Best Before '24 (2024)

Track 3: Energy Star
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LPC: Hey, TV repair?
TV Repairman: Yes.
LPC: Yeah, my TV's in need of a factory reset.
LPC: I got errors and defects and glitches and miscoding going on with my television set.
TV Repairman: What brand is it?
LPC: Hitachi.
LPC: All right?
TV Repairman: How old is it?
LPC: And whenever I turn up the volume, it changes the contrast on the dang thing.
LPC: When I change the channel, it changes the volume.
LPC: All right?
TV Repairman: Okay, yeah.
TV Repairman: Who told you it needed a factory reset?
LPC: Well, I called Energy Star.
TV Repairman: Energy who?
LPC: Energy Star.
TV Repairman: Who's Energy Star?
LPC: You know, the efficiency people.
TV Repairman: Well how do they have anything to do with your TV?
LPC: So I called them and they said get a factory reset and call this guy here.
LPC: You're supposed to help me with this thing here.
TV Repairman: Yeah, it doesn't mean a factory reset.
TV Repairman: You need somebody to come see what the problem is.
LPC: I'll tell you what the problem is.
LPC: I got quantum dots all over the place.
LPC: I got a rainbow effect.
LPC: When I go to turn the channel, it changes the volume.
TV Repairman: So you got a bad switch.
LPC: And when I go to turn the contrast, it changes to picture in picture, except it's the same show, big and small.
TV Repairman: This is what we do, okay?
TV Repairman: We come out and check and see what you need.
TV Repairman: What you're describing can be a couple of things, but not factory reset.
LPC: I'm going to need an emitter.
LPC: That's one thing I do know.
LPC: I need an emitter, all right?
TV Repairman: Who is this?
TV Repairman: Is this a joke or something?
LPC: No, I'm serious about getting this thing fixed.
LPC: Energy Star said you'd help me out.
TV Repairman: Yeah, I don't know who Energy Star is, okay?
LPC: Oh, they're real efficient people.
LPC: Real efficient.
LPC: Company-wide.
TV Repairman: Where are you located?
LPC: I'm in Bontemps.
TV Repairman: No, well you got to call somebody else.
TV Repairman: I'm in New Orleans.
LPC: I'm twenty minutes away.
LPC: I'm in Bontemps, Louisiana.
TV Repairman: Yeah, we don't go that far.
TV Repairman: You need to call somebody closer.
LPC: It's twenty minutes away.
TV Repairman: You just said forty minutes and twenty or forty.
LPC: Forty round trip.
LPC: Are you trying to trip me up or are you scared of a little work?
TV Repairman: Yeah, I don't know who this is.
LPC: This is Thorpe, and I've got a V chip.
LPC: now that's native, but with Atmos running on the thing, I think maybe that's where I started getting these nanocrystals.
TV Repairman: Okay, you know what you got?
TV Repairman: You probably got a bad switch, is what you sound like.
TV Repairman: When a switch goes bad, it takes the digital and changes the impromptu information to give the computer chip the wrong information.
LPC: Well, it takes about thirty six hours for the TV to turn on.
LPC: Listen, I'm just going to bring this unit to you and you can check it out.
LPC: All right, I'll drop it off.
TV Repairman: We don't take them in.
TV Repairman: I'm not here.
TV Repairman: I don't sit in the shop.
TV Repairman: When are you going to bring it?
TV Repairman: What address?
LPC: Today.
TV Repairman: What address?
LPC: Well, I'm going to be there in twenty minutes.
LPC: Unless you want.
TV Repairman: Okay, goodbye.
LPC: What's the matter?
LPC: You going to call Energy Star or what?
TV Repairman: Yeah, I'm going to call Energy Star and see what they say.
LPC: I'm going to call them on you.
LPC: All right.
LPC: And report you for not helping me.
LPC: Like they said, they're the ones who gave me your number.
TV Repairman: Look, I don't know what your game is.
TV Repairman: You're not making sense.
TV Repairman: You're saying things that TVs don't do.
TV Repairman: I'm a TV man.
TV Repairman: What we do is come out and see what you need.
TV Repairman: The customers usually don't call us and give us all this, you know, uh, and Energy Star never heard of them.
TV Repairman: Well, why would I ask you questions?
TV Repairman: You won't answer them.
TV Repairman: I asked you how old the TV was.
TV Repairman: You never answered.
TV Repairman: You got an old TV that the switches used to go bad in.
TV Repairman: I try to help you.
TV Repairman: You telling me what's wrong with it.
TV Repairman: If you're telling me what's wrong with it, you don't need me.
TV Repairman: You know what's wrong with it.
TV Repairman: If Energy Star told you to do a factory reset
TV Repairman: All you got to do is a factory reset.
TV Repairman: You don't need me.
LPC: It's a 13.3 inch.
LPC: Oh, all right.
TV Repairman: I work on thirteen inch TVs.
LPC: What do you think that's funny or something?
TV Repairman: We don't work.
TV Repairman: This is a joke.
LPC: Listen, my name's Thorpe.
LPC: All right.
LPC: I can give you a credit card deposit over the phone.
LPC: I need an emitter is what I need.
LPC: And I need anti-blur installed on there.
TV Repairman: Yeah, no, I can't help you.
LPC: I got quantum dots everywhere.
LPC: It's distracting.
LPC: It's so distracting.
LPC: I can't take it anymore.
LPC: I got quantum dots up in there.
TV Repairman: You need to call Hitachi then.
TV Repairman: Call Hitachi, they'll be able to help you.
LPC: They're out of business.
TV Repairman: Well, I don't do quantum dots anymore.
TV Repairman: I quit doing quantum dots.
LPC: Oh, yeah?
LPC: What about subsampling?
TV Repairman: No, we don't do any of that no more.
TV Repairman: My subsampler quantum dot machine's broken.
LPC: Hey, man, I got after imaging up the yin-yang over here.
LPC: You got me figured out?
TV Repairman: Yeah, I got you figured out.
TV Repairman: You know, I don't have time for this.
LPC: I got a native V chip and I can't run my Atmos on it.