Where In The Hell Is The Lavender House Soundtrack (2018)
Track 9: Electric Talk
SPEAKER_02: Today, on getting things done, we're going to be talking about electricity.
SPEAKER_02: If you've ever come across a frayed wire, a busted outlet, even a tangle Christmas cords,
SPEAKER_02: you've been dealing with electricity problems.
SPEAKER_02: Today, we're going to talk to some experts on it and get advice straight from the source,
SPEAKER_02: people that know a lot about electricity.
SPEAKER_02: So now we're going to get your calls.
SPEAKER_02: Vince and Parsipone, you're on getting things done. You're on the air.
SPEAKER_00: Hi there.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I own a bucket truck, and so I got in there to install my midget connector.
SPEAKER_00: This is the limited space there where I need to work.
SPEAKER_00: So I climbed up there and got my pigtail wires out, and I used my bull wheel, and I used concentric stranding.
SPEAKER_00: A lot of people use bunch stranding, but there's no regard to the geometric arrangement of it all.
SPEAKER_00: So I stuck with the concentric stranding during insertion.
SPEAKER_00: and the subsequent elongation.
SPEAKER_00: And I used my ground rod to fuse my spur.
SPEAKER_00: Anyway, I tricked my arrester during this process.
SPEAKER_00: So with my sectionalizer,
SPEAKER_00: we're trying to reach, it's not available to take your call.
SPEAKER_00: Please leave a message after the...
SPEAKER_03: Well, uh...
SPEAKER_00: On an auxiliary level.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, he's still with us.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, boy.
SPEAKER_03: So we got to pass on that for a minute.
SPEAKER_02: Vince, you cut out there for a second.
SPEAKER_02: You cut out there for a second.
SPEAKER_02: there for a second, Vince.
SPEAKER_02: I'm not too sure about this.
SPEAKER_00: So, uh, it's really an all or nothing relay at this point for the purpose of providing higher rated
SPEAKER_00: contact with my midget connector.
SPEAKER_00: My bucket truck is going up and down with these pigtail wires and my ground rods
SPEAKER_00: elongating, uh, with my radial circuit raceway.
SPEAKER_00: The whole channel is designed for holding conductors, so would a busway or a busway or
SPEAKER_00: a wireway, do the same thing as my arrester.
SPEAKER_03: Well, last I checked, I believe, you know, a busway,
SPEAKER_03: I understand it, would be something to run some cabling.
SPEAKER_03: I don't quite grasp, uh...
SPEAKER_03: Yeah.
SPEAKER_03: What are you doing with, like, all this stuff?
SPEAKER_03: I mean, I think that's, let's find out what you're doing first.
SPEAKER_03: That might help, Vince.
SPEAKER_03: Sure.
SPEAKER_00: I'm installing an automatic recloser switch.
SPEAKER_00: You used to open and close an overcurrent event with my autonomous photovoltaic system.
SPEAKER_00: It's a backup generating source.
SPEAKER_00: It has no batteries because they are designed for a minimum amount of days or a maximum amount of days.
SPEAKER_00: I wanted something using my ground rod that can just fuse my spur on no notice or using my proprietary codec on a radial circuit.
SPEAKER_03: Yeah, I mean, Vince, don't forget from what you're saying, you're saying ground rod a lot, that's more of a safety thing.
SPEAKER_03: So, yeah, yeah, first and foremost, you want to make sure you're, you want to make sure you're,
SPEAKER_03: your rod is grounded.
SPEAKER_03: That's important.
SPEAKER_03: And then from there, you know, there could be a number of things.
SPEAKER_03: Again, you mentioned a lot to us, I think.
SPEAKER_02: And, you know.
SPEAKER_02: As a non-electrician, can you guys translate?
SPEAKER_02: Because I didn't get any of that.
SPEAKER_02: No, I haven't really worked on a, what was it?
SPEAKER_03: I know we started with a bucket truck.
SPEAKER_03: A bucket truck.
SPEAKER_03: I mean, I get what that does, but I know what the ground rod does, but I think that might be a little.
SPEAKER_03: I'm in the same boat.
SPEAKER_03: A little out of our wheelhouse.
SPEAKER_03: Vince, are you an electrician?
SPEAKER_02: I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
SPEAKER_02: dabble. So what do you, what do you, what, in layman's terms, what do you, what are you describing
SPEAKER_00: here? Well, the electric current is not balanced that I'm receiving at my place of
SPEAKER_00: resident. Sometimes, you know, the body of a person who is grounded will come in and touch
SPEAKER_00: an energized part of the circuit. And so I wanted to stabilize this whole thing. Got
SPEAKER_00: on my bucket truck, got my midget connector, got my pigtail wires, and using my bull wheel,
SPEAKER_00: I held the tension during the installation process, used the concentric stranding,
SPEAKER_00: and fuse my spurs so I could stabilize the conductor, avoid any leakage.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, if it's, if you're saying, now you're, if it's, if you're talking about your house, and I heard
SPEAKER_01: your house isn't balanced, the current isn't balanced.
SPEAKER_03: The only thing I can think is he should stop dabbling.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I mean, if you're, if your, if your stuff is unbalanced, it could be a phasing.
SPEAKER_01: issue, you might actually need to even bring in con Edison.
SPEAKER_01: Depending if it's a single phase or a three phase, maybe you have a phase that's just not working.
SPEAKER_01: And at that level, you're going to need to definitely give Con Ed a call and make sure that everything
SPEAKER_01: is working the way it's supposed to.
SPEAKER_01: You can also just grab a multimeter and take a reading between your neutral and your first phase,
SPEAKER_01: second phase, and potential third phase, make sure you're getting 1.20 across the neutral
SPEAKER_01: and 220 across the phases.
SPEAKER_00: Okay, with the auxiliary power?
SPEAKER_00: Or just the correct operation in general with my relay.
SPEAKER_00: My bushing got energized in this process and interrupted my ground rod.
SPEAKER_00: So I'm going to go reproduce.
SPEAKER_00: I'll get back to let you know what happened.
SPEAKER_03: Wow.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Wow.
SPEAKER_02: Is there any last one sentence question that you have in layman's terms?
SPEAKER_02: Oh, about my spectrum?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: You know, as it applies to presbrial broadcasting, there's two boats of operation.
SPEAKER_00: And power circuits, the ISD can deliver a fixed 5B or an adjustable one point.
SPEAKER_00: You can wrap that gavel up.
SPEAKER_02: Okay.
SPEAKER_02: Can we drop the call, please?
SPEAKER_01: He sounds like the dog in Ghostbusters.
SPEAKER_01: Do I sound like the dog?
SPEAKER_01: No, no, no.
SPEAKER_01: When he goes, he sounds like Rick Moranus when he gets transformed into the dog.
SPEAKER_01: That was a compliment.
SPEAKER_01: Rick Moranis transformed into a dog?
SPEAKER_01: Yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, in Ghostbusters.
SPEAKER_03: Oh, the Gargoyle dog thing.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, yeah.
SPEAKER_01: Yeah, yeah.