
LPC: All right?
SPEAKER_04: Uh, what, first of, what the hell is that Wikipedia on Shed you're telling me about?
LPC: Look, we know that you've been going online, and all of your editing on here is kind of unusual stuff.
SPEAKER_04: Like, I don't go online because I don't know it.
SPEAKER_04: The only thing that I was doing is just talking to me.
SPEAKER_04: some girls that I had met online, but I didn't know.
SPEAKER_04: Like my messenger, this morning, my phone went all stupid crazy.
SPEAKER_04: I couldn't use it the month.
SPEAKER_04: What can you see, like, the number that number?
LPC: Yes.
LPC: We can. And look, if we have to, we're going to have Duke call you back directly on this.
LPC: And Duke does not play around. Do you understand?
SPEAKER_04: Who, Duke?
LPC: Duke from
LPC: Now, if Duke calls you back, he's not going to fuss around with you.
LPC: So, so, so, so, so.
LPC: Are you going to knock it off, or we're going to have to have Duke call you?
SPEAKER_04: Not what off, dude. You're not telling me shit of shit on what?
SPEAKER_04: What's going on, what happened, or whatnot?
LPC: What's going on is that you're going online, you're busting loose.
SPEAKER_04: Busting loose in what way?
LPC: You're editing our website, and you're messing things up, and our staff has to go in and fix it.
LPC: It's costing us a lot of time and money.
LPC: You understand?
SPEAKER_04: No, I don't.
LPC: But you got time to go online, bust loose, and get wild, huh?
LPC: Hi, I'm Vega Twitty.
LPC: I'm calling from the city and county building.
LPC: And what we wanted to inquire with you and see if you would volunteer your establishment as a location for vaccine shots.
LPC: We're in need of a place here locally where folks could come in and get vaccinated and where we could save some money as well.
SPEAKER_02: Well, I can't make any decisions like that.
LPC: Oh, no?
SPEAKER_02: You would have to speak to someone in the morning.
LPC: morning. Oh, really? Really? Really? I'm Vega-Twitty, as I said. Right. And what's your name?
SPEAKER_02: That's not important. Just call back in the morning. Okay. Well, we have people who administer
LPC: the shots, so that's not even an issue. Don't worry about them. That's neither here nor there for me.
LPC: I'm not the one you have to get permission from. Okay. Well, well, you know, don't worry about that. We just
SPEAKER_02: need your establishment maybe three, four times a month. Sir, I have a customer in front of me. I can't
LPC: talk right now. You don't even need to be present. Have a good evening.
LPC: Okay. You understand?
SPEAKER_02: It's the third time you've called, sir, and I've told you there's nothing I can do to help you.
LPC: You don't even need to be present for these vaccinations, okay?
SPEAKER_02: Please stop calling and call in the morning.
LPC: Well, I've done that. No one was there.
SPEAKER_02: Wonderful. I cannot do anything.
LPC: Okay, ma'am. Let me just list the inoculations we have. We can inoculate polio shingles.
SPEAKER_02: Are you for real?
LPC: Yes, ma'am.
SPEAKER_02: Why are you talking to me when I have?
SPEAKER_02: have no decision to make here.
LPC: Measles.
SPEAKER_02: I told you, please call in the morning.
LPC: Tetna shots.
SPEAKER_02: I have a customer in front of me.
LPC: I've tried that, ma'am.
LPC: No one was there in the morning.
LPC: Now, we can inoculate you for free.
LPC: No charge.
SPEAKER_02: I don't want to get inoculated.
SPEAKER_02: I take care of that between me and my physician.
LPC: Oh, you do.
SPEAKER_02: Yes, sir.
SPEAKER_02: This is a motel.
SPEAKER_02: I need to take care of business here.
SPEAKER_02: Would you please stop bothering me?
LPC: We need to take care of the residents here in town three to four times a month for a vaccination.
LPC: Okay?
LPC: That's all we need.
SPEAKER_02: And you need to speak with someone else.
SPEAKER_02: Have a good day.
LPC: My name's Vega Twitty, okay?
LPC: We can inoculate you against measles or tetanus on Monday morning.
LPC: First thing Monday morning.
SPEAKER_02: Wonderful.
SPEAKER_02: Too bad.
SPEAKER_02: I've already had those inoculations.
LPC: How about polio or shingles?
LPC: No charge.
LPC: No charge whatsoever.
SPEAKER_02: No, thank you.
LPC: Well, what is it you need?
LPC: You need.
LPC: We can give you a $40 honorarium.
LPC: One-time honorarium, $40.
LPC: No, thank you.
LPC: We'll set up Monday morning for about four hours and it's a one-time trial run.
LPC: No, thank you.
LPC: Bring you a sandwich.
LPC: We'll bring you free sandwiches for everybody.
SPEAKER_02: No, thank you.
LPC: Hi, I'm calling from Alcohol Bottle Collection Group, and we're going to be coming by there on Monday to collect all of your empty alcohol bottles.
LPC: Just a courtesy call.
LPC: Just wanted to let you know.
SPEAKER_00: Are you shitting me?
LPC: No, sir.
LPC: We send Sylvester out, and he's going to personally.
LPC: deal with you on this.
SPEAKER_00: Sylvester, huh?
SPEAKER_00: You tell him he should ask for Joe, okay?
LPC: Who's that now?
SPEAKER_00: Joe.
SPEAKER_00: First name Joe.
SPEAKER_00: Last name, M-A-A-M-A.
SPEAKER_00: Joe Mama.
LPC: Sir, can you please be professional?
LPC: We're going to be there Monday afternoon to pick up all your alcohol bottles.
LPC: We can't have alcohol bottles stacked up to the ceiling, all right?
LPC: Are you full of shit?
SPEAKER_00: Who are you?
LPC: I'm Murray with alcohol bottle.
LPC: collection group, ABC.
LPC: Now, what appears to be the trouble up here?
SPEAKER_00: The trouble is that you're bullshitting me, man.
SPEAKER_00: You're fishing for something.
SPEAKER_00: So leave me the fuck alone.
LPC: Hey, there's no charge.
LPC: Absolutely, no charge.
SPEAKER_00: What charge?
SPEAKER_00: I haven't a single alcohol bottle in my house.
SPEAKER_00: What the fuck are you talking about?
LPC: Well, your neighbor says you do.
SPEAKER_00: Bullshit.
SPEAKER_00: Who's my neighbor?
SPEAKER_00: Tell me who my neighbors.
SPEAKER_00: Tell me where my address is.
SPEAKER_00: Go ahead.
SPEAKER_00: Give me some information.
SPEAKER_00: Where do I live?
LPC: Oh, Sylvester's going to come and talk to you real personally.
LPC: You got it?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, okay.
SPEAKER_00: You were full of shit, man.
SPEAKER_00: Fuck off.